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MWR (TG FVTT z7YrT) q|

river village Lohali with survey, inveslghtio
Scheme on Mcj
a5T71 of Pholai Lift Irrigation
and distribution network system
for pressurvd itrgitión
constraction of head worrks, rising maintenaiteitbe
desinging-planning and basis and its managnent, operration &
1997.78ha. On EPC single responsibility
tum key
to CCA of
years Tehsil K. Patan distt.

i e fèarn- 05.04.2022
TT ARErUy t fèHT-21.12.2021
hall and
Finishing work of mceting
chokidar qtrs was in progress. Work for

boundry wall._
l u r of meetng hali anl m
Fixing oftiles iui
(iv) chokidar qtrs. Work for boundry wall.

given to
Not an aitable at site. Instructio1s
const. wing to keep allthr records at site.

(i) Not available at site.
Not available at site.

( 3 7 zTTE (Aggregate & Sand)

Not available at site.

(i) d I (Aggregate & Sand)

(v)wodatH guaH (Flakiness Index for Aggregates)

luterest was not taken
Prpgrss was slow,
by firm

by under sigmed on dated 05 04.2022 with Sh RK Patni EE wrT

Theabove work has been inspected
AEN WR div Bundi Concem Jens and representative
div Bundi, Sh Deepuk ehaturvedi
was also peesent daring inspection. The folhowing observations were noted during inspection.

Finishing waork of moeting hall and chokidar qtrs was in pragress. Vitreous tiles were
tixod used on kitchen stand in chokidar qtrs. Remove this and granite stone slab shall
e use on kitchen stand.
Some window sections, wiremesh were found not as per standard norms. Remove
windows, wire mesh and
these.Window sections and all accessories for doors and wires, swiches, bourds,
salety grills in windows, Iron angle trames for doors,
mebs and others electric appleanees and all sanitary items must be as per standand
norns of PWD grade l/A and as per agreement.
Work of bounadary wall around soller panels and qtres was also in progress. Curiung
arrangement was not proper. Use gunny bags / hessain clothes for contincous curing
Send acopy af
4Approved drawings for tinishing work was not available at site.
drawing to QC unit
Intiate to QC unit when work of const of Diggis and laying of pipes will resume. Si
that inspeections of work can be done accordingly

the certilicate of plhysically veriticd

Kindly send the compliance of the above observations with
complianceat site.
It was suggested to tollow guidelines of central and state govemment in respect of safety
trom Covid-19.

ww 1ey-787

2 T3/eteruy 3ftuF RPS &IS Circle (H HIN-), «»de

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