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Student’s name: Doan Thuy Hang

Student’s code: 2020601667
Class: FL6037.4
Lecturer’s name: Nguyen Minh Ngoc

Hanoi, June 2022(Month/Year)


No Lesson Yes (v) No (x)


1 Listening Preparation: Design - Listening 1 

2 Listening Preparation: Thought - Listening 2 

3 Listening Preparation: Fire - Listening 1 

4 Listening Preparation: Fire - Listening 2 

5 Listening Preparation: Movement - Listening 1 

6 Listening Preparation: Movement - Listening 2 

7 Listening Preparation: Disease - Listening 2 

8 Listening Preparation: Tomorrow - Listening 1 

9 Listening Preparation: Tomorrow - Listening 2 

10 Listening Preparation: Drive - Listening 1 


1 Reflection 1 

2 Reflection 2 

3 Reflection 3 

4 Reflection 4 

5 Reflection 5 

6 Reflection 6 

No LO Criteria Descriptions Mark

1 L1 Preparation  Complete all tasks required /4

 Provide clear and specific answers for the tasks
2 L3 Reflection  Complete all tasks required /6
 Provide clear, specific reflection
 Show how useful the video/audio is to the
improvement of student’s listening skills in
particular and in English in general
Listening 4_Preparation lesson 2
1. Vocabulary
1. Devices
2. Invention
3. Solutions
4. Benefits
5. Industries
6. Research
7. Genetically modified
8. Creative
9. Patent

a) Controlling the spin of a golf ball, to prevent slicing or hooking or topspin.

b) A horse-powered car, putting the cart before the horse to control the speed

c) Piping snow and ice balls from Antarctica to irrigate the Australian desert. The
patent suggests this will solve the world famine problem.

 Personally, I think the second invention could exist today because the thrust which
the horse must exert to reach its feedbox. The brake pedal is linked to the horse's
halter. The ignition switch can give the horse's posterior a mild electric shock to
stimulate it into movement.



1. Vocabulary exercise unit 3

1, instinct
2, accurate
3, lie ditector
4, behavior
5, reasoning
6, researcher
7, experiment
8, automatically
2. Animals can do categories:
- Chimpanzeesee can communicate, make and use the tool, recognize the
+ Communication: Scientists have attempted to teach human language to
several species of great apes. One early attempt by Allen and Beatrix Gardner in
the 1960s involved spending 51 months teaching American Sign Language to a
chimpanzee named Washoe. The Gardners reported that Washoe learned 151
signs, and had spontaneously taught them to other chimpanzees, including her
adopted son, Loulis. Over a longer period of time, Washoe was reported to have
learned over 350 signs.
+ Make and use tool: Nearly all chimpanzee populations have been recorded
using tools. They modify sticks, rocks, grass, and leaves and use them when
foraging for termites and ants,nuts, honey,algae, or water. Despite the lack of
complexity, forethought and skill are apparent in making these
tools. Chimpanzees have used stone tools since at least 4,300 years ago
+ Recognize face: Chimpanzee face recognition from videos in the wild using
deep learning
- The sources:

PREPARATION – LESSON 4_listening 1
I. Vocabublary
1.a. change behavior
2.b. people related to you who lived long ago
3.b. make a fire stop burning
4.b. damaged completely
5.b. effect or influence
6.b. connection
7.a. keep
8.b. food that keeps us health
9.a. keep from decaying
10.b. something that keeps you safe
II. Guess
• Some words which I think could appear in the listening “The discovery of fire”
1. Protection
2. Nutrition
3. Life
4. Healthy
5. Damaged
6. Energy
7. Maintain
8. Diet
9. Destroyed
10. Various
11. Live
12. Dangerous
13. Fire
14. Forest
15. Food
III. Answer
1. As far as I know, the fire was used a long time ago, created by man when he was still
new to using primitive stone, ...
2. Fire changed the course of human evolution, allowing our ancestors to stay warm,
cook food, ward off predators and venture into harsh climates. It also had important
social and behavioral implications, encouraging groups of people to gather together and
stay up late.



