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9s CT Beshot-| Imrodennt SPORES SEO OWE baer anc bunthans @ opemtia sysieyn(or) bincdionabitigs 3 3 79 Sesto? 4ypes ¢ opecating Swstem? o aloud OP erecting System Servis 7 (oy piswibubed A Syste call 2 piscuss Maser Syste cally System. Gry RED diene S4Stean Coll tary -T (Asout Pops CAiciecemne fie Serve) Hho 2 @robleny tis cleadlouc 9 USt dead lock Condition that +o dead lock? Yow dead touk Can bbe Prevedterr ebouk deadlods Corditioy ond banker’ abeporidten deted( 9 4 i ut Is Semaphere 9 Five the implementation e ded foultey Producer tonsumey Problem trey ap hove 7 t dy 0 NUT ie ¢ q ” | © explain, distiqnim peroen logical wen addareyy SPA - © Caplatn Swapping to hemo Mma € @ esuay Meek Sesrrertetion Cty Ae | @® har is demema Paring Cr? pdy. ¢ | SA Ais adver jage, AH demand Pasig ar Plain vorrio Viyduat me, ' Aetert (2 m3 ee © Palys Vepesenedon Foro, LRU © PH mre Ok gor ites. dug oa © Crp lain dete) atooua Ble Pro Mechomism ? oO tmplain PSOet Wile et Protection to loviek 2 mi Kh ‘hag ective; stern > vedios fam Crants) necbecl nage d y SHure paved Yan, koe i ber “OP RE i - audio Vi dic Placer Udi lity Softecore = Now aclays y hlit4 Sritware ty autornatically 19 built Om SySdern Softwore dor some din - Ub lihy Softwore 19 OUY Lompdey Sybern Eur device divers , anh Virous externetty Natal om Computer systenn Varriow input Outped doves ane trove dike Key food , mouse mroviten , Ce Verio, fants to werk these all hare Poods fo werk we want | Some Sobtuare that Sobtuware Present? 20 Operating Byler D> Ube Want to Connect Printer bet dk rot Work mes. than We shold instal entra Solfoore Bika Avice drives. hen ab Vill Cock 3 gpa Chor Idea 4 OPeestiny Fefetere F Applicaton Soft wave — > 9 @eputer System Wwe have herd wave Ports «ty Wwe Want +e Conmual cate withy Frage hays Ware Parts, Compulsory Wwe requiye Oprrasi Systema system Sob-tware . by sing OPP licadion v Sul} wave » => Hh You wantto Ue application Soltwore boerPulseny We nad Systm Soltware » Gh You dont have Sen Set ware tran we Can't Communicate with ta hard uate Rout Lai hy na'dn [= TS NW trtecute and Producu tre Output tp ti, User => But the mage Problens dy appoeches that. 4 US ature that cpo oh exteaciny that 8, pbs amume -thatt al -Hhe “ols orre Waiting hor thy Tnpt ema et Put Operatiy « duricy To oferatey CRU Loil\ be ide * dusying that Hane ite +) 20+ Possible tn atlocate Openatine, Suyskian Serre otne, atch . So ushen Opevading SOSken aUotedtes Cou Some SOftey Bote only abter Completion Ae Sacecitio, | Fy these Batches then only CReady Symi allied CeO oO Qoere Ol Batth: gocnic is the Orble, ani UE Corn over Comme ese Problenn ay ea lth the help O6- multiProgeacnmed Operating Syston: @) rut Proepracorael O Peracting tystaee —? Multi Proarammed rreems Placing routhele Press DS Bt Com Place ~nultiPle Programs inthe Met Memory Lerienary memory] And We Com enteate OM the PY0 Grams Smuttanedasls Cattre Same hme) > The