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A S.. P ROFESSIONAL EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II 2015 Third Edition DISPLAY ONLY : wow spansafetyworkshops.cnm SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IT Dedicated to All Safety, Health and Environmental Professionals Striving to Protect The information contained in this study guide is intended to be used in preparation for the Certified Safety Professional examinations and should not be used as an authority in the professional practice of safety, industrial hygiene, or environmental compliance. The opinions exprested are those of the authors and no guarantee, warranty, or other representation is made as to the absolute correctness or sufficiency of any information contained inthis study guide. Copyright © 2015 by SPAN International Training, LLC 402 W. Mt Vernon St#111 Nixa, Missouri 65714 ‘uw, All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced, by any means, ‘without permission in writing from the authors, except by a reviewer who wishes {0 quote brief excerpts in connection with a review in a magazine or newspaper. Inquiries by phone: 417-724-8348 or email info@spansafetvworkshopscom ISBN 978-1-886786-09-7 (set) ISBN 978-1-886786-07.3 (v.1) ISBN 978-1-886786-08-0 (.2) —— ee Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME It Table of Contents ‘Applied Math and Science Concepts. ‘Scientific and Engineering Notation . Unit Conversions. Unit Conversion Method ‘Equalities Between the Metric and Englis Reciprocal reo Conversion Problems. Conversion Solutions.. Chemistry and Industrial Hygiene Review... ASP Practice Exam 1 Questions ‘ASP Practice Exam 1 Answers ASP Practice Exam 2 Question nn ASP Practice Exam 2 Answers... = ASP Practice Exam 3 Questions. [ASP Practice Exam 3 Answers... ASP Practice Exam 4 Questions ASP Practice Exam 4 Answers ASP Practice Exam $ Questio ASP Practice Exam 5 Answers ASP Practice Exam 6 Questions. ASP Practice Exam 6 Answers. ‘ASP Practice Exam 7 Questions. ASP Practice Exam 7 Answers ASP Practice Exam 8 Questions. ASP Practice Exam 8 Answers... 2 Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II Applied Math and Science Concepts Scientific and Engineering Notation The concept of scientific notation is used extensively in Health & Safety work. {If you are not familiar with this concept, pay particular attention to this section ‘Additional information is available in most elementary science texts, and in @ ‘number of safety engineering and industrial hygiene works. In engineering ‘work it is often necessary to use extremely large and Very small numbers. For ‘example, the mass of an electron is commonly cited as 0.0000000000000000000000000009107 grams. A simpler Way to express such ‘numbers was needed. Thus scientific notation eliminates the need to wri the zeros. Exponents and bases. Practitioners involved inthe health & safety arena long enough, to be studying for the ASP exam, are CO*MIGAE already familiar with the idea of raising a number to | apower. Forexample, 10°is read as 10tothe sixth 3.46 10 power, and itis equal 010 « 10 » 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 6r 1,000,000. The 10 is known as the base and the 6 Base is called the exponent. Te exponent tells us the number of times the base is factor in the ‘multiplication. For example: Exponent 10°10 10x 10x 10x 10x 10=1,000000 Base So, 108s equal to one million. How about 10 to the 10th? 10!”= 10x 10x 10x10 x 10x 10x 10x 10x 10x 10 1,000,000,000 ‘A base can also have a negative exponent, for example, 10°. Always write a base with a negative exponent asthe reciprocal, with the sign of the exponent ‘changed to positive. The reciprocal of a number X is defined as 1/X. ———————————— ‘Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC 3 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II NegativeExponent Reciprocal of Original | 1 107 sini =0.1 2 Same exponent with a positive sign 1A 10 = Ix “Gop = 2.0002 Since 10' = 10 and 10" = 0.1, then anyone in the safety arena ean figure out that loa Writing numbers in scientific notation. ‘Any ordinary decimal number can be expressed as a decimal number between 1 ‘and 10 multiplied by some power of 10. For example, the number 541,000 ‘written in scientific notation looks like: sat x vot Decimal number Power of 10 Between I and 10 oR SALE OS becagse“E" =" 10" ‘The ordinary decimal number 0.00123 written in scientific notation looks like: 1a x w Decimal number Power of 10, Broween and 10 4 Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Trai SPAN? EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME I ‘Three rules for converting ordinary numbers to scientific notation are as, follows. RULE 1. —If the number is equal to or greater than 10, then 1, Move the decimal point to the let, counting the number of places it must ‘move ituntil a decimal number between 1 and 10 is determined, 2. Multiply this decimal number by 10 raised to a positive power equal to the number of places the decimal point was moved. RULE 2. Ifthe number ie less than 1 1. Move the decimal point to the right, counting the number of places it was ‘moved it until youhave a decimal number between 1 and 10, 2. Multiply this decimal number by 10 raised to a negative power equal to ‘the number of places the decimal point moved. RULE 3,—If the number is equal to or greater than 1.0 and less than 10.0. 1, Simply write down the number and multiply it by 10°(1), because no (zero) movement ofthe decimal point is required, Converting scientific notation into ordinary decimal numbers. To convert 2 number in scientific notation, such as 6:02 x 10", into an ordinary decimal number, start by examining the exponent. If the exponent is positive, move the decimal tothe right a number of places equal to the value of the exponent. Zeros may have to be filled in. Remember that positive exponents are associated with numbers greater than 10. Ifthe exponent is negative, move the decimal tothe let a number of places equal tothe value of the exponent. Again, you may have to fill in zeros, ‘Remember, negative exponents are associated with numbers thet are less than 1. ‘Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC 5 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II scientific notation, Multiplying numbers ‘To multiply two numbers written in scientific notation, multiply the two NUMBEROF MOLES ABSOLUTETEMPeK or R R= GASCONSTANT degrees K = °C +273, degrees R = °F +460 Note: PV =nRT is often ealled the equation of state, or the Ideal Gas Law, ‘on examinations. ———— Copyrigh(©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC 15 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II ‘The smallest particle of an element (that is still representative of the element ‘an atom, The atom is composed of electrons, protons and neutons. Electrons are negatively charged particles and responsible for the chemical reactivity of the atoms of an element. Profons are positively charged particles and neutrons. ‘are neutral. The protons and neutrons occupy the central area ofthe atom called the mucleus. Electrons reside inthe space surrounding the nucleus in atomic orbits. ‘An element isa substance made up of one kind of atom. For example, chlorine ‘gas consists only of chlorine atoms. Carbon is an element composed only of | ‘carbon atoms. The etoms of the same element have an identicel number of ‘protons and electrons. Atoms of the same element having different numbers of neutrons are called isotopes of the element. Ifthey have the same number of protons and neutrons they are considered neutral (neutrally charged). ‘Atomic Weight & Atomic Number ‘The masses of elements are called atomic weights. The baseline is carbon-12, the carbon-12 atom consists of six electrons, six protons and six neutrons and ‘thus, is given the mass of exactly 12. ‘The atomic weight of any element is the average weight (of the natural isotopes) compared to carbon, The mass in grams of any element that is equal to thatelement’s atomic weight is called one gram-molecular weight, or one mole (6.024 x 10” atoms or molecules = Avogadro's number). “The atomic number and the stomic weight are not the same The atomic ‘number of an element is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of that ‘element. The atomic number tells us the number of positive charges in the nucleus and the numbers of electrons in the neutral atom. As we will see in the periodic table, the atomic number determines the identity of an element, 16 Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II Chemical Symbols Hiyerogen Sodium Chromium He Helium | Mg ‘Magnesium iron Li Lithivin | Al Aluminum | Ni ‘Nickel Be Beryllium |P Phosphorus | Zn Zine B Bona |S Sulfur Br Bromine e Carbon Chlorine Todine N Nitrogen ‘Argon Mercury ° Oxeen_[K Potassium [Pb Lead F Fluorine Calcium Radon, The Periodic Table The horizontal groupings (rows) are called periods, and correspond to the umber of the outermost energy level (shell) electrons. The columns align to form groups or familles of elements with similar or identical outer-shell electron structures and thus, similar chemical properties. This outer shell or valence electror structure is important to our studies since it describes the basic stability of the stom structure. ‘+ The group TA located on the far left ofthe table is called the alkali metal family and consists of lithium (Li) sodium (Na), potassium (K), rubidium (Rb), cesium (Cs) and francium (Fr). The members ofthis group are all metals that react violently with water and ignite on exposure toair. The IA group has one electron in the outer shel, ‘© Group ITA, known as the alkaline earth metals, includes beryllium (Be), ‘magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), strontium (Sx), barium (Ba) and radium (Ra). These elements also react with water to form bases, but nat with ‘ear the intensity ofthe alkali metals. They can ignite in air after being heated or exposed to some ignition source. The IIA group has two electrons in the ovter shell ‘Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC "7 SPAN* EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IL ‘© Group VITA, is known as the halogens. The halogen group includes Aluorine (F), calorine (C), bromine (Br), iodine (1) and astine (At). In their elemental form, the members ofthis group are strong cxidizing ‘agents and react violently with many chemicals. In high coxcentrations, they are corrosive to many substances including metals and body tissues, ‘such as the skin, eyes and respiratory system. They become strong acids the presencs of moisture. Additionally, fairly recent knovledge of adverse health effects of halogenated compounds ensures tht all examinations will continue to test knowledge on properties/sffects of halogens. Nove: Fluorine is the most chemically reactive ofall elements. ‘The VIIA group has seven electrons in the outer shell ‘© Group VIIIA, on the far right of the periodic table is knownas the noble ‘gases. This group includes helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Az) and radon (Rn). These elements are sometimes referred to as the "nest gases". ‘Because the noble gases contain 8 valence electrons, they exhibit a very low tendency to chemically unite with other elements. Except for ‘helium, the noble gases are all heavier than air and displace oxygen. ‘Molecules and Compounds ‘Armolecule isa unit of matter formed by the chemical combination of two or ‘more atoms, usually from different elements. Chlorine (Cl) combines with hydrogen (H) to form hydrochloric acid (HCI). This is an example of atoms ‘combining by chemical bonding to form a molecule. Molecules ae groups of atoms that are bonded together so tightly that they act as one particle. In the case of chlorine gas, the atoms naturally combine in groups of twe to form a chlorine molecule, Cl. This form is more stable than one chlorine atom alone, ‘other examples of elements whose molecules are made up of two stoms are: hydrogen (H.), oxygen (O2) and nitrogen (N;). ‘A compound is a substance composed of all the same kind of molscules. For example, water is a compound composed entirely of water molecules (HO). ‘Compounds should not be confused with mixtures. Mixtures are not the result of chemical bonding, rather, they consist of separate elements or compounds ‘that are mixed together. Mixtures include solutions, when a solute (for example, sugar) is dissolved in a solvent (such as water). Like all mixtures, cach component of a solution retains its own chemical properties. 