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What is meant by the statement "Man is a being-unto-death" explain briefly and substantially.

It means that for human beings, time comes to an end with our death. It is to reflect that death is not
just this 'thing' in the future, it's with us now, and any action we take in time is one step closer to death.
So, to understand what it means to be an authentic human being, we must constantly project our lives
onto the horizon of our death. To consider your possibilities of action and to choose which one is most
worth doing, considering that anything that you do brings your death one step closer.

People are more likely to be competitive when they tend to measure their self-worth by comparing
themselves to others and if it’s extreme, then authenticity to the conception of the self is vulnerable.
Extreme social competitiveness leads to misleading or misguided self-reflection, one could lead to false
superiority or false inferiority, both are just illusion of the mind, but it is running away from the dread
and living inauthenticaly


Gaming is for relaxation, enjoyment, socialization, and challenge, but mainly it is a perfect escape from a
reality filled with deadlines, stress and responsibilities. Gaming addiction makes a person runs away
from the dread that death gives, escaping from the reality of its negativity and uncontrollably living in

Drug addiction

Drugs block off all sensations, the desirable ones with the unwanted, an example of “running away”
from the feeling of angst and dread. It provides short-term help in the relief of pain and distort the
user’s perception, leading them into false security that will make them seek for more that wil result to
living inauthenticaly

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