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Identification of Academic Writing and Academic Writing Process

No. Heading Explanation/Elaboration Example

1.  What is academic  From the book Mastering  The examples displayed
writing Academic Writing in the in these books are the
Sciences by Marialuisa same, both of them
Aliotta, the term directly explain that
academic writing refers academic writing is
to a specific type of prose done for the purpose of
used by scholars within fulfilling the
an academic context. requirements of a
Some academic writing is university or college for
done for the purpose of the most academic
fulfilling requirements of subjects using a formal
a university or college, language.
for example through the
submission of a PhD  Rather than that the
thesis or dissertation; book from (Bailey,
some is done as a way to 2015) emphasizes a
disseminate results or minor detail such as
information. In addition, using capital letters in
the author also certain places is quite
elaborates, academic important to keep the
writing can be regarded meaning stay the same.
as a kind of specialized
language used by
scholars to convey a body
of information about a
particular subject.
 (Bailey, 2015) argue that
writing English more
difficult than speaking,
with academic writing,
writers and readers have
to learn special
conventions, such as
using capital letters in
certain places. If the
writer does not follow the
rule, the meaning will be
unclear. As well as Most
academic subjects require
writers to use semi-
formal language, which is
different from the
idiomatic language used
in speech. One example
is using a verb such as
‘continue’ instead of
phrasal verbs such as ‘go
2.  Types of academic  There are 5 common  In this part,(Bailey,
writing types of academic writing 2015) clearly provide an
from (Bailey, 2015) example common type
Notes , Report, Project, of academic writing
Essay, Dissertation/ with the definition of
Thesis and Paper. each component.
 While (Aliotta, 2018) Further, the book come
claims that many up with an exercise to
different types of get understanding of the
academic writing outputs topic given. It is good
exist. the defining for the reader to directly
features of academic practice what they have
writing are broadly the learn from the book.
same specifically a well-
defined, recognizable  Despite the book from
structure; a formal tone (Aliotta, 2018) only
(or register) free from state that features of
colloquialisms; a factual academic writing are
perspective, typically broadly the same with
centered on objective, particular types of
often experimental academic writing
evidence; a clear focus on without giving a specific
the research question example and exercise to
under study; an accurate practice.
choice of words that
avoids ambiguity; and an
analytical approach (or
deductive reasoning) that
presents a logical,
consequential flow of

3.  Format/organization  (Bailey, 2015) mention  Likewise, the author

of academic writing that there are two both of the books offer
format/organization of the same
academic writing the format/organization for
format of long and short academic writing. For
writing tasks. Short instance, the templates
writing task refers to are Introduction,
short essays that Methods, Data Analysis
generally have the pattern and Results, Discussion,
such as introduction, and Conclusions.
main body and However (Bailey, 2015)
conclusion while a long accommodate more
essays and report have specific format for short
more complete pattern writing and long writing
begin with an task.
introduction, main body,
literature review, case
study, discussion,
conclusion, reference and
appendices. He also
states that there is no
fixed rule no fixed rules
for the layout of
academic work. Different
schools and departments
require students to follow
different formats for
written work. but some
general features apply to
most formats of academic
 Besides, (Aliotta, 2018)
point out that good
academic writing should
be clear, concise and
pleasant to read.
Especially in writing PhD
theses and research
papers in scientific
disciplines follow a well-
defined structure with
key and clearly
signposted chapters or
sections. These are
normally referred to as
Introduction, Methods,
Data Analysis and
Results, Discussion and
Conclusions, even though
their titles, or indeed their
order, may vary across
disciplines or type of
article (for example those
appearing as a Letter or a
Rapid Communication,
rather than a Regular

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