18 Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC SPAN*® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME It ‘Chemical Formulas ‘Chemical formulas are a shorthand way of expressing the composition of ‘molecules and ways in which they react with one another. Hydrochloric acid, the chemical combination of hydrogen and chlorine, is abbreviated HCL. This is the chemical formula for hydrochloric acid. In this case, there is one atom of hydrogen and one atom of chlorine in every molecule of hydrochloric acid. If there is more than one identical atom in a molecule, the number is shown as @ subscript after the symbol for that atom, as inthe chemical formula for sulfuric Acid, H3S0y. Here, there are two atoms of hydrogen, one atom of sulfur and four atoms of oxygen in every molecule of sulfuric acid, ‘The chemical formula for chloroform is CHC; and during prolonged storage in the presence of oxygen, chloroform converts slowly to phosgene, releasing HCI inthe process. This is illustrated by the following chemical reaction: Chloroform (CHC) + oxygen (03) yields Phosgene (COCh) + Hydrochloric Acid (HC). 2CHCh + 0, ——* 2COCk+ 2HCI As the bonds that hold molecules together are broken, the elements break free and bond in a different way to form different molecules. Bonding: Ionic and Covalent Chemical formulas illustrate how chemicals combine. The ability of molecules to break apart and form completely new molecules is called bonding. (Chemicals combine by either ionic or covalent bonding. Tonic bonds are {formed when two atoms exchange electrons, asin the bonding of sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl) to form table salt (NaCl). Sodium (Na) gives the one electron in its outer shel to the chlorine (Cl) atom that needs one electron to fill its outer shell, In general, elements in Groups IA and IIA form ionic bonds by giving up electrons, while elements in Groups VIA and VIIA form ionic bonds by accepting electrons. Since electrons carry a negative charge, the atom that receives the electron will be slightly negative, in tis case, CI. The atom that ives up the electron will carry a slightly positive charge, ie; Na’. This results uneven distribution of the charge, or polarity, in the molecule. The two (or more) atoms are held together by the attraction of opposite electrical charges. Copyright©2015 SPAN@ International Training, LLC 19 SPAN? EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IL ‘An atom (or molecule) that receives one or more electrons becomes a negative jon, and one that loses one or more electrons becomes a positive ien. The {formation of ions is the reason that such bonding is called This formation of ions isthe principle underlying some detection equipment used in safety and health work. Members of Group IA readily give up electrons and become positive ions. ‘Members of Group VIIA will accept electrons and become negative ions. Salts, such as NaCl (sodium chloride), KBr (potassium bromide) and Nal (sodium Jodide) are the products of reactions between positive and negative ions. Covalent bonds are those formed when electrons are shared between two atoms ina molecule, generally between atoms of the nonmetals. These atoms gain electronic stability by sharing electrons so that they look like the atoms of the noble gas nearest to them in atomic number. This means they appear to have a total of eight valence electrons, the exception is hydrogen which has only two valence electrons. One shared pair of electrons between any two atoms is called a covalent bund, 20 (Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IL Periodic Table oF Elements fies + 7 Periods: Horgau! ows of elements Groups: _Verieal Columns of elements (Group IA: Alkali metals rea iret with water o fom alkaline slutons Group IA: Alkine earths enc with wtf form alae sluts ‘Group VIIA: Haloges "sat former" combine with metas to fom sls Group VIDA: Noble gases = original thought be tal nett chemeal eombination To balance equations, one must be certain the equation has the same number of atoms of each kind on both sides ofthe arrow. An equation must be balanced in ‘order to satisy the LAW OF CONSERVATION OF MATTER, which states, "matter can nether be created nor destroyed in @ chemical reactor ‘Chemical reactions are "rearrangements" or "reshuffling” of atoms, but no new ‘atoms are formed, nor old ones lot. Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC 2 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IT Look at this equation and determine if itis balanced. ‘This oquion sbalnced beemse on exch sdeoftte —erefivonis tro thee ee fur yéropen toms adv onyeen Ease Wilt HN chanoed se wey tas ae Voor ON togetir Large nunbers in font ofthe symbols re si contents Thesrallnumten ateribesymbolsare 2H, +O, > 2H,O called subscripts. Those elements or compounds on the left side ofthe etion row ee called reactants — ‘and the chemicals farmed or produced on the right "eac/arts, products side of the arrow are called products. In order for an equation o be balanced, an equal number of each kind of atom has to be present on each side ofthe equation. The number of atoms is found by ‘multiplying the coefficient times the subscript. Balancing is always accomplished by inserting proper coefficients. The coefficients must always be whole numbers. Piece of cake, right? Is this equation balanced? CH,+0O,— CO,+H,O Remeber thet when thee no coefficient, the coeficient is understood ote 1 ‘Atalanced equation would have an equal number ofeach kind of atom on each of the equation. Sothis estat is incoret, because te namber of toms on both sides of he equation do nat equal, To balance an equation, insert coefiient, NEVER ALTER SUBSCRIPTS, a hat would produce ncorect formulas. As is shown below there are 4 hydrogen in the CH, on the reactant sid of the ‘equation. Therefore 4 hydrogen are needed on the product side To balance this equation, begin by placing the coefficient 2 before HO. By doing so the namber of oxygen has changed. There is now four oxygen. CH,+0, ——> CO,+2H,0 Placing a 2as a coelicent in front of the O: now provides the proper balanced ‘equation in the comoustion of methane with oxygen to produce carben dioxide and water. 2 Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IL CH,+20,——> CO,+2H,0 Balas fo folewing evan Fe +[)H,0 —__, [-]Fe,0, + H, See the next page forthe balanced equation, 3|Fe +[2]H,0 ——, Fe,0, + |2|H, Are the following equations balanced? 2Fe+3Ch ——> 2Fech, 4Fe+0; ——* 4Fe,0; 2FeBr;+2H,SO, ——* FexS04); 6HBr CiH.03+1,0 ——* 20:10; CiHs+ 30, ——* 2C0;+ 28,0 (C{Hye0+ 50: ——* 4C0,+ 5H.0 If these problems seem confusing, more review i highly recommended! ‘Answers (Top to Bottom): Yes, No, No, Yes, Yes, No Copyright©2015 SPAN® Internati SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II ASP Practice Exam 1 Questions 1) A random sample implies? 2) Any object, person or thing has an equal chance of being selected. 'b) Sumples that are separated by layers. ©) Apatterned response (every fourth instance or situation etc) 4) _Isasample confined to a particular location and te location is representative 2) fa plenum has a6 inch opening and 2000 cfin of airs being drawn what isthe air velocity in feet per minute? 8) 2000 fm b) 2548 fpm ©) 1405 fp 2) 1200 fpm 3) Athand tuck weighing $0 pounds has a coefficient of fiction 0.032. ‘How many pounds can be carried on the cat if 20 pound pushing force is applied? a) 445 Ibs b) 575 Ibs ©) 624 Ibs 4) 1985 tbs 4) A truck displays the following placard. This indiates the product on board is? a) Anacid a Bb) Acaustio c) Flammable 4) More information is needed 24 Copyright©2015 SPANS Iaternutuual Training, LLC SPAN‘ EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II 5 6 D 8) %) ‘A 6 part lock and tackle is used to lift a load of 3,800 pounds, Ignoring the sheave friction, what isthe force required”, a) 133 pounds b) 234 pounds ) 333 pounds @) 634 pounds s ‘The pressute water exerts on a diver during descent increases by one atmosphere for every 33 feet of depth. This is explained by: 2) Water becomes more dense linearly with depth b) Water exerts more force/unit area with depth c) The force of gravity increases with depth 4) The mass of the water increases with depth Of the fo:lowing which is considered an arom: a) methane b) naphthalene ©) butane 4) propane ie hydrocarbon? ‘Activate carbon is used as a sample collecting and/or filtering medium, ‘What properties of activated carbon make this an effective medium? a) self-cleaning over a shor period of time b) small surface area ©) high absorbency of the carrier gas only 4) extremely porous with a non-polar surface ‘Which of the following is not a characteristic ofa centrifugal fan? a) high volume with a low pressure drop b) lowspace requirement ©) often used with particle laden air 4) low to medium noise Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC 25 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II 10) Whats the volume in gallons of $00 pounds of ethanol (SG 0.79)? One. ‘gallon of water weighs approximately 8.34 pounds. 4) 7.6gallons b) 76 gallons ©) 79 gallons 4) 700 gallons 11) Acar is moving at $5 MPH applies its brakes causing a decelerating, force of 20.1 feet per second per second. What distance will the car travel before coming toa stop? 2) 1478 b) 163.8 ce) 234f 4) 2518 ‘Osiave Band] 31.5 [63 | 125 [250 ]500 [IK ]2K [4K [8K Center Freq. Hz ‘A-Weighing [39 |-26 |-16|9 |3 [0 |*l [a |-1 Correction ‘Octave Band Analysis Resulis OciaveBand [31.5 [63 | 125] 750 [500 [IK ]2K 4K [8K Center Freq. Hz ‘Sound Pressure [83 [87 [98 |@7 [72 |75 (92 |96 [94 Level dB 12) Using the information provided in the chart above, calculate the time of exposure allowed by the OSHA 1910.95 standard. a) 2.9hours b) 2:1hours ©) 4.3 hours 4) 8+hous 26 ‘Copyright©2015 SPAN@® International Training, LLC SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II 13) From the drawing shown how much downward force (discounting, fiction) is required on the rope attached to the wheel to ceuse upward movement of the 75 pound weight. YS eter Tetaoeeaas) = OY HD a) 75ibs b) 68.8 bs c) 15.5 Ibs 6.) 