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Module Number 4

Module Title Communication for General Purposes

Welcome to Module 4!
This module focuses its discussion on three important topics and considerations
in public speaking: Principles and Types of Speech Delivery, Non-verbal
Communication, and Connecting to Audience. This module has three lessons
Module Overview
and each lesson, you will be immersed with the discussions and with tasks that
you have to accomplish. On the last part, you will have to apply all that you have
learned in this module by making and delivering your own speech. Don’t worry!
The lessons here will greatly help you in achieving the culminating task.

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

a. discuss the principle of effective public speaking;
b. identify the types of speech delivery;
c. determine situation where public speaking can take place;
d. make a speech script outline;
e. explain the relationship between non-verbal and verbal communication;
f. describe why non-verbal communication is important in any speech
Module situation;
Outcomes g. differentiate types of non-verbal communication;
h. analyze non-verbal cues of a politician delivering a speech on current
i. explain audience dynamics;
j. identify ways on how to connect with your audience;
k. define audience analysis;
l. differentiate informative speaking and persuasive speaking;
m. deliver a speech applying all the considerations in speech delivery.

Module Number 4
Module Title Communication for General Purposes
Lesson 1 Principles and Types of Speech Delivery

A research conducted by Marinho (2016) revealed that college students

are more afraid and challenge when it comes to speaking tasks. Are you one of
them? Speaking, as what this study revealed is challenging, but is very powerful
weapon for influencing others.
Description of
The speaking can inspire or dispirit, build or destroy, incite quarrels or
the Lesson
make friends, turn hostile group in to a supportive one and vice versa, stir people
to revolt or become docile, persuade people to take long march or stay at home
etc. This lesson will prepare you and give you insights on how to become a better
speaker ready you in your future speaking events and activities.
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
a. discuss the principle of effective public speaking;
Lesson b. identify the types of speech delivery;
Objectives c. determine situation where public speaking can take place;
d. make a speech script outline.

Lesson Proper

1. Try to recall an event that you attended or TV show you have watched
where a speech was delivered.

2. Think about what should happen before a public speaking experience.

Consider the variables that might affect the actual speech delivery.
Activity Make a list of the preparation process as you see it and another list for
the things to be considered when delivering a speech.

3. Share your answers to your class by sending your answers in the

official group chat of your section or by commenting on the discussion
portion on the moodle/by sending your thoughts in the official
Facebook Group of your class.

Looking back on those times where you were asked to speak in front of the
class or in front of the entire student body, were you nervous? Were you able
to deliver your thoughts well?

Analysis Your apprehensions when it comes to public speaking is normal. Research

shows that 6 out of 10 students are afraid and conscious when they are talking
in front of a big crowd. How do we avoid fidgeting? How do we deliver our
speech or opinions well without being nervous? Let us find out.

Essentials of Oral Communication

Think about a time that you had to stand in front of a bunch of people
and tell them something. Maybe it was an oral report in grade school or a
proposal at work. After gathering your materials and preparing what to say, you
Abstraction arrived at the podium and started talking. This is an example of public
speaking, and it involves communicating information before a large audience.
What makes public speaking different than, say, just talking to a crowd of
people, is in the way information is conveyed. In public speaking, the information
is purposeful and meant to inform, influence or entertain a group of listeners. It
is the process of communicating information to an audience. It is usually done
before a large audience, like in school, the workplace and even in our personal
lives (Centeno, 2016).
The benefits of knowing how to communicate to an audience include
sharpening critical thinking and verbal/non-verbal communication skills.
Four time-tested Principles of Effective Public Speaking
(4 Ms: Material, Message, Method, and Manners in Speech)
Material refers to the topic, which can be about your experiences,
observations, inspirations, or anything you are interested to talk about. If you
cannot think of any idea about your topic, one best strategy is to get a pen and
paper and write down everything that is in your mind. Then, circle or underline
the one that you are interested in and knowledgeable about. Once you have
identified your topic, it is important to know more about it. Therefore, you have
to research about your topic if necessary.
Message refers to the content or the main point of your speech, which can
be supported by personal stories or anecdotes – humorous or inspiring – and
relevant statistics or ideas from newspapers and academic journals, among
When you are developing your message, it is very important to know the
needs, beliefs, and values of your audience so that you can engage with them
easily in your speech. Once you have connected with your audience, it will be
easy for you to convey your message according to your goal or purpose: to
inform, to entertain, or to persuade.
Method s od Delivery
Manuscript speech is delivered by speakers who intend to read aloud
their speech word for word to their audience. One example is writing and/or
reading a proclamation paper, public announcement, or court decision. Since
this is literally reading to the audience, manuscript speakers will have difficulty
in grabbing the attention of and connecting with their audience.