eager advantage G thy approdh +5 CPL UBLIRadion , we Cam Ue CPU Gn Uterbvelly . D bet 4 arpume that lo mala minsry we have Processors ore -thure P,P emd Py 2 Poors OM these . ee? Pa we Po Chu) A) Cay 19 OP Gran” >) de Wy assume that operating Syston aces Cpo 42 Proce F) , Se Now CPO oncouding FF amd obter Some He Lit G4 acim thet P, Needs Some To Cenput oatput) operbtor Fo during... - @ Read tire operatig —> Real imap Hine OPerat Um order lostanploment Real) Home opelices BS Nise antes Specitic Period 4 | Peal Home Operaking | herve “ocre to types G Reat © Hand Rent tere systenn © Set Peat time Syston © Hasd Peat tine operating Systen 2 Horrd seal Home OPeracting Sysieen rion Thad application Should be Caceated in that Porticaday Hpubted time only Athy Wise Sytem mrey Pail, or dy We take abwplane ctivieg the islet evill drive frayed Upon Ate Corresponding Sersoss. Uy that Sensors fail tran UE U4AD+ Posble to dyive . the Sensex WII! Broo Toot. 01418 rot fore to dvive tay Convener aly Aignr - | © Sr Peel hme System - | > Wytreve is Omy Problem Trin -Hruve dy Ao Problem Le U3 Anum with ta Pattedar ShHPAsted den , we did rot get out pat . bother, 1S no Problens BRE Whethy fre cathy iAbormetion dur Some Problem Od oy ayurethab Sekar fall Have bn0 Proble, Fb 4S tnreom C4 Solt Realtine systenn | The Sa 2 "a Chusibied tn to 5 types Sytem Cally ore mw DProceys contro) Systern cal! ® Fle momagernend System call ® Device Memagenect Srstem <8 QD Prbermation maintabance System colt © Gormucitadion Syste Call | D PrOey Conte! Sygten Call —>PIOCK Peary A Program during CNCececsion — Create a procy: tesmicate a Psocw, load A Proce, encecete , Wait, gna, allocate ond bvee memory: > Lit uy take enample Fe Crcetution F Proqzan, Obter typing the Program ‘ve have -+y Save tre Prqmn So One cue beve Sate the Pregam, fe Progra Will ke Sloved or hard aie dusicg Comnpailation alye "Progeany ‘esiday ae honcldle bus Tad “the Here G ertcecuction, the Peoyram ill tranbeved +o Setondery Memory Thawaddint) -to oat memory, and when ever the propam jeaded In 4o He malin mMimory icy Caltoet O4 Proey, ‘Ptocess ream BZ Program fo Execution. why becauge Ceo 4 +p Mteade the Program but Cpu Cam acces +> only mena rremory only: CPO Comnet gees Secondary mirery: ioc have ty tread fu Procey + ko rans Voadking Program fem Setoadowy rremery do mada memo His aljo called loading Prony , Nett we have hy Mutecube Hu Proern we have bo terberen Various Opryatlou.r SuUh we hove +e Ferber Yeap) Opacto, Lovie operodin kc. ACW diay Dav meQaitement we lave fo =n ne between Schedulars (% oper ort Leng term , S 4 rating, Systern * etm IS cabio Called Job Beton PEO oven Sh dite Main mrtenety Sx cenit Pree iL iy wendy Va rein memory only ST nq Fern khy a eon mony | Sthaduer Bu Pi RAE Tov quene “Tap Prcen From Seay aE Bitue Cankains (yy FE Prouy) Met (main remacy) NOM item wd in moan Ran ory have neces 5 TEAS Prien C progam) us Boleadany ae Ate @ itis also tabled Cpu Schedlarr © ready