Eng 220a Syllabus 2022

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Centro Regional Universitario de Baru

ENGLISH 220A Course Syllabus
Department of Humanities First semester 2022
English School Evening: Fridays
English Composition Eng. 220a Morning: Tuesdays

Rigoberto Morales Gómez M.A.

moralesrigoberto176@gmail.com Cell phone: 6514-3395
Course Description
This course is structured for students of the second year of English. Its purpose is to
make students write with proficiency. It will effectively review the use of grammar
structures through extensive practice and class work. Topic sentence will be practiced and
developed during the semester. Starting, supporting and concluding sentences and
paragraphs will be reviewed as well.
Course Goals
* Increase vocabulary in context reading.
● To improve through revising and correcting draft papers.
● To arrange ideas in order of importance.
● To use transition words effectively.
● To develop cohesion and style in essays.
Students are required to attend every class and attend prepared. Active
participation and involvement in class activities and discussions is essential. When a
student is absent or tardy, it distracts the learning of others in the class. If for any reasons,
a student has to miss a class the assignment due for that day, has to be sent. It is
mandatory to have a documented excuse.
Procedural Stipulations
1. This is a bachelor’s-level course. Students will be challenged and expected to perform in
an adequate way.
2. Assignments should be submitted in a timely basis. The grading rubric for the course is
based in part on the timeliness and completeness of course tasks, in addition to their
3. The instructor is not obligated to accept work that is late. Unless otherwise noted;
assignments are due at the beginning of class.
4. Originality is a crucial component in this class, consequently partial or total evidence of
plagiarism will not be accepted and the assignment will be graded with a zero.

Grading percentages
Partial exams I and II 20%
Writing Assignments 20%
Writing activities 15%
Journal 10%
Final Exam 35%

Assignments, Tasks and Requirements

There will be two partial exams during the semester covering the material given and discussed by the
teacher in WhatsApp.

Write five three-paragraph essays in class to be revised and edited for the next class. ALL papers have
to be accompanied with their final drafts. The essays must be double spaced and the font has to be set to
size 12. I recommend you to use Verdana, Times New Roman, or Palatino type. Essays have to be sent
via e-mail on the date due.

There will be three free writing sessions in different classes. The students will be given the topics to
write freely for a given amount of time. This activity will be assessed in terms of accurateness, fluency
and amount of text produced.

A journal will be kept in a notebook by each student containing information about their academic
everyday life. The teacher will check the journals weekly. It is mandatory to insert and highlight at least
two conjunctions in each day. Students are required follow a format provided by the instructor.

The date for the final exam will be scheduled by Cruba’s administration and it will cover all the topics
discussed in class during the semester.
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