Exercise 1
1. A ,B
2. B, C
3. A, B
4. A, C
5. A, B
6. B, C
Exercise 2
1. Was cheated
2. Make me very angry
3. Excited
4. Doing great
5. Exhausted
Answer the question: Do you think forest fires are useful or harmful?
In my opinion, wildfires are both beneficial and harmful. Firstly, in terms of benefits,
we could collect coals and burn sticks. Fire gave people the ability to cook and learn land.
It helps the forest to open a new page and the trees to grow more lush, opening many new
forest fields. Secondly, the disadvantage is that forest fires cause a lot of damage to
people and material property, causing them to lose both their homes and the living
quarters of their own families. Make them turn into homeless wanderers.


I. Do the vocabulary exercise in Vocabulary Skill on page 48.

1. Global
2. Urbanization
3. Route
4. Trade
5. Migrants
6. Rural
II. List at least 15 words you may hear in the listening about globalization in
Global Food Fruit
Adopt People Effective
Export Human Benefit
Good History Discuss
Produce Country Family
III. You are going to listen about the globalization in history and the
similarities and differences among different trade networks.
+ List 5 phrases for similarities and 5 phrases for differences.
+ Search for some information about the following global trade networks in history:
The Silk Road, The Columbian Exchange, and today’s trade network. Make some
notes to complete the following table.
The Silk Road The Columbian Today’s trade
Exchange network
Where it The Silk Road North and South
happened? began in north- America from
central China in Euraisa and Africa
Xi’an (in modern
Shaanxi province)
When it After 1492
How the goods from there the
were shipped? merchandise was
shipped across the
Mediterranean Sea
What were the the route was one
main goods? of the main ways
that plague
responsible for the
Black Death
pandemic in
Europe in the mid-
14th century
moved westward
from Asia.
How important
was it? (its impact
on our life)

Listening Preparation 7: Movement – Listening 2

1. You are going to listen about urbanization. Answer the question in “Before you
listen” and list at least 15 words you think may appear in the listening about this topic.
• Families: There will be a lot of migrants, samll families
• The economy: It has lifted milions of people out of poverty
• Health: Develop
• Population growth: Overpopulation
• Crime: Increase
• Rural life: Only old people
The effects will be both positive and nagative.
1. Urbanization
2. Big claim
3. India
4. China
5. Rural
6. Slum
7. Crowded
8. Dirty
9. Danger
10. Network
11. Issue
12. Opportunity
13. Out of poverty
14. Migrant
15. Global warming
2. Read the information in the following link: https://www.conserve-energy- Choose one of the following
topics. Make an outline based on what you’ve read. Add your own ideas if you like.
Topic 1:
In many countries, people are moving from rural areas to urban areas.
a. What are the reasons for this?
The majority of people move to cities and towns because they view rural areas as places
with hardship and backward/primitive lifestyles. Therefore, as populations move to more
developed areas (towns and cities) the immediate outcome is urbanization.
b. What problems can this cause?
Urbanization can cause industrialization, commercialization, social benefits and services,
employment oportunities, modernization and changes in the mode of living, and rural-
urban Transformation.
3. Read vocabulary skill on page 52 and do exercise 1, 2.
1 adopted
2 networks
3 goods
4 exports
5 ships
6 produce
7 illustrate
8 issues1 adopted2 networks3 goods4 exports5 ships6 produce7 illustrate8 issues
1 adopted
2 networks
3 goods
4 exports
5 ships
6 produce
7 illustrate
8 issues
1 adopted
2 networks
3 goods
4 exports
5 ships
6 produce
7 illustrate
8 issu1 adopted2 networks3 goods4 exports5 ships6 produce7 illustrate8 issues
1. Adopted
2. Networks
3. Goods
4. Exports
5. Ships
6. Produce
7. Illustrate
8. Issues
1. Shipped
2. Produces, exports
3. Good
4. Network
5. Illustrated
6. Adopt
7. Issue
4. Do global listening on page 50 exercise 1 – audio track 22
1. A
2. B
3. B
5. Read Listening for supporting statements page 50 and do Close listening exercise 1
page 51 – audio track 23
1. a, c, d
2. b, c, d
3. a,b,c,d

Preparation 9
I. Vocabulay
1. E
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. J
7. F
8. G
9. H
10. I

II. Listening 2

1. Some kinds of habitats these animals live in are water, land, underground... and
they live in water, land and even both of them. For example, Animals such as
flying fox, tortoises... on the land...


