Guided Cloze 1 12

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Exercise 1.

Communication is extremely important in the business 1. _. It is likely that in

this context both informal and formal styles will be used. If we take the example of
meetings, we might say that they are often 2. in quite a relaxed way, with
participants using first names and informal language. 3. , as soon as the
meeting is official, careful records, called minutes, will be kept, following a
predetermined format 4. is standard across many business situations.
Layout is one aspect of a formal style. Content will also be 5._ to some
extent by the level of formality.

1. A. order B. world C. scope D. field

2. A. conducted B. managed C. regulated D. governed

3. A. Furthermore B. Likewise C. However D. Despite

4. A. which B. who C. whom D. what

5. A. prescribed B. composed C. dictated D. disclosed

Exercise 2.

Anyone planning to start a business must be 1. about what can be achieved,

and in what time frame. Entrepreneurs often work extremely long hours, not
2. during 'trading' hours, but also after hours doing all the associated
paperwork. If entrepreneurs overwork, they will find it difficult to 3. good
decisions and will lack the energy to analyze and evaluate marketing and finance data.
4. an entrepreneur becomes over tired and over anxious, they can
undermine their businesses by giving the 5. that things are bad and the
business is just about to close down.

1. A. anxious (bối rối) B. confused C. realistic D. skeptical( hoài nghi)

2. A. either B. more C. just D. least

3. A. make B. take C. set D. do

4. A. Unless B. While C. If D. Although

5. A. feeling B. idea C. effect D. impression

Exercise 3.
Human rights are ideas about what everyone is 1. to. Basic human rights
include the right to life, and the right to food and clean drinking water. 2. _
include the right to vote and to freedom of 3. . In the UK, most people have
their basic human rights 4. most of the time. However, in some countries
people's freedoms may be limited. Also, in the UK, there are still 5. _ of
human rights that some people believe could be improved, such as the rights of people
with disabilities.

1. A. accessible B. entitled C. susceptible(dễ bị ảnh hưởng) D. exposed

2. A. One another B. Others C. Another D. The other

3. A. statement B. assertion C. expression D. comment

4. A. to meet B. met C. meeting D. meet

5. A. areas B. corners C. grounds D. aspects

Exercise 4. Hostile(a) thù địch => hostility(n)

The rise in fuel prices is a very worrying trend. Here are just some examples of the
1. . Elderly people cannot afford to heat their houses, people lose their jobs
because they can no longer afford to commute to work, or because they are made
2. redundant (bị sa thải) from their jobs in transport-based businesses such as
airlines. Self-
employed people often rely on their own transport for work, e.g. delivery people, florists
and taxi drivers, 3. they may be forced to close their business. The prices of
some food and raw materials also increase as a direct result of the cost of oil, e.g. the
prices of beef and cotton. 4. all of that, there is one possible advantage: car
manufacturers are employing more people to design fuel-efficient cars, which will benefit
the environment. But surely, this is not enough. What we need is international
cooperation and political 5. , to reduce fuel prices or financially support
those who are being affected.

1. A. consequences B. conclusions C. results D. reactions

2. A. irrelevant B. unemployed C. redundant D. excessive

3. A. because B. so C. but D. though

4. A. Against B. Opposite C. Contrary D. Behind

5. A. hostility B. rivalry C. kindness D. goodwill
Exercise 5.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) takes many different forms, and 1. all aspects of
our lives today. We now have a variety of technologies 2._ intelligent
machines, powered by revolutionary advances in micro-technology and superfast
connectivity, are firmly changing the way we live and work. Beyond driverless cars and
very smart computers that can beat chess champions, there are numerous mundane(
trần tục)
3. of AI which are enabled by simple sensors connected to smartphone SIM
cards. According to Leonhard, within five years most companies will have armies of very
cheap, very powerful, versatile machines, connected to a smart cloud, and they will be
able to 4. _ many routine processes. Some 25 years from now robots, through
cognitive 5. and using vast amounts of data from humans, will do all that
kind of work.

1. A. invades B. immerses C. permeates D. saturates( bảo hòa)

2. A. which B. whom C. what D. where

3. A. operations B. utilities C. procedures D. applications

4. A. realize B. deliver C. accomplish D. assemble

5. A. computing B. calculating C. automating D. measuring

Exercise 6.

