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Republic of the Philippines


Pablo Borbon Main I
Rizal Avenue, Batangas City


Business and Entrepreneurship Department

Proposed Intervention Activity for NSTP-CWTS/LTS 

X. Objectives

The following objectives will guide the proponent in conducting the community
service program:

General Objective and Specific Objectives:

1. To help students be mentally and physically healthy.
 To inform students about certain ways how to manage time and stress
 To discuss the underlying side effects of not handling stress.
 To create activities that will be informative, at the same time entertaining
for the student who’ll be attending the seminar.
 To gather friends within the participants of the projects.
2. To build a strong cooperative organization along with the students living in the
 To lessen the youth outside just roaming around and help to lessen the
spread of virus.
 To lessen troubles, cause by the students in the community.
 To create a responsible, productive and healthy community people.

XI. Description of the project 

In this project, since it is all about distressing students and proper
managing of time to be used in various situation, there will be a seminar that will
help the create ideas and gather information to know how to deal with it. There
will be fun interactions and activities that will help the participants to be more
comfortable. Every meeting in the seminar, a person must share his or her
problem experienced based on stress or time management and everyone in
allowed to share what are they thought of dealing with it.
The people involved in the implementation are the proponent,
the permission and awareness of Barangay and SK officials on the proposed
project, the HOA, and the parents of the students who are willing to participate in
the learning program, and also the students who are the primary beneficiary of
the proposed project.
Since it is an online seminar, there’s no need for the student or the
proponent to go outside just to attend. We won’t be needing a place to gather all
and will no longer has the need to get a permit for a place. This project is very
convenient to everyone, especially now, pandemic.
XII. Strategies and methods of implementation
The process of the project implementation will begin with the coordination
of the Barangay captain, S.K chairman or any volunteers. This is to manage and
discuss the whole expenses and materials to be produced. Even it is just an online
seminar, there will still be expenses such as provision of load for internet of the
students. Next is to make a big announcement in the community about the
participation in the awareness program so that people will be informed and
everyone can join. The exciting part of the program is, the participants who will
join the activities will be awarded and the winners will have a special award.
There are a variety of activities per week and the winners per those weeks will
receive the awards. After all those were settled, the start of the program will
happen on the very first day. Within the thirteen days, the proponent, together
with the partners will monitor and facilitate the program. Then for the very last
day, the awarding ceremony will happen and all participants will be awarded for
their participation.
The program will composed of sharing, discussion, activities and

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