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Student’s Name Patrick Alexander Lloyd S. Cayna
Trainer’s Name Julienne J. Royo
Group No./Schedule Group 2 HM2102 (M W) 1:30 – 3:00
Date of Activity September 28, 2022
Score /14
Brief Description of Task Construction Exercises: Rewrite the following pairs of sentences.
EXAMPLE: This particular material sells quite well. It is far from being one of our best lines.
Answer: This particular material sells quite well. Nevertheless, it is far from being one of our
best lines.

*Using “Though” and “Nevertheless”

1. We agree that there has been a steady demand for these lamps throughout the year. We do not
think that this justifies a repeat order of 200.

We agree that there has been a steady demand for these lamps throughout the year. Though,
we do not think that this justifies a repeat order of 200.

2. We admit that the furnishing fabric we sent you was not the top quality. We cannot agree that it
is only for putting on sale.

We admit that the furnishing fabric we sent you was not the top quality. Nevertheless, we
cannot agree that it is only for putting on sale.

3. The cutters on CM 4 very clearly and efficiently. They do not cut as fast as those on the KM8.

The cutters on CM 4 very clearly and efficiently. Though, they do not cut as fast as those on
the KM8.

*Using “not only and “but also”

4. They are manufacturers of industrial lighting equipment and they also have factory making
domestic lighting equipment.

They are manufacturers of industrial lighting equipment, but they also have factory making
domestic lighting equipment.

5. They agreed to grant us special terms for the stainless kitchenware order, and they also agreed
to take back our entire stock of PX coffee grinders and send us new PX model.

They agreed not only to grant us special terms for the stainless kitchenware order, but also
agreed to take back our entire stock of PX coffee grinders and send us new PX model.

*Using “we apologize” and “we regret”

6. We were not able to send the complete order.

We apologize for not able to send the complete order

7. We did not include the 771-blue corduroy, but we promise to forward it int the next few days.

We regret not to the include the 771-blue corduroy, but we promise to forward it int the next
few days.

8. Our Accounts Department has not yet forwarded the credit note for returned good this June.

We apologize that our Accounts Department has not yet forwarded the credit note for
returned good this June.

9. We would like to inform you that at the moment no more will be accepted for delivery this year.

We regret to inform you that at the moment no more will be accepted for delivery this year

10. It was not possible to send you the model you ordered. We hope that an alternative one will
meet your approval.

We regret it was not possible to send you the model you ordered. We hope that an alternative
one will meet your approval.

*Using “such that”

11. It has been very good for gardening tools; we have decided to stock your compete range in the

It has been very good for gardening tools; such that we have decided to stock your compete
range in the future.

12. They are packed in such a heavy metal boxes. They are impossible for our warehouse staff to

They are packed in heavy boxes. Such that they are impossible for our warehouse staff to handle.

13. They not only refused to grant us a discount, but they asked exorbitant prices.

They refused to grant forced us a discount, such that they ask exorbitant prices.

14. We were forced to seek another supplier.

Such that we were forced to seek another supplier. Our budget did not allow us to demand our
old supplier


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