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Hussin, Princess Farah P.

Good Governance


The term "governance" has gained popularity in recent years and is now used in a wide range of
contexts to describe several organizations in both the public and private sectors. This idea is not
brand-new. It has existed for as long as human civilization itself. Typically, the phrase
"government" refers to the process of making decisions and the method by which those
decisions are carried out (or not implemented). It can be applied in a variety of settings,
including corporate governance, municipal governance, national governance, international
governance, and interactions between various societal sectors. Every sector of the country
needs governance to operate smoothly and effectively. It is one of the actors in governance that
makes decisions at the municipal and federal levels and puts them into action for the benefit of
people. Everyone is aware that strong governance is essential to a nation's ability to develop
sustainably, hence the quality of governance has a significant impact on a nation's economic

It is commonly acknowledged that developing countries' ability to build their economies depends
on having effective governance. Accessibility, accountability, predictability, transparency, and
adherence to the law are typically traits of good governance. It guarantees that corruption is
kept to a minimum, minorities' opinions are taken into consideration, and the voices of those in
society who are most vulnerable are heard when making decisions. When excellent government
is ensured, people around the world go about their daily lives and pursuits with higher hopes
than when bad governance prevails, which not only limits prospects for success but may also
lead to sectarian strife and civil wars.

Good government does not happen by accident. It cannot be implemented immediately.

Changes to ingrained patterns, entrenched interests, cultural customs, and even social and
religious conventions are frequently part of a slow process. Mr. Barack Obama, the late
president of the United States, has stated that strong institutions and effective governance,
rather than powerful personalities, are what Africa needs to develop. Economic growth is
dependent on social, economic, and sustainable development. However, it is acknowledged that
successful governance must include a wide range of social, political, and economic activity and
cannot be limited to only economic factors.

Various scams, tax evasions, delays in legal proceedings, wasteful expenditure of public funds
by dishonest politicians and bureaucrats, and a rapidly rising graph of corruption, terrorism, and
other evil practices in society are reported and displayed by the media on a daily basis. This is
indicative of a convoluted and opaque system of command and control, a monopoly of the
government as a service provider, an underdeveloped legal framework, a lack of information,
and weak notification. Due to bad administration, corruption, bribery, and other wicked
behaviors that hinder social and economic progress are on the rise right now. There have been
many instances where large sums of money have been spent on needed development
ventures, but their costs are much higher owing to the contracts being given to those who have
paid bribes. Ultimately a tendency has been developed for their construction to be substandard
or even, defective.

We might draw the conclusion that "Good Governance" is impossible without combating
corruption and improper use of public funds. It is now widely accepted that improved decision-
making processes and greater participation from all facets of society are necessary for
successful municipal government to function. It supports the rule of law, access to justice, and
the protection of people and their property. A crucial requirement for the reforms of the next
generation will be good governance.

The two main obstacles to advancement, poverty and unemployment, can be removed by
effectively implementing the government's policies. Under good governance, proper execution is
feasible. For instance, the lack of technical knowledge provided by the educational system
prevents students from obtaining permanent career possibilities. Young people need to be given
the kind of education that will enable them to develop the kind of vocational skills that will propel
them toward a variety of employment prospects and also allow them to work for themselves.
Since the major goals of this type of individuals are to govern and administrate in the first place,
as well as to serve and benefit both the residents and the country in the best way possible, it is
crucial for good governance that well-educated candidates of high character are elected.

A nation may become developed and a place where everyone can enjoy equal possibilities to
succeed in life by implementing good governance. Scams, fraud, and tax evasion will all be
eliminated or much reduced. Every aspect of life will be free of the corruption monster, and
cases under the jurisdiction of the court system would be swiftly resolved and wise choices
made. No government employee shall ask for payment in exchange for carrying out his duty.
The precarious working conditions that many government institutions have as a result of
anomalies will be eliminated, along with the system's lack of accountability and transparency.
The general public will immediately benefit from all the advantages of the programs created for
health, education, and the eradication of poverty and unemployment.
To stop and identify scandals and bankruptcies, corporate governance needs to be improved.
According to Wolfensohn, encouraging corporate justice, openness, and accountability is the
goal of corporate governance. In order to attract foreign investment and prevent frauds like the
"Satyam Scam," good corporate governance would be guaranteed. As a result, trade and
industry will prosper. Black marketing and stock hoarding will be discouraged. We all know that
authorities who demand bribes to approve foreign investment in crucial industries where foreign
investments are required frequently dissuade foreign investors. Foreign investors comprehend
the increased transaction costs and steer clear of countries with bad governance when they
encounter high levels of corruption. Because of this, certain nations, like Singapore, have
attracted investment while others have not been able to do so.

Actions must be taken toward excellent governance and efficient management in order to
realize the goal of a nation free of corruption, with sustainable development and progressive
economic growth without any criminalization of politics. The chance for the general public to
examine our political system, leaders, and governance practices must be made available. It is
important to create development policies at the level of decision-making. The key to effective
governance is women. Their growing presence in democratic institutions has helped keep the
polity stable. They have the ability to transform the economy in novel, positive ways.

