Final Test

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Final test

1.Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb. Use must, mustn't, or don't
have to.

I ____ (1) go to school from Monday to Friday. We ___(2) wear a uniform, so I

normally wear sports clothes. We ___(3) arrive late, and we ____(4)   go to
every class. In class, we ___ (5)  shout, play or sing. We ____(6)  have lunch at
school, so I sometimes go home. When school finishes, I ____ (7)  look after my
little sister. When my parents come home I _____(8) stay in, so I usually go out
with my friends. When I get home,  I ____ (9) do my homework. I ___ (10)  go
to bed late, except on Fridays, when I _____ (11)  go to bed before midnight.

2.Gerund or Infinitive?
Choose the most suitable option
1. I prefer _ outdoor games.
A) playing B) to playing C) to play
2. Sandra managed _ a solution.
A) to find B) finding C) find
3. His language skills seem _.
A) to improving B) improve C) to be improving
4. Andrew hates _ early in the morning.
A) to get up B) getting up C) to getting up
5. Dave agreed _ his friends at the café tomorrow evening.
A) Meet B) to meeting C) to meet
6. I can’t stand _ in the countryside.
A) to live B) living C) to living
7. What are you going to do after _ school?
A) finishing B) to finish C) to finishing
8. Mike warned his sister not _ back late.
A) to coming B) to come C) come
9. We usually learn _ at school.
A) reading B) read C) to read
10. Ann didn’t know what _.
A) answering B) to answer C) answer
3. Translate into English (1st Conditional)
1. Если будет дождь, я не пойду в парк.
2.  Если я закончу свою домашнюю работу до 6 вчера, то я пойду на вечеринку ночью.
3. Если у меня будет достаточно денег, то я куплю себе новую пару обуви.
4. Она опоздает, если поезд задержится
5. Если я ее увижу, я ей скажу расскажу про фильм.
6. Если я хорошо напишу тест, я буду играть в компьютерные игры целый день

4. Translate into English (2nd Conditional)

1.Если бы я жила в теплой стране, я бы не носил теплую одежду

2. Если бы я был очень богат, я бы покупал все что я захочу

3. Если бы  у меня  было  много денег, я  бы путешествовал  по всему миру

4. Если бы сегодня  была  суббота, то мы пошли бы на пляж.

5. Если бы я был на Вашем месте, я бы не покупал ту машину.

5. Since or For (Present perfect)

1.I haven't been on holiday ___ last year. 
2. I have lived in London ___ six months.
3.I have danced ___ I was small.
4. She hasn't had a day off ___ three months.
5.I've lost so much flexibility ___ I injured my leg.
6.Wars have been happening ___ centuries, it won’t ever change.
6. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or in the Present Perfect.

1. She (change) ______  a lot since she left school.

2. I  (see) ______ this film and I don’t want to see it again.

3.  Jazz (originate) ______  in the United States around 1900.

4.  Tom Hanks  (win) ______  an Oscar several times already.

5.  Long ago, they (build) ______  most houses out of wood.

7. Mix

1. Вау, а ты хорош в танцах!

2. Я плоха в готовке.

3. Я ненавижу делать уборку!

4. Тест был немного сложным

5. Я на самом деле сильно устал

6. Как ты добрался домой?

7. Пожалуйста, говорите медленнее

Complete the article with the correct form of the verb. 

In 30 years, the world   (be) different. Computers  (talk) to all the machines in
our homes.
 Refrigerators   computers,too. Our parents  (not go) to the supermarket
to buy food. You
  (tell) the refrigerator what you want to eat, and the refrigerator  (know)what
food to buy.
 Your refrigerator   to a computer at the supermarket, after that, the food  at
your house.
 How   it  (come)?. It  (not be) quick.
 A teenager  (ride) a bike to your house with your food!  you (know) what
will happen in the
International Joke Day

In England the first of April is a very special day. This is the day when people
make April’s Fools. April’s Fool is a joke and sometimes a hoax to someone. In
fact everyone, adults and children, take part in the celebration.

Earlier they made a fool by giving meaningless errands, for example, a person
had to find sweet vinegar. Now schoolboys and schoolgirls hang paper with funny
words at their classmates’ backs. They also can change and move the clock hands.
Sometimes they give funny cards and little presents.

Adults make more elaborate jokes. They can be together to prepare a hoax to a
friend. The main thing is that others will believe in it and then it will be funny.

The most amazing thing is that the press also makes April’s Fools. Listening to
the radio, watching television or reading the newspapers, you will inevitably see
funny news on April fool’s Day. It always happens, because it is a tradition of the
1st of April.

Fox example, in 1999 the BBC, the famous British channel, announced that the
British anthem will be replaced by a modern European song. Thousands of
listeners were confused and outraged.

1.What day is celebrated on the first of April?

2.who can take part in the celebration? people usually prank each other?
4.what statement did the BBC that make people were very surprised and outraged? is this day celebrated in our country and how do you usually joke prank

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