18.8 Ibs. 14) Using information from question thirteen, how much movement ofthe rope attached fo the large whee! is required to cause the 75 pound veight tobe lifted 6 feet? Fxd)"Fxdy a) 12 feet b) 15 feet c) 20 feet d) 24 feet Copyrigh©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC 21 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IT 15) The diagram shows how the system described in the preceding two {questions was modified to change the amount of force required to cause ‘movement ofthe weight. How much downward force (discount friction) is required on the bar to cause upward movement of the 75 pound weight. ee ue ae hoe a) 18 ibs b) 3 Ibs. ©) 62'bs 4) 80 Ibs 16) What would be the surface speed of an eight inch diemeter grinding whee! rotating at 1200 rpm? 2) 3600fmin b) 25108/min co) 735 1 4) 30 fvmin 17) Convert 400 ppm of carbon tetrachloride to mg/m? given the following information; MW = 153.8, VP = 90mm, SG = 1.59. a) 1518 mem? b) 1/600 mg/m? c) 2516 mg/m’ d) 3100 mg/m? 28 Copyright©2015 SPANO International Training, LLC SPAN* EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME 18) As gas sample occupies 500 liters at 20°C and 43.5 psi. Ifthe gas is reduced in volume to 250 liters and the temperature remains constant, what isthe new pressure? 2) 6atm) b) 12am ©) 18am d) 24am 19) A stone mason is laying stone on an exterior veneer wall. The WB 30°C; GT'= 39°C and DB =34°C. What is the WBGT in degrees F? ‘This isan outdoor location with solar heat load. a) 87F b) 80°F WBGT=07 WB +02 OT+011 DB ©) 90 4) 95 20) An Industrial Hygienist uses a sound level meter to determine the noise level in te center of 4 identical machines. The reading is 79.55 dB. ‘Based upon this reading, determine the sound level reading of each ne |S ) a) 70.3¢dB b) 72648 c) 73.5dB @) 7oas 21) For prote:ting Light Hazard Occupancy what is the maximum travel distance ellowed for a fire extinguisher? a) 75 feet b) 25 feet c) 35 feet d) 50 feet ey Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC 29 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) In some industrial occupancies fire doors are provided to allow. ‘compartmentalization of the facility and prevent the spread of fire and smoke. If these doors are equipped with self-closing devices they must be inspected regularly to assure operation. All ofthe following are valid Inspection items except: 2) Check lubrication on guides and bearings 'b.) Check to insure fusible links are painted to prevent rust ©) Check binders are not bent, thus obstructing the door 4) Check to insure chains or wire ropes have not stretched ‘The primary cause of fire sprinkler system failure is? ‘2) improper maintenance of the sprinkler system 'b) sprinkler heads clogged with rust and residue ©) lack of water pressure 4) closeé water supply shut-off valves ‘Determine the WBGT index where the Indoor Globe Temperature is 85°F and the wet-bulb temperature of 74°F. a) 109.27 b) 84°F WBGT =0.7 WB+0.3GT ce) 73°F 4) 34°C ‘A well 55 foot below grade to the inlet of a storage tank reservoir thet is 10 foot above grade. If the well pump pressure is 121 psig what would be the pressure of the water entering the storage tank? a) 73.5 psig b) 888 psia c) 92.8 psig 4) 147 psia What isthe velocity ofthe air in a 2.5 x 2.5 foot opening when you ‘measure 3000 cfim a the duct opening? 2) 100 fm b) 240 fpm av ©) 300 fpm 4) 480 fm 30 Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IL 2 28) 29) 30) 31) Wha is the requirement for sound level meter calibration? a) monthly b) quarterly ©) before each survey ) before and after each survey Solidairbome contaminants, of those listed, which mos likely bes the largest average particulate size? 1a) silica dust b) asbestos fibers ©) zine fumes d) fiberglass fibers ‘The safest method to determine electrical current through a circuit isto use which ofthe following devices? a) standard volt-ohm meter by megger meter i glavometer 4) split core ammeter ‘The recommended treatment for skin exposure to liquid oxygen is 2) Immerse affected body part in warm water b) Immerse affected body part in hot water Immerse affected body part in ice water d) Apply dry heat until feeling retums Safety Data Sheets (SDS) must contain all ofthe following except 2 protective equipment requirements bb) fire and explosion data manufacturer's part number 4) health hazard data Copyright©2015 SPAN@ International Training, LLC 31 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) ‘Communications regarding any form of warnings such as warning signs ‘of hazardous materials must be in a) English and Sps %) English ©) The Hazcom Standard does not specify language. 4) all the languages spoken in a workplace ‘A temporary change in the threshold of hearing is called a(n) a) Occupational Noise Correction Factor (ONCF) b) Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS) ©) Permanent Threshold Shift (PTS) 4) Reduction Hearing Index (RHI) Selecting the appropriate PPE when handling hazardous meterials is critical to worker safety. When handling containers that may be contaminated with a corrosive, such as an acid, which type of glove listed below would be appropriate? a) neoprene b) polyvinyl aleobol ©) latex 4) polyvinyl ‘There are three component parts of every noise issue, These components parts are? a) shock, alterating and sound status 'b) vibration source, path and diminution system ©.) nolse source, path and receiver 4) resonance level, transmission path, atenuation source ‘The Hazwoper standard, OSHA 29 CFR 1910-120, specifically states site safety and health training programs for wastesites must provide: 2) training for al site workers and supervisors '.) training for spill response c) training on personal protective equipment 4) allof the above responses are correct, 32 (Copyrigh(©2015 SPAN® Interuational Training, LLC SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME I 37) Training for welders on the fire characteristics ofa liquid hazardous ‘material, all ofthe following would be include except? a) b) ey 4) auto- ignition temperature TLV LEL URL 38) When posting aDanger Tag, under 29 CFR 1910.145, all ofthe following are correct except? a) b) ce) 4) ‘The signal word shall be readable at a minimum distance of 7 feet or greater. ‘The meaning shall be offered in wording, pictographs or both The tags shall be attached as close as practicable tothe hazard, Emplcyees must be informed as to the meaning of the signs. 39) The appropriate sequence for hazard contro: (1) Use a guard for the hazard (2) use engineering controls (3) Train workers a) b) 3) 4d), 40) The best course of action, for an employee to take when a supervi 321 123 213 132 orders a shut down on construction project due to safety violations that are nonexistent? a) b) e) 4) ‘Shut down the project as ordered. ‘Advise the next level of management. Resign the position. ‘Write «letter of protest to the CEO. Copyright©2015 SPAN@ International Training, LLC 33 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME It 41) Situation: A mother was transporting 6 of her daughter's soccer team ‘members to a game or a Friday afternoon. The total weight of the vehicle with driver and athletes was approximately 4850 pounds. The coefficient of friction for this particular road was 0.62. The mother became distracted while using hercell phone and hit an equipment shed. ‘The shed was moved 12 feet by the impact. The shed weighs approximately 250 pounds. The coefficient of friction was calculated at (0.65. The posted speed limit for this area of the complex is 10 mph. ‘What isthe estimated speed of the vehicle at impact? Foun a) 9mph b) 12 mph ©) 15 mph 4) 21 mph 142) A truck was required to make an emergency stop on a straight, level section of interstate higaway. Assuming a coefficient of friction of 0.67, ifthe driver had been observing the 70 MPH speed limit, approximately ‘how many feet of skid marks would be expected? a) 128.8 feet b) 157.8 feet c) 196.8 feet 4) 2438 feet 34 Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC SPAN* EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II 43). Atmospheric pressure (14.7 psi) will support a column of mercury approximately 29.92 inches high. Ifthe column of mercury is replaced ‘with a ealumn of Propanol (Specific Gravity 0.80), how high would the column te? Note: The Molecular Weight of Propanol is 60 2) 29.92 inches b) 36.6 feet ce) 42.4 feet 6) 29.92 feet 44) In the following illustration, what is the force of the member labeled "b"? 2) 216 lbs Z b) 108 ibs ©) 200 bs — 4) 1001s sn << J eS B 98 ——| 120 Ibs 45) A company has an aggressive safety awards program for over-the-road transport drivers. Twenty drivers are semi-finalists for three monetary awards each $1,500 in value, How many ways can awards be given? a) 1,140 Bee ae pe oa c) 60, Pr i dy 6.6 aro (Copyright©2015 SPAN@ International Training, LLC 35 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II 46) If'in the preceding question, awards were $2,000 for first place, $1,500 for second place and 1,000 for third place, how many ways could the awards be given? a) 1,140 b) 6,840 e) 60 4) 66 47) How many different ways can five members ofa safety committee be seated ata large round table? a) 1,200 b) 120 2) 12, 4) 12 48) Given the sample distribution shown here, compute standard deviation: 2 exw «PA a) 698 8 5 b) 3.03 n 2 ©) 3.20 15 3 4) 107 49) A substance has an explosive range of 1.5% to 20%. The LEL would then equate to how many parts per million? 1.) 10,000 PPM is the LEL, .) 15,000 PPM is the LEL. ©.) 20,00 PPM is the LEL 4.) LEL has nothing to do with explosive range 36 Copyright©2015 SPAN@® International Training, LLC SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II 50) _One-drop of AgNO; solution contains 300 billion silver atoms. How ‘many drops of AgNO; solution are then needed to make a .5 pounds of silver? The molecular weight of silver is 108. a) 84x10? b) 27x10? ©) 602 10° 4) 42x10? Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC 37 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME I ASP Practice Exam 1 Answers 1) Answer Ais correct because: ‘The random sample, as the name implies, allows everyone ina universe to have an equal chance of selection. The term universe in statistical ‘work implies ALL of the data. Stratified samples are separated by layers. ‘Systematis samples are patterned response (every third car accident, person etc). Cluster samples are confined toa particular location and assume the location will be representative. 2) Answer Bis correct because: Qqav a ak Anax(S ty? =0.785 cia 2000 0.785, y=2548 38 Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Trai SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II 3) Answer B is correct because: Force ~ Coefficient of Friction times Weight F=pN 20= 0.032% N Subtractout weight of cart 625-50=575 Ibs 4) Answer Dis correct because: This is the conosive placaud. A pHof less dan 7.0 indicates the contents are acidic. A pH of more than 7.0 would indicate an alkaline cargo. A. pH of 7 is considered neutral. More information is needed as both acids and bases are corrosive. 5) Answer Dis correct because: ‘A.633.3 pound force is required, 3,800 pounds divided by 6 =633,3 pounds 6) Answer B is correct because: Pressure is defined as a force per unit area. As the weight of water inereases with the increasing depth the pressure or force per unit area also increases, ‘Copyright©2015 SPAN@® International Training, LLC 39 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II 7) Answer Bis correct because: "Naphtalene i an organic compound wrth omula Cio Iie the simplest polyeyelic aromatic hydrocarbon, and isa" ¢: tohite erystalline slid with a f characteristic odor that is detectable at |g -& cconcertrations as low as 0.08 ppmby mass. As an aromatic hydrocarbon, 4 Taphtilene's structure consists of fused pir of zens rings, Iis best Inownas the main ingredient of treitonal mothballs 8) Answer is correct because: ‘Activated carbon is extremely porous and has a non-polar surface. I: ‘adsorbs molecules to its surface readily. When bathed in a non-polar solvent such as carbon disulfide the adsorbed molecules are easily removed and dissolved into the solvent. 