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Exploration of the relationship between personality and Internet self-efficacy

of Pre-service English as a foreign language teacher using online searching

Table of Content

Contents Page


Thanks and appreciation


Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Attachments

Chapter one: Research Introduction


Research Key-words

Research Terms

Purpose of Study

Problem of Study

Importance of Study

Objectives of Study
Questions of study


Research Scope

Chapter Two: Literature Review

Literature Review

Internet Self-Efficacy


Personality Taxonomy

Online Searching Strategies


English has become a significant element in the Iraqi Education and curriculum
that has witnessed many changes. It is a mandatory subject in Iraqi Education for
all stages and grades. There were different cultural and political aspects that played
part in the changes and development of English Curriculum in Iraq. Before 2003,
Iraq was deprived from the advances of educational technology in a way that can
be considered isolation from global advancements and developments in teaching.
After the American invasion of Iraq in 2003, technology was entered in the
development of English language curriculum in Iraq with the possibility of using
internet freely and opening to the outside world (Altae, 2020)

With the introduction of technology in Education, in general, and English language

curriculum, in specific, light became to be shed on technology and internet in
education process, especially in the process of teacher preparation whether in
education colleges or in training. Technology introduction into education resulted
in the improvement of teaching quality and learning outcome in the last ten years.

This study attempts to investigate the relationship between pre-service teachers'

internet-efficacy and their personalities. In order to achieve this purpose, the
researcher has to develop a measuring tool that can investigate the personality
aspects in addition to the internet-efficacy aspects in order to discover the
relationship and correlation between such aspects for Pre-service English as a
foreign language teacher. For this purpose, the researcher will develop a
questionnaire that can explore the personality aspects of the participants in addition
to their internet self-efficacy aspects in order to attempt to investigate the
relationship and correlation between such aspects.
The researcher will use the Big Five factors of personality (Extraversion,
Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Intellect/Imagination (or
Openness) for the exploration of personality aspects of participants (Donnellan,
Oswald, Baird, & Lucas, 2006). These five factors are considered 'the dominant
model of personality structure' in psychology (Donnellan, Oswald, Baird, & Lucas,
2006, p. 192). In this study, the researcher will use the short assessment instrument
as developed by Donnellan, Oswald, Baird, & Lucas (2006) for the assessment of
personality based on the Big Five factors of personality as stated above avoiding
the long large questionnaires in order to ensure reliability and validity. Using
already developed tool for measurement of personality traits will help in avoiding
errors in the short form questionnaires that may affect the reliability and validity of
such tool.

The Mini-IPIP, a 20-item short form of the 50-item International Personality Item
Pool, Five-Factor Model measure, is a useful tool for researchers needing a very
short assessment of the Big Five. It is considered that the shorter the testing time,
the better the study for the participants. Mini-IPIP is a tool including four items for
each trait of the Big Five traits and it is a 'psychometrically acceptable and
practically useful short measure of the Big Five Factors of personality' (Donnellan,
Oswald, Baird, & Lucas, 2006, p. 192)

On the other hand, Internet self-efficacy can be defined as the person's belief in
his/her capabilities to use the internet for the achievement of specific actions
(Eastin & LaRose, 2000). Bandura (1994) discussed the sources of self-efficacy in
general, giving some elements considered to be the most significant sources of
self-efficacy in general, including but not limited to person's experience, vicarious
experiences and social persuasion.
In the way for the exploration of the factors that are significant and have impacts
on internet self-efficacy in general, there are many previous studies and researches
that investigated these factors for the purpose of the exploration and investigation
of these factor playing important roles in internet self-efficacy. According to
Eastin & LaRose (2000), internet self-efficacy is considered an important factor
that is correlated positively to prior internet experience, outcome experiences and
internet use and negatively to internet stress and self-disagreement. This factor is
always studied in various studies using questionnaires in order to assess the
internet self-efficacy of any person (Chuang, Lin, & Tsai, 2015). Many researchers
tried generally to explore and assess internet self-efficacy. For example, Torkzadeh
& van Dyke (2001) studied internet self-efficacy using three factors,
surfing/browsing, encryption/decryption and system manipulation. Other studies
investigated only particular kinds of internet self-efficacy such as Shang, Chen and
Hung (2008) who studied blog self-efficay and Davis & Lang (2012) who studied
self-efficacy of game usage.

