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Tourism is a challenging sector on which divides statistics since businesses serving

tourists also service local people. Therefore, it is not a straightforward to estimate how
much business sectors’ revenue and how many jobs are due to tourist expenditures.

This study tracked about 1, 000 adults in the United States, and they ranged in age from
34 to 93, and they started the study by asking, 'How much stress have you experienced in
the last year? They also asked, How much time have you spent helping out friends,
neighbours, people in your community? And then they used public records for the next
five years to find out who died.

1. I’m glad you got here safely.
Tôi rất vui vì bạn đã đến đây an toàn.
2. This lecture was meant to start at 10
Bài giảng này có nghĩa là bắt đầu lúc 10h
3. Your watch is fast, you need to reset it
Đồng hồ của bạn nhanh, bạn cần phải đặt lại nó
4. Elephant is the largest land living mammal.
Voi là động vật có vú sống trên cạn lớn nhất.
5. Please do not bring food into the classroom.
xin vui lòng không mang thức ăn vào lớp học.
6. Please write your name on essay cover sheet.
Hãy viết tên của bạn trên trang bìa bài luận
7. Fishing is a sport and a means for surviving.
Câu cá là một môn thể thao và là một phương tiện để sinh tồn.
8. Most printers in the library are out of ink.
Hầu hết các máy in trong thư viện đều hết mực.
9. Make sure you correctly cite all your sources.
Đảm bảo rằng bạn đã trích dẫn chính xác tất cả các nguồn của mình.
10. Children are not allowed in the chemical labs.
Children are not allowed in the chemical labs.
11. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.
Đừng ngần ngại hỏi nếu bạn có bất kỳ câu hỏi nào
12. I will be in my office every day from 10 to 12.
Tôi sẽ ở văn phòng của tôi mỗi ngày từ 10 đến 12 giờ.
13. Will those happy days ever be forgotten by you?
Những tháng ngày hạnh phúc ấy có bao giờ anh quên được không?
14. If you have problems, please contact your tutor.
Nếu bạn gặp khó khăn, vui lòng liên hệ với gia sư của bạn.
15. Physics is a detailed study of matter and energy.
Vật lý là một nghiên cứu chi tiết về vật chất và năng lượng
16. New York city is famous for its ethnic diversity.
Thành phố New York nổi tiếng với sự đa dạng sắc tộc.
17. The program depends entirely on private funding.
Chương trình phụ thuộc hoàn toàn vào nguồn tài trợ tư nhân.
18. The wheelchair lift has been upgraded this month.
thang máy dành cho xe lăn đã được nâng cấp trong tháng này
19. This part of the story is the story of my father.
Phần này của câu chuyện là câu chuyện của cha tôi.
20. The office said Dr. Smith will arrive later today.
Văn phòng cho biết bác sĩ Smith sẽ đến muộn hơn hôm nay.
21. The seminar on writing skills has been cancelled.

22. I could not save my work as my computer got crashed.

23. Number the beakers and put them away until tomorrow.

24. The first person in space was from the Soviet Union.

25. You can retake the module if your marks are too low.

26. Most of the assignments should be submitted on the same day.

27. The pharmacy was closed when I went past this morning.

28. A periodical is a publication that is issued regularly.

29. She is an expert of the 18th century French literature.

30. We are required to submit the assignment before Friday.

31. Moving up the class ladder also brings unexpected costs.

32. You can only choose one subject from biology and media.

33. There are a range of housing options near the university.

34. You should raise your concern with the head of the school.

35. The hypothesis needs to be tested in a more rigorous way.

36. The United States is the largest chocolate manufacturing country.

37. 39.5% of Californian residents don‘t speak English at home.

38. In 1830, periodicals appeared in large numbers in America.

39. The books reserved in the library can be borrowed for up to 3 hours.

40. The minimal mark for Distinction grade is no less than 75%.

41. To understand its ‘entity, we need to go back to its ‘origin.

42. All students and staff have access to printers and scanners.

43. It's time to finalize the work before the Wednesday seminar.

44. Student loans are now available for international students.

45. I don’t understand what the comment of my essay means at all.

46. The visiting professor is going how to give a lecture on geology

47. All sources of materials must be included in your bibliography.

48. All the assignments must be submitted by the end of this week.

49. Animals grow larger and stronger to help them to hunt better.

50. The United States has developed a coffee culture in recent years.

51. We are delighted to have professor Robert to join our faculty.

52. A renowned economist is selected to have a speech tonight at 8.

53. All filed assignments should have a full list of bibliography.

54. Anatomy is the study of internal and external body structures.

55. I can't attend the lecture because I have a doctor appointment.

56. Students are competing for every place in the computer courses.

57. All students are encouraged to vote in the forthcoming elections

58. A thorough bibliography is needed at the end of every assignment.

59. There will be a guest lecturer visiting the department next month.
60. To receive the reimbursement, you must keep the original receipts.