9) Answer A is correct because: High volume and low pressure drop are characteristics of axial flow fans Which are most commonly used for general veatiation or dilution ventilation work. Centrifugal fans are used against low to moderate static pressures such as encountered in heating and airconditioning work. ‘These fans have low space requirements and are quiet. The paddle wheel ‘of long shaving wheel is used with a medium ip speed for bulfing ‘exhaust, Woodworking exhaust or when a heavy dust must pass through the fan, 10) Answer B is correct because: ‘The ethanol weighs 0.79 times as much as water. 500 pounds of water is about 60 gallons divided by 0.79 equals 75.9 gallons of ethanol. 40 Copyright@2015 SPAN@ International Training, LLC SPAN* EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME I 11) Answer B is correct because: OaVj+2as = (B1:lseo)’ + 2«(-20.1 eee?) 0=6,561+(-40.2)x3 Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC 41 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II 12) Answer B is correct because: Step 1: Adjust the octave band analysis sound pressure levels tothe A~ weighted scale using the weighting factors provided. ‘Octave Hand Center [315] ] 125 [250 [500 [IK [2K aK ] ak Freq. Hz ‘Sound Pressure |@i_) 87/98 [87 72 [75 [92 |96 [9 Level 8 | ‘AWeighing 3 16 oa [a Conection Sound Presure [44 Jor | 2 | 78 Joo J7s [os |o7 | os Level Adjusted to aBA Step2: Caleulate the combined SPL in dBA SPLra=10 Log | 10°F + 108% +... 108| SPLnu=10 x Log ( 10! + 10% + 108 + 10" + 10" + 10" + 10% + 10% + 10%) ‘SPLru=10 x Log ( 10**+10"'+10"*+10*+10°7+10"7#10"+10"7+10 >) SPLyoe "10 x Log9,264,832,123 SPLrwu=99.67 BA Step3. Calculate the time allowed for this exposure £21 hours 38 2 Copyright©2015 SPAN@ International Training, LLC SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IL Comments, ‘This would be a particularly difficult problem to attempt on a lengthy and timed examination, Iti only worth one point and has numerous chances for error. Additionally, the formula for adding sound levels at different ‘frequencies is not provided in the formula handout. There is an alternate ‘method involving the sound pressure eddition table shown on the next page. Difference ih dB levels Addo higher 1 3 zea 2 res 7 Sand 0 ‘This method i, in the authors’ opinion, no less difficult than the formula ‘method and yields less precise results. An example of how the method ‘would be used on this problem is shown below. smn 4 PR PRB 3 MC OM a ess ~ 99 However, depending on the accuracy required in the answer, this method might prove beneficial. This type of question is designed to waste the examinee’s time. You must be careful to avoid falling into the rap of spending a lot of time on questions like this, simply because they present a challenge. If attempting to solve this problem on the actual examination, it advised to wait until full atention is given to all the other questions. Remember, one question, fone point! Copyright©2015 SPAN@ International Training, LLC 4B 13) SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME I ‘Answer D is correct because: Concept: The machine ood | ) lustrated shows the principle + of mechanical advantage. males t The illustration shows the es ratio of mechanical advantage is3 to 12.r 1 to 4, Therefore the force to lif the bucket will be % the ‘weight of the bucket, 25 + 4~ 18.75 Tbs. ‘Step 1: Determine the radius for each pulley. ‘Note: This question discounts ftiction, which ina real appli T5ibse Sin 6in F,=1875ibs fon would add a small amount of additional force to the hoisting line. ‘Copyright©2015 SPAN® Internat SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME Il 14) Answer Dis correct because: Fyxd) =F, «dp xd) are 15Ibs*6R 8. 4,248 Apply the formula = force times distance using the forces determined in the preceding question and the distance given in the question. ‘The machine shown in the question allows one to lifta weight with only 4 the force ofthe weight, but it must be lifted 6 times the distance. 15) Answer B is correct because: Concept: The mechanical advantage of the Fx d, =F, xd, ‘machine has been changed. The ratio is 1.5 inches to 36 inches or 1:24. Therefore, the force to cause movement of the weight will bef, 1/12th the weight, 75 + 24=3.1 pounds. 4 Using the radius for the small pulley and the length ofthe lever, apply the formule - force times distance 36in ‘Note: It is important to understand that this {question discounts friction, which ina real application would add some additional force to the hoisting line. R=3.1lbs ‘Copyright©2015 SPAN® International T1 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IL 16) [Answer Bis correct because: Step 1: Determine Circumference of the wine. c=nd (gt) c © .09 Step 2: Determine Surface Feet per Minute SFM RPM SFM = 2,091,200 SFM = 2,513.8 permin ine diereie Pome tee or spain 4S nin’ = REM wc itsita mgim? =2516 46 ‘Copyright©2015 SPAN® Internation ‘Training, LLC SPAN* EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME I 18) Answer A is comrect because: ‘Boyle's law states that at constant temperature, pressure and volume are inversely related, e-;.s the pressure increases the volume decreases, etc PW _P Vs tT BY 4355 « 500=P, x 250 19) Answer Cis correct because: 23) t, £ y eo ee er 52280-8996 90°F ‘Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC 47 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IT 20) Answer Cis correct bea ‘Note: This formula for addition of sound levels may be given on the n-th S | eee er el praed) rca) [Egrindvidual sound level of of each source (48) [N= umber of sound pressure levels It is often simplifieé to the field formula, which will be easier to use in solving this problem. Ly=Lq+0logN Apply simplified formula and solve. Lily +10} 10stog 4 L602 7955-602 21) Answer A is correct because: NEPA 13 5.2 Light hazard occupancies shall be defined as occupancies or portions of other occupancies where the quantity and/or ccombustibility of contents is low and fires with relatively low rates of heat release are expected. Light hazard occupancies include ‘occupancies having uses and conditions similer to the following: ‘Animal shelters Churches, Clubs. Eaves and overhangs, if of combustible construction with no ‘combustibles beneath BeRe 48 Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II Educational Hospitals, including animal hospitals and veterinary facilities Institutional Kennels 9. Libraries, except large stack rooms 10. Museums 11. ‘Nursing or convalescent homes 12. Offices, including data processing 13, Residential 14. Restaurant seating arens 15. Theaters and auditoriums, excluding stages and prosceniums 16, Unused attics The maximum travel distance toa fire extinguisher regardless ofthe rating for Class A hazards is 75 feet. 22) Answer B is correct because: Fusible lead links should not be painted because the paint affects the temperature at which the links will melt. 23) Answer D is correct because: Sprinkler systems are very reliable and function flawlessly about 95% of the time. When failures do occur, about 35% of the time the main cause of failure is closed water-supply valves. The main cause of leaking sprinkler heads is overheating caused by placement of sprinkler heads too close to heat generating processes or utilities, 24) Answer C is correct because: wact=07WB+036T ‘Apply indoor formula and solve WEGT=(0.7474 + (03x85) WBOT=518+255 waot=71.9F ‘Copyright©2015 SPAN International Training, LLC 49 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IL 25) Answer Cis correct beeause: Step 1: Caleulate loss in psig by multiplying rise by 0.433 0.483 p51 65.8 99 pai ira Step 2: Subtract from original pressure to determine 121.0 psi residual pressure. = 282 psi 28 psi Note: The weight density of water is 62.4 Ibs/ft’. To convert to psi per foot of rise, divide by 144 (square inches in a square foot); this equals about 0.433 psi per foot of water. 26) Answer D is correct because: Q-aVv 27) Answer D is correct because: Jn accordance with most manufacturers” recommendations and in keeping with good practice, calibrations should be done at the start of ‘measurements and after completions to insure that all readings are accurate. 28) Answer A is correct because: Silica are the largest with zine fumes have the smallest size of materials isted. 50 Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Trai LLC SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II 29) Answer D is correct because: A split core ammeter has fingers that enclose the conductor under test ‘without opening or tapping the circuit. This is much safer than other methods, 30) Answer A correct because: For skin contact with liquid oxygen, remove any clothing that may restrict circulation tothe frozen area. Do not rub frozen parts, as tissue damage may result. As soon as practical, pace the affected area in a ‘warm water bath with a temperature not exceeding 105°F (40°C). Never tse dry heat. Call a physician as soon as possible. Frozen tissue is painless and appears waxy with a possible yellow color. It will become swollen, painful, and prone to infection when thawed. If the frozen part of the body has been thawed, cover the area with a dry sterile dressing, ‘with a large bulky protective covering, pending medical care 31) Answer C correct because: ‘The Hazard Communication Standard (HICS) requires chemical manufacturers, distributors, or importers to provide Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) (formerly known as Material Safety Data Sheets or MSDSs) to ‘communicate the hazards of hazardous chemical products. As of June 1, 2015, the HS will require new SDSs to be ina uniform format, and include the section numbers, the headings, and associated information ‘under the headings below: Section 1, Identification includes product identifier, manufacturer or distributor name, address, phone number, emergency phone number; recommended use; restrictions on use. Section 2, Hazard(s) identification includes all hazards regarding the chemical; required label elements. Section 3, Composition/information on ingredients includes information on chemical ingredients; trade secret claims. Section 4, First-aid measures includes important symptoms’ effects, acute, delayed; required treatment. Section 5, Fire-fighting measures lists sutable extinguishing ‘techniques, equipment; chemical hazards from fire. Section 6, Accidental release measures lists emergency procedures; protective equipment; proper methods of containment and cleanup. SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II Section 7, Handling and storage li storage, including incompatibilities. Section 8, Exposure controls/personal protection lists OSHA's Perunissible Exposure Limits (PELs); Threshold Limit Values (TLV), appropriate engineering controls; personal protective equipment (PPE). Section 9, Physical and chemieal properties lists the chemicals characterises. Section 10, Stability and reactivity lists chemical stability and ‘possibility of hazardous reactions. Section 11, Toxicological information includes routes of exposure; related symptoms, acute and chronic effects; numerical measures of toxicity. Section 12, Feological information” Section 13, Disposal considerations* Section 14, Transport information” Section 15, Regulatory information’ Section 16, Other information, includes the date of preparation or last ‘The specific part number ofthe manufacturer is not required. precautions for safe handling and 32) Answer Bis correct because: OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200 requires that all information be presented in English (other languages canbe used in adition to English. DANGER is a signal word intended for immeciate hazards that will result in severe personal injury or death, WARNING is a signal word intended for immediate hazards that could resultin severe persone injury or death, CAUTION is signal word intended for minor persona injury or property damage. 