Rewrite The Sentences by Phrases/words in The "Technology" Topic

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Rewrite the sentences by phrases/words in the “Technology” topic.

1. When the 21st century is com- (dùng thêm câu bị động) (As the….) (e…)
ing, using technology in enter-
tainment is a growing trend.

2. In the past, we were unaware (be pre…out…) (en…. us to en…)

that technology would allow us
to know more about the world.

3. People say that computers will (It is per…/c…/r…/l…/r… that) (be like…) (are c…)
replace human beings in the fu-
ture, leading to the fact that
some people are pleased with it.
4. We will talk about the possible (This essay…)
effects of modern technology in
this essay.

5. The most important effect of (pri…/pr…/ma…/ma…)

technology is its support in the
national economy.
6. The modern devices only can- (f…t…) (tend to o…)
not persuade people to move to
urban areas because people tend
to say it is due to other factors.

7. Many countries promised to (pledge …)

join this campaign.

8. Because of the increasing de- (…leaves…but to) (put…at…)

mand in entertainment, citizens
have to use modern gadgets ev-
ery day, which is risky to peo-
9. Users want more about the (have… for)
changes in their lifestyles.
10. In the current situation, they (have a …. for)
like studying online with the as-
sistance of electronic devices
more and more.
Find the equivalent structures/phrases/words in English for the given below.

1. Một quan điểm trái ngược là SV (An o…)

2. Vẫn còn chỗ cho sự tiến bộ (There is…)

3. Được đồng hành bởi những (Acco…)

thiết bị điện tử, cuộc sống ngày
càng dễ dàng hơn.

4. Sự phụ thuộc vào điện thoại di (Re…. has ar…)

động đã phát sinh.

5. Đã đạt được rất ít tiến bộ trong (Little pr…add…)

việc giải quyết vấn đề này.

6. Cuộc sống hiện đại, chủ yếu là (…, owing mainly to smt…)
do sự phát triển của công nghệ,
đã thay đổi theo chiều hướng
tiêu cực.

7. Được liên kết với (be linked to /accompanied by /associated with )

8. Không có bằng chứng thuyết (There is no compelling evidence to show that SV)
phục nào cho thấy SV

Answer 1

1.     As the (when) 21st century continues to unfold(is coming), using technology in entertainment is be-
lieved to be an emerging trend(popular).

2.    In the past, that technology enabled us to enrich our knowledge about the world was previously out of
reach (unaware )of people’s comprehension. 
3.     It is considered as/regarded as/labeled as/recognized that computers are likely to replace human beings
in the future, leading to the fact that some people are content with it. 

4.     The objective of this essay is to evaluate/This essay is to evaluate/This essay is to elaborate on

(present in detail) the possible effects of modern technology. 

5.   The primary/prime/main/major effect of technology is its support in the national economy.

6.     The modern devices only fail to persuade people to move to the urban areas because people tend to
owe it to other factors. 

7.    Many countries pledged to join this campaign. 

8. The increasing demand for entertainment leaves citizens no choice but to use modern gadgets every day,
which puts people at great risk.

9.    Users have higher expectations for the changes in their lifestyles. 

10. In the current situation, there is a growing appetite for studying online with the assistance of electronic
devices among people.

Answer 2

1.       An opposing point of view is that SV.

2.       There is still room for improvement.  

3.       Accompanied by electronic devices, people are increasingly living with ease. 

4.       Reliance on automobiles has arisen.

5.       Little progress has been made toward addressing this problem. 

6.       Modern life, owing mainly to the development of technology, has changed in a negative way.  

7.       Be linked to = be associated with = be accompanied by 

8.       There is no compelling evidence to show that SV.

What are the factors that cause stress and how to cope with stress?
Life today is filled with sources of stress, much of which cannot be avoided. When stress
appears to be a lifelong problem to many people, how it actually forms remains a subject of con-
troversy to many scientists. The objective of this essay is to outline both the sources of stress and
appropriate ways of dealing with it.
Many stressors arise from people's circumstances. For example, the high-pressured and
fast-paced lifestyle has made it unlikely for people to gain adequate leisure time. Failure to bal-
ance work and leisure causes them either to struggle with deteriorating health or to cope with
psychological distress, e. g., anxiety and depression. Together with some other problems, such as
disharmony with others, unpleasant work or living environment, it would increase stress to an
unmanageable level.
Another group of stressors is intertwined with personality. People interpret events or situ-
ations differently. A problem taken as a threat by many people might be accepted as a positive
challenge to others. Evidence is inconclusive about the reasons behind this distinction, but it is
widely believed that a person of a cheerful disposition is less likely to be heavily affected by ad-
versity. Of equal importance is the ability to handle some issues, such as time and money. Con-
sidering the role of personality in deciding the attitudes toward an issue and responses to an
event, the effect of stress management skills actually varies from person to person.
Methods to cope with stress are many, but the most effective ones are in fact not remote
or complicated but accessible and practicable. People under stress are advised to participate
more in recreational activities, adopt a sound dieting habit, and exercise regularly. They should
learn to block out worries and try to keep the effect of a challenge in life to a minimum. Finally,
it is important to nurture a good state of mind and to perceive things positively.
As suggested above, environmental factors can be taken as the sources of stress' and per-
sonality determines the extent to which they are influenced by those factories, adopt• a lifestyle
and proper attitudes toward life can promote people's physical and psychological well-being and
help them relieve stress.

