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Summative assessment №1 term 4 . Grade 8.

Unit 8 : Food and Drink

Task 1. Read the text and answer the questions. Timing – 20 minutes.
Matter (материя)and Energy: The foods we need to keep our bodies in tip-top shape!

There are many foods that people can eat. They can eat plants, like spinach or corn. Or, they can
eat other animals. Chicken and beef come from animals. Some food choices are good for you.
Others are not very healthy.
Eat Healthy, Get An Energy Boost (заряд энергии)!
Food gives your body energy. Say you are tired from running and playing. You can eat
something healthy. It will give you an energy boost.
The energy in food is measured (измеряется)in calories. These are like invisible bits of energy.
Your body burns them to make energy. Then you will feel like going out to play again!
Everybody needs a different number of calories. It is important to eat the right amount (нужное
колличество). If you do not eat enough, you may feel tired and sick. But you do not want to eat
too many, either.

Staying hydrated
is important.
(в одный баланс

You can find calorie information

on packaged food items.

Some people are very active. They move around all the time. Sports stars are one example. These
people need more calories.
Other people sit down all day. They work at a table or desk. They may be office workers, for
example. These workers do not need as many calories.
Nutrients (питательные вещества) Help The Body Do Its Job
Foods gives us nutrients. Nutrients help the body do its job. You cannot see nutrients. Yet you
cannot live without them.
Protein is one nutrient. It helps the body grow. You can get it by eating animals like meat or fish.
You can also get it from many plants. Beans and nuts have lots of protein.
Carbohydrates(углеводы) are another nutrient. They give us a lot of energy. You can get them by
eating starches. Rice and bread are two examples.
People also need minerals. Calcium is one example. It keeps your bones and teeth strong.
Calcium is found in milk and cheese. You can also get it from leafy greens like spinach.
You have probably heard of vitamins. There are many different vitamins. They do many big jobs
in our bodies. Vitamin C is one. It keeps your gums(десны) healthy. Vitamin D is another. It
gives you strong bones and teeth.
It is important to eat well. To do this, you just have to follow a few simple rules. Scientists came
up with the rules. They studied what foods make healthy bodies. The rules are: Eat lots of
vegetables and fruits. Stay away from too much fat. Skip (избегай)sweets and salty snacks, too.
These treats (угрозы)taste good, but they are not good for you.

Answer the questions in writing.

1. What is the section "Nutrients Help the Body Do Its Job" about?

(A) how protein is the number one nutrient

(B) how our bodies use food to stay healthy
(C) how calcium is important to bones and teeth
(D) how vitamins are more important than nutrients

2. What is the MAIN topic of the section "Eat Healthy, Get an Energy Boost!"?

(A) to describe how many calories sports stars need

(B) to tell kids to be active and move around to get energy
(C) to explain how calories work in the body
(D) to sort different foods based on how many calories they have

3. How are proteins different from carbohydrates?

(A) Proteins are nutrients, and carbohydrates are vitamins.

(B) Carbohydrates are minerals, and proteins are vitamins.
(C) Proteins are found in beans, and carbohydrates are found in meats.
(D) Carbohydrates are found in bread, and proteins are found in meats.

4. Which sentence shows the effect calories can have on your body?

(A) If you don't eat enough calories you can become tired or sick.
(B) Every person needs a different amount of calories each day.
(C) Sport stars need more calories because they move around a lot.
(D) Desk workers don't need as many calories because they are
5. Who needs more calories and why? (answer in your own words)

Descriptor 1.
A learner reads the text; answers the questions correctly explains his/her answer to
question 5 by giving examples.

Total 5

Task 2. Writing. Describe a local dish. Follow these criteria:

1.Arrange your writing in 3 paras

2.Use the plan (1. Where the food is from. The ingredients. How it is cooked.2. The history of
the dish. Why people like it. Who eats it. 3. Where you can buy it or you prefer cooking it
yourself to buying.)
3.Use your active vocabulary – cooking verbs.
4.Use your active vocabulary – adjectives to describe food and drink.
5.Follow grammar and spelling accuracy.
6.Use useful language (consist of, contain , be served with, fry in, be filled with.)
7.Include at least 2 sentences containing the first and the second conditionals.
Descriptor 2
A learner writes in appropriate writing following all the given criteria.
Total 7
Total 12

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