In this study, the researcher, in developing the measuring tool part related to
internet self-efficacy, will use such instrument developed by Chuang, Lin, & Tsai,
(2015) for the investigation of the person's internet self-efficacy from various
aspects, including but not limited to verification, metacognition and application.

Keywords: Internet self-efficacy, Personality, Pre-service English as a foreign

language teacher.
Research Terms

Self-efficacy: Self-efficacy is defined as person's belief in his/her capacity and

capabilities to perform a specific action as required for the achievement of a
specific work (Chuang, Lin, & Tsai, 2015).

Bandura (1994) defines it as the people believes of their capabilities for the
production of specific effects.

The researcher defines it procedurally as the belief of any person of his ability to
perform a specific task regardless of his/her actual mastery of the method of doing
such task.

Internet self-efficacy: Tsai (2004) defines the internet self-efficacy as the

confidence of the person in his/her skills and knowledge related to the use of
internet and the applications related to it.

The researcher defines internet self-efficacy as the person's belief of his ability to
use the internet for the purpose of the achievement of the works required from him.

Personality: Personality can be defined as the person's method or way of thinking,

feeling and behaving, including his moods, attitudes and opinions that can be
emerged clearly in the person's interactions with other persons. (Holzman, 2020)

American Psychological Association defined personality as the differences in

patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving of the person. In this point of view, and
for the purpose of studying personality, it is important to focus on understanding
the individual differences of personality characteristics and understanding the parts
of the person as a whole.
Purpose of Study:

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the
personality and internet self-efficacy for Pre-service English as a foreign language
teacher. In order to achieve such goal, the research will develop a survey to be
applied in this study in order to measure the participants' personality and
relationship to internet self-efficacy for Pre-service English as a foreign language
teacher using online searching strategies. In the development of the mentioned
survey which will be in the form of questionnaire to be responded by a group of
pre-service English as a foreign language teacher, the researcher decided to benefit
from the already developed surveys in the field of exploration and investigation of
personality and internet self-efficacy aspects.

Problem of Study

After the introduction of technology in Education, especially in English

curriculum, and the use of internet in every aspect of life, especially in Education,
it has become important to consider technology and internet in every side of
education process, starting from the development of curriculum and to the
preparation of education college students on the use of technology and internet in
the teaching process. For this reason, there is always a need to assess the teacher's
ability in utilizing and using technology and internet in the education and teaching

Internet self-efficacy is one of the factors that are to be investigated in considering

the teacher capabilities regarding the use of technology and internet in education
and teaching process. In addition, the technology and internet use require the
consideration of the skill and extensive training that enable the user to use them
successfully. In considering internet self-efficacy, it is an essential element that can
overcome the fear that the user may experience (Eastin & LaRose, 2000). Internet
self-efficacy, in general, considers the internet user's confidence of his/her skills
and knowledge in internet. It is a way to examine and investigate such user ability
to use the internet efficiency in the education and teaching process. Accordingly,
investigation the internet self-efficacy is a significant factor in the assessment of
the user's efficiency in the use of internet.

The internet user self-efficacy may be investigated and explored in light of a wide
variety of perspectives. According to Chuang, Lin, & Tsai (2015), there are a
number of sources for the internet self-efficacy of internet user including but not
limited to, prior experience, verbal persuasion and psychological and effective
states. For Eastin & LaRose (2000), prior internet experience, outcome
expectancies and internet use are the most significant factors used for the internet
self-efficacy judgments found to be correlated positively with it. Eastin & LaRose
(2000) considers that the self-efficacy is not intended for the measurement of the
skill of the person, but it considers such person's belief in what he/she can do with
the skills he/she owns. Therefore, personality aspects are one of the aspects to be
considered for the assessment of self-efficacy, giving significance and a need to the
investigation of such relationship between the personality traits and the self-
efficacy of the person.

