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Joan Leach,
99 Kennebunk Pond Rd,
ME 04002.

Loan Amount $10,000.00

Loan Term 60 Months

Monthly Payments $187

As a company we do not believe in any upfront in form of cash, credit or debit card. Only a guarantee is
required from the customer through a verification process which the loan officer will inform you the process.
We would be pleased if given chance to serve you.


The cost of your credit as a Credit Bureau would be The amount you will have

yearly rate: Verifying: to pay monthly:

12 % $187

Thanking You,
Steven Brown,
Loan Officer
(469) 954 - 8076
Speedy Loans Services
Terms and Conditions

Any use of our services at Priority Loan Servicing is governed by the following terms and conditions. Read the
following carefully before you avail any of our services.
The content published in the mail is owned by Cash Priority Loan Servicing. You can use it for personal purpose only.
Copying of content or republishing it for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. The content is for general
information only.

 The customer needs to be a citizen of the USA and earn steady income every month you will be considered as
eligible to avail our loan services.
 The customer can avail an amount ranging between $1,000to$5,000 as short term loans.
And up to $50,000 as personal or business loans.
 For loans, the insurance is 10% for loans up to $10,000, which is refundable with the loan amount.
 For any personal loans or business loans above $10,000.00, the wire transfer charges would be levied according
to rules and regulations of the banks.


A customer shall be in default under this Agreement when the payment remains unpaid for more than 40 days after
its scheduled or deferred due date, or if the customer fails to comply with any of the terms of this Agreement if the
failure materially impairs the condition, value or protection of or the Lender's right to the collateral or materially impairs
the customer's ability to pay the obligation due under this Agreement


In the event of default, and if you have the right to cure the default pursuant to sec. 425.105, Wis. Stats., you fail to cure
the default within 15 days after you are given notice of the default, the lender may declare the whole outstanding
balance due under this agreement payable at once and proceed to collect it, including commencing legal action.


I understand and agree, that all shares, interest and deposit with SpeedyLoans Services and owned by me are hereby
pledged individual or/and severally as security for the said loan on such part of it's as may be granted. In the case of
default by me, the treasurer is hereby authorized to deduct any balance, interest and cost pertaining to the
aforementioned loan from the security hereby pledged. Should the loan not be granted this guarantee automatically
becomes null.

Signature: __________ Date: ______________


If the customer having low credit score they have to go through with a small verification procedures to
prove their financial stability.

Loan Amount Breakup

 Application number : DOC 4591

 Number of Payments : 60 months
 Interest Rate : 12%
 Total Monthly Payment : $187
 Total Loan Amount : $10,000
 Payment Date : 2nd of Every Month
 First Payment : 2nd Aug 2022

Data Protection Act 1998:

Your personal information will be treated as confidential and only disclosed; at Your Request to prevent Fraud or by the order of
the courts. You are entitled to a copy of the information we hold about you by writing to us and requesting it. There is a fee for
the service

I hereby declare that the foregoing particulars are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and agreed to abide by the
By-laws of society conditions and terms of the loan policy and variations by the credit Committee as above.
I hereby authorize the necessary deduction to be made from my salary as repayment of the loan.

Contact Us:-

SpeedyLoans Services

Contact No : (469) 954-8076

Website :
Email :
Address : 10200 Lake June Rd,
TX -75217.

You are being provided with this PRIVACY NOTICE pursuant to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and 16 C.F.R.
313. This act and the accompanying regulations require us to disclosure our policy regarding nonpublic personal
We collect nonpublic personal information about you such as your address, driver’s license information and
credit worthiness. We may collect this information from the following sources:

 Information’s we receive from you on applications, worksheets, other documents we use in preparing your
loan, or other forms.

 Information about your transaction with us, our affiliates, or others and

 Information we receive from a consumer reporting agency.

We restrict access to your personal and account information to those employees who need to know that information to
provide products or services to you. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal
standards to guard your nonpublic personal information

If you decide to close your account(s) or become an inactive customer, we will adhere to the privacy policies and practices as
described in this notice

From time to time we may disclosure your nonpublic information to business in order to verify your credit worthiness, or other
companies work with us to provide you with our products and services. In addition we may disc lose the information we
collect, to companies that perform marketing services on our behalf or other financial institutions with which we have joint
marketing agreements. However we do not disc lose any non public personal information about you to anyone else, expect as
permitted as law. We will only share your nonpublic personal information to companies that agree to treat you information

If you prefer we not share your information, expect as provide by law, you may complete the “OPT OUT” from below and
return it to us as instructed.

I have received a copy of this notice


By checking the box to the left, I certify that I do not wish for my nonpublic personal information to be disclosed,
except as provided by law. I have signed and dated my request below.

Joan Leach Date : 7/27/2022
Lender :

SpeedyLoans Inc
Dallas, TX 75217, (469) 954-8076.

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