33) Answer B 's correct because: ‘A temporary depression of the hearing is called a Temporary Threshold Shiftor TTS. When people are exposed to a high level of noise, they almost always exhibit a transient attenuation in their ability to hear. ‘This temporary threshold shift (TTS) usually vanishes a few hours after the exposure. One theory has held that a permanent threshold shift (PTS) is simply the result of a large number of TTSs, each superimposed on the last. According to that theory, avoidance of any demonstrable TTS, should result in no PTS. 2 Copyright©2015 SPANO International Tra SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II 34) 35) 36) 31) ‘Answer A is correct because: Glove materials such as butyl rubber or neoprene are generally best for handling acids like hydrochloric acid. Latex allergies are common and need to be considered when selecting gloves for your employees, Answet C is correct because: Every noise problem is comprised of three components: ‘© source of sound enersy path of sound energy © receiver of sound energy Answer D is correet because: OSHA 1910.120 requires an extensive safety and health plan that Includes a safety and health training plan, Extensive requirements are outlined in the HAZWOPER standard on the various levels and complexity of training. Training for responding specialists, such as Hazmat teams, is required but generally the responsibility for this training would fall upon their employer, rather than the owner ofthe clean-up contract. Angwer B is correct because: The Threshold Limit Value (TLV) as defined by American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) refer to "airborne concentrations of substances and represent conditions under which itis believed that nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed day after day without adverse health effects". Certainly information about TLVs should be included in welder training, however this question asked about the fire characteristics of hazardous chemicals. TLVs mainly concem health effects and are not indicators of flammability. Selection "B autoignition temperature is defined by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) as "The lowest temperature at which a flammable i ignite from its own heet source or a contacted heat source without the necessity of spark or flame", Selection *C" the Lower Explosive Limit is defined as "The minimum concentration of combustible gas or vapor in air below which propagation of flame does not occur on contact with a source of ignition” ‘Copyright©2015 SPAN@ International Training, LLC 3 38) 39) 40) 54 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II ‘Selection "D" Upper Explosive Limit is defined as "The maximum ‘concentration of Vapor oF gas in air above which propagation of flame does not occur” ‘Answer A is correct because: ‘The required difference for readability is “S” feet. The use of both ‘written text and pictographs will ensure understanding in a culturally diverse work force. Additionally, signs should be in positive, conc casy to read terms, warn against potential hazards and should not vary in design at the same location and in the identical situation. Answer Cis correct because: Engineering is always the first and most successful method of dealing with a problem. The second choice is to guard the hazard, and the last ‘method is to educate the human element. Some safety texts break down " guarding the hazard” into (1) incorporation of safety devices and (2) providing warning devices. Guarding the hazard i also classified as ‘administrative controls. "Educating personnel" may also be sub-divided into (1) developing and implementing operating procedures and employee training programs and (2) using personal protective equipment. LockoutTagout (LOTO)is considered an administrative control. Another example of an administrative control is to require employees to rest for 10 minutes after working for a set period of time in a high temperature environment. Remember that although engineering isthe first choice to fix aproblem, interim measures such a PPE may have to be used until the engineering fix is completed. ‘Answer B is correct because: The selection of an answer is very difficult because there is individual preference when approaching these problems. However, the preferred answer inthis ease would be to elevate the problem up the management chain until an executive that supports your decison is found. However, ‘your supervisor must be informed of this concem and plan to notify higher management. (Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Trai SPAN* EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME It 41) _ Answer C is correct because: To solve this problem, rely on the physical law of conservation of energy. ‘That is, the energy required to move the shed is equal tothe energy developed by the truck speed.. Ifthe amount of energy required to move the shed is determined, the speed of the vehicle at impact can be easily solved, Step 1: Determine kinetic energy required to move shed. FeuN F=0,65 » 4850 =3.152.5 Ibs KE-F xd KE, =3,152.5Ibs « 12 8 =37,830 tt-Ibs ‘Step 2: Determine the minimum speed of the truck to develop the kine needed. (OX KE. W 0 = 37,830 4850 5.3 MPH NOTE: The above formula is an accident investigation skid mark analysis equation. It may not be given on the exam, The equation can be derived from a series of formulas as follows: - KE-= and m ‘Step 1: Combine basic formulas for kinetic % g enerey given weight w iis KE = i 2 Copyright©2015 SPANG International Training, LLC 35 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IT 44) Answer A is correct because: DB Step 1: Since the relationships of force must follow the Fi B relationships of length inthe right triangle, solution can be _Sft__9ft as simple as a ratio and proportion problem. That is, 5 feet is 120s 10 120 Ibs as9 feet is 10°F," Gain Alternate Method: F216 ths Step 1 Determine the angle for this triangle given the dimension information provided. imA=— 5 tmA=5 tn A=0.56 tan 0.56 29.25 degrees ‘Step 2 Given the angle and the force for one side determine the force for the member in question, in this case " 38 ‘Copyright©2015 SPAN® Internatio SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IL. 45) We selected answer A because: Recall formula and solve. That is, the number of combinations of» things taken rat atime. ‘Note: This is accomplished very easily on most scientific calculators that follow the standard notation. Enter first, then keystroke nCr, enter 7, then ~. (on the TT 30X-II, the nC: function is (on PRB key), 46) Answer B is correct because: ‘Recall formula and solve. In the preceding ‘question, the order in which awards are given didnt matter since each was $1,500. However, ‘order matters inthis question since one person ‘will get $2,000, another will get $1,500 and the last one will get $1,000. So, for this question, use the equation for permutations. ‘Note: This is accomplished very easily on most scientific calculators that follow the standard ‘notation. Enter» fist, then keystroke nPs, enter ne Pa 20-9) 2.43 x10!% 20 7310" “Go! 3° G0-3)1 2A3x10" oy Peep 35610 7, then =. (on the TI 30X-IIS, the nPr function is on the PRB key) 47) Answer B is correct because: ‘Recall formula and solve. That i, the number of permutations of m things taken rata time. Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC 59 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II 48) Answer Cis correct because: 5 2D eax ® 5 9 (On the TL 30XAIS: Setto Stat mode then seleat1-VAR and enter: Press DATA Xi = 8 down arrow FRQ= § down tow X2~ 1] down arrow FRQ= 2 down arow X= 15 down arow FRQ™ 3, then press STATVAR select S= 3.1989. 1989 49) Answer B is correct because: ‘The Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) i 1.5% or 15,000 ppm. 1.5% = 0.015 0.015 x 1,000,000 = 15,000 prm 50) Answer Dis conest because: ‘Using Avogadro's number of 6.024 x 1023 atoms per gr-mole. The GMW or GAW (Gram Atomic Weight) of silver & 108 grams, then: drop, 6.02410" atoms —_Imole 3x10" atoms” — mole “108. gams 73x10" A = 273x10" 410" perlb or 42x10" dropsper0.5 Ibo silver 3.24x10" ri ee 60 Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME I ASP Practice Exam 2 Questions 1) Monitoring of industrial effluents generally includes which of the following? 2) chlorine, pH, metals, temperature b) BOD, TSS, pH, LANL ©) enzymes, pH, TSS 4) BOD, TSS, meals, temperature 2) In-ventilation hood design, the function ofthe slot in slot hood is to: 2) increase capture velocity 1b). provide greater static pressure per horsepower ¢.) obtain proper air distribution 4) decrease capture velocity 3) A volatile liquid at any given temperature under any equilibrium condition will exert a pressure that is defined as? 4.) vapor pressure partial pressure .) Universal fluid pressure (UFP) 6) pressure of equilibrium 4) Regarding fiction, the most correct statement would be? 2.) There is no difference between static friction force end kine friction foree Surface area is used in the determination of frictional forces. c.) Kineti friction does not depend on speed 4) Normal force is used in the calculation of static fiction Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IT 5) How many states have OSHA approved State Plans? ais b)30 ©) 25 4)50 6) A characteristic of carbon disulfide CS, would include al ofthe following except? 2) non-flammable 'b) systemic poison )_ is absorbed through the skin 4) used asa solvent, disinfectant and insecticide 7) Insome combustible gas indicators (COIs), an eletrial circuit consisting ofa series of resistors is used to measure the mixture of the combustible ga oat. The resistors ae balanced and one leg ofthe circuit, called shot wire, is exposed tothe suspect atmosphere. 1f@ ‘combustible mitureis present, catalytic combustion inreases the wire resistance wire nd causes an imbalance. The circuits called 41) Combustible Resistor Circuit (CRC) b) Wheatsone Bridge ) Combustible Balancing Circuit 4) Hot Wire Detector (HW) 8) To qualify as a Star site in general industry for the OSHA voluntary Protection program (VPP), a company’s Days Away Restricted or Transferred (DART) rate must be: 2) At least 25% below the national average ) At or below the national average for at least 1 of 3 years ) At least 50% below the national average for 3 years ))At least above the national average for 1 out of the previous 3 ‘years a (Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME I 9) Which ofthe following equations is balanced? ) Cus) *2AgNO; (aq) ——> CulNOs) (aq) + 2Ag (6) 6) 2Cu (6) + 2AgNO3 (aqy—* 2Cu(NO3)2 (aq) + 24g (6) ©.) Cu(s) + 4AgNO3 (eq) ——» 2Cu(NO3)2 (aq) + 44g (3) 4) 3Cu (8) + 6AgNO3 (aq) —» 2Cu(NO3)2 (aq) + 6Ag (5) 10) A means of egress, as defined by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), is defined as a continuous path of travel from within a building tothe outside. Which of the following choices is not included as part of this definition? a) The Exit b) The Exit mechanism ) The Frit access 4.) The Exit discharge 11) Which of the following classes of organic chemicals can potentially form highly explosive organic peroxides? a) anhydrides ) alkyds ce) ethers 4) aniline 12) Exit doors, according to the Life Safety Code, must conform to all the following except? a) Doors should be properly marked b) Doors should swing in the direction of ext. 2) Doors can be held open if equipped by fusible links. 