quewe Prevent in-mealn MUNG .qucidy Quek [that ave Ready Te On Codon » [7 Shovd teem omel allocate pu 40 Ah=t Provey, ae BTA Cxteaimion a iy «I Soe LNG Proton ) | i) SISTA tenon, Sthaduler ic bos en Com Perve A fy the 104 long seam Sthediday, ) phen J Provisy Cooder NO degre Truth Ore arene Fovdals Hh Prscin, 7 sash gil maccons let the © Enncecnbing the Pte Gd thet time Vb en Inteerepet fron toe Opera System. wien j : s ] | ee F Moms Computer Syeteans ige ie ea Be meebo, pron deminaty( sw) ob Oe ia met om elt Sustean Call DP Open le decviPhvg belongs Jo dm Prous ore Closed Die Proce eearenindy pee es igen Sepitay) USKLK AT Biniche, Cacentsss 4 ts bined coke moat Beh aig the Bs edd ut by oy Ot Suskon Catt Wwatet) - Prody A exccading ond PeunA have Cild P ie. a COT Hime A Wendt ty CnCeet tren con tis child frouy a iby Cxceerhon jn tye LEON Yeh ty Output Vi to Parent lprvien | Al. 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S) sp hoor Herve 4 OS Conk Uf Hreve. Herve oy no held S hoe. That's why we con ctimenate . hold am A wait tune Jy no hold sttchiin, onty Walt Siatog, =) Ye com alemenat held ond aid, ot. ee ony Positltit Boies ok de Sheed & prin Bee Proc Simubtentoutty. fray Oe csi) Print ay Caombiraton ( rose -hy , 7 Ss ewe Sak the Procite Printer djl Skerred opsong Pa oma p Producy both PL PreowMand Py Comboinedtion a4 th Out put —7 Krak meany (Lh 1g Preducj yy Soere ¢ AIA) CO sel > wr beer multied encly fon OCCurs hen C2 & Fosbility that dead toc Thee Men occu —— Se Oh te Metenahe mutiat encunion tno, Ure Com Sty thak then trove TOA sustean. ——) Claminatiog mutuct Fe - tO Shere A ~rejourcey Proeny lout Pradds cables My ae dead lock Prtern4 Ue have Sine Lreme ouguy OrrO09 muldiple "6h. \enpexuial? Wa @D Wold ond way Hold and Wait mreacy a Procey sig Ro) ding Sone Wepouvce, ond cy toa as) Gov additonat peers eam eA rece: Te SaU NCS ere wed by Sor Otney Proce Cre ple» Pt iy holding RA ang Okay Csetding FOO Ra but Ra Y aquixes by Pr, Po Cony Rekeores His Ro Cady aktey fam Plebon » SD Up Wasider Po. py dy held Ro eed Uris wetting RA Bob PA Ay aqnive by ph. pL Loy Raleor Ais Ra Ody atter Comply. lbecaux FJ Wola ond Wait dead lock may octay to —> N Bulpoyy each bubter, Corn Kold on hea > Letue Raye 5 belber eolete Cac bulter Com field A en, Totally | Wwe ore Obie 2 femaphors @ Seenaprore mutex. mute X=) leCszo) @ Semaphore fy yc. Pull=o "Pl, MGS Sehr appovce eonpty Coa —> mutex for Pructiel enlenor 1, provide Seeerily dto-tye buffer we are Using mutex. 5 0ndy one Precen com Onber$ Ung to Hk Oretical Sechin, Oe ce, Prop t (Y) ' é Ihe jaitat Value q mute di 1. Un muten cy 4 PL ok ten Gb Secdbicg that “heme dyno Pron 19 SH the (retical Se choo + So we cons eee loath ond OPerakon we Cam Fo boy Csiticel Seteg « by deere ngth'ng mete Valu ay 0, =) ile mutex oy Fprecen shan bt spedbe, -h There ty no PIOCH Iq the Uailal Section , ihere cy j muter aso jt spoubey ebveady a preey wy ) ayailble. 