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OBMS pee Bax monagnd Syke, Yew innfertant quryket Qusshors ONTT -L @ What is dbms7 list difporente Oebwean fie Procensing Syste 90d DBml > MaKe TS 6 Antancdat? Whiet ori She Aipereny abo Brathion | dikcerement Stherra layers Felated + Fe logtenl oO Prygict Independence z BBMs Proumnin, SYster 1 o- pens DBMS: Sams means deca bee —> dbms dy Ukd to Stove Hu that < data um File and users at atme —) without having 974 4 in One Place File Pruoceriog, Side © Rite vase systems ove usea Gor forge Soe Nace sation ® in Be base sastean daey'rot Suppes+ Wmultivay alceess @ De is cor Secosud C Pasyuards) en. dakcrovailelsle in dikgered Riej). OceuP3 Gm Ble loa Susten: 2 Gane pe | Ne Rerupauted Sy. alia ene Med. octees- Oren ey suce. 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Qed Wd) 2a Qvale Ce TAdesds by | ea rmram eS ton D 3a upt es : 4 Ur bea i, |

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