Memorized speech is delivered by speakers who intend to memorize their

speech word for word. This occurs when one delivers a declamation or oratorical
piece for a contest during a gathering. In addition, this method is usually written
by or for speakers who are inexperienced or uncomfortable in public speaking;
thus, memorizing the speech written by them or for them can be a good option.
Some common problems that you can encounter using this method are time and
commitment to memorize, memory lapses, awkward or unnatural delivery, eye
contact, and audience rapport, among others.

Impromptu speech is delivered by speakers who are suddenly asked or

requested by someone or a group of people to say a few words about something.
As an illustration, you are asked by your teacher to share with the class about
your holiday vacation, or you are unexpectedly requested by an emcee to give
your birthday wishes for your friend who is celebrating his/ her birthday. Since
you have little time to gather your thoughts in this method, you may have trouble
in organizing and finding the appropriate words for your thoughts.

Extemporaneous speech is delivered by speakers who intend to

present a well-crafted speech. That speech is fully prepared and perfectly
rehearsed ahead of time. As an example, you accepted an invitation of your
former school to give an inspirational talk to the graduates. So, you give yourself
enough time to deliver a speech that can motivate and inspire your audience to
do and think good deeds at all times. During your delivery, you may need some
notes, not for you to read but for you to be guided.

Checkpoint: Trivia

Glossophobia, or a fear of public speaking, is a very common phobia

and one that is believed to affect up to 75% of the population. Some individuals
may feel a slight nervousness at the very thought of public speaking, while
others experience full-on panic and fear.

They may try to avoid public speaking situations at all cost or if they
must speak in public, they endure shaking hands and a weak, quavering voice.
How to overcome a fear of public speaking? With persistence and preparation,
it is entirely possible to beat glossophobia. How? Visit the websites below:

 To Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking, Stop Thinking About Yourself

By Sarah Gershman

 Public Speaking Anxiety

Manners in Speech
Manners in speech refer to the ethical standards in delivering a speech
in public. Lucas (2011) specified some of them.

1. Observe ethically sound goals. Avoid criticizing your family, friends, and
other people or teachers, promoting mass destruction, for instance,
2. Prepare all the time. You have a full responsibility to yourself and to your
audience when you are asked to deliver a speech. So, in order to fulfill
it, you have to be prepared.
3. Tell the truth. Be accurate with your sources and data. Acknowledge the
author of your borrowed ideas including quotes, songs, phrases, and
statistics, among others. Simply observe, "honesty is the best policy.
4. Be sensible and sensitive. Your audience come from different
backgrounds, so as much as possible, respect their identity, affiliation,
religion, beliefs, values, preferences, and orientation through your
language and gesture.

After going through this part of the Lesson you might like to have
further discussion on some points and clarification on others. You
may post this in your section’s official Facebook Group using the
hashtag #pointsforclarification or #pointsfordiscussion, these will help
us in hashtag sorting to immediately locate and respond to you.

Components of Speech
I. Introduction
A. Attention getter
B. Relevance of the topic to the audience
C. Self-Introduction (optional)
D. Thesis statement

II. Body
A. Main Idea 1
- Supporting detail 1
- Supporting detail 2
B. Main Idea 2
- Supporting detail 1
- Supporting detail 2
C. Main Idea 3
- Supporting detail 1
- Supporting detail 2
D. Conclusion
- Closure (letting your audience know that you are about to
end your speech)
- Summary
- Call to action

Knowing the Types and Principles of Speech Delivery, you can now go
back and recheck and confirm the items you have listed in the warm-up activity.

Application From the items, you have listed in the warm-up activity, select the top 3
most important considerations in public speaking from your list and explain why
such are important.

