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Second Term exam – 2079 6. Sita phone me. (Y/N ques)
Subject: Grammar Grade: IX F.M: 50 7. Sita phoned because she need my help. (Why)
Second Term exam – 2079
Time: P.M: 20
Subject: Grammar Grade: X F.M: 50
1. Read the text and do the following activities. 5 Time: P.M: 20
"I Have a Dream" is a public speech delivered by American civil rights activist
Martin Luther King Jr. during the March on Washington for Jobs and 1. Read the text and do the following activities. 5
Freedom on August 28, 1963, in which he calls for an end to racism in the Artificial intelligence (AI), sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence
demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by
United States and called for civil and economic rights. Delivered to over
humans and other animals. In computer science AI research is defined as the study of
250,000 civil rights supporters from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in "intelligent agents": any device that perceives its environment and takes actions that
Washington, D.C., the speech was a defining moment of the civil rights maximize its chance of successfully achieving its goals. Colloquially, the term
movement.  "artificial intelligence" is applied when a machine mimics "cognitive" functions that
Beginning with a reference to the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed humans associate with other human minds, such as "learning" and "problem solving".
millions of slaves in 1863, King observes that: "one hundred years later, the The scope of AI is disputed: as machines become increasingly capable, tasks
Negro still is not free". Toward the end of the speech, King departed from his considered as requiring "intelligence" are often removed from the definition, a
phenomenon known as the AI effect, leading to the quip, "AI is whatever hasn't been
prepared text for a partly improvised peroration on the theme "I have a done yet." For instance, optical character recognition is frequently excluded from
dream", prompted by Mahalia Jackson's cry: "Tell them about the dream, "artificial intelligence", having become a routine technology. Capabilities generally
Martin!" In this part of the speech, which most excited the listeners and has classified as AI as of 2017 include successfully understanding human speech,
now become its most famous, King described his dreams of freedom and competing at the highest level in strategic game systems (such as chess and Go),
equality arising from a land of slavery and hatred. Jon Meacham writes that, autonomous cars, intelligent routing in content delivery network and military
"With a single phrase, Martin Luther King Jr. joined Jefferson and Lincoln in simulations.
Artificial intelligence was founded as an academic discipline in 1956, and in the years
the ranks of men who've shaped modern America". The speech was ranked since has experienced several waves of optimism, followed by disappointment and the
the top American speech of the 20th century in a 1999 poll of scholars of loss of funding (known as an "AI winter"), followed by new approaches, success and
public address. renewed funding. For most of its history, AI research has been divided into subfields
Q1.What issues does Martin Luther King’s speech address? that often fail to communicate with each other. These sub-fields are based on
technical considerations, such as particular goals (e.g. "robotics" or "machine
1.Continuation of racism, 2.End to racism and civil and economic rights learning"), the use of particular tools ("logic" or artificial neural networks), or deep
3. Civil rights, 4.Civil War philosophical differences. Subfields have also been based on social factors (particular
Q2.What pushes King to speak: “I have a dream”? institutions or the work of particular researchers). 
The traditional problems (or goals) of AI research include reasoning, knowledge
1.He reads out the Emancipation Proclamation representation, planning, learning, natural language processing, perception and the
2.He is prompted by Mahalia Jackson ability to move and manipulate objects. General intelligence is among the field's long-
3.he is overwhelmed by the crowd term goals. Approaches include statistical methods, computational intelligence, and
traditional symbolic AI. Many tools are used in AI, including versions of search and
4.Licoln had asked him to give the speech mathematical optimization, artificial neural networks, and methods based on statistics,
Q3.From the last paragraph, give one word for “to leave” probability and economics. The AI field draws upon computer science, mathematics,
1.Departed, 2. Proclamation,3.Improvised, 4.Address psychology, linguistics, philosophy and many others.