A government is meant to rule the people so there isn't anarchy and chaos. However, the
people, for their sake, should control the same government. A government that is not connected
to its people is a government ripe for disaster. People should not fear the government; the
government should fear the people. A government that uses tyranny and fear to control its
citizens is not a good government. The government should know that it only has the power the
people gave it and that the people can also take that power away. With this knowledge, the
government should do what is right for its people because it fears the people taking its power

The government needs to know what its citizens want, in order to concede to their wishes. A
people-fearing government should desire to discover its citizens' wishes at any cost. Therefore,
it should respond to most, if not all letters and e-mails it receives. Such a response will make the
people aware of the government's position and whether or not the person's wishes will be met.
However, the government must also be able to make decisions on its own. It cannot wait for the
people on every issue. This does not mean it can disregard the people, it only means that
sometimes decisions need to be made without the immediate input of the people. At the same
time, the government must always place the needs of the people above its own needs.
Authority is necessary for a good government to function, in my opinion, but that power must
always be exercised responsibly. The people must have some means of limiting the power of
the government. Given that the people granted the government the authority it possesses, this
limit shouldn't be a burden on it. A government is nothing if the people are not involved. A good
government ought to be aware of and cognizant of that.

A good government, in my opinion, leads the people where the people want to go, not where the
leaders want to go. Governments are established to prevent people from fighting among
themselves. Government, according to the dictionary, is a political direction and control
exercised over the conduct of members, residents, or occupants of communities, groups, and
states. It directs state, communal, and political administration affairs. A good government, in my
opinion, is a political party that is used to lead its citizens and has solely the best interests of the
population in mind. It cannot develop a hunger for power, money, vengeance, or land. No
government is perfect, but we have the best government in the world for the people.

A country cannot function without effective government, just as a vehicle cannot function without
fuel. Good governance is a driving force in a country's progress. It safeguards human rights,
administers justice, upholds the rule of law, and provides equal opportunity to the masses. It
distributes the fruits of progress and development to everybody. It is necessary at all levels of
society and the state. In today's globalized society, excellent governance aids in meeting global
challenges. It makes the state's system more effective and efficient. Under excellent
governance, all citizens have equal rights. Minorities are free to practice their religion.

Nobody believes he is above the law. Everyone, no matter how powerful, is answerable to the
law. In a country with solid government, corruption is unheard of. Not just government officials,
but also ordinary citizens, are aware of their responsibilities and take them seriously. In such a
cooperative environment, the economy grows and investment increases, resulting in the
country's prosperity. In this approach, strong governance contributes to reaping the benefits of

Governance is described as the way power is used to manage a country's economic and social
resources for development. Good governance entails effective management of a country's
resources and affairs in an open, transparent, accountable, equitable, and sensitive to the
needs of its citizens. The following are the fundamentals of good governance:
• It ensures equal involvement of men and women in all aspects of life.

• It contributes to the promotion of national cohesiveness. People constantly work hand in hand
for the improvement of the country in a healthy environment of excellent government.

• It instills feelings of nationalism and integrates the country's units.

• It ensures institutional supremacy. Every institution operates within its own set of constraints.

• Under effective governance, the judiciary has complete independence.

• It also supports the constitution's supremacy.

• It upholds the country's rule of law.

• It protects democracy and ensures political stability.

• It guarantees media freedom.

• Educational opportunities for all are guaranteed.

• It promises socioeconomic development.

• It is now possible to distribute resources equally among the country's federating units.

• It transforms the country into a welfare state that provides social security to its people.

• The government's position has been strengthened on all fronts.

• There should be a balance between all of the country's institutions. All institutions must work
within their capabilities. It will ensure that the government machinery runs smoothly.

• A positive relationship between the center and the federating units is required. All of their
knotty concerns must be dealt with sincerity of intent. Provincial grievances are addressed in a
priority manner.

• Natural resource allocation must be equitable. Provinces must be provided a fair portion of
their natural resources.

• Justice is essential for healthy governance. Everyone should have access to inexpensive and
swift justice. Justice must be administered without regard to class, creed, or religion.
• Economic policies should be altered. They must be reformed in order to suit the needs of the
poor. To attract investment and grow the economy, the agricultural and industrial sectors must
be transformed.

• Cutting additional expenses by downsizing the administrative setup is an urgent need. It would
be extremely beneficial in reducing our country's debt burden.

• All institutions in charge of ensuring accountability must be authorized. Legislation should be

passed to increase accountability. It must begin at the beginning. Everyone, no matter how
strong, must be brought to justice.

• The establishment of anti-corruption courts. To stop the cycle of corruption, all cases of
corruption must be decided in order of importance.

It is never too late to take action. What is required is proper policy execution. Here are some
ideas for making the dream of excellent governance a reality.

After all is said and done, it is possible to conclude that the crisis at the base of all other crises
is that of good governance. Poverty is one such issue. Our country is being weakened from the
ground up by illiteracy, unemployment, corruption, an energy problem, a water scarcity, and a
food shortage. In this bleak circumstance, strong governance is an urgent requirement. Though
good administration has always been a dream for our country, it is a dream that can be realized.
This ideal can be realized with sincere and dedicated leadership. However, it cannot be
accomplished in the blink of an eye. It necessitates a significant deal of effort and sacrifice. In
this sense, our young can play a critical role. It is now quite simple to mobilize public support for
good governance through the use of electronic media. Meetings and rallies are also key tools
for getting the trend of good governance back on track. The youth can have an active role in
arranging such programs. Let us hope that our leaders are astute enough to implement much-
needed system improvements. Otherwise, the alternatives are far too bleak to consider.

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