An eminent(lỗi lạc) psychologist who expanded our knowledge of how children

think and
develop was a Swiss named Jean Piaget. His 1. , which were truly original
when first published in 1936, were described as being so obvious that it took a genius to
think of them. His research provided evidence that a child thinks differently to an adult,
and he identified 2._ in the development of children's brains. His work
contributed to various branches(chi nhánh) of psychology, such as cognitive
developmental psychology, and educational reform. 3. , consider Erik
Erikson, who was born in Germany. He studied psychoanalysis with Anna Freud, the
daughter of Sigmund Freud, and later moved to the United States 4._ he first
published in 1950. He became renowned for his focus on psychosocial development,
human development through the 5. from childhood to adulthood to old age.

His studies also added to the understanding of the development and shaping of
personality over the course of people's lives.

1. A. enquiries B. observations C. remarks D. statements

2. A. steps B. stages C. rounds D. laps

3. A. Next B. Later C. Then D. Besides

4. A. which B. what C. that D. where

5. A. lifestyle B. lifespan(vòng đời) C. lifelong D. lifetime

Exercise 7.

There have been lots of films that depict an ongoing or impending disaster which is
mainly caused by natural phenomena, the effects of which have a deep 1.
on mankind. Quite often technological arrogance(sự kêu ngạo) or the exploitation of
nature by men
evoke Mother Nature’s 2. which is cruel but not unjustifiable in any case.
3. , all of us have witnessed floods, occurring mainly due to massive
deforestation, or the continuous temperature rise with the subsequent 4. _ of
the ice caps and desertification(sa mạc hóa) affecting many countries , the
worldwide. 5.
effects of pollution are of great significance since they not only affect the flora(hệ t vật)
and fauna(hệ động vật)
- with the list of the 6. species getting longer and longer - but also human
beings due to disruptions in the food 7. _ . In recent years, environmental
organisations and activists have sounded the alarm, but it is up to the governments to
8. drastic measures in order to avoid more serious problems in the future.
Our relationship with nature has to be 9. . If we don't wish to see the side

effects of our senseless actions, then we all have to stop the destruction of natural habitats
and 10._ down pollution.

1. A. impact B. response C. outcome D. fallout(phản xạ)

2. A. anger B. revenge C. fury(cơn thịnh nộ) D. outrage(sự giận dữ)

3. A. Furthermore B. Likewise C. Yet D. Thus

4. A. melting (sự tan chảy) B. condensing(khô đặc) C. shrinking(co lại) D. downsizing

5. A. Consequently B. Additionally C. Accordingly D. Similarly

6. A. unprotected B. endangered C. imperiled D. jeopardized

7. A. row B. string C. chain D. range

8. A. make B. set C. put D. take

9. A. mutual B. reciprocal(có qua có lại) C. bilateral D. communal

10. A. narrow B. close C. scale down(làm giảm mức độ) D. break

Exercise 8.

Photography is a hobby with wide appeal. And I don't mean taking photos on your
mobile phone, though it cannot be (1) that such pictures can be surprisingly
good these days. Serious photography means taking the (2) to do some
research, exploring the technical (3) of the subject and investing in what
might be quite expensive equipment. So why take up photography? Firstly, it allows you
to (4) special moments that you want to remember forever. In addition, it
(5) your imagination because you are always in search of ideas for original
and out of the ordinary photos. However, a lot of practice is required before you (6)
to take really good pictures on a regular basis. When you finally do it, it
will be a (7) of great satisfaction for you. Photography can also transform
the way you look at the world. You start to see details that in the past you used to miss
(8) . All in all, it's a highly absorbing hobby.

1 A rejected B contradicted C denied D refused

2 A trouble B care C effort D concern

3 A characteristics B forms C qualities D aspects

4 A seize B capture C grab D catch

5 A motivates B renews C stimulates D reacts

6 A manage B succeed C achieve D reach

7 A reason B cause C source D means

8 A utterly B completely C fully D absolutely

Exercie 9.

The expression ‘getting off the beaten track’ is used to refer to the experience of avoiding
famous tourist attractions and choosing instead to explore less well-known places when
travelling. For many people the whole (1) _ of travel is to visit cities such as
Paris or Venice that have a great (2) _ as places of beauty and historic
importance. Furthermore, they are not particularly (3) _ by the crowds that
are usually found in such locations. But for others who have more of a (4) _

of adventure, a good holiday must (5) _ unfamiliar experiences, even taking
some risks.