4) Doors cannot be locked, 13) The NFPA has established three main classes of occupancy in the Sprinkler Standard. According to this Standard which ofthe following correctly identifies these three classes? 8.) Low Hazard, Ordinary Hazard and High Hazard b) Low Hazard, Ordinary Hazard and Extra Hazard .) Low Hazard, High Hazard and Ultra High Hazard 4) Class A, Class B and Class C SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IL 14) 15) 16) 7) Fatalities and substantial property losses associated with airbome particles and explosions were caused are likely caused by: a) combustible dust/powders b) fertilizer mixing with oil ©) ionizing radiation 4) spontaneous combustion Dilution ventilation is primarily used to control 4) contaminant at its source b)__ fumes from lead fusing ©) low toxicity vapors 4) asbestos fibers during remediation projects Firefighting standpipe systems that are to be used only by trained fre departments are called? a) Class b) Class 1 ©) Class I 4) Combined Intcinsically safe equipment may be used ina flammable or explosive atmosphere because it is capable of: 8). containing internal explosions 'b) not producing any ignition sources ©) operating below the auto ignition temperature <4) shutting down the equipment serviced Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II 18) 19) 20) 21) Copyright©2015 SPAN Intern: NEPA 20 details performance criteria for the installation of firefighting booster pumps. Any new industrial fire pump with the ULL. or FM label ‘will comply with this standard. Which of the following statements is ‘most correct concerning flow rates and pressures? 1.) The pump must develop 150% of rated pressure at chum without cavitating. .) The pump must deliver 150% flow at 65% pressure. ©.) The pump must deliver 150% pressure at 100% flow 4) The pump must deliver 150% pressure at rated flow. ‘A flammable liquid witha flash point at or above 200°F is classified by the NEPA as a: a) Class Iiquid .) Class I liqui cc) Class IB liquid 4) Class IIB liquid ‘A major purpose of hoods on grinders and cutting wheels isto: a), shield the operator ifthe wheal should disintegrate 'b) cover at least 75% of the wheel ce) prevent the operator falling into the wheel 4) none of these responses are correct ‘The acronym, AQL, represents: a) atypical quotient level b.)_ average quality level ) acceptable quality level 4) associate quantity level onal Training, LLC 65 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IL 22) In comparing morbidity and mortality data for epidemiological studies which of the following would be the best expressicn? 1.) The variable of age is adjusted with a SMR (Standard Mortality Ratio) Cross-sectional studies ae allowed to use (WDR) World Death Rates for comparison ) Datais compared to World Mortality Data Bank figures 4) Morbidity data is sometimes linked with etiological data 23) Employees experienced several slips and falls in anewly constructed area ofa warehouse. This has been occurring for several weeks and the ‘problem has finally been corrected by installing ski resistant material on the walkways. When should this problem have identified a) after the first incident 'b.)_ by the a company insurance "safety expert” c) by maintenance personnel 4.) during review of the building design plans 24) The acronym LTPD is used in sampling strategies and stands for: a) Lot Tested Permissible Defect Lot Total Percent Defective ) Labile Total Percent Defective 4.) Labrification Total Permissible Defect, 25) An OSHA mandated hearing conservation program requires all the following except? 2.) Employees must be provided with appropriate hearing protection. .) Employees must be trained and retrained annually. cc.) Employees must receive an audiogram within 6 months. 4.) Employees must be given time off to allow the auditory ossicles torecover. 26) If variations in noise levels are occurring at arate more often than once pper second, the noise is considered under OSHA's noise standard, a) impulse b) continuous ) impact 4) aandc above 66 Copyright©2015 SPAN@ International Trai SPAN? EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME I 27) Ate exposutes above the Threshold Limit Value (TLV) permitted? a) Yes if not exceeded by more than 12% b)_ Yes ifnot exceeded by more than 18% ©) Only ifbelow the TLV-C i) Exposures above the TLV are never allowed 28) The most effective design for noise control barriers are a) bales airtight enclosures ¢) absorbent materials 4) partial enclosures 29) When designing a ventilation system, which work operation would require the system to have the greatest capture velocity? a) grinding. .)_ solvent evaporation from open surface tanks ©) spray booths 4) hot work 30) The most serious heat related illness is? a) heat cramps .) heat exhaustion ) heat stroke d) heat syncope 31) A disease that could cause numbness of the fingers could be associated swith? a) sillicosis b.) demnititis c) Asperger Syndrome 1) Raynaud's Syndrome —_— Copyright©2015 SPAN@ International Training, LLC 6 32) 33) 3a) 35) 36) 6 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IT ‘The most common cause of melanomas on the skin is ) chemical exposure. ,)_ exposure to sunlight. ¢) are welding. 4) are flash. All ofthe following terms are associated with the pulmonary function testing during the normel industrial physical except? 4.) Maximal Voluntary Ventilation (MVV) b) Forced Vital Capacity FVC) ©) One-second Forced Vital Capacity (FEV) 4) Tidal Volume (TV) ‘The greatest exposure risk from current X-ray equipment is from: a) Alpha ) high voltage ©) Beta 4) RF ‘Another term for specific gravity in moder scientific usage is a) relative density. 'b) volumetric mass density cc) baft density. 4.) none of the above are used. Loss of consciousness can accur if exposed to levels of COs that are equal to or exceed: a) 4% b) 6% ) 9% 4) 1100 ppm Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IT 3 38) 39) 40) at) The most commonly used safety precaution to eliminate or lessen the accumulation of static electricity when transferring flammable liquids is? 44). bonding and grounding ') electron flow detection systems ) fill pipe extensions 4) increase conductivity of the liquid Which of the following statements is most correct concerning the affliction of frostbite? fa) It-causes uncontrolled shivering. 'b)_Frostbitten skin is sof, pufly and darker than normal, ©.) The first symptoms area "pins and needles” sensation followed by numbness. 4) Typical character are irregular heartbeat and respiration ‘What is the maximum burst pressure required for LPG hoses? a) 1250 psig b) 750 psig ©) 500 psig, 2) 250 psig, In General Industry, which of the following would not be considered a ‘major type of machine guards? a) fixed )_ swing away ©.) interlocked 4) automatic ‘The minimum riser height and maximum tread run for ixed industrial steps as recommended by OSHA and ANSI are: d) Sinand14 in (Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC 6 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IT 42) A health hazard associated with are welding of stainless ste production of fumes containing: a) nickel and chromium ’.) carbon and nickel ) copper, nickel and acid gases d)) fluorides, nickel and chromium 43) Pressure testing i generally considered tobe a __tes? a). destructive b) bactyl ¢) elemental 4) rachitogenie 44) Static electricity is described as high current flow and with very low voltages. a) False b) False as both voltage and current flows are high. ©) Tre 4.) True since static electricity involves no current flow. 45) _In.atypical electrical distribution transformer, used inside a plant when compared to the primary side, has voltages that are? lower higher same variable 46) ‘The most economical way to protect an elevated water tank from the damaging effects of corrosion is to 4.) Install a glass lined system 'b.) Line the tank with fiberglass liner. ©.) Ground and bond all components. 4) Install cathodic protection. 0 ‘Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Trai SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME I 4 48) 49) 50) 51) ‘When wire rope is used for lifting or hoisting, inspection would include all ofthe following except? 4.) corrosion 5). Iubrication ) non destructive testing 4) kinking Which organization is responsible for publishing The Fire Protection Handbook? a) OSHA b) NIOSH c) NFPA 4) NIH ‘The 3 in the diagram indicates: a) Health b) Fire cc) Reactivity d) Storage A combustible solvent that is sprayed into a fine mist during an industrial parts cleaning operation attains a a) greater toxicity b)_ Reduced UEL ©) lowered flash point 4) LEL remains wichanged ‘The NFPA standard under which a Private Fire Brigade most apy falls would be: a.) NFPA 1500 b)_ NFPA 600 ©) NFPA 101 4) NFPA 10 Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, n SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II '52) All ofthe following are correct regarding reverse jet baghouse fabric filtration devices except: 2) Baghouses exhibit very low efficiency. 'b.) Baghouses are expensive and require a large area. 6) Baghouses require the control of moisture in the dust. 4d.) Baghouses require costly preventive maintenance. 53) All of the following require an equipment grounding conductor except? a) a double reverse delta electrical system ) a double insulated hand tool ) accircut that is protected with circuit breakers 4) asystem with a wye connected transformer 54) The standard material for chain slings utilized in liting and moving sateral is? ‘8) proof cil chain 'b) Stel and bronze alloy chain ©) alloy ste chain 4) annealed, high strength, pure steel chain 55) Under the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986, a commercial driver's license, or CDL, is required when: 1a) transporting passengers ') towing a trailer with a gross weight of 6,000 Ibs ) operating a vehicle with total length of 35 feet 4.) operating a single vehicle with a GVW of 26,000 Ibs 56) Who has the responsibility to determine if a material is hazardous as outlined under OSHA 29 CFR1910.1200? a) The manufacturer or importer ofthe chemical. b.) All employees have this responsibility. ) Only unionized employees have this responsibility. 4.) The employer is legally obligated to make this determi n Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Trai Bs LLC SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME I 57) The statement, “Lockout/Tagout programs only apply to electrical or high pressure utility systems in General Industry” is: a) True b) False ) False, it only applies to electrical systems. 4.) True, unless OSHA approved audits are performed annually. 