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POS 1205: Readings in Philippine Public Administration



Score: (100/100)

1. Kindly accomplish this TLA individually.

2. Taking into consideration the impact of globalization and the COVID-19 pandemic:
a) Identify and explain 5 major challenges that will negatively affect governance
(national level) in a VUCA environment/context. (50 points)
b) Propose 1 good governance recommendation to address the challenges that you
have enumerated. Please use the format below:

Good Governance Recommendation (50 points)

A. Brief Title (10 points)

B. Describe your Proposal (10 points)
C. Implementation (How is it to be implemented?) (10 points)
D. Possible Impact/Effect to the Community (20 points)


Identify and explain 5 major challenges that will negatively affect governance (national level)
in a VUCA environment/context

Globalization has played a crucial role in strengthening the country's economic interdependence.
Foreign negotiations and expenditures, technological advancements, availability of production
resources, mass consumption and production, and increasing travel and communication with
people all over the world are all contributing to this. Globalization has enabled widespread sharing
of knowledge, communication, common cultural habits, and technological literacy, which opens
up a framework for greater administration. However, as civil society's desires and engagement
increase, as do the demands of meeting globalization's needs, the government faces adverse
challenges that threaten the performance and efficiency of globalization's beneficial effect. It has
posed a variety of difficulties for government administration.
POS 1205: Readings in Philippine Public Administration

The continuous mass production and competition in enhancing economies often leads to
disastrous consequences for the country, such as Environmental degradation, Terrorism, Cultural
imperialism, Job insecurity, and Labor Exploitation, which if unresolved will continue to adversely
impact the nation. Environmental degradation is caused by the exploitation of environmental
resources required to manufacture goods to stabilize economic transactions. Companies place
less importance on environmental preservation, as they blatantly ignore ecologically sustainable
practices. Excessive reliance on multinational businesses threatens future generations' survival
and increases the susceptibility to environmental catastrophes. This has posed a problem to
public administration since they are under increasing pressure to manage the environment, which
has increased vulnerability to environmental catastrophes, necessitating the development of
disaster mitigation measures. The increase in economic development and outsourcing has a
significant impact on the environment as well as the population of the country. Most corporations
produce more items and make higher income revenue by employing low-cost labor, resulting in
the exploitation of labor in host countries for financial gain. Most corporations exploit vulnerable
children, women, and indigenous peoples for low-cost labor, overworking them without providing
additional compensation, protective equipment, or incentives. The deplorable conditions
necessitate government intervention, calling into question the government's effectiveness in
safeguarding vulnerable sectors from labor abuse and ensuring that they are paid fairly. The
government has been given the additional responsibility of managing child labor, assure adequate
salaries, and protecting workers' safety and wellbeing in working environments. Apart from the
economic aspects that influence a country's administration, the internet has a significant
detrimental impact on the country's government; the internet has become a platform for many
people nowadays to communicate, entertain, and even work. It has evolved into an alternate
means of meeting residents' demands; nevertheless, as the internet has grown in importance as
an employment platform, it has resulted in the abolition of many traditional jobs, raising job
insecurity among the general public. The provision of better job security is one of the major
challenges of public administration; providing people with jobs appropriate for their capabilities
and skills while adapting to the modern world. This threatens the lives and incomes of people who
only know traditional jobs. Increased technology breakthroughs endanger residents' job security
as well as their safety; one of the most dangerous impacts of globalization is the emergence of
terrorism. Terrorist groups use digital accessibility to recruit new members through online
propaganda. It has also become a way for terrorists to learn about modern weaponry such as
bomb-making technology and cybertechniques to carry out terrorist acts. Terrorism, puts public
administration's effectiveness in ensuring public safety and combating terrorism to the test. The
government is now under pressure for safeguarding and protecting its citizens from terrorists.
Aside from the expansion of the internet brought about by globalization, it has also influenced the
growth in travel, which has increased the threat of terrorism. The government must undertake the
increased responsibility of ensuring passenger safety in the mass transportation system as well
as protecting the country's infrastructure and other institutions from terrorism. Additionally, with
the prevalence of the internet, travel, and intercultural understanding, it is easier for a country to
be influenced by other cultures, which poses a challenge to the government because other
countries' cultural dominance leads to the destruction of national identity, cultural identity, and
value systems. The internet has evolved into a platform that encourages companies to embrace
other dominant cultures in the nation. Cultural homogeneity threatens the nation's rich cultural
diversity. Globalization’s cultural imperialism endangers the country's cultural traditions and
Filipino identity by distorting citizens' orientation, identity, and authenticity. The dilemma for
governments is to preserve our national identities while embracing cultural diversity and instilling
the beliefs and norms vital to sustaining the Filipino identity. The aforementioned challenges
continue to harm citizens and put the government's functionality and effectiveness in building a
better society for its citizens in the modern world, as well as its innovativeness and adaptability in
addressing and resolving issues brought on by globalization, to the test.
POS 1205: Readings in Philippine Public Administration

