3 Step Simple Strategy To Starting A Food Storage You Will Eat

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3 Step Strategy to Start a


you will actually eat


If you're a beginner to food storage looking to build a food

storage you'll actually eat. Or trying to figure out how to
start a food storage on a tight budget. You're in the right


In this 3 step guide, you'll learn part of the strategy behind

building a recipe based food storage plan.

This type of food storage plan allows you to...

-> have a food storage fitting your needs and allergies

-> actually eat and enjoy your food storage
-> slowly build on a budget knowing specifically what you
need and how much.

P.S. I'm Charisse! A mom of 4

who has been teaching other's
how to build a successful food
storage for over 5 years!

Step 1: Determine Your WHY

First off, you want to determine WHY food storage is important

to you.

Why is it important you want to build one. What are the benefits?


Because food storage is a journey. It's not a "get it done quick"

over night project. It may take a few months, or a few years.

When you know your why, it helps you to stay focused and
allows you to easily explain to others who may doubt your sanity
(you aren't alone).

Action Items: Figure out and write down your "small" food
storage goal, and your "large" food storage goal. Then Post your
small goal in an easy to see location to remind you of it :)

Step 2: Determine WHAT You Want

What type of food do you want to eat? 90% of people want a

food storage that they will ACTUALLY eat.

So if that's you, think about which meals you:

-> like and CAN eat

-> enjoy making
-> and your family loves eating


Because when you build a food storage plan around those 3

things, you WILL build a food storage you will actually eat and

Action Item: Make a list of 3-7 meals which fit into those

Step 3: Determine your HOW

Did you know food storage is meant to be used and rotated?

This is for a few reasons:

1. Your food stays fresh, and you save money from having to
throw out bad items.
2. Your digestive system is familiar with the food items you may
have to live off of for an unknown amount of time.

So now that you know what meals you can build your food
storage around (Step 2 action item), it's time to figure out HOW
you'll turn those every day fresh and frozen items into shelf
stable ones.


Because as you're able to store your top meals using shelf stable
ingredients, you'll slowly start building a food storage you'll eat
because it's meals you love!

Action Items: Take your list of meals and make a list of all the
fresh/non-stable items. Beside those items, write down what
you'll use to "convert" them into shelf stable.
Example: Milk -> Powdered milk. Eggs-> Powdered whole eggs

See the value of a recipe based food storage plan?

If you're looking to learn more about food storage inventory

and organization, then check out my "Food Storage And
Beyond" eBook which helps you:

-> Learn how to organize your food storage once and for all
-> Keep your food storage updated and restocked
-> Set up a food storage binder

Lots of sunshine and I'll

chat with you soon!

-Charisse Merrill


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