58) License renewal for powered industrial truck operators occurs once every rif they have been observed operating the PIT in an unsafe 8) Oneyear b) 6 months ©) 2 years dt) 3 years 59) The definition of ergonomics is very broad and involves many disciplines, Which of the following simple phrases provides the best description of ergonomics? ‘4) the measurement of the human body in work environment (form versus function) 'b) modification of the work task to obtain optimum production ©) design job to fit the person 4) fit the person to job (60) When designing large parking lots that fed busy arterial roadways the technique the provides the largest margin of safety is 4) Ensuring one entrancelexit isa least 40 feet wide 1) Arranging fora crosswalk atthe intersection for workers ¢.) Having separate entrance/exits that favor right hand turns ) Providing several two-way exits to facilitate rapid movement (Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC B » 2 3) 4) " SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IT ASP Practice Exam 2 Answers ‘Answer D is correct because: ‘Most effluents are monitored for Biochemical Oxygen Deménd, Total ‘Suspended Solids, the amount of metal content and temperature. Effluents must comply with the EPA's National Pollution Discharge and Elimination System (NPDES) permit. ‘Answer C is correct because: Slot hoods are commonly used to provide uniform exhaust airflow, such 1s over the sur‘ace of a tank. Points to remember: ‘© The function ofthe slot is solely to obtain proper air distribution. ‘© Slot velocity does not contribute to cepture velocity ‘* The calculation of capture velocity involves exhaust volume and slot length, not slot velocity. Answer A is correct because: ‘Vapor pressure is defined as the pressure exerted by the vapor that isin equilibrium with the liquid at a given temperature. Itis the ability ofthe liquid to evaperate or give off vapors. Answer C is correct because: Consider any given object being pushed by a force seen. At first, the ‘object does no: move; itstays in equilibrium. It is being opposed by the force of static ition. Static friction is the result of the conzact of the ‘object and the surface on which it rests. As you continue toapply additional force, the block begins to move; the block no longer in equilibrium. When just enough force is applied to break out ofthe static condition, the mit of static fiction has been reached. Once the obje {in motion, ican be kept in motion by a force smaller than that which was required to initiate movement; this is known as kinetic friction. ‘stati fiction isthe force parallel tothe surface of cortact when there is 20 motion between the two surfaces ‘= kinetic friction is the force parallel to the surface of contact when there is motion between two surfaces Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II 5) (Copyright©2015 SPAN@ International Trai ‘Both static and kinetic fiction are dependent on the surface of the two ‘materials, ie; a rough surface would have a higher coefficient of friction than would smooth stel, the surface would be slicker when wet than ‘when dry, et. Neither static nor Kinet friction is affected by the amount ‘of surface area in contact. Under normal conditions, speed does not affect kinetic frition ‘The maximum fiitional foree on an object resting on another surface is proportional to af all forces perpendicular to the surface in contact and the coefficient of static friction, ‘Answer C is correct because: The Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act covers most private sector employers and their workers, in addition to some public sector ‘employers and their workers in the 50 states and certain territories and. Jurisdictions under federal authority. Those jurisdictions include the District of Colunbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, ‘Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Wake Island, Johnston Island, and the (Outer Continental Shelf Lands as defined in the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act. OSHA covers most private sector employers and workers in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, andthe other United States (U.S.) jurisdictions either directly through federal OSHA or through an OSHA- approved State Plan, State Plans are OSHA.-approved job safety and hhealth programs operated by individual states instead of federal OSHA. Section 18 of the OSH Act encourages states to develop and operate their ‘own job safety and health programs and precludes state enforcement of (OSHA standards unless the state has an OSHA-approved program, OSHA approves and monitors all State Plans and provides as much as fifty percent of the funding for each program. State-run safety and health programs must be at least as effective (ALAE) as the federal OSHA program. Twenty-five states, plus two teritories, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands heve OSHA.-approved State Plans. Twenty-two State Plans (21 states end one U.S. teritory) cover bath private and public sector workplaces. The remaining five State Plans (four states and one US. territory) caver state and local government workers only. 8, LLC 15 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II 6) Answer B is correct because: ‘Carbon disulfide is an extremely flammable liquid. It has a flash point of 22°F and an autoignition temperature of 212° F. The flammable range of CSrextends from 1% to.44% by volume. It isa major fire and explosion hazard that has been ignited by hot light bulbs, steam lines, static electricity, ete. Itis widely used as a solvent for ‘waxes, resins and rubbers. Iti used for desorbing contaminants from sorbent tubes and in the manufacture of rayon, cellophane and carbon tetrachloride, The health hazards are widely known and as of this writing. the NIOSH exposure limit is 1 ppm with STEL of 10 ppm and an IDLH ‘of $00 ppm. 7) Answer B is correct because : ‘The question describes a Wheatstone Bridge electrical circuit. 8) Answer B is correct because: ‘To qualify for VPP Star, both your 3-year TCIR and your 3-year DART rate ‘must be below at least I ofthe 3 most recent years of specific industry national averages for nonfatal injuries and illnesses atthe most precise level published by the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The Total Case Incidence Rate (TCIR) is a number that represents the total nonfatal recordable injuries and illnesses per 100 full-time employees. This rate is calculated for an individual worksite, all worksites within an applicantparticipant’s Designated Geographic Area (DGA), or all worksites of an employer fora specified period of time (usually 1 or 3 years). Days Away, Restricted, and/or Transfer Case Incidence Rate (DART tate) is the rate of all injuries and illnesses resulting in days away from work, restricted work activity, and/or job transfer. This rte is calculated for an individual worksite, all worksites within an applicanUparticipant’s Designated Geographic Area (DGA), or all worksites of an employer for a specified period of time (usually 1 or 3 years). 16 Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IL 9) 10) 1) 12) Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Ts ‘Answer A is correct because: ‘Only the first equation is balanced and represents the reaction of copper ‘metal and silver nitrate to produce silver metal. Answer B is correct because: ‘The “Life Safety Code" includes the term exit in an overall definition of ‘means of egress. A means of egress is a continuous path of travel from ina building or structure to the open air outside at ground level and consists of three separate and distinct parts: (I) the way of exit access; (2) the exit; and (3) the means of discharge from the exit. ‘Answer Cis correct because: ‘During storage, practically all ethers form ether peroxides. When the ether peroxide mixture is heated or concentrated, the peroxide may detonate. Isopropyl ether is believed to be considerably more susceptible ‘to peroxide formation than other ethers. These peroxides can sometimes be seen as erystal growth in the ether solution. “Answer Cis correct because: ‘The Life Safety Code requires that exit doors be kept normally closed to serve their function of stopping the spread of smoke, or if open, must be closed immediaely in ease of fire. Ordinary fusible link-operated devices to close doors in case of fire are designed to close in time to stop the spread of fire, but do not operate in time to stop the spread of smoke. At relatively low temperatures, the smoke accumulation could continue ‘with fatal effects, n SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IT 13) Answer B is correct because: ‘The NEPA has three main classifications for occupancy. Fires with low rates of beat are ca, churhes, single faily dwvelings, expected hotels, publi buildings, office buildings and schools “Group T= combusibiiy Is Tow, | Canneries, aundres and elecwonve plans. quantity is moderate, stockpiles lees than [Group 2 combustibility is | Cereal mills tele plants, printing and moderate, quantity is moderate, | publishing planes and shoe factories. sock piles less chan 12 8. [Group 3 = combustbilty ih, | Flour mil pers and wharves, paper quantity ishigh High tes of | manufacturing and processing plans, rubber ire eat release are expected manufacturing and storage (paper, household poode, et [Group 1 ~smallquanies of | Die easing, metal evirding, ubber production, lammables, but severe fires. | sawmills, upholstering using plastic foams. (Group 2- moderate emounts of | Asphalt saturating, ammableIiquid spraying, ammables, very severe firs. 14) Answer A is correct because: ‘The key word is airborne particles such as those in the explosion at a factory in Georgia that killed 14 workers and injured dozens. OSHA has ‘promulgated a combustible dust standard. 15) Answer C is correct because: Dilution ventilation lowers the concentration of a contaminant by adding air to the general work area. Since the ar is added tothe general work area it will not effectively control exposure to a toxic or highly toxic substance used in a specific location. Dilution ventilation cost more than local exhaust ventilation and is less efficient because it has to handle n (Copyright©2015 SPAN@ International Trai SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IT 16) Answer A is correct because: There are generally considered to be four classes of standpipe and hose systems. © Class I systems utilizing 2" inch hose with 65 psi residual pressure (at the hydraulically most remote connection) are designed to be used by trained fire departments. ‘© Class Tl systems utilizing 1" inch hose are designed to be used by the building occupants for "first-aid" firefighting ‘Class I systems have the features of both Class I 8 I and are ‘equipped with both 24 and 1° inch hose or fittings for both, Combined systems are Class I or IIT systems designed in connection with a sprinkler system. There isa great deal of controversy within the fire service and within the safety community concerning standpipe systems, ‘The advent of fog nozzles for firefighting has caused the pressure ratings toincrease in ‘most cases to 100 psi or greater. Most fire and safety officials believe that untrained personnel cannot safely handle a 1¥ inch Fose at 100 psi and the rated flow of 100 gpm. All ‘Additionally, controversy often surfaces surrounding the advisability and effectiveness of occupants fighting a fire, instead of exiting. This is an interesting subject for additional study, the authors recommend referencing the NFPA Fire Protection Handbook. 