61. A preliminary bibliography is due the week before the spring break.

62. I expect a long and stagnant debate for a week or two on this issue

63. If you forgot your student number, you need to contact Jenny Brice.

64. the original Olympic Games Were celebrated as religious festivals

65. The US ranks twenty-second in foreign aid, given it as a percentage of GDP

66. The verdict depends on which side was more convincing to the jury.

67. A study skill seminar is on for the students who require assistance.

68. Acupuncture is a technique involved in traditional Chinese medicine.

69. Conferences are always scheduled on the third Wednesday of the month.

70. In my free time, I would like to read current affairs and newspapers.

71. Please pass the handouts along to the rest of the people in your row.

72. The study of archaeology requires intensive international field work

73. All essays and seminar papers submitted must be emailed to your tutor.

74. As student union members, we can influence the change of the university

75. Half of the marks in mathematics are allocated to the correct working.

76. It is good for the environment and also good for your electricity bill

77. The real reason for global hunger is not the lack of food, but poverty.

78. Basketball was created in 1891 by a physician and a physical instructor.

79. The current statistical evidence indicates the need of further research.

80. Your tutor is there for help, so do ask if you don’t understand anything.

81. Globalization has been an overwhelming urban and urbanization phenomenon.

82. It is important to take gender into account when discussing these figures.

83. The first few sentences of an essay should capture the readers’ attention.

84. Nearly half of television outputs are given away for educational programs.

85. The author expressed the idea that modern readers invariably cannot accept.

86. The gap between the rich and the poor is not decreasing rapidly as expected

87. Even with the permit, finding a parking spot on campus is almost impossible.

88. I've got a tutorial in an hour and I haven’t had any time to prepare for it.

89. Leading scientists speculate that numerous planets could support life forms

90. The student service center is located on the main campus behind the library.

91. The test selected materials from all chapters in this course this semester.

92. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy.

93. A demonstrated ability to write clear, correct and concise English is poetry

94. The glass is not the real solid, because it doesn't have a crystal structure.

95. The sports team members often practice on weekdays and play games on

96. The student welfare officer can help with the questions about exam techniques.

97. Biographical information should be removed prior to the publication of results.

98. The generic biology technology lab is located at the North Wing of the library.

99. All of our accommodations are within walking distance to the academic buildings.

100. Students will not be given credits for assignments submitted after the due

101. The library is located on the other side of the campus behind the student
102. Today, we will be discussing the role of the government in preventing

103. By clicking this button, you agree with the terms and conditions of this

104. In this library, reserved collection books can be borrowed for up to three

105. Unfortunately, the two most interesting economic electives clash on my


106. The research looked at neighborhood cooperative schemes such as

community gardens.

107. To answer such a complex question with a simple yes or no is absolutely


108. In consultation with your supervisor, your thesis is approved by faculty


109. Students are afraid of writing an essay because they have learned nothing
about it.

110. Residence Hall is closed prior to the academic building closing time in the

111. Students should take advantages of the online resources before attending

112. The cafeteria closes soon but the snack machines are accessible throughout
the night.

113. The development in the information technology has greatly changed the
way people work

114. What distinguishes him from others is the dramatic use of black and white

115. Anyone who has a problem with their accommodation should speak to the
welfare officer.
116. Our class is divided into two groups. You come with me, and the others just
stay here.

117. Expertise in particular areas distinguishes you from other graduates in a job

118. If she doesn't speak the language, she's not going to sit around a week for

119. Organic food is grown without applying chemicals and the process is
without artificial additives.

120. Our school of Arts and Technology accept applications at all points
throughout the year.

121. The mismatch between the intended and reported users of the instrument
has become clear.

122. The Psychology Department is looking for volunteers to be involved in

research projects.
123. Our university has strong partnerships with industry as well as collaborative
relationships with government bodies.

124. Several students raise different examples.

125. Professor Gordon just called a few minutes ago.

126. In 1880, cycling became a major phenomenon in Europe

127. Contemporary critics dismissed his ideas as eccentric.

128. The number of bankruptcies skyrocketed in the third quarter.

129. We will study the following two pictures in the next lecture

130. Companies are aiming to earn the money but not to change the society.

131. Internet provides unusual opportunities for students and current events.

132. Knives and forks should be placed next to the spoon on the edge of the

133. Please sort and order the slides for the presentation according to topic and
speech time.
134. Anonymous behaviors can be identified without intervention.

135. We need to read the first five chapters to prepare for next week tutorial.

136. It is argued that students can learn more in collaborative rather than
individual study.

137. Ideally, free trade is beneficial to both two partners.

138. All applications of internship are available in the office

139. The geographic assignment should be submitted by the midday of Friday.

140. Only those who are over 18 years of age are eligible to open a bank account
in our bank.

141. The health center is situated at the corner of the university behind the

142. The books are filled with drawings of machines invented when he was a

143. If you want to receive the reimbursement, you must submit the original

144. Please read the first five chapters to prepare for next week's tutorial.

145. Being a vegan means not consuming any animal product.

146. Students should take advantages of the internet before attending the lecture.

147. I would like an egg and tomatoes on white sandwich bread with orange

148. Applicants for the course preferably have a degree in English or journalism.

149. You can pay by cash or using a credit card.

150. Our capacity to respond national needs will determine our ability to
151. The cafe will close soon but you can use the snack machine which is
running overnight.

