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"Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will

find it. (Mt. 10:39) How

does this explain de-centering a keyword in intersubjectivity?

Decentering in intersubjectivity is a key element in the process of self-understanding or the

“realization”, whereby realizing that the human life is not centered on himself but in the welfare of
another. “Whoever finds his life lose it…” means if a human life is center on itself, then the “human”
essence will be lost. And “…whoever loses his life for My sake will find it”, means that if a life realized
and decided to decenter from itself and center onto the welfare of others, then they will find the
meaning in living as a human. It was like the common interpretation for the given passage: “those who
chase earthly pleasures with a loose moral code and no fear of God, will find themselves morally and
spiritually bankrupt and dead in their sins. But when those have obeyed him and given him their lives,
will be amazed at the realization that could not have possibly known what was best, as they found what
God had given to them.”

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