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obj of intervention?

-bridging gaps -> institutional voids

emerging markets are likely to have gaps which can be solved

unchecked groth? associated with inflation?

can you drive through "power corridoors"? emerging markets.

problems w/ closed markets: like Sri lanka? Will have to follow ggreece to

benefits accruing to the lower sections

burgeoning middle class:
prone to spending.

STEM industryr incentivise education wrt their businesses as high ggrowth

Prone to FINANCIAL crises. kind of a emerging quotient
IPR are less..piracy
implementation of regulation

customer credit: worthiness of a customer

ddistribution impediments : in the context of hard infra..

Due diligence: RANBAXY & relicare. forged docs/results

How do markets function? Facilitated by "institutions". Platforms are a type of

those facilitators
Facilitators are absent: hence insitutional voids
what existed before this faccilitation was operational inefficiencies. Like calling
through a STD outlet to your relatives.

Market intermediary: (not restricted to technological, even phisical, will dalals

be cateegorised like that?)

1. Replicate? or ADAPT... Adapt probably in emerging market
2. Collaboration is the way to win
Chit fund is supposed to be ad-hoc measurere to raise money. but sahara converted
it to a business model.
INtermediaries are tehe informational comapanies


ABsent sources of market info
uncertain regulatory eenv
inefficient judicial system

for indians, licensing o fproduct subscription could also be a hurdle in

comprehension. Too many regulations..

How to quantifying the VOIDS:

transaction cost
well-functioning markets:

UDyog - aadhaar? mechanism s to find out the company

Regulations in :
1. Rgister, start, business enforce contracts
register property & buidling warehouses

High liquidity:
ease of selling/buying

Greater degree of trransparency: liek an RHP to be isssued w/o which listing isnt

INformation aymmetry: veracity of e-commerce lso is

Difference in knowledge b/w buyer & seller

buyers aree known to overpay )systematically)

FReason of Failures:
1) incentive conflicts, as lawyers themselve make the process touhger. Hence it
becomes inefficient to get justice easily

a)differeential information: hoarding of information and then charging for it(like

in finance. )
Potential conflict so f interest.

b)Institutions to intermediate b/w buyers & sellers

- enforcing of constraints should be rliable, not likehow RBI took 2 years to
impose on Financial Apps.

HIpa health insurance of portability agency

EHR: electronic health rec

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