Importance of Study

The result of this study will depend on the searching strategies and searching skills.
There are a number of studies that used searching skills and tasks to investigate the
learning outcomes in the internet-based context considering searching the most
commonly used activity on the internet, therefore, it is important to examine that
and the influence on the internet self-efficacy

(H. Baber,2020) examines how individuals use the internet to create opinions on
the correctness, usefulness, and reliability of information based on their own
personal strategies, previous encounters with comparable content, and other
information that they already know. The level of self-confidence that an internet
user has is one of many factors that contribute to the formation of an accurate

In light of the aforementioned discussions, the assessment of the internet-self

efficacy of the pre-service teacher is an importance measure and factor in the
assessment of the today's pre-service teacher in the path of preparing them for the
education process in an environment that introduces technology and internet in
every aspect of it. (J. Wong,2019)

Objectives of Study:

This study aims to:

1- Explore the extent of the impact of the personality on the internet self-
efficacy of the pre-service teachers of English as a foreign language.
2- Investigate the personality traits affecting the internet self-efficacy of the
pre-service teachers of English as a foreign language using online
searching strategies.
3- Investigate the personality traits having statistically significant
relationship with the internet self-efficacy of the pre-service teachers of
English as a foreign language using online searching strategies.
4- Give recommendations regarding the psychological aspects, especially
what is related to personality traits, in training and preparation of pre-
service teachers of English as a foreign language.
5- Suggest the aspects of personality, in light of psychology, to be
investigated in the future research and studies, considered to have impact
on the self-efficacy of the persons regarding the use of the internet for
online searching strategies.

In order to achieve the above-mentioned objectives of this study, the researcher has
to answer the following research questions:

Research Questions of study:

The study attempted to answer the following questions:

1-Does personality have a statistically significant relationship with the internet

self-efficacy of pre-service teachers of English as a foreign language in Iraq?

1-What are the personality traits that affect positively the internet self-efficacy of
pre-service teachers of English as a foreign language using online searching

2-What are the personality traits that affect negatively the internet self-efficacy of
pre-service teachers of English as a foreign language using online searching

Research Scope:

The purpose of this study is the exploration and investigation of the personality
traits that affect positively the Pre-service English as foreign language teachers in
Iraq using online searching strategies. The aim of this research is to examine and
explore such personality aspects, in light of psychological side, that have an impact
on the pre-service teachers' confidence in their general skills or knowledge of
operating internet functions or applications for using online searching strategies.
For that reason, the results of this research depend on online searching strategies
and searching skills.

The researcher will use the Big Five factors of personality (Extraversion,
Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Intellect/Imagination (or
Openness) for the exploration of personality aspects of participants, and will add to
the research tool, the questionnaire, the instrument developed by Chuang, Lin, &
Tsai, (2015) for the investigation of the person's internet self-efficacy from various
aspects, including but not limited to verification, metacognition and application.
Through this research tool and the analysis of responses of the participants and the
study community, the researcher will such personality traits having impacts on
internet self-efficacy of pre-service teachers of English as a foreign language using
online searching strategies.

In order to achieve this goal, the descriptive methodology will be used, for
preparation of the research tool represented in a questionnaire, and selecting the
study community who shall respond to this questionnaire after being judged and
examined in terms of reliability. After responding to the questionnaire, the results
shall be analyzed in order to identify the relationship between the study variables.
In light of these results, the researcher will provide some recommendations and
suggestions, either for the development of the training and preparation courses for
the pre-service teachers of English as a foreign language and for the future
additional research and studies.
Chapter Two

Literature Review

This study seeks to explore and investigate the relationship between personality

and internet self-efficacy of pre-service English as a foreign language teacher

especially in using online searching strategies. From the mentioned purpose of the

study, it becomes clear that the literature review of the study shall address three

significant parts separately and combining them together for the purpose of

developing the correct methodology and approach that can help achieving the

purpose of the study. These three elements are the personality taxonomy, the

elements or factors of self-efficacy in general and internet self-efficacy in

particular, and the online searching strategies and skills, in order to link them

together in a way that enable us to achieve the objective of the current study.

Review of literature

The notion of Internet self-efficacy is based on social cognitive theory, which is a

sound theoretical framework. When a person believes that he or she is capable of

doing a job in a certain area, this view determines the individual's choice of

activities, the amount of effort he or she will put forth, and the amount of time he
or she will put out in coping with stressful circumstances. The more confident

pupils are in their abilities, the more job possibilities they see as feasible, the more

they show an interest in them, and the more prepared they are educationally for a

variety of diverse professional paths. Personal Internet self-efficacy has been

characterized as people' self-perceived ability to use the Internet Students' Internet

self-efficacy was assessed in two ways: via online exploration and conversation,

both of which took use of the Internet's distinctive qualities.