1. _______________________________
2. _______________________________
3. _______________________________

Task 1
Based on the ideas you have gained from this lesson, identify at least five
situations where public speaking can take place. For each situation, identify an
appropriate purpose and method of delivery. Write your responses on the table
below. Be guided by the example given.

Symposium on Climate To inform Extemporaneous


Task 2
Assume that you have been selected to be your organization
representative to deliver a speech about your opinion on online class learning
set up.
Make an outline of your speech using the component of speech outline.
Keep your outline for you will develop your own speech script at the end of this

Suggested Videos:
Be a More Confident Public Speaker
ED’s Secret to Great Public Speaking

Barrot, Jessie S. and Philippe John F. Sipacio (2018). Purposive

Communication in the 21st Century. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc.
Black, Rosemary (2020). Glossophobia (Fear of Public Speaking): Are You
Retrieved from

Centeno, Antonio (2016). An Introduction to Public Speaking. The Art of

Manliness. Retrieved from

Kat Kadian-Baumeyer (2019). What Is Public Speaking and Why Do I Need to

Do It? Retrieved from
speaking- and-why-do-i-need-it.html.

Module Number 4
Module Title Communication for General Purposes
Lesson 2 Non-verbal Communication
In this lesson, you will be able to recall some of your discussion in your
Oral Communication class you had in your senior high school. This time, you will
Description of
be immersed with additional concepts about non-verbal communication and how
the Lesson
to effectively apply them in you public speaking tasks.

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

a. explain the relationship between non-verbal and verbal
Lesson b. describe why non-verbal communication is important in any
Objectives speech situation;
c. differentiate types of non-verbal communication; and
d. analyze non-verbal cues of a politician delivering a speech on
current events;

Lesson Proper
Looking back to your previous public speaking experiences and in your
output in the culminating activity, what specific topic/s here do you think you
still need to improve more? What do you think are the ways that you can do to
improve and better your future public speaking engagements?

You may have witnessed a speaker who is stiff during the entire speech,
reading his/her notes, and making no connections at all with the audience.
What did you feel while listening to them? What does such situation imply?

Meaning and Importance of Non-verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication is a behavior that conveys and represents
meanings. All kinds of human responses that are not expressed in words are
classified as non-verbal communication. Example are your states, smiles, tone,
movement, manners of walking, standing and sitting, appearance, style of attire,
attitude towards punctuality and space, and personality.

Here is a list of some reasons why mastery of non-verbal

communication is important:
1. It enhances and emphasizes the message of your speech.
2. It can communicate all feelings, attitudes, and perceptions as well as
express anything without saying a word.
3. It can sustain attention of listeners and keep them engaged in the
4. It makes you more dynamic and animated in your delivery.
5. It can build connections with listeners.
6. It makes you credible as a speaker.
7. It serves as a channel to release tensions and nervousness.

Aspects of Non-verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication occurs without using any oral or written word.
Instead of written or oral words, it relies on various non-verbal cues like physical
movements, tasks, colors, signs, symbols, signals charts, etc. to express
feelings, attitudes or information.

Although no word is used in non-verbal communication, it can effectively

communicate many human feelings more accurately than verbal methods of
communication. The following are some aspects of non-verbal communication.

1. Facial Expressions
Without a doubt, the most common—and telling—nonverbal means of
communication is through facial expressions. Smiling, frowning,
blinking, and eye-rolling, are the strongest and most relatable
expressions. The most surefire way to establish a connection with a
stranger, client, or an audience: Smile! A smile is welcoming, warm, and
establishes your presence and connection with your listeners.

2. Body Movements
Body movements, or kinesics, include common practices like hand
gestures or nodding. Very often, body movements convey enthusiasm
or excitement. It is important to use gestures properly and effectively
especially when you are in any communicative situation. Make natural
gestures, never exaggerate and avoid too many gestures especially in
professional speaking.

3. Posture
Posture is critical in making a strong impression. How you stand or sit
is one of the important elements in how you are perceived by others.
Someone who stands with their back straight and head held high
exudes confidence, assurance, and strength, while, conversely,
someone who is slouched or facing the floor demonstrates uncertainty,
indifference, or even weakness. To express friendliness and positivity,
maintain an open posture. Keep your head raised and relax your facial
expression. A closed posture, especially crossed arms across the chest,
gives the impression of boredom or hostility.

