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Exercise 1.

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present

Continuous Tense. Be careful, there are ACTIVE and STATIVE verbs in this

— Hello, Lucy! You ... (to look) so beautiful in a new dress!

— Hi, Kate! Sorry, I... (not to have) much time to talk.
— Where ... you ... (to hurry)?
— You ... (to see), a friend of mine ... (to come) to visit me. His plane ... (to arrive)
at half past six. I... (to go) to the airport now.
— Where ... your friend ... (to come) from?
— He ... (to be) Italian and he ... (not to understand) a word of Ukrainian.
— Really! You should hurry then.
— Yes. I ... (to think) I’ll take a taxi. By the way, we ... (to have) a small party
tomorrow. I ... (to want) to introduce Roberto to my friends. Can you come
— Of course I can. This ... (to sound) great!
— Good! I... (to hope) we’ll have a lot of fun!

Exercise 2

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, the Present Continuous, the
Present Perfect
1) The secretary usually ... (to come) to the office at 9 o’clock, but it ... (to be)
half past nine now and she ... (not to arrive) yet. 2)... Den (to be) in his room
now?— He ... (to prepare) for the research expedition. He ... (to book) a
plane ticket already and now he ... (to pack) his things. 3)... you (to be) OK,
Nigel? You ... (to look) very pale.—I... (to be) just tired. 4) ... you ...
(already to read) the letter from Aunt Emily? — Yes, I ... . She ... (to want)
to visit us. She ... (to come) next Wednesday. 5) Why ... you ... (to look) at
that woman so attentively? ... you ... (to know) her? — It ... (to seem) to me I
... (already to meet) her somewhere.

Exercise 3

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple, the Past Continuous, the Past
Perfect or the Past .
1) Rachel ... (to meet) Den in front of the library five minutes ago. He ... (to speak)
to Alex about some project. 2) When Victor ...(to get) off the bus he ... (to decide)
to phone his mother but suddenly ... (to realize) that he ... (to forget) his mobile
phone in the hotel room. 3) The driver ...(to speed) down the road when suddenly
an old woman ... (to step) in front of the car. 4) When Tony ... (to arrive) at Tina’s
place yesterday, she ... (to read) a detective story which she ... (to buy) some days
before. 5) Two men ... (to walk) through the forest for five hours before they ... (to
see) the house of the forest guard. They ... (to be) hungry because they ... (not to
eat) anything since last evening. 6) Maggie ... (to look) for her gloves when the
door ... (to open) and her mother ... (to come) in. 7) By the time Steve ... (to reach)
the airport, Andrew and Nora ... (already to receive) their luggage and ... (to have)
coffee in a cafeteria outside.

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