I. Do the vocabulary exercise in Vocabulary preview and read the information

about “Listening for problems and solutions” on page 98.
1. address
2. planet
3. century
4. pension
5. demographic
6. overpopulation
II. You are going to listen about the issue of rapidly aging population. Search for some
information and make notes about the life of older people in Vietnam nowadays.
* You can base on the following clues:
- Is the number of Vietnamese older people increasing or decreasing?
Vietnam is one of the fastest ageing countries in Asia. By 2050, the number of people
60 years and over will more than double from 11.9 million to 29 million people making up
almost a third of the total population. The number of people over 80 will also triple to
almost 6% of the population.
- What are their retirement ages?

 For persons born in 1938 or later, their Social Security benefit may be affected by a
provision that raises the age at which full Social Security benefits are payable.
 The age for collecting full Social Security retirement benefits will gradually increase
from 65 to 67 over a 22-year period beginning in 2000 for those retiring at 62.
 The earliest a person can start receiving reduced Social Security retirement benefits will
remain age 62.

- Do they receive a pension from the government?

+) Yes, they do. A non-contributory social pension offered to all older than 80 years of
age and to those age 60-79 who are identified as poor. 1.4 million over 80 receive the
pension, along with about 100,000 60-79 year olds. An additional 1.8 million pensioners
receive the formal pension described above as part of social insurance. This leaves a gap of
5 million older people who do not receive any form of pension. The benefit level for the
non-contributory social pension is about 9 USD a month, though some groups receive more.
Those aged 60-79 who have a severe disability receive 13.5 USD a month as do those aged
80 and above who are poor, live alone and without family support. Those over 80 who have
a severe disability as well, receive 18 USD a month. The trend in Vietnam is towards
progressively lowering criteria for eligibility for social pensions and increasing extended
benefits to more groups.
- Do they usually live with their children and grandchildren? Why/Why not?
- Do they spend a lot of time travelling and enjoying outdoor activities?

3. Answer these questions:

Are there any problems in the life of Vietnamese old people?
What are some solutions for those problems?

Listening Preparation 11: Tommorrow
1. Read Close listening on page 100
2. Read Vocabulary skills on page 101
3. Do exercise 1 on page 101
1. b
2. d
3. a
4. e
5. c
Full name: Doan Thuy Hang
Student ID: 2020601667
Class: NNA2A
Topic: Past and Present | Technology Then and Now
Listening reflection #1

I. Summary (100-150 words)

The video's topic is "Technological," and it contains information on modern technology
products that have achieved significant advancements over older technology. The video starts
by covering the fundamentals of archiving obsolete data. We used to require a lot of floppy
disks to hold a lot of data, but now we just need a little memory card to store the data from
thousands of books. Then there's knowledge on tools, current technological devices like
vintage automobiles and new supercars, laptops, camcorders, and so on, all of which have
advanced much in recent years. the technology was invented first.
Number of words: 107 words
II. Reflection
I was quite amazed after viewing and hearing about vio, and I got some fundamental
understanding of the development of technology before and after it was established, as well
as some language concerning parameters. There are certain terms that I am unable to
comprehend. First and foremost, the video's backdrop piqued my interest in how they were
able to create a memory card that could hold such a big quantity of data. People have
created super-genuine, handy, and tiny phones to carry in place of desk phones. It is clear
that technology is really useful to us, but we must not overuse it. Then there are technical
terms like "megabytes" and "pixels" that I may never have learned. There is also some new
terminology I'm not familiar with, such as "floppy," "capacity," "horsepower," and "sleek."
These are words I hear that I can't imagine, and I can't guess what they are since I don't have
such a vocabulary. Finally, I learned from the film that humans are capable of developing
sophisticated machine tools that can assist and provide certain comforts to modern living.
Full name: Doan Thuy Hang
Student ID: 2020601667
Class: NNA2A
Topic: Causes and Effects of Climate Change | National Geographic
Listening reflection #2

