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Reviewing A Journal Article

Dharmahutama Handoyo CK

Chapter 8, “Divergent Teacher Viewpoints on Technology Integration in the

Language Classroom,” by Andy Halvorsen

Book of Preparing Foreign Language Teachers for Next-Generation Education

Article: Divergent Teacher Viewpoints of Technology Integration in the Language Classroom
No Research- Answer
1. Title Divergent Teacher Viewpoints of Technology Integration in the Language
Classroom (Halvorsen, 2016)

2. Author Andy D. Halvorsen

3. Abstract In this chapter the authors present a qualitative analysis of teacher identity
development work and Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). This
study was conducted on three English teachers in Thailand who represent
different points of view regarding technology use and integration in the
4. Introduction In this part the author explains the current developing issue is that teachers
are faced with various problems such as adapting their pedagogy to combine
various technologies, and deciding how best to meet the needs of today's 21st
century students. one of the technology applications being considered, such
as the use of Social Networking Sites (SNSs) for language learning and
5. Theoritical This study is informed primarily through two key theoreticalorientations.
Perspectives 1. The first of these is identity construction in the classroom and in
particular our current understanding of language teacher
selfidentification as it relates to and informs teaching practice.

2. Secondly, this study draws on theoretical work from Computer

Assisted Language Learning (CALL) as it analyzes SNS use by
teachers both in their personal and professional lives.

A SNS is a tool that provides three key components. First, SNSs

allow users to create profiles that may either be public or semi-
public. Second, these sites allow for users to identify and maintain
lists of affiliated users, and finally, users are able to view and interact
with content shared by others users
6. Materials and Mixed-method, for the data analysis the author used the qualitative
Methods / techniques used to analyze interview and observational data from this study.
Methodology The participants of this research is three teachers took part in this study. The
teachers represent continua of language teaching
experience, technology literacy, and English proficiency.

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The authors, (Halvorsen, 2016) conducted a study about Divergent Teacher Viewpoints on
Technology Integration in the Language Classroom. The implementation of technology in
teaching that has been applied to learning practices is a stimulus to increase the potential for
technology integration into the language classroom. These include articulating their own personal
and professional stances with respect to educational technology, modifying and adapting their
pedagogy to incorporate various technologies, and deciding how best to meet the 21st century
needs of today's students. his study is informed primarily through two key theoretical orientations.
The first of these is identity construction in the classroom and in particular our current
understanding of language teacher self identification as it relates to and informs teaching practice.
Secondly, this study draws on theoretical work from Computer Assisted Language Learning
(CALL) as it analyzes SNS use by teachers both in their personal and professional live.
The research was based on a three-month observation of and face-to-face interviews with
three high-school teachers of EFL in Thailand. The participants data from Thai students and
teachers of English. it's mean that the study was intended to examine the patterns of social
networking site participation of both groups. The research focuses on teacher self-identification
and social networking site (SNS) participation, and these factors’ impacts on the teachers’ use of
SNSs as tools for facilitating language learning and instruction. Guided by grounded theory and
the constant comparative method (Corbin & Strauss, 2008), the author coded and analyzed the
transcribed teacher interviews and classroom observation notes. Five code groups were generated
based on the interviews: personal SNS use, instructional SNS use, cultural context, institutional
context, and identity development (e.g., views of the self and on personal privacy). These codes
were then examined against classroom observation codes to make sense of relationships among
teacher beliefs, perceptions, self-identification, and classroom use of SNSs. The three teachers,
who were purposefully selected to represent a range of experiences, presented divergent
viewpoints related to SNSs and their classroom integration, reflecting their diverse positions and
beliefs about these sites; their personal orientations toward the future or past; and a nexus of
cultural and institutional factors (e.g., Internet connectivity in the classroom and curricular
mandates). These findings shed considerable light on the complex interplay between contextual
factors, teachers’ self-identification as users of technology, their perceptions of technology in
education, and their use of educational technology to build and shape classroom practices.
The researcher explains a brief snapshot of how three teachers are making use of educational
technology in their pedagogic approaches, and how the decisions they make are influenced by their
self-defined identities as users of technology. From within a social constructivist framework, SNSs

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appear to be a strong candidate for increasing language learning potential. They offer easy
interaction with authentic content, and they foreground an emphasis on connectivity with others
and engaging interactions. Finally, the research give a chance for future research into the use of
SNSs for language learning and development.

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At this time, I am giving an issue on this research.


Language Teacher Self-Identification and Language Teaching Practice

Social Networking Site Use in Language Instruction

No Issue Terminologies
1. Language Teacher Self-Identification and  With the ever increasing potential for
Language Teaching Practice integration of technology into the
language classroom, teachers are
confronted with a range of diverse
issues for consideration. These include
articulating their own personal and
professional stances with respect to
educational technology, modifying and
adapting their pedagogy to incorporate
various technologies, and deciding how
best to meet the 21st century needs of
today’s students.
Technology integration is using
software supported by the business
world for real-world applications so
students learn to use computers flexibly,
purposefully and creatively. Technology
integration is having the curriculum
drive technology usage, not having
technology drive the curriculum.
Finally, technology integration is
organizing the goals of curriculum and
technology into a coordinated,
harmonious whole.
2. Social Networking Site Use in Language
 Conole and Alevizou (2010) define
Web 2.0 as “a wide set of functional
 The skills needed for full characteristics [that] not only point to
participation in 21st culture are ever
increased opportunities for publication,
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evolving. but also encourage and are supportive of
user participation” (p. 9). Web 2.0 is the
term given to describe a second
generation of the World Wide Web that
is focused on the ability for people to
collaborate and share information
online. Web 2.0 basically refers to the
transition from static HTML Web pages
to a more dynamic Web that is more
organized and is based on serving Web
applications to users. Other improved
functionality of Web 2.0 includes open
 SNSs like FB and Twitter are some of
the most obvious current manifestation
of Web 2.0 tools and our current
participatory culture.
Social Networking Sites (SNSs):
Online sites that allow participants to
create personal profiles andbengage
with one another through profile
viewing. Facebook (FB): This site is
currently the largest and most widely
used SNS across the globe. FB allows
users to view one another’s personal
profiles and easily share content

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Halvorsen, A. (2016). Divergent Teacher Viewpoints on Technology Integration in the Language

Classroom. In Z. B. Lin, Chin-Hsi, Zhang, Dongbo (Ed.), Preparing Foreign Language Teachers for
Next-Generation Education (pp. 1–314). IGI Global.

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