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18/9/22, 21:11 Simulation 2

Simulation 2
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You will find three short readings with five questions per each one.

You will have "35 minutes" to whole session.

Reading Part 1
Read the text and then mark the statements TRUE or FALSE

We all know that solar power is an excellent renewable energy source. In fact, many solar
power plants already exist around the world. However, one of the main arguments against
this type of energy is that the photovoltaic cells required to convert solar energy into
electricity can take up a lot of space. What if we could have solar energy without a
photovoltaic cell in sight? This is completely possible if we go closer to the source and put
them in space.

John Mankins, a former NASA physicist, suggests that we should develop solar power
satellites in space that beam the power directly to Earth. Current solar cells are heavy,
expensive, and difficult to install so space solar cells would have to be flexible and thin so
they would be light, cheap, and easy to put in position. One option is to use a synthetic
plastic material called Kapton which can remain stable at temperatures up to 752°F as a
sort of sail to capture the sun’s rays. Another option is to use a type of photovoltaic cell
called a rainbow call that focuses the sunlight through a prism.

The solar energy would be beamed to Earth as microwave energy. This energy would be
collected by antennas on the ground in countries all over the world that convert the energy
to electricity and distribute it to houses, businesses and factories. Successful trials have
already taken place. All we need now is for governments to invest in space solar power so
we can have a source of never- ending power with cero carbon emissions for future
generations. 1/4
18/9/22, 21:11 Simulation 2

At present we don’t have many solar power plants 1 punto



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Solar power plants use a lot of land 1 punto



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Current solar cells would be too heavy in space 1 punto



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Kapton is a type of synthetic material 1 punto


False 2/4
18/9/22, 21:11 Simulation 2

Space solar power hasn’t been tested yet 1 punto



John Mankins is an astronaut 1 punto



Solar power is an excellent renewable energy source 1 punto



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The rainbow cell is a prism 1 punto



Borrar selección 3/4
18/9/22, 21:11 Simulation 2

The idea is that energy could be collected all over the world to convert the 1 punto
energy to electricity



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We want carbon emissions for future generations 1 punto



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