SEVILLA - Worksheet 1.2 Steady State Theory & Oscillating Universe Theory - Earth Science 11

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Name: Jonathan Paul A. Sevilla Date: Sept. 5, 2022

Grade and Section: 11 – LEEUWENHOEK Rating: _______________________

Instruction: Answer each of the questions in one to two short sentences.

1. Why is the steady state theory termed as such?

- The steady state is termed that way because it remains as is even if it expands endlessly.
The universe is described to be always present, to have the same appearance in any point
in time and space and it does not change nor evolve.

2. Why is the oscillating theory termed as such?

- The oscillating theory is termed that way because the universe is theorized to undergo
repeating and successive cycles of expansion and contraction. It is believed that this
theory revolves around the presence of a singularity that forms universes and is formed by
compressing universes.

3. Based on the steady state theory, how can the universe expand but maintained a constant
- This theory states that the universe expands and new stars and galaxies are formed in the
process. Because it creates new astronomical objects along the way, the density remains
the same because the area that the universe takes up is always filled with new galaxies
and stars.

4. What is the reason why the idea that the universe would collapse on its own is
- A big crunch like scenario is unlikely and unacceptable because of the presence of dark
energy that causes the expansion of the universe.
5. Based on the steady state theory, how can the universe expand but maintained a
constant density?
- This theory states that the universe expands and new stars and galaxies are formed in the
process. Because it creates new astronomical objects along the way, the density remains
the same because the area that the universe takes up is always filled with new galaxies
and stars.

6. What makes the steady state theory unacceptable?

- The steady state is unacceptable because it contradicts the law of conservation of energy
and mass which states that mass and energy can be converted and interchanged but not
created or destroyed. It is also disproved by the discovery of the cosmic microwave
background which indicates that there is proof for the creation of the universe that can be
traced in CMB.

7. What are the similarities and differences of the big bang theory, the steady state
theory, and the oscillating universe theory?
- The similarity found in these 3 theories is that they all assume something about how the
universe starts and expands, all of them are flawed and there is almost no way to prove
that these theories are correct. Their differences lie in how they work as a theory, the
Steady State theory tells us that the universe has no end and beginning and it continues to
expand with constant density, the Oscillating universe theory states that the universe
begins and ends to be recycled into the creation of another universe and the Big Bang
Theory states that the universe started as a very dense and hot singularity that exploded
to create the universe we currently observe.

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