I. Summary (100-150 words)

The video discusses the causes and effects of climate change all across the world. To
begin, the video is connected to the surroundings in the following way: Humans are one of
the key culprits. They pollute the environment with water, air, and sound pollution, among
other things. Dust pollution in the environment causes sunlight to flow through the
atmosphere, generating the greenhouse effect. These fluctuations in weather provide a
challenge to producing crops and locations where plants and animals thrive, especially since
the Industrial Revolution did so much damage to the environment by melting ice. Changes in
habitat occur, and water supplies are depleted. Heart disease and asthma are also caused by
the increased amount of smoke... As a result, the movie emphasizes the need of preventing
climate change to aid the environment.
Number of words: 134 words
II. Reflection
This film is both inspirational and a wake-up call for today's society. The video is
powerful because it conveys the true meaning of the devastation that humans inflict on
nature and the environment. In addition, environmental concerns pique my attention. "Gets
stuck strengthening" and "leak out" are two new terms I learned from the video. Or there are
words like "phenomenon," "dioxide," "methane," "nitrous," "oxide," and
"chlorofluorocarbons" that I never knew about how to interpret chemical gases. I find it
beneficial for my listening skills because they are all pronunciation terms that I have never
heard before. After watching the video, I still do not think my listening skills have improved
since I didn't make any attempt to increase vocabulary or perfect pronunciation so that when
I listen to it, the words don't surprise me. very fresh I want to share this movie with
everyone so that they may improve their listening skills while also learning about the
importance of human awareness in transforming the living world around us.
Full name: Doan Thuy Hang
Student ID: 2020601667
Class: NNA2A
Topic: Rural-urban migration and urbanization
Listening reflection #3

I. Summary (100-150 words)

The video discusses the unrelenting urbanization that arose as a result of the movement
from the countryside to the city. In many industrialized nations, urbanization began in the
19th century, and the territory resided in an urban region, which is known as urbanization.
With many jobs and people relocating to the city, the birth rate in the rural is high. The pace
at which the rate of urbanization rises is the considerably increased rate of urbanization, with
the degree of urbanization being the proportion of the population in the city. Many people
migrate from rural regions to such cities in quest of a job; this is how megacities form;
overcrowding causes slums in the least desirable places surrounding such cities and the
population density can therefore skyrocket, especially if numerous high-rise apartment
complexes are constructed; the country's population distribution also shifts, and the
proportion of the population grows. Short-term migration has resulted in urbanization, which
has had important implications for population density, demographic distribution, and
economic prospects in a variety of places.
Number of words: 164 words
II. Reflection
Frankly, after listening to the video, I feel very impressed with the content of the video
that I want to convey to people the consequences caused by the overcrowding from the
countryside to the city. I just learned the correct pronunciation of a few words:
“industrialization” has a long pronunciation but I can hear it 90 percent and guess it.
Regarding the background of the content in the video, the percentage of rural people
migrating to cities outside of the area where they live is too large. Such migration has
advantages such as increasing the labor force, thereby developing human resources and the
economy, but there are people with low skills, untrained, and not equipped with the
necessary knowledge. about industrial working conditions, living environment in urban
areas, so they often have difficulty in finding a job. that is a disadvantage for them.
Regarding vocabulary and grammar, I can't hear some words like “megacities”,
“gentrification”, and “peripheral”. These are still words that to me are new words that I have
never heard so I have a hard time hearing the exact new words. So the video helped me gain
new vocabulary on the topic “Urbanization” which is worth listening to increase listening

