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2. PROJECT TYPE Profit oriented commercial fish plantation and

acquisition of equipments necessary for the aqua culture
system. Technical assistance will be necessary for the
conduct of hatching and commercial production
planning activities for project sustainability.
3. PROJECT 3.1. Study on production of local fish production.
COMPONENTS 3.2. Installation of Hatchery
3.3. Construction of ponds.
3.4. Participatory planning on sustainability
4. PROJECT Maymonshing.


The project already exists with support from individual finance and farmers
grouped into organizations and through the assistance of the Local Agriculture
Office. What is being requested is additional support to sustain the project. The
project is ready for funding and execution.


1. Project Background

The projectis located 8 kilometers from maimonshing Tagbilaran City -

traveling via Dhaka-Maimonshing high way route. It has a total of 4,707
households and a total population of 26,683 (PDMS 2004). The town declared
85% poverty incidence, ranked 15th in terms of unemployment and 10 th in
malnutrition among Bohol’s 47 component municipalities and city.

The major income-generating activities are agri-farming and agri-fishery.
Locally grown crops are vegetables, Dal, and rice. The farms are located at
the Soom River covering the project along with a cannel beside.

As of date, farms are being managed by Four farmers and one manager who
were once recipients of the project funding The Soom River, which the local
administration claims as the countries deeper and more clean river. The farm
were supplied to whole seller and the local market. Unfortunately, despite the
success of the livelihood project, limitation in finances to support the
installation of additional ponds has made the sustainability of the project at

Participatory planning on how to sustain the project and market the product
are also recommend.

The project will be implemented by the local oyster farmers organizations

whose membership is expected to increase once expected funding is ensured.
To ensure equality in labor contribution, farmers shall be given equal number
of oyster beds for their respective families to manage. Name tags will be
installed at the cluster of oyster beds for labeling. A marketing committee
shall be determined and all sales will be done by bulk. The sales will be
divided into 3 shares – 50% for the farmer and his family, 30% for the
maintenance and replacement of new oyster beds and 20% for the farmers’
organization’s credit support.

For sustainability, percentage of

2. PROJECT LINKAGES The project will be contributory to the LGU’s

livelihood support programs lodged in the
Municipal Agriculture Office (MAO) and the local
poverty reduction program under the MPDC.
3. PROJECT OBJECTIVES The project aims to alleviate local poverty situation
within the project location.

Specific objectives are:

1. To boost the socio-economic programs in

agri-fishery communities
2. To support families sustain an existing

viable livelihood project

4. SECTORAL Financing the project will result to additional

OBJECTIVES income for the LGU and the beneficiary families of
the agro-industrial development project.
5. REGIONAL AND The project supports the national and international
NATIONAL objectives of addressing poverty by providing
OBJECTIVES communities with sustainable livelihood that will
help them support their families’ basic needs.

1. FUNDS NEEDED The OCS4Life Project will require ONE MILLION
to cover purchase of all materials, capability-
building and planning activities, research and
fabrication of silt rakes.
2. PROJECT FINANCING Project will be funded following the proposed
50% of the total budget – upon approval of the
Project (for the installation of oyster beds and
capability building)
25% of the total budget – for the conduct of the
study and fabrication of silt rakes
25% of the total budget – for the participatory
planning on sustainability
3. FUNDING SOURCE The financial support will derive from the
1. Trinidad LGU to counterpart 10% for technical
assistance, and oyster bed design
2. Local oyster farmers’ association to counterpart
on labor
3. Interested funding agency to provide 80% of the
total budget needed.


1. BENEFICIARIES Direct beneficiaries are the local oyster farmers

(estimated to be more than a hundred) of Soom,
Tagum Norte and Tagum Sur and the families within
the project sites.
Indirect beneficiaries are the LGU and the local
2. SOCIAL BENEFITS The increase in supply is expected to attract more
buyers from the province and other regions thereby
contributing to the local economy and livelihood.
Families of beneficiaries are also expected to have
better access to basic needs considering the increase in
3. ECONOMIC For locals, increase in supply and production will
BENEFITS result to lowering of oyster price. Silts caused by
oyster farming will be sold to the local farmers as bio-
compost therefore making cheap organic fertilizers
available in the local market.
4. SOCIAL COSTS Oyster farm beds traps silt and if siltation is not
controlled, it may eventually pollute the river beds.
The siltation will be responded to by the project
through conduct of training on how to conduct raking
of silts.
5. ECONOMIC Siltation may destroy the river beds if not properly
COSTS resolved.


1. RESPONSIBLE The proposed project will be implemented by the

AGENCIES following organizations / agencies:
1. Municipal Local Government Unit (MLGU)
through its Municipal Agriculture Office (MAO)
2. Barangay Local Government Unit (BLGU)
3. Oyster farmers’ association

2. The OCS4Life Project is expected to be completed
IMPLEMENTATIO within the 6-month period.
3. LEGAL AND No impediments and political oppositions is expected
POLITICAL of the project
4. ENVIRONMENTAL Since oyster farms already exist, availment of
CLEARANCE environmental clearance is not an issue.
5. SOCIAL No opposition from the community that will be
ACCEPTABILITY affected by the project is expected.

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