4. Eye Contact
Perhaps the best way to build rapport with a stranger is by maintaining
eye contact. Eyes can indicate interest, attention, and involvement,
while failing to make eye contact may be interpreted as disinterested,
inattentive, or rude. However, this does not mean you have to stare
directly into the face of another person—quite the opposite, in fact.
There is nothing more aggressive than staring intensely into someone’s
eyes. Experts suggest that healthy eye contact consists of looking semi-
randomly at the area around the eyes, which includes the eyelids and

5. Paralanguage
Any parent with small children is familiar with the phrase “don’t use that
tone of voice with me.” This is a perfect example of how paralanguage—
the aspects of the voice that differ from the words—affects the message.
The most obvious example is sarcasm, in which the tone of what’s being
said conveys the opposite of the message. Odds are that someone who
drawls “Grreeeattt” in a laconic tone is less than thrilled at what’s being
presented. Less obvious paralanguage includes the speed, volume, and
pitch of speaking. Be conscious of how quickly you talk, and be sure to
speak clearly and loud enough to be heard. But be sure to take care not
to be too loud, as this comes off as belligerent and off-putting.

6. Proxemics
Thanks largely to Seinfeld, the notion of a “close talker” has become
part of our consciousness. People are very protective of their personal
space, particularly the area that Mehrabian calls the “intimate space”
(i.e., 6 to 18 inches). This is a zone generally reserved for family, close
friends, or romantic partners. When engaging in business conversation,
you always want to be far enough that the other person is comfortable,
but you do not want to be too far, suggesting that you are distancing
yourself or uninterested in the conversation.

7. Clothing and Appearance

Clothing and appearance are considered as vital in creating first
impressions of you as a speaker. In addition, the way look and what you
wear matter as these contribute significantly to the success of your
speech. Observe this mantra: “Dress to succeed!”

Checkpoint: Reminder!
Non-Verbal Communication Is Linked To Culture

It is been well-documented that culture and communication are intimately

linked. The same goes for non-verbal communication – it’s joined to
culture at the hip.

While there are general similarities between non-verbal cues used all
over the world, you cannot just assume that the same non-verbal
cues that you use in your culture can be used in another.

For instance, in the United States, it is normal to smile at a stranger –

that is seen as a warm and welcoming sign.
Go to Russia and they will not view it the same way. There, you can even
come across as impolite if you smile for a stranger.
Fly on over to Asia and a smile can have a different meaning depending
on the context. In some Asian cultures, a smile can imply that you are
embarrassed and not happy.

The moral of this is that as a businessperson, understanding your

audience is key to nailing both verbal and non-verbal communication.

Source: Seven Proven Facts about Non-verbal Communication:

Identify a politician, local or national, who has recently delivered a

speech on a current issue in politics, internal relations, health, environment,
development, or any civic or social concerns. You can use YouTube to find one
or from a TV news. Then, analyze his/her vocal elements, distance, physical
appearance, and other non-verbal aspects. Use the following guide for your

Name of Politician:
Speech Focus:
How effective did he/she use facial expressions, eye contact, posture,
and movements?
purpose and tone of the speech to match the audience's needs and, sometimes,
Audience analysis is the process of looking into the behavior, values, beliefs,
or even the culture of the audience. This is done before your presentation. By doing
so, you will know what not to say, how to say it, and when to say it.

Some Time-Tested Principles

1. Consider the needs of your audience. You might want to ask the following
questions for consideration: Will the message of my speech contribute to
the professional growth and fulfillment of my audience? What are they
thinking? What do they need to know? What do they want to hear?
2. Identify you audience size and set-ups. Coordinate with the area
personnel, conference committee or the ones knowledgeable about the
details, so that you can make necessary adjustments to your speech.
3. Smile and be polite. Smiling and greeting your audience are the kindest
things that you can do to your audience. They will feel more comfortable and
not intimidated when you do so.
4. Use pronoun “we” or “you” frequently. This is to minimize the gap
between you and the audience.
5. Use only those examples which your audiences are familiar with. Make
sure that your examples are simple and relatable.
6. Use layperson’s terms in your word choice. Avoid words or phrases that
only you can understand.
7. Reinforce your verbal message through effective use of non-verbal
8. Feel what your audience feels; think what they think. This is related to
psychological factor.
9. Watch your words. Use words that are not offensive or biased.
10. Listen attentively to feedback after your speech.
11. Acknowledge and appreciate positive reactions.
12. Allow audience participation when necessary.
13. Use humor appropriately and effectively.
14. Handle questions effectively.