Pre-service teacher self-efficacy has been an increasingly popular research topic

during the past decade. Research on teacher self-efficacy has a challenge since

there is no agreement on how the term should be defined and how it should be

assessed. Various researchers have conceived about and quantified it in various

ways. Additionally, there has been a lot of attention paid to the effectiveness views

of pre-service teachers as a result of the growing interest in teacher efficacy. Pre-

service teachers' views and beliefs regarding their teaching practice were explored

in a recent study of pedagogical techniques courses and field experience courses in

teacher education programs.

The conviction that a teacher has in his or her own ability to engage and educate

even the most challenging and uninspired pupils is known as "teacher self-

efficacy." Self-efficacy has been linked to a range of student outcomes, including

success, motivation and the students' own feeling of effectiveness. in addition to

several classroom habits that impact the teacher's effort in teaching and his or her

tenacity and resilience in the face of challenges with pupils. Teachers who have a

strong feeling of self-efficacy are also said to be more passionate about teaching.

devoted to teaching and more likely to continue in teaching.

Internet self-efficacy depicts learners’ confidence in using the computer, LMS

and the Internet to seek information and execute Internet-related actions.

Research in the literature shows that Internet self- efficacy is positively related

to academic performance in virtual learning environments. For example, Tsai

and Tsai indicated that higher Internet self- efficacy led to better strategies and

academic performance in web-based learning tasks. However, there was

inconsistency in the findings of past studies about the influence of Internet self-

efficacy on satisfaction. While studies by Thach et al. and Yilmaz indicated a

positive correlation between these two variables, the findings of studies.

revealed the opposite. It seems that in both normal and emergency online

learning contexts, high Internet self-efficacy does not ensure good learning


These three types of interaction are affected by many factors related to the

learners themselves, such as satisfaction or self-efficacy. Learners’ interaction

with content is how learners exploit the materials embedded in the online

course for their study purposes. In the compulsory online learning due to
Covid-19, the learners interacted with the course content in live online sessions

and the materials uploaded in the institutional learning management system

(LMS) or other platforms. The quality or effectiveness of learners’

comprehension of the live lectures of reading materials depended on

instructors’ technical competencies, online pedagogical skills, and the materials

initially designed for conventional learning. Nevertheless, this issue has not

been extensively explored in the literature.

Learners’ interaction with an instructor in an online environment depends

significantly on the quantity and quality of instructors’ facilitation and

feedback. In this regard, instructors have to play many roles, including course

content designers, learning facilitators. However, during the emergency

context, not all the instructors had enough time to prepare and adapt to the new

teaching context, including how to foster online interaction with the students in

the new environment. This may have had adverse effects on learner–instructor


Personality Taxonomy

Researchers of Psychology discussed five major factors of the differences between

individuals in their human behaviors that include their cognitive abilities,

personality, social attitudes, psychological interests and psychopathology. These

factors can contribute to our understanding of individual differences in behavior

and experience. The taxonomy of personality would allow the researchers to study

some specific domains of personality characteristics in addition to the exploration

of particular attributes that make the human beings individual and unique.

The Big Five personality taxonomy is one of the personality taxonomy that has

been used in various studies. It is one of the taxonomies that facilitated the study of

the personality traits in various studies for decades. This taxonomy does not

provide a theoretical perspective, but it is derived from the analysis of the natural

language terms people use to describe themselves and others. (Donnellan, Oswald,

Baird, & Lucas, 2006).

There are various psychologists who use the natural language as a source of

attributes that can be used for scientific taxonomy of the personality. They always

depend on the lexical approach beginning with the extraction of all personality-

related terms from the dictionaries. They assume that the personality characteristics

are encoded in the natural language. Accordingly, the personality vocabulary in the

dictionaries of language can give a set of attributes for the personality. Therefore,

they used the language for their personality taxonomy purposes. Baumgarten's

(1933) and Allport and Odbert (1936) are examples of the studies that used the

personality-relevant terms for their studies related to personality. They included all

the terms that could be used to “distinguish the behavior of one human being from
that of another. Their complete list amounted to almost 18,000 terms (Oliver &

Sanjay, 1999).