Good Governance Recommendation

A. Solidifying Government Competency and Intensifying Sustainability Procurement

B. Globalization is an evolving process has yet to be finished; it is characterized by the increasing

interdependence of the global financial system, cultures, and societies, as a result of cross-
border exports of goods and services, advanced technologies, and flows of expenditure, and
knowledge. As globalization progresses, so do people's demands and expectations, which
increases consumption, low-cost production, excessive exploitation of resources and etc.,
which contribute to negative challenges that significantly affects public sector. The
consequences of globalization are grave; if left unchecked, they will worsen in the years ahead
as globalization rises; thus, it is necessary for the government to intervene. The government
is a major player in institutional arrangements for public management and in assisting in the
resolution of globalization-related issues. It is critical that the public administration respond in
identifying and solving globalization conflicts; however, before the public administration
meddles, it is critical to consolidate the professional competence of governmental entities, to
hold the government accountable in addressing conflicts, to have inclusive leadership, to
fortify strategies, and to develop appropriate techniques to facilitate in addressing problems.
It's also vital to realize that global governance is impossible without an international
development agenda. As a result, there can be no worldwide agenda without sovereignty,
hence it is important to acknowledge and strengthen the roles of the government, as well as
the private sector and civil society, and identify themselves with the agenda because the
effectivity of the implemented agenda is dependent on strong institutions, guaranteeing
universal participation. Apart from bolstering government competence, the most important
step in addressing globalization issues is to increase sustainability procurement, which will
help businesses increase profits while adopting social, economic, and environmentally
sustainable business practices, aiding and abetting in the fight against climate change, social
issues, and improving operational efficiencies, social responsibility, and economic resilience.

C. It is critical to recognize the key role of public administration in resolving the challenges of
globalization, in implementing the Solidification of Government Competency and Developing
Sustainable Procurement, it is pivotal that the public administration should bear responsibility
of ensuring legal clarity for global markets, civil societies and the international agenda that is
driven by global concerns. Government institutions must evolve and adapt to globalization,
with globalization serving as a catalyst for governance evolution. This should begin with
national legislation reform, which will boost safeguarding against terrorism and human rights
breaches while also strengthening environmental protection. Laws should also conform to
international legislation. The public administration should be provided attractive salaries and
recompense, promoting inclusiveness and preparation for establishing cultural competence,
and learning technological innovations, which will improve public administration efficiency and
knowledge and experience, that will aid in extensive, proactive concerted effort to effectively
combat terrorism, societal problems, destruction of the environment, rising unemployment,
and cultural imperialism. All governmental entities from the executive and legislative branches
of government, as well as an independent, fair and unbiased, and knowledgeable courts, and
civilian supervision done by NGOs, the media, and the citizens, should be available to scrutiny
POS 1205: Readings in Philippine Public Administration

by a range of oversight organizations. Public participation should also be encouraged by the

government. The involvement of additional actors, such as civil society, NGOs, and labor
unions, who would act as channels to convey international obligation into the national strategy,
which will facilitate the process of deeper integration of the world agenda into the national

There is an alarming concern in the increase of the actions of corporations that meet the
current demands of the society that tend to disregard the impacts of increased socio -
economic and environmental problems such as job insecurity, labor exploitation and
environmental issues. Nevertheless, the most effective approach in aiding the negative effects
of the constant increase of globalization and its detrimental impacts is sustainable
procurement. Developing Sustainable Procurement will be implemented by gathering relevant
data and information to develop projects and government systems for sustainable
procurement, then assessing the public administration's level of experience and knowledge,
then acknowledging and indoctrinating the government actors of challenges of an increasingly
globalized society that adversely impact the nation, and teaching the pillars of sustainable
procurement, which are basic rights , Equality and diversity, Employee well-being and
development and Disciplinary, Protection against Child labor and compliance with the
applicable global, national, and local agendas and regulations. Following that, the public
administration should draft policies, generate funds necessary, and programs that are precise,
cohesive with the goals of sustainable procurement, and effective in attempting to address
protection of the environment, economic progress, healthcare, and security, among other

D. The good governance solution "Solidifying Government Competency and Intensifying

Sustainability Procurement" would develop a more flexible, inclusive, accountable, and
transformative public administration that effectively supports in tackling globalization-related
concerns. The change to sustainable procurement will aid in efficiently and safely dealing with
globalization's rapid advancements. Governments can employ sustainable procurement to
address concerns like greenhouse emissions, resource conservation, and composting,
among others. Key international organizations are increasingly using public procurement as
a way to shift unsustainable consumption and production habits. Implementing a solidified
government competency and developing sustainable procurement will significantly aid in
resolving globalization-related issues, allowing for immediate and efficient solutions to these
problems such as rising unemployment, terrorism, cultural imperialism, labor exploitation, and
environmental degradation. The programs' adoption will result in long-term decisions that
benefit multinational corporations, customers, employees, and the environment. Fair trade,
ethical labor, health & security, as well as environmental sustainability standards, will all be
strengthened through the initiatives. The programs' implementation will go a long way toward
rectifying the negative effects of globalization. The public will be provided with programs,
policies, and services to help them resolve their problems, as a result of the proposed
program's implementation, the public administration will become more efficacious,
responsive, and proficient in addressing to resolve development challenges, resulting in a
more globalized, dynamic, feasible, and better sovereign country.
POS 1205: Readings in Philippine Public Administration

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