Useful phrases:
1. Life today is filled with sources of stress, much of which cannot be avoided: Cuộc sống
ngày nay chứa đầy những nguồn căng thẳng, trong đó không thể tránh khỏi phần lớn là
2. stress appears to be a lifelong problem: căng thẳng dường như là một vấn đề cả đời
3. how it actually forms remains a subject of controversy to many scientists: nó thực sự
hình thành như thế nào vẫn là chủ đề tranh cãi của nhiều nhà khoa học
4. The objective of this essay is to outline both the sources of stress and appropriate ways
of dealing with it: Mục tiêu của bài luận này là phác thảo cả những nguồn gốc của căng
thẳng và những cách thích hợp để đối phó với nó
5. the high-pressured and fast-paced lifestyle has made it unlikely for people to gain ade-
quate leisure time: lối sống đầy áp lực và nhịp độ nhanh khiến mọi người khó có đủ thời
gian giải trí
6. Sth causes them either to struggle with deteriorating health or to cope with psychologi-
cal distress: khiến họ hoặc là phải vật lộn với tình trạng sức khỏe suy giảm hoặc đối mặt
với tình trạng đau khổ về tâm lý
7. increase stress to an unmanageable level: tăng căng thẳng đến mức không thể kiểm soát
8. Another group of stressors is intertwined with personality: Một nhóm yếu tố gây căng
thẳng khác đan xen với tính cách
9. A problem taken as a threat by many people is …: Một vấn đề được nhiều người coi là
mối đe dọa là
10. Evidence is inconclusive about the reasons behind this distinction: Bằng chứng không
thuyết phục về lý do đằng sau sự khác biệt này
11. Of equal importance is the ability to handle some issues: Tầm quan trọng không kém là
khả năng xử lý một số vấn đề
12. People under stress are advised to participate more in recreational activities: Những
người bị căng thẳng nên tham gia nhiều hơn vào các hoạt động giải trí

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of playing sports and participating in physical
1. The development of a healthy lifestyle.
2. Boost the immune system, and burn fat.
3. The enhancement of social life.
4. Jogging, cycling, or swimming, enable people to maintain a healthy weight.
5. Boost confidence on social occasions.
6. Provide opportunities for social interactions.
7. Team sports, such as soccer, rugby, and basketball.
8. Participants risk being injured.
9. There are benefits of physical exercise, and some issues participants should pay attention to
at ease of physical activity.
10. Reduce the risk of experiencing major illnesses (e. g., heart disease, diabetes).
11. Sports perform a wide range of life-enhancing functions.
12. Meet new teammates regularly and improve their social life.
13. People can enjoy a longer life expectancy by adapting their daily lives to incorporate physi-
cal activity.
14. Sport and recreational physical activities are an integral part of society.

Lập dàn ý:
I.Mở bài
Chủ đề:

Trả lời đề:

I.Thân bài 1
Ý 1:

Giải thích 1:

Ví dụ 1:

I.Thân bài 2
Ý 2:

Giải thích 2:

Ví dụ 2:

I.Kết bài

1. INTRODUCTION (2 câu):
+ That SV is an undeniable fact: Điều mà … là một sự thật
- Đưa ra quan điểm của mình:
+ The essay is to elaborate different + N: Bài viết này sẽ triển khai …

2. BODY 1 (5-6 câu):

- Đưa luận điểm: Firstly = Initially = The first + N is...
- Giải thích: Because = Given that + SV, SV= By dint of N/Ving, SV = On the grounds that SV,
SV= In the view of Ving/N, SV
- Ví dụ: For example= For instance= As an illustration,...= To illustrate...= A typical example for
this is...= According to a research recently conducted by professor A, SV
- Nhấn mạnh: It is adj that SV= So adj is S that SV= Adj as/though S be, SV
3. BODY 2 (5-6 câu):
- Đưa luận điểm: Secondly= Another N is...= An additional N is...= When it comes to...= Re-
garding...= Concerning...
- Giải thích: Because = Given that + SV, SV= By dint of N/Ving, SV = On the grounds that SV,
SV= In the view of Ving/N, SV
- Ví dụ: For example= For instance= As an illustration,...= To illustrate...= A typical example for
this is...= According to a research recently conducted by professor A, SV
- Nhấn mạnh: It is adj that SV= So adj is S that SV= Adj as/though S be, SV

4. CONCLUSION (1-2 câu):

- In conclusion, the aforementioned reasons can help to state that..

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