1a the Cavete Critical Sechon. | > Sermopheore cy full dk Speukiey hoes many cl b bukrere ane full . the initial value 4 butl vy 0. | Haak meomg atl-the bekbers oye empty . all tre re | bulbers vod full 0 SPCel bey tect ale Bulpen Ane Aob iF Gull. | > Semaphere empty so emphy Stecipie Hap haw Mansy | 4 to buboers OK empty, jritally all try belgenm ore plod hE Bot fa loitial vale emmy is). ry SCenarior — ——— ; ; omnethey SCenario: Were THe Wemsherring usula done ram Main mameryte Seconcary sme ory SD ket Procey Pl dy wating Roe Th ; decring Take CPU 44s isbels SO pce ye eens BW CeY te PH): beck Gtls Wweaitny box Fe © OPea4hs OPeradion- tran operadingy Sasten de tran Sher P\ Berm moan meenory +o the Setondony onsen. “Oma dis Us Kaouta a4 Stom@eouk. Sasap in '- Sit Cpu _locrpletos Sat rous Cpu 5) brea that means Ger Teady 45 exceu A Procey then A Frocey COW danger trom Séconclowy cracnevy +o main memory . ths ceansbering 16 kKeow a 4 Soae in > tts Cpu Lomelesteg Process P} , Proves P2, Psoten P3 Cm —Protem—Pu eceention St Pu Woaitiy koe Some Blo Orerato, So noo the Cpu 25 bree pow OPerating sycem dsomsteers Polen § From SCoardowy memory +o The medq menoyy loecaus Wear Ley Creda a Procem J |b TMWeidey in main ortenery only. >) so dunsgeriyy Proen pom gecondansy memory Sige ee nes Ore one SD Se are Umiag Swapeig, In order to lngrove deares % mubhierogcaninig;, mem ketpiy move not Poacen tn & Main memory fo-thak COX Pettormance cu\i| be very very Nigh. Lacks se poacen 8 Main memary > Le us Ob Opu encetting Programa - duet Program A completes oH Uy Operations. 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Cue awe 3 Bemainy. Darnala ph Comein D2, eam! Domain pa’ it iy be Pocnain Conist' 2" obseiy ema Op erechions (aucun righty] ' coy frie y > PL ' 7 B3 aS yead yy Domoin dA pho bats Send and luaile OPerehoy Ne Per bormnd on oR DnOb rece A feread Gna PM kerr aNiieng ot Alera on 04 ki j { tn Cbgeek 2 vnterute OPevahon ae Pester pomeda D& ~) Obzeck 2 Pertoymer ite Percchiyn On sen Obyect Y oy Loman bur Da ome D2 Penne SPevahin Pty borerd on OY, 4 > Domain 03 - ‘ > obgeah ftealte. retin |g ie Pee > Obseeh 3 -yeacl oP eration an Perbormed lhe Alem matin dy dre boy ste loge ec Pro teBon model. “a Aden, mabe pows Loomais)) | mS Column ( obsee) 7 ib Rows One PoP dentiyy the roma >) Lslumds ane RePrevetu, tre Obredg. i) q an, erty wo tHe matin Const = O Sh FT allen wight Lopeedtioy Hike? i The erry accen (1,3) cebiney tre Sele = Perakiors, thak 9 PWUN., ey (ecudis op Aly List) Y SS obsed pomernd % pomain er Domein pa aad Ob3ct 02 pebosm ead) Toa medi. 4 Deboriac ebout the dibgereat ype bile all Motto ay cen 4 plain Contigtous , Baked ave Trderid File allocasion metuod, 7 > Prevolly piles One Stove io Setondocy Ste deviiey. Such wy hava din: > ble ALLnc ass, mMetnod, abloedgy atlas FMC O Peyating System. +p allow hard disk Spade: ee bles Sonat fu herd disk. Speer Cam be Un Ob eetive manner oR Wel O4 file, Con ALE 10, faxer mamer. i ~ > [bg ying file atlocthen ~ediod Open