Travelling off the beaten track may be done by some students who don’t (6)
to a rigid plan, but make decisions about what to do depending on how
they feel. Other travellers prefer to spend money on guided tours to unusual locations.
Such tours are designed to (7) their particular needs, and all the
arrangements are made for them. However people choose to get off the beaten track, the
hope is always the same: to have a special, often unique (8) of a different

1 A worth B point C aim D profit

2 A favour B approval C reputation D opinion

3 A bothered B interrupted C offended D disturbed

4 A feeling B impression C mood D sense

5 A possess B consist C involve D concern

6 A fix B stick C fasten D attach

7 A please B fit C agree D meet

8 A experience B understanding C awareness D knowledge

Exercise 10.

Every ambitious athlete hopes to fulfil their dream of winning a gold medal at the
Olympics. However, not everyone can win, and often talented athletes must accept
second place. A team of psychologists recently (1) some research on the
emotional responses of those finishing second. For certain individuals, a silver medal
may (2) their expectations and so naturally they will be delighted. They
may also enjoy surprising experts and journalists who believed they had absolutely no (3)
of achieving anything. In (4) , the athlete who everyone
assumed would win with ease, but then suffers a (5) _ _ defeat, may not
celebrate their silver medal. This reaction differs sharply from the athlete who comes
second but finished a long way behind the winner. There is a (6) in the
research that shows such a person will feel significantly happier. To a certain (7)
, these findings are not surprising. Silver medallists who were close to

victory will almost certainly (8) _ on what might have happened if they had
trained harder, or done things differently.

1 A controlled B conducted C directed D guided

2 A exceed B overtake C pass D overcome

3 A outlook B view C estimate D prospect(triển vọng)

4 A opposition B contrast C distinction D contradiction

5 A thin B tight C narrow D slight

6 A habit B trend C custom D tendency

7 A extent B amount C range D level

8 A review B wonder C consider D reflect

Exercise 11.

No doubt you may be inclined to think that in this day and age, traditional pursuits are no
longer ‘in’ and that we would have (1) _ away with old-fashioned hobbies
that don’t involve computers. Nothing of the (2) . If anything, the internet
has made it easier for people with specialist hobbies in different corners of the planet to
(3) _ themselves to their passion and to support one another. With one quick
press of a key, (4) car collectors are online, comparing notes and
restoration (5) _ with enthusiasts in distant lands. If a part needs replacing, a
vast electronic inventory is out there (6) and waiting. After a day in the
field, birdwatchers can post sightings they consider worth sharing with likeminded
enthusiasts who will immediately (7) to their passion. Thankfully, face to
face contact does still take place. Historic car rallies and races have a large following.
Come Sunday morning, children and adults alike still meet to swap, or perhaps even (8)
, the cards missing from their collections.

1 A done B taken C put D sent

2 A type B sort C variety brand

3 A focus B present C stick D devote

4 A ancient B historical C classic D epic

5 A means B techniques C crafts D systems

6 A handy B willing C ready D open

7 A relate B share C connect D join

8 A bid(đấu giá) B purchase C invest D subscribe

Exercise 12.

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization announced that the COVID-19 virus
was officially a pandemic after barreling through 114 countries in three months and (1)
over 118,000 people. And the spread wasn’t anywhere near finished.
COVID-19 is caused by a (2) coronavirus—a new coronavirus strain that has not
been previously found in people. Symptoms include respiratory problems, fever and
cough, and can lead to pneumonia and death. Like SARS, it’s (3) through
droplets(giọt bắn) from sneezes.

The first reported case in China appeared November 17, 2019, in the Hubei Province, but
went unrecognized. Eight more (4) _ appeared in December with researchers
pointing to an unknown virus.

Many learned about COVID-19 when ophthalmologist Dr. Li Wenliang defied

government (5) _ and released safety information to other doctors. The following
day, China informed WHO and charged Li with a crime. Li died from COVID-19 just
over a month later.

Without a vaccine (6) , the virus spread beyond Chinese borders and by mid-
March, it had spread globally to more than 163 countries. On February 11, the infection
was officially christened COVID-19.

(Adapted from

1. A. infecting(lây nhiễm) B. abusing C. pressing D. finishing

2. A. stabl B. novel (mới) C. unsure D. broken

3. A. revealed B. exposed C. gathered D. spread

4. A. regions B. items C. cases D. sites

5. A. sentences B. orders C. alphabets D. letters

6. A. available B. affordable C. unnatural D. precious


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