In the discovery of the Big Five factors in Personality trait ratings, Cattel (1943)

used the list of Allport and Odbert for multidimensional model of personality

structure, and his work stimulated other scholars and researchers to examine the

dimensional structure of trait ratings. In general, there are various scholars and

researchers who contributed in the discovery and the clarification of the Big Five

dimensions, starting from Fiske (1949) who used Cattel (19430) variables who

constructed much simplified descriptions. Norman (1963) replicated this five

factor structure followed by Borgatta (1964) and Takemoto-Chock (1981). These

five factors were initially labelled to include: 1. Extraversion or Surgency

(talkative, assertive, energetic); 2. Agreeableness (good-natured, cooperative,

trustful); 3. Conscientiousness (orderly, responsible, dependable); 4. Emotional

Stability versus Neuroticism (calm, not neurotic, not easily upset); and 5. Culture

(intellectual, polished, independent-minded). These factors eventually became

known as the "Big Five", including five factors that summarize a large number of

distinct and more specific personality characteristics. One of the advantages of the

Big Five taxonomy is its representation of various and diverse systems of

personality description in a common framework (Oliver & Sanjay, 1999).

There are various personality measures that depend on the Big Five, and there are

several developed measures that are short, including but not limited to the 60-item

NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI; Costa & McCrae, 1992), the 50-item

International Personality Item Pool – Five Factor Model (IPIP-FFM; Goldberg,

1999), the 44-item Big Five Inventory (BFI; John & Srivastava, 1999) and the 40-

item Big Five Mini-Markers (Saucier, 1994). However they may still be too long,

particularly in studies where participants will be completing a considerable number

of items or whenever use of participants’ time must be very brief. For these

reasons, may researchers were motivated to develop short measures, such as

Gosling et al. (2003) who developed the ten-item personality inventory measure of

the Big Five. In this study, the researcher will use the Tiny-Yet-Effective Measures

of the Big Five Factors of Personality developed by Donnellan, Oswald, Baird, &

Lucas (2006) who described the process to be used for the purpose of the

development and validation of a short tool that can measure the so-called Big Five

factors of personality.


Self-efficacy is a term that refers to the belief of the person of his/her capabilities

and capacities for doing or performing something or to produce a specific

performance attainment (Bandura A. , Self-Efficacy: The exercise of control,

1997). It is the state that consider the confidence of the person in his capabilities to
control something, in a way that influence all manner of human experience,

including the goals for which people strive, the amount of energy expended toward

goal achievement, and likelihood of attaining particular levels of behavioral

performance (American Psychological Association, 2020).

Self-efficacy is part of the self-system comprised of a person’s attitudes, abilities,

and cognitive skills. This system plays a major role in how the person perceives

situations and how he/she behaves in response to different situations. Self-efficacy

is an essential part of this self-system. It is assumed that an individual’s self-

efficacy plays a major role in how goals, tasks, and challenges are approached. In

addition, performing a task successfully strengthens the person's sense of self-

efficacy. However, failing to adequately deal with a task or challenge can

undermine and weaken self-efficacy. One of the other things that researchers

considered and found to have a great influence on the person's self-efficacy is the

so-called social modeling. That is to say that witnessing other people successfully

completing a task is an important source of self-efficacy. It is assumed that seeing

people similar to oneself succeed by sustained effort raises observers' beliefs that

they too possess the capabilities to master comparable activities to succeed

(Bandura A., 2010).

Internet Self-Efficacy
Internet self-efficacy can be defined as the person's perception of his/her abilities

and capabilities to use the internet. This concept has been studied frequently by

several numbers of studies (Chuang, Lin, & Tsai, 2015). The examination of the

person's internet self-efficacy means the examination of his/her confidence in the

general skills or knowledge of operating the internet functions or application (Tsai,

Chuang, Liang, & Tsai, 2011).

Regarding the source of internet self-efficacy and for the development of the

survey that can measure the internet self-efficacy, Bandura (1982) and Bandura

(1994) developed a theory that indicated that the sources of Internet self-efficacy

include enactive mastery experience (e.g., prior experience of success or failure),

vicarious experience (e.g., modeling choice or performance similarity), verbal

persuasion (e.g., feedback or credibility), and psychological and affective states

(e.g., psychological arousal and moods) (Chuang, Lin, & Tsai, 2015).

Enactive mastery experience is considered the most effective way of developing

the sense of efficacy that is considered the he authentic success in dealing with a

particular situation. In other words, it is assumed that the enactive mastery of

experience is considered the most influential source of self-efficacy because it

represents the most authentic experience. Therefore, it is a significant factor for the

measurement of the person's internet self-efficacy.

One of the other sources that Chuang, Lin, & Tsai (2015) considered is the

vicarious experience that is the direct experience and it is defined as the experience

that the persons acquires through the observation of other competent persons

successfully perform a specific task. This can support the assumption that the

model plays an important role in the person's vicarious experience, especially in

the internet environment.

Verbal persuasion is one of the sources of internet self-efficacy as assumed by Lin,

& Tsai (2015) too. They defined it as the communication used to convince the

person that he/she has the ability to perform a task. It is also assumed that the

verbal persuasion in the internet environment cannot be considered in the form of

verbal communication only, but it also includes text-based, graphic-based or video-


Regarding psychological and affective states assumed to be the source of self-

efficacy, it is assumed that ‘‘people read their tension, anxiety, and depression as

signs of personal deficiency’’. As a result, it is significant to put students’

physiological and affective states into consideration when person’s sources of self-

efficacy are explored.

Online Searching Strategies

Internet and Education

The emergence of internet is considered the enhancement of knowledge and

research. The Internet can be used for research by browsing the World Wide Web

using the Uniform resource locator to access databases provided electronically by

information providers. E-mails can be sent and received; chats and discussion can

be conducted in addition to the transaction of e-commerce (Afolabi, 2001).

Therefore, among its chief uses are research, entertainment and business

(Wajasurriya, 1998). Interned is characterized by its flexibility and dynamism in

information retrieval, storage and processing. It is for important in education and

learning process for the need to access timely to accurate and relevant academic

information. Therefore, the internet use has been greatly increased and in turn it

increased the speed of reaching to the information. Instead of going to multiple

libraries to search for information, the person has an unlimited access to thousands

of libraries and books. The significance of the internet may be derived from its

definition as a global network made up of various smaller networks that enable the

user to share information quickly and easily. It is a connection of millions of users

and computers around the world in the way that any use may access to other

information on other computer in the world and the information stored on it.

Therefore, it may be described as the tool that connect the various types of

computers in a way that a computer on the Internet can communicate and share

information with other computers in the network of networks, even though there
may be no direct physical connection between them. It can be said that Internet is a

system architecture that has revolutionized communications and method of

commerce by allowing various computer networks around the world to

interconnect Internets, sometimes referred to as network of networks. Regardless

of the various definitions of the internet, they all share the idea that the internet is a

worldwide network can be accessed from any place of the world (Eke & Omekwu ,


Currently, and with the increase of interest in using internet in all aspects of the

life, especially in the education and learning process, it becomes clear that the

teacher in the education and learning process should have the ability to find,

evaluate and use information that is constantly changing. It is assumed that in order

to provide students with an adequate education, it is necessary to address these

changes in the society through the education process. In addition, with the ongoing

changes in the way information is accessed, it becomes clear that ability is not

enough for teachers, but there are some other important issues above the level of

ability that shall be considered in that, including the self-efficacy of the teacher

(Eke & Omekwu , 2014).

Online Searching Strategies

In the process of trying to make information available to information seekers and

users in the past few years, Internet search strategies have become the state of the

art. This is so considering the strategic importance of Internet in information

retrieval. However, Brown (1999) stated that most valuable skill of the twenty first

century is the information navigation. It is related to the navigation of the

information stored on the internet to find the most accurate and reliable

information. For this reason, there are many studies now exploring and

investigating such skill. The ability of reaching to the needed information may be

considered the most critical as what we do on the internet depends on our ability to

search for specific information (Eke & Omekwu , 2014).

Panferov, Miklyaeva, Bezgodova, & Ivanov (2019) in the study of the strategies of

internet search for the University students assumed that that the effectiveness of

searching behavior on the Internet has no unambiguous relationship with the level

of knowledge about the subject area in which the searching is carried out, but it is

determined by experience in online information searching. Accordingly, Internet

information searching is an integrated cognitive process, which is significantly

different from reading traditional printed sources. In addition, the mentioned study

also stated that the main differences in perceptive and regulative aspects of

searching strategies are not related to procedural characteristics of the search, but

are connected with behavioral and metacognitive spheres. In general, the reviewed
studies demonstrate the relationship between the preferred strategies for the online

information search and particular levels of personal cognitive organization.


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