Sygstym alloca, disk Space bor He bley — too Poinds - © In Ordiv do ULL thre hare disk Cottons mormney. elacatay sy bev the Ree thin oe ating G.ibile allocation ( mremowy atlocedion 8 ie hd , aa ‘ in tas approach a SCH OH Conquxy blocky (will be Atmcaded for a bile - y ) tut The Se @ te blots Gy Qra/ tet bile nade 14) A, tot The ge ‘qin Giles QokQ. So Gk we Use (onbiquoty Ahomacy allobetish te rn fetedsiy 10 blocks fee vere File aqWocaction dableen rivedery fle Stor length a ! 3 a S au ic a, 2 | Ss = Comtiquoes ablocotion — We Com See Herd disk ana file allocation +tnble <5 co Uo hare digk we have tofally 19 Hocks OMAN Hey om": > file Gllocatien table Contain de la forenedhon, Cot Cath omd Wery bile that ds Steves In the Hord disk GO setnndary merry. uy i file allecakide Hatlle Containy 3 columat 1st sts name Ep te bile) 2nd Colimn ty Stenting Blodk number ema the 3¥A Coluean dy dan: bile +) I i ' > bist bile name cy A) Sonny BOS dim ble & ds ofuries 3 blocks Cor D> pile name 48, Skorting blouk o qtw bile Gy 2 bledy. . ) bile nome cy c , Serticg Ligeia tue Hle 4 Vblotss: fob s " is P bile alo cactinn tule Sto en 4 | Ao i in dt U4 Observe thu clagsam tn herd disk oy SeCondory 12 bled) rem 0 te! 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So from ltou we have Uak lave @ link. a ; -) mneack [MISUSE 5. Gro ts eT, ~) peach Bilace HIB l> gelbeom) Ute 6) (ve nee tak. au cy notning but (ndeved eae So bt will upn Ley Ormeount A time GOP mean ry aiid (2 linked elo cation: vba Od Vern teges ¢ bo > bed _ rberenerd ocho 9 A te Sar tocceay os 7s dhe Wo blocks 5 we hare a link Sequence ond diet Re Srplain bile bree Spat menagemens | | APP Achy Y a | => obter allocatiny axemery bre for 4 tn the hored dik -diuse free Spau 4 Ho herd dig, So hoo Dpamding S45 Kot bret Groce oy) puaows Heated Sp how te ObcEEA Pasko nw Ahad bree braw “USthen ever a jhile, uy 4 : TA) shee Coll) pe Wee Space Sp that Will be adder tothe horsd disk. $5 oP BYstion Wit tad gpec dy in eeelamts Does Tos a Ba es: — > “G fatnis Ceacepy Wwe col See hoo Oper Sesto Momageay 4+ bree Sea Uatadn oweiledsle ta thi hava disk: Lye See” bounr Opprody, : @ elt map @r) Bit Ue choy OY Bit mop t know that @ herred che Godedny a - 0 blocky Fat those Ioloues bile intormedion 4 a. : me hea 7 boule ey Veparexented : u lela le 2) US 56 Lik Ele f) a j Arpunre that we have 4 blocks j m0 4 6 1 Rblock ha Sth block cy aborts t blote.|,, 38d block and Sty block & yee: 0 OPesahy Sateen CA Les ese blak, . bey allocating tnemosy oa tales: tt Meaike oe wv ‘ nor vec pe lptergt OTe? ingle do ten Plement dy ore Cee ae gy 4 gmalt becaute ain toh > & hon IS block A iy dA but header hodi So ue howe to $400 Qddven Fist hede UnVerriable cated A — > 1S4 block Pelnt londeriny addruy, qin blo. next amd bow pointer Cone Fim WD bok, Ue, bisa pana dee adden Gi nttre blow drab tk IG fn Bibl Iolitey | Capua ye Shane at Freeboue 44h block Bare Polrter Contain addyey, a 4. sae So loth blee aidvey dy mutloy. hi} py