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SPRING - 2022

Critical Analysis - Strategic Hiring: Using Job

Laura Lohman Queens University of Charlotte
Analysis to Effectively Select Online Faculty.


20191 -25765
The phenomena of online hiring of the teachers are not given due attention, but it is very
essential to explore the strategic side of this phenomena as exponential teachers will provide
quality education to the students, which is very essential part of the education business. This
article basically caters to this need and talks how job analysis can work as a functional for hiring
online faculty. The other aspects discussed in this article are the basic and fundamental human
resource practices used to articulate coherent job analysis for effective recruitment and selection
process of the hiring online faculty. These discussed strategies will help the institutes in hiring
the online faculty, aligned with their vision, mission and goal as an institute.


A systematic method for collecting and examining information about significant components of a
job is called job analysis. It helps in studying environment, knowledge and skills needed for
upholding a task within the organization. It discus about the key KPI’s of a job.

It not only works as a hiring tool, where as it used by organizations human resource departments
to evaluate employees appraisal, employee retention strategy, as well as for employee growth
and compensation.


Data collection is one of the processes of the job analysis as reviewing past data, or collecting the
new data about a specific job help in redesigning the job analysis process and helps in reaching
to a conclusion more effectively.

Monitoring of entrants, who does the job independently, questionnaires, activity checklists,
interviews, critical incident technique, work diaries, and existing records can all be used to
obtain information about a job.

-ADVANATAGE: The process of data collection saves the organization from going default on
the process of job analysis, as reviewing the collection of the data from different sources gives
one a perspective about a job. This saves a lot of time and effort at the time of recruitment and
hiring of a candidate, because the collection method involved in data collection vary from
qualitative to quantitative methods.

-DISADVANTAGE: Sometimes getting deep into numbers and analysis of the data one can get
lost and can divert its strategic approach of developing a job analysis based on companies
mission and vision statement. This will cause the long-term goals to be tempered as employee
deficit or employee surplus can occur in the future which is very difficult to predict through data
collection, until unless perform a SWOT or a PESTEL analysis on the company objectives and



The post liberalization era was a reconning age for human resource management, as traditional
human resource management came into existence, which later on solidify into other dimensions
of the human nature, such as amalgamation of talent management with the traditional human
resource management. According to the traditional job analysis process it is assigned to one
specified job, it being assessed on past information, and data analysis was considered major part
of it, whereas, if you see competency model it focuses on organization, it is based on future
approach and considered that the individual behavior can be shaped.

The usage of both the models within the organization is not discouraged, as employee selection
process is based on validity, and the process which perpetuate the organizations objective
keeping the KSA’s intact will be considered valid for the given organization scenario.

-ADVANTAGE: The advantage of the job analysis is that it talks about the holistic approach
based on the past occurrences which helps in better evaluation and provides much better validity,
whereas the advantage of the competency model is that it focuses on the future needs of the
business and align its strategies according to it, and competency model also conveys the idea of
molding down individual behavior – a new entrant – according to organization culture, a lot of
MTO programs use this strategy while hiring and recruiting fresh graduates.

-DISADVANTAGE: The disadvantage of the job analysis is that it not focuses on the future
predictability of the business and only focuses on validity, whereas, the disadvantage of the
competency model is that even after being so dimensional it is not considered as a valid selection
tool by many organizations.


Traditional job analysis is considered a stepwise process of collecting data about a specific job,
through interviews, surveys, and questionnaires. These data collection methods are performed on
supervisors, new entrants, and field experts.

The rapid change in organization culture demanded in the change in approach that how a job
analysis should be done?

The answer to this was the strategic job analysis where the approach of the job analysis is based
on future goals and organizational environment, although it is also a stepwise process on its own.
The what if questions are asked in interviews and questionnaires. The analysis of the strategy
document is the key to strategic job analysis.
-ADVANTAGE: Usage to traditional job analysis for achieving short – term organizational goal
is every efficient as it strongly focuses on the present needs of the organization and link KSA’s
with the job tasks and behavior very efficiently. The advantage of the strategic job analysis is
that it helps the company to do an environmental analysis in the process of job analysis, which
curbs the risk of failure in the future as future – oriented job analysis is performed at this stage of
the process, as well as, achieving long – term goals through strategic job analysis becomes
comparatively easy.

-DISADVANTAGE: Traditional job analysis can’t be used for the long – term planning within
the organization as well as the approach is not holistic. The major disadvantage of strategic job
analysis is that it can’t be used on all jobs, because the KSA’s are designed specific to job.


It is important for online faculty jobs to conduct job analysis because responsibilities of such
jobs vary among different institutions. The differences can mainly be in course content,
development, etc. Since there are a variety of jobs when it comes to online teaching so their
KSAs are also prioritized with accordance to the need of every institution

-ADVANTAGE: Facilitates the monitoring of curriculum and progress objectives. This can

help in the future for the evaluation and advancement of the processes used.

-DISADVANTAGE: Nobody can really assess psychological capacity using Job Analysis
methodologies. While looking for online faculty jobs it seems to be one of the important


The initial steps of the strategic job analysis vary from traditional job analysis as the initial steps
of the strategic job analysis consists of environmental analysis, and large spectrum of the SME’s
is used to predict future KSA’s.

-ADVANTAGE: The advantage of the initial steps in strategic job analysis is that it gives an
edge over the traditional approach and future predictions are possible through the initial steps of
the strategic job analysis.

-DISADVANTAGE: The disadvantage of the initial steps is that it lengthens the process of job
analysis and the information attain through it could be used as a back-end information, rather
than directly implemented.


Personal interviews with these SMEs, in addition to focus groups, are a frequent approach of
gathering job functions and roles. The functions of faculty members indicated in the study
literature can be used to plan interviews and adequately determine tasks in advance.