Full name: Doan Thuy Hang

Student ID: 2020601667
Class: NNA2A
Topic: What causes headaches? - Dan Kwartler

Listening reflection #4

III. Summary (100-150 Word )

The causes of headaches are explained in this video. The video's title attracted my
curiosity, so I watched it. The speaker in the video goes into great length on the symptoms of
a headache and their possible causes. The first is to talk about headache symptoms in ancient
Greece, when they were treated by drilling a tiny hole in the head to drain the blood that was
causing the headache. "Trepan soh surgery" is the name of the operation. After that, the film
discusses the two most common forms of headache symptoms: primary and secondary
headaches. Secondary headaches are caused by dehydration and caffeine withdrawal. A total
of 150 distinct forms of secondary headaches exist. The most frequent headache symptoms
are chronic, recurrent, clustered migraines and tension headaches. Tension headaches can be
caused by a variety of factors, including stress, depression, hormonal changes, and
dehydration. Acute, intense irritation in one eye is also a symptom of cluster headaches.
Migraines and cluster headaches have no treatment. We can utilize pain medications or avoid
psychological concerns to address the other two forms of tension headaches.
Number of words: 173 words
IV. Reflection
Several diseases influence human health, however, the following are the most frequent
diseases among all people. That is the headache that is discussed in the video. Firstly, I learned
more about the many types of headaches and the symptoms that many people have from
watching the movie. I also learned that I had forgotten a lot of words and that new knowledge
had opened up in my thoughts. The movie intrigued and piqued my curiosity because it
addressed the major issue of headaches and provided an example of a common ailment known
as sinusitis. It improves the credibility of theoretical arguments. However, because this is
fresh information, there are some unfamiliar terms.
Suggested questions for reflection:
- What did you learn from the audio/video?
(vocabulary/grammar/pronunciation/background knowledge…)
- What did you find the most interesting in the audio/video?
- What kinds of things can’t you hear?
- Why do you think you can’t hear them?
- What do you learn from your mistakes?
Full name: Doan Thuy Hang
Student ID: 2020601667
Class: NNA2A
Topic: The Future of Transportation
Listening reflection #5

I. Summary (100-150 words)

The video talks about what the future development of artificial intelligence technology
will look like. Everything will be more user-centric, allowing autonomous vehicles to
communicate process data and collaborate on transport systems and machines combined with
AI-enabled technology that can mimic Humans automate tasks, and learn dynamically just
like us. AI technology applied to traffic is expected to increase. Then the volume of data
continues to grow. AI will help us create better and safer experiences for people who are
moving with the new age of sustainable accessibility. The video also shows that IoT dispatch
systems can help reduce traffic congestion and allow emergency service vehicles to reach
incidents faster.
Number of words: words
II. Reflection
The video sound is excellent, much above my expectations. There are terms that I
learned while watching the video that I can't imagine hearing since the way I pronounce
them is improper, resulting in inaccurate hearing of the word that the speaker delivers, such
as "Vehicles," which is pronounced /vi..ll/ rather than /ve..kl/. There is also some
terminology that I am familiar with, but it is in a different form than the word I am familiar
with, such as "heighten," which is a synonym for "height." Because my vocabulary was
poor and I did not work hard to improve it, I only heard well at the beginning of the movie,
and there were many incomprehensible terms or structures later on. The video also offers
very good content about AI technology, the most advanced type of human invention today.
It can replace human operation, equipped with systems and memory almost similar to
humans. However, the technology system needs to be studied more carefully to avoid bad
situations caused by modern AI technology and to ensure safety for all who use it. Putting
AI into transportation is also a very creative idea because maybe it brings a lot of
Full name: Doan Thuy Hang
Student ID: 2020601667
Class: NNA2A
Topic: Why do people get so anxious about Math?
Listening reflection #6

I. Summary (100-150 words)

Some psychologists think it's because worrying about math reduces cognitive resources
known as working memory. It's your short-term memory system that helps you organize the
information you need to complete a task. Worrying about being able to solve math problems,
or not doing well on tests, eats away at working memory, leaving less than is available to
solve math on its own. In addition, when parents or teachers feel anxious about math, children
and students will feel it and worry as well. The video offers a solution when we feel anxious
about math we should come to a short breathing exercise to relax our minds, and write down
our worries. You should remember that anxiety is not a reflection of your abilities, but it is
something you can conquer with time and awareness.
Number of words: words
II. Reflection
After watching an interesting video about a disease that could be said to be psychology, I
found that the biggest problem in our educational system is giving a deadline for the
students to complete a task like exams.. which rather than proving efficiency increases
anxiety... Paper is not set according to the capabilities of the below-average students instead
they r set according to the above-average ones. I suffer this math anxiety thingy... its so
difficult to cope with the exam hall pressure when the time feeds off u and seeing others
solve it adds to the almost driving me crazy and making me panic... but I have noticed that
repetitive practice helps..not only in solving faster but also makes me confident by telling
my brain that ''hey wait, ik this!'' but this hasn't eradicated the problem tho... maybe it will
take time. However, we can use a lot of ways to reduce study time such as studying when
you feel most comfortable and thinking of that subject as a favorite food. Next is the
vocabulary and grammar in the video, I find it most difficult to hear proper names because I
misunderstand them as something new. For the rest, I feel like I can understand 85 percent
of that short video.

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