Se hor, We have Uintead Lise & blous. So we are maintalaiy te Phouks vote help Q Lake list. | j Cor ie dyvour sys ( | 5 )Stoee 08 blocky (sh Gree Heck 5 So i0 Linked dg Ebel ae oy) ee z eat bblode a pre, p modmtedss a Wanser | Aa Pointer Contains “tt Aelenes @ nent yee black: pest bret block Contely Pointer thote Chisato Bbaeee 4 thivd ble! (ake that. Swhere fq this proupiny Approath Lwhak we orve © S0heg dy Cue Rave 4a stave Hee ad drug G- N-1 bree blotks Pq du 16+ 6 loUk ) Dit Uy ORSume thak Woe haut to bree’ bleCks Sv 10 Hee USF Bloc onty ude Nave 4 Stine the weendinieg “Fblocky adBeneg. Sorat we Com gek lenrge Aumicer A blouky. Very very Casi ls) Sp Thad ty the aelomtage 4p this appro 4 that dy refring bud Yooupe > S we ose Pravpicg PLO, Douce Wrage Iblecky, Counsicg — Trad! Trdddihen tothe newt bree bleuk Poiaty, keep a potater Scuying how momy bletks ave, ConHienedy Brat (abter trek bleds > db dy abo Aig eadibicatton Fe do Ha Sioa Sige O-pproath + Jan Baked USF approach « in Cady | We are raindai oping a Polnder . Shee aa addyey | ren Gee block. ie [aq addition +o frase i+ ay ae +p maintain a Variable Cellet lout © Go trat Gumt Frei lies Abtey trat bleuc how Mary free Contigudyy blocs ovetne- g EOP ye Eapetn about He System Calls bor bi +e Opeyathons (OY) I Orplain ts bellowing ov bisue etrout be Systen Coll 4 B Dwead() tiJuyite 11) PEN WW) Hose WD a Vi) Tseek Vii)sat A tle Contaiy '@ Collector % mulated de DU We teke | Sudint Gle [+ Contig Shiden Heloted Intermation Uy we tnke Een ployee Ue Loading Cyn ployer oulated fakevmnath'on . =) FOab ie Chmaina| Gllechen 4 ney | where €4 a ie Gllechion dy Words , bee d teins Colicch\ ci feet) Medhon Br (nian el leary oe Chore hey Contain Col lechion 4. aytee oy oll Coltedion Bik, W) Opent) '- Pen , once the bile 4) Crectted tu Hes tv Ub You Wank fo Pertorm Yead ¢ a NOR a ses Bin cy we have dy oper ae bon OPening due Matis old EO OCs Cok ve) aos ; yeas a tee bile Qs Perea We Com Vead the ble dn bormeatian by uring vee de) Syston (Coll bes tcl IEA nay aa Ue tie Wy ite, Writing deta lade Ine bile, Copying datu Unde te Hid) Plating clade in 40 ty Gle bg Gylng tuvilety System Call We Ore Writing lata cay de 4H ble c ‘ Gort) ~ ee operectoms anc over like a ond Wrile. then we Can, Close the ile by ming chose systenn cal | ue ence hosing thle, deledecy— Wh ume freve dyno meed FL (le thin wel Car) delelte! tee bide! Loitn Ha bee g- deter) Stem Call. —) here 04 dellebing mrtanytrat bile Will be! Comptetedy| doteted bom our Computey. brom ouy Secandery nemo, Tseck Ce Dek 646 Sten call He! Us HOd) tp Changd +r location T the ead | write Pointer qa Wile. G9 Sek the bile Position to a sven Vole (ox) Ourvent Inbe powtioa , x) Garment bile Porches G>5}ne Stet) = Stats AUYX System Catt drat returns a ble athibutsy, the Sas SHE HyStemn Call allows Proaye, tp ste Stature tT fle, Yeturni 4 ae bie dupe, bile owner, ple Permifiees one Ge

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