You can also use the Audience Analysis Sheet below.

Criteria Description
Age Range
Male – Female Ratio
Place of Residence
Degree programs
Occupations of Parents
Language Spoken
Religious Affiliations/ Beliefs
Topics Preferred
Size and set-up preferred

After going through this part of the Lesson, you might

like to have further discussion on some points and
clarification on others. You may post this in your
section’s official Facebook Group using the hashtag
#pointsforclarification or #pointsfordiscussion, these
will help us in hashtag sorting to immediately locate
and respond to you.
Aside the Audience Analysis, you should also consider specific type of speech
you will deliver. There are two most common types: Informative and Persuasive.

An informative speech provides information about a specific subject to an

audience. The main goal of an informative speech is to provide enlightenment
regarding a specific topic the audience knows nothing about. It may demonstrate
how to use a new type of software, explain a new concept in the field of science,
describe an expedition an archaeologist took, or provide details about a person of
interest that the audience wants to learn more about. The topics covered in an
informative speech should help the audience to understand a subject better and to
remember what they learned later. The details need to be laid before the audience
so that they can make an educated decision or learn about a subject they are
interested in.

A persuasive speech is a specific type of speech in which the speaker has

a goal of convincing the audience to accept his or her point of view. The speech is
arranged in such a way as to hopefully cause the audience to accept all or part of
the expressed view. Though the overarching goal of a persuasive speech is to
convince the audience to accept a perspective, not all audiences can be convinced
by a single speech and not all perspectives can persuade the audience. The success
of a persuasive speech is often measured by the audience’s willingness to consider
the speaker’s argument.

Task 1
Directions: Read the following statements. Write TRUE if the statement is true and
FALSE if otherwise.

_____1. It is important for a speaker to make a connection with the audience.

____ 2. One way to make connection to audience is to conduct and
audience analysis.
____ 3. All questions from the audience must be answered even if it is too
____ 4. Simple words such as “thank you”, “much appreciated”, or “lovely to
hear from you” can stir positive emotions in your audience.
____ 5. When you disagree with a point given by your audience, start an
____ 6. If your audience is not listening, directly call their attention.
____ 7. One of the things you have to consider in doing audience analysis is
their language spoken.
____ 8. It is necessary to consider physical arrangement.
____ 9. Use technical terms and highfalutin words in your speech to create
a good impression.
____ 10. Open casual conversation with your audience before and after your

Task 2: Audience Analysis Sheet

Conduct a survey to at least 10-15 students in your section using the

Audience Analysis Sheet provided in this lesson. Before you conduct your survey,
make sure that you will follow the necessary ethical considerations (ex. Asking for
permission or telling them what your survey is for). You can conduct your survey
through any means that you can reach them.

Think of a school activity or any event that you have attended where there was
a resource speaker. Identify what type of speech was used by the speaker. Follow
the format below:

Event Name:
Speech Type:
Why did you say so? Explain.

Engaging Your Audience
Suggested engage-your-audience-and-keep-them-with-you
Readings Persuasive versus Informative Speaking

6 Public Speaking Tips To Hook Any Audience
3 tips to boost your confidence - TED-Ed

Barrot, Jessie S. and Philippe John F. Sipacio (2018). Purposive Communication in

the 21st Century. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc.

Lucas, Stephen (2019). The Art of Public Speaking, Tenth Edition; Beebe,
Beebe, & Ivy's Communication Principles for a Lifetime, Fourth Edition.
Retrieved from

Watt, Sarah S. and Joshua Trey Barnett (2016). Informative vs Persuasive

Speaking. Retrieved from

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