Q4.What is the name of martin Luther King’s famed speech? Q1.What is the AI winter?
1.The Emancipation Proclamation, 2.An Improvisation Q2.Are sub-fields based only on social factors?
Q3. Leaning and problem solving by machines is a colloquial way of understanding
3. A Peroration, 4.I Have a Dream artificial intelligence?
Q5.In front of whom does King speak? Q4. Are autonomous cars an example of AI?
Q5.Does AI only draw on technology and mathematics?
1.The civil rights supporters, 2.His friends, 3.Lincoln, 4.The Negroes
2. Re-write all the sentences as per indicated. 5 Change the sentences as indicated. 5
1. Complete your homework on time. (N) 1. Santi has a car. (yes/no) 5. Santi bought An IPhone yesterday. (N)
2. He has completed his homework. N 2. Santi meet at 2 pm. (N)
3. He completed his homework. N
3. Santi doesn’t like to talk with strangers. (Affirmative)
4. He always completes his homework. N
5. Sita has phoned me. (y/N QUESTION) 4. Santi is eating momo. (What)
2. Change the sentences into in directed speech 10
8. Sanoj doesn’t make mistake. (Affirmative) 1. He said, ‘Do you have an Iphone?’ 2. Santi said, ‘what have you done?’
9. Saya didn’t bother to talk to people. (Affirmative) 3. She said, ‘What a beautiful painting!’ 4. Mohan said to me, ‘wow! He is so
10. The man is in grief. (Y/N question) smart.’ 5. Ahn Jae said to me, ‘Buy me a plate momo.’ 6. He said to me, ‘ you
are going to pokhara, aren’t you?’ 7. He said to me, ‘kindly sing a song.’
3. Re-write the sentences changing into indirect speech. 10 8. She said, “ I do not live here.” 9. He said to me, “I will help you.’
1. She said, “ I do not live here.”
10. She said, ‘ I adored me.’
2. He said to me, “I will help you.’
3. He asked, “Do you know this man?”
4. She said, ‘Go to your room.’ 3. Change the sentences into in passive voice. 5
5. He said, ‘May God help us!’ 1. Respect your elders. 2. Prajita has been reading a novel.
6. He said, ‘Hurrah! We have won the match.”
7. He asked me, ‘what are you doing?’ 3. Ram will come tomorrow. 4. Ram was calling me. 5. She makes a painting.
8. He said, ‘ let me go.”
9. He said to me, ‘ you are going to pokhara, aren’t you?’
4. Change the sentences as directed. 5
10. He said to me, ‘kindly sing a song.’
1. Sandriya made a mistake. (Future perfect) 2. Sam has fallen down (simplepast)
4. Re-write the sentences with correct tags. 10 3. Promod will be phoning me. (Simple past) 4. I have come to meet you. ( present perfect con)
5. He is dancing. ( future con)
1. She rarely cooks food,…….?
2. She cooks food,….?
3. Someone is cooking food,…..?
5. Supply correct tags. 10
4. Something is wrong,……?
1. She rarely cooks food,…….?
5. One might have got affected,……?
2. She cooks food,….?
6. There is a cat,……..?
3. Someone is cooking food,…..?
7. Everyone can sing,…..?
4. Something is wrong,……?
8. Ram along with friends is coming,…..?
5. One might have got affected,……?
9. Either Ram or Sita is doing this,……?
6. There is a cat,……..?
10. Please help me,……?
7. Everyone can sing,…..?
8. Ram along with friends is coming,…..?
5. Change the following sentences into passive. 10
9. Either Ram or Sita is doing this,……?
1. Susma didn’t make the cake.
10. Please help me,……?
2. Aryan sets his alarm clock for 5:30.
3. A professional photographer this taken these pictures.
4. A policeman can help him.
5. The doctors claim that this new technique is a revolution for heart
6. Write a letter to the editor complaining about the ‘Garbage Management
6. The condition of these students worried the Principal. Problem’ in your society. 7
7. The police are looking for the missing paintings.
8. The police reported that the number of car accidents had increased. 7. Supply correct Articles. Don’t copy the full sentences. 6*0.5=3
9. Somebody stole my pen yesterday. Pavitra has …1.. unique brain. She is …2.. honest pupil. Firstly, she dreamt of
10. Why didn’t they offer him the job? being…3. M.A student. She reads .4. Bible every night. Well talking about her
nature, she has never told …5.. Lie. Her best subject is …6.. maths.
6. Supply the correct causative verb. 3
1. I…… washed my car. (have)
2. I……. cut my hair. (get)
3. I made the necklace. (get)

7. Write a letter to your friend explaining the importance of the English Language in the
Best of Luck!
modern world. (150 to 200 words). (7)

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