152. Meteorology is a subject of earth's atmosphere.

153. The Resident's hall is closed prior to the closing time of the academic
building at the end of the semester.

154. Higher fees cause the student to look more critically at what universities

155. The clear evidence between brain events and behavioral events is

156. To get further extension, you need to call the education executive on 401.

157. The course comprises twenty hours of lectures, seminars and tutorials each

158. Please be careful when using online translation programs.

159. The renewable energy alternatives was the main aspect of debate during the

160. If you forget your passport, you need to contact the student center.

161. We can meet in my office after the lecture.

162. I really don't think so. Scientists should be free to do what they like.

163. Today, I'd like to talk a little bit about the other theories that can explain the
variations in climate.

164. The library is located on the north side of the campus.

165. Experience would be an advantage for this managerial role

166. The framework will help pose more research questions systematically.

167. It is clear that the effects of climate change will damage the world

168. Major sports on campus include rugby, soccer and tennis.

169. Presentation skills are important to both universities and workplaces.

170. There is too much information on this topic.

171. Until you complete the form, you cannot attend.

172. Everyone should get access to art galleries no matter where they live.

173. Tuesday sessions will last for approximately two hours.

174. By using the student identification card you can borrow books from the

175. Cells are the basic building blocks of all animals and plants.

176. Company exists for money, not for society.

177. Read the safety instructions before using the equipment during the

178. The brain is our central computer of our bodies.

179. There are lots of people competing for places in computer courses.

180. There is no point in designing efficient cars if we use them more and more.

181. The original Olympic game is one kind of original festival.

182. 39.5% California residents speak a language other than English at home.

183. The first step was to establish a baseline of known distances.

184. Modern businesses have adapted and been flexible in order to survive.

185. The Economics Faculty building is located on the City Road.

186. You should return books to the library before ending your term.

187. The data infer that further research is needed.

188. The website has probably the most attractive designs and layouts.

189. The university policy on plagiarism can be viewed on the website.

190. Remember your essay should have less than 2000 words.

191. appointment with your tutor about work.

192. One study asks people to keep daily journals recording their appreciation
for their partners.
193. Building trust is not anything that can be achieved overnight.

194. The cafeteria features sandwiches, salads, soup, fish and chicken.
195. My tutor told him not to repeat the same argument again and again.

196. Essays and assignments should be submitted to the department office

before the deadline.

197. The contemporary literature works have been broadened and extended
through interpretation.

198. A very basic feature of computing is counting and calculating.

199. All students must return the books to the college library before the end of
the term.

200. Note that the deadline of the submission of proposals has been extended for
a week.

201. Tuition fees will vary according to the field of study.

202. The current labor force is more competitive than it had been for a long time.

203. Newspapers around the country are reporting the stories of the president.

204. I am available this Thursday afternoon.

205. The department determines whether or not the candidates pass.

206. Today's lecture is canceled because the lecturer is ill.

208. Social work is not the only subject in sociology.

209. Collaboration is a feature of a successful company.

210. Technology is important for the modern world.

211. A man who suffered serious brain damage during an operation is suing the

212. There is not enough space for me in the car.

213. We can discuss education in the tutorial next week.

214. The head of the department is available by the third day.

215. Students should take advantage of the online help system before
approaching their lecturers.
216. There won't be any space for me in the car.

217. Any text or references you make should be cited appropriately in the

218. Any text or references you make should be cited appropriately in the

219. You are required to submit the assignment before Friday.

220. The number of company bankruptcy skyrocketed in the third quarter.

221. I don't like cheese and tomato sandwiches on white bread and orange juice.

222. The hypothesis on black hole is rendered moot as the explanation of the

223. We offer a broad range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

224. Student discount cards can be used on campus in the coffee house.

225. You can download all lecture handouts from the course website.

226. Answering such a complex question with a simple yes or no is absolutely


227. Many students are so scared of writing essays, because they never learned

228. I'm glad that you've got it.

229. The teacher asked the group to commence the task.

230. The number of bankruptcy skyrocketed in the third quarter

231. Newspapers across the world are reporting stories of presidents.

232. He was constantly looking for ways to bring industry and agriculture
233. Don’t forget to hand in your assignments by the end of next week.

234. Telecommunication is based on the array of networks.

235. My favorite sports are soccer, tennis and basketball.

236. Students will need to be in the lecture this Thursday.

237. Professor Tim Lee invented World Wide Web.

238. Application forms for sharing accommodations must be completed two

months in advance.

239. Student's past education and experience are vital.

240. Your lowest quiz grade has been omitted from the calculations.

241. Students must submit a thesis on an agreed subject within four years.

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