17) Answer B is correct because: Intrinsic safety is a protection technique for safe operat equipment in hazardous areas by limiting the energy available for Areas with dangerous concentrations of flammable gases or dust are found in applications such as petrochemical refineries and mines. Copyright©2015 SPAN@ International Training, U1 n SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II 18) Answer B is correct because: |A new industrial fire pump must be capable of performing to three test criteria ‘© The pump cannot develop more than 140% of its ated pressure at shutoff of chur (working against a closed system} “+ The pump must deliver rated flow at rated pressure © The pump must deliver 150% ofrated flow at 65% of rated pressure, [NEPA 20 requires an annual flow test of al firefighting booster pumps. 19) Answer D is correct because: Flammable and combustible liquids are subdivided into classes as shown below (taken from NEPA 30 and 321, Basic Classification of Flammable and Combustible Liquids) Tetow TFT icow ri cs wor bore Telow BF 1008 ca worth 3F 7 Sor above 100F Sedteton 0 Tm serabeve HOE Sade 2007 Ts itor hove 00 20) Answer A is correct because: Hoods on grinding and cutting operations serve a dual function; they protect the worker from the hazards of a bursting wheel, and provide for removal ofthe drt, dust and material generated during grinding or cutting operations. 21) Answer C is correct because: ‘Acceptable Quality Level (AQL). When a continuous series of lots is considered, the AQL is the quality level, which, forthe purposes of sampling inspection, isthe limit of a satisfactory process average. Reference MIL-STD-105. 80 Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME I 22) 23) 24) 25) Copyright@2015 SPAN® Intern ‘Answer A is correct because: Each of he epidemiological studies provide a comparison with a contro group, whichis most often standardized data that is collected throughout the region or country. The SMR (Standardized Morality Ratio) provides an adjustment forage inthe data. The concept is often contested due to the different exposures experience by the various age groups Answer Dis correct because: Many accident producing situations can be discovered during the design review stages of construction thus reducing the time required to prevent mishaps. Answer Bis correct because: Lot Total Percent Defective or the preferred term Lot Tolerance Percent Defectiveis a temm used in conjunction with sampling strategies. More information on strategies and terms relating to quality procedures for inspection may be obtained from MIL-STD-105 or the eivilian version ANS/ASQC 21.4 Answer Dis correct because: ‘The OSHA requirements include provisions for insuring thatthe «employees are provided hearing protection and given a baseline hearing test (audiogram), in most cases the audiogram is required within 6 months. However, the requirement for removal of personnel from the industrial environment in order to protect hearing, is only after ahearing threshold shift is detected. The ossicles (also called auditory ossicles) can become fatigued and cause a temporary hearing loss since they serve to transmit sounds from the arto the fluid-filled labyrinth (cochlea), Removal fom the noisy environment will allow them to recover. When issuing hearing protection forthe first time to an employee, safety professionals should ensure the employee knows when fo use it and how to wear 81 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II 26) Answer B is correct because: Ifthe occurrence of sound is greater than once per second, the sound is considered to be continuous and should be measured as continuous sound. Ref. OSHA 29 CFR 1910.95. 27) Answer C is correct because: Excursions above the TLV are permitted provided that they aze ‘compensated by equivalent excursions below the TLV-TWA during the ‘workday. ‘The relationship between the TLV and the permissible ‘excursion is not a hard and fast rule and in certain cases may not apply. ‘The amount by which the TLVs may be exceeded for short periods without injury to health depends upon a number of factors such as the nature of the contaminant, whether very high concentrations, even for short periods, produce acute poisoning, whether the effects are cumulative, the frequency with which high concentrations occur and the duration of such periods. The TLV-C (ceiling) should not be exceeded at any time during the work exposure. ‘When performing personal monitoring for exposure to an airborne chemical, the sampling device and sampling protocol must be designed 0 that the employee’s TWA exposure can be inferred from the sampling results, 28) Answer B is correct because: “Aimtight enclosures are the best chcice for the noise protection. Itis Important to note that any small leak can cause significant noise penetration through the bartier. Therefore, itis advisable to design enclosures to keep leaks to the lowest level possible. 29) Answer A is correct because Grinding operations create large amounts of contaminants at very high initial velocities, thus demanding higher capture velocities to secure contaminates. All other operations listed generate contaminants with low ‘velocities. 82 Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IL 30) 31) 32) 33) ‘Answer C is correct because: ‘The symptoms of heat stroke include an elevated temperature and dry skin (not sweaty), Syncope is synonymous with partial or fill loss of consciousness due to overexposure to heat. Answer D is correct because: ‘A combination of cold and vibration often causes Raynaud's phenomenon or traumatic vasospastic disease. This isa condition, usually ofthe fingers and hands, characterized by pallor caused by a greatly diminished blood supply resulting from spasm of the blood vessel walls. In addition, ‘to white fingers, the victim may also experience numbness of the affected area, The disease is most prevalent among those who work with ‘vibrating machinery in the cold, typical occupations are chain saw ‘operators, jack-hammer operators, tamping tool operators, e, ‘Answer B is correct because: Sunlight is the most common occupational cause of melanoma skin Answer D is correct because ‘Tidal Volume (TV) is the volume of air or a gas inspired or expired during each respiratory cycle, and is normally not considered during standard Pulmonary Function evaluation. Generally, the ventilation tests conducted are those dealing with forced expiration and inspiration to determine airway obstruction and general efficiency ofthe ventilation function. ‘The Maximal Voluntary Ventilation (MVV) determines the volume of air, which a person can breathe with voluntary max effort for 10-15 seconds. This indicator is used to determine the suitability for respirator use. The Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) isa test of expiration as forceful and rapid as possible. The FEV! measures the forced vital capacity during the first second, Itis strongly recommended that a thorough review ofthis area is conducted prior to sitting forthe Safety Fundamentals examination, Copyright©2015 SPAN® Intern: 83 34) 35) 36) 31) 84 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IL ‘Answer B is correct because: Today's X-ray machines have several levels of safety incorporated into the design process. The highest risk is not from radiation but from the high voltages required to generate the X-rays. Answer A is correct because: Relative demity, or specific gravity is the ratio ofthe density (mass of a unit volume) of a substance to the density ofa given reference material. Specific gravity usually means relative density with respectto water. ‘The term "relative density” is often preferred in modern scientific usage. Specific gravity i the ratio ofthe weight of one volume ofa substance to that of a similar volume of water. Therefore ifa liquid has a specific gravity of 12 itis 1.2 times heavier than water. Answer C is correct because: Itis generally accepted that inhalation for prolonged periods of carbon dioxide above 9% will esult in loss of consciousness and death. Several deaths from COs have occurred. The loss of life has occurred mainly in confined spices silos during harvest, in airraft following vaporization of dry ice and in ship holds carrying vegetables, sugar or fish, et. ‘Answer A is correct because: Electron flow detection systems are not in wide spread use to prevent the accumulation of static electricity when transferring flammable liquids. However, bonding & grounding is widely used, as is the prevention of free fall Of Iquid through the vapor space by use of bottom fll devices or fill pipes thet extend to the bottom of the tank. Another common static prevention cevice isthe use of a relaxation time (usually 30 seconds) downstream ofa high static producing device, such asa filter. Relaxation zllows dispersion and dissipation ofthe static charge. Try NEPA 71, Static Electricity for more discussion. Additions! interesting information can be obtained from the API Standard 2003, Protection, Against Ignition Arising Out of Static, Lightning and Stray Currents. Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II 38) 39) 40) 4l) 42) 43) Answer C is correct because: Frostite oocurs when the skin and body tissue just undemeath i freezes, The skin becomes very cold, hen numb, hard and pale. Frostbite typically effects smaller, more exposed areas ofthe body, such as fingers, toes, nose, ears, cheeks and chin, The fist symptoms of frostbite are a ins and needles" sensation followed by numbness. Frostbiten skin is hard, pale cold and has no feeling. When the skin is thawed out, it becomes red and very painful. Severe eases nay Ulises aul yngrene and results in hard frozen skin, sometimes all the Way to bone, Answet selections A, B and Dare all symptoms of Kypothermia. Answer A is correct because: ‘The maximum burst pressure rating specified is 1250 psig. Working pressure is 250 psig, which provides a safety factor of 5. ‘Answer Bis correct because: The major types of machine guards include fixed, interlocked and automatic. There is a wide use for swing-away guards but they are’ generally considered to be a sub-division of fixed guards and would not beamajor type of guard. Answer A is correct because: ‘The minimum riser and maximum tread width specified by OSHA for ‘fixed industrial stairs are 6" and 11 inches respectively. ‘Answer D is correct because: Stainless steel welding results in fumes containing nickel and chromium, ‘The electrodes used in this process often contain a large amount of fluorides, which are released into the air in large quantities Answer A is correct because: Pressure testing must always be considered destructive testing and stringent safety precautions should be implemented. Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC 85 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IT 44) Answer A is correct because: Static electricity in most iastances is characterized by high voltages and very low éurrent values. 45) Answer A is correct because: The secondary transformer side features the step-down voltages; therefore the secondary side is of lower voltage. This is generally true in distribution transformers, however many step-up transformers exist in ‘equipment where the seccndary side will contain very high voltage potential 46) Answer Dis correct because: ‘Intemal corrosion of unerclosed water (and to a lesser extent fuel) tanks caused by the electrolytic action of water on the tanks has been a major problem. Cathodic protection is the preferred protection for preventing corrosion. A charged sacrificial anode is used quite effectively to prevent the electrolytic action. The only maintenance required is infrequent replacement of the anode 47) Answer C is correct because: ‘Normally inspection of wire rope used for hoisting or lifting includes: ‘© Lubrication Kinking Corrosion ‘Loose or broken wires Wear of erown wires High strands Nicks ‘