-ADVANTAGE: The identification of job tasks helps in recruiting the correct pool of candidates
and when it comes to online faculty hiring its very difficult to properly analyze the key roles as
during online sessions teachers perform more duties, rather than just teaching so the clarification
is generated through identifying job tasks which help in JD and JS.

-DISADVANTAGE: The limitation of this process in online teaching hiring which is not
addressed here is that there would be no stagnant key factors to follow, and the confusion can
occur considering the future of the job design – of the online faculty hiring.


The information gleaned from the interviews is usually utilized to build a questionnaire that asks
SMEs to score each task. Usually lest the first two of the following factors should be considered
when rating tasks:

a. the task's criticality (importance) to the work; b. the often with which an employee does it; c.
cognitive load; and d. the time required to master the activity on the job.

-ADVANTAGE: Rating job tasks will help in creating a hierarchy of the importance of the tasks
should be performed by the faculty who is teaching online. This will help the institute to better
evaluate faculty performance as well.

-DISADVANTAGE: The disadvantage of the rating is that it could create a restricted list of
tasks paradigm which every employee would need to follow. This will create disparity as each
faculty will require to follow the same set of tasks even though their subject or desire to operate
is different creating centralized and restricted environment.


Analysts deduce the KSAs that seem to be or will be required to accomplish the tasks from the
list of top tier tasks established in the previous stage. The emphasis is on developing KSAs for
tasks that are considered vital or crucial.

-ADVANTAGE: The KSA help in developing job design more specifically and targeted, means
rather than using such as skill of, or knowledge the job design will consist of phrases like and
online faculty of Math is required with a relevant background in online teaching and have a
strong command on key concepts such as algebra, trigonometry, and calculus.
-DISADVANTAGE: The restricted KSA will impact the employer branding in a positive way
but will restrict the pool of candidates applying for the job, which is not discussed in the article
and addressed effectively.


To enable an effective and legal selection process, KSAs must be appropriately evaluated
depending on the position at one institution.

-ADVANTAGE: The advantage of this process is that will help in evaluating that which KSA
requires training and other learning activities. In online teaching scenario institutes can directly
focus on the key training aspects such as subject learning or technology learning.

-DISADVANTAGE: The disadvantage of this is that it restricts the horizon in which the
company wants its employees to work and expand, as the training sessions will only be limited to
the assessed KSA’s.


Through collecting evaluations from numerous SMEs, the very next stage reveals how essential
KSAs are associated to crucial functions. It could be accomplished via a matrix where all
relevant job tasks cross paths with all important KSAs.

-ADVANTAGE: It helps in evaluating job performance and answers the question of how the
assessed KSA’s are performing under the task circumstances.

-DISADVANTAGE: The assessed parameters are restricted and each task is assessed on a
specified KSA which limits the horizon of the results.


The selection plan is built on the premise of connectivity data. Upon the identification of the
KSAs to be tested, a strategy for applying acceptable hiring practices is devised.

-ADVANTAGE: The major advantage is that it helps in weighing the percentage of the KSA
assigned in the above steps it helps in better evaluation of the parameters.

-DISADVANTAGE: The assigned weights can also be form of disparity among the employees
interview and questionnaire filling as online jobs bring a disadvantage of no emotional
assessment, because everything is remote.


Recruiting is a process where a pool of candidate is attracted towards the job advertisement,
where as selection is a process of evaluating the given pool of candidates based on job
specification and key KPI’s assigned within the job analysis.

-ADVANTAGE: The advantage of both is that it clearly communicates what an organization

want from its employees and also positively impacts the employer branding.

-DISADVANTAGE: The disadvantage of this is that many candidates are not fully aware of
these terminologies and often try to create a similarity between both of the terminologies, which
this article doesn’t address. Considering the online faculty hiring scenario, it’s very necessary to
clear the organization standing among its candidates.


-ADVANTAGE: It clearly states the demands of the job specification and job description. It
should be catchy to grab the candidates attention in online faculty hiring scenario the major
advantage which an institute can use is reflecting job salary, and effective work hours strategy
for writing a better job advertisement. Th usage of right words at the right time is crucial.

-DISADVANTAGE: Many small companies often time focus more on the writing best content
rather than keeping in mind what their desire candidate wants and how he evaluates information,
therefore, wordy job advertisement can be a source of low employer brand.


-ADVANTAGE: This implies an analytical rather than an integrative approach to assessing
these resources. Aspirants' textual proposal materials are evaluated first for basic qualifications,
then for desirable academic credentials, ideally using a scoring system.

-DISADVANTAGE: This process can be lengthy and require heavy technological advancement
more than a human skill, so small companies suffer in the process and at time loss an ideal
candidate as well.


-ADVANTAGE: The major advantage of the interview is that the KSA linked to task can be
assessed live, and the data collection process becomes more realistic and natural. The chances of
error decreases and responses are now based on real environmental assessment.

-DISADVANTAGE: The disadvantage of the interview is that the interview biasness can occur
as well as this option is neither cost effective nor time effective.


-ADVANTAGE: The work sample test gives an organization a real time data of how an
individual will solve a problem in the real time situation and the assessment can be used to test
cognitive and psychological skills of the individual.

-DISADVANTAGE: The work sample or roleplay can create a disparity among individuals as
they would feel that could have done well if the given scenario would have been different and
they feel that the fair chance wasn’t given to each individual.


Holistic job analysis is the cornerstone of legally valid recruiting and, when carried out with a
long- term orientation, an efficient mechanism to ensure sure hiring is in line with an institution's
unique mission, values, and vision for market distinction as pursued through strategic planning.

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