Stan's One-Hour Skirmish Wargames AI Rules v1.0

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AI Rules

These AI rules are compatible with the One Hour Skirmish Wargames rules. They may not cover every situation. Use common sense; if in doubt, roll a
die to randomly determine the enemy's action.
General Principles: In all cases, models try to end movement in cover if possible, and will immediately move to coup de grace a downed figure if it
comes into sight and movement range.
Determining The Model to Activate: Roll a die (a d10 works well). Use the ‘up’ side of the top facing number as a pointer. If the number is even,
rotate clockwise from the number across the board until you encounter a model who can activate, if the number is odd, rotate counter-clockwise to
identify a model to activate.
Using the Action Order List: Start from the top of the following list and read until you see an action that matches.

No Ally at Objective?
1. Is no ally at an objective? — Move to the nearest objective with no ally and preferably melee attack or else shoot the nearest enemy if possible.
Downed Enemy In Sight?
2. Is this enemy in movement range? — Move to the enemy and make them a casualty.
Do You Have the Bruiser Trait?
3. Is an enemy in movement range? — Move to the enemy and make a melee attack.
Are Enemies in Range and Line of Sight?
4. Are you in cover? — Shoot a random target in range.
5. Are you within 6” from cover? — Move to cover and (if possible) shoot a random target in range.
6. Otherwise: — If possible (a) move 6” towards the nearest enemy (favoring downed enemies) and engage in close combat, otherwise (b) move and
shoot enemies at objective (if possible), or otherwise (c) shoot the nearest enemy.
No Enemies in Range and Line of Sight?
7. Are there objectives not under your control? — Move to the nearest uncontrolled objective, shooting if an enemy comes into range.
8. Are all objectives under your control? — Move 6” towards an objective, shooting if an enemy comes into range.
9. Are there no objectives? — If there aren’t scenario objectives, move towards the enemy’s baseline, shooting if an enemy comes into range.

© Stan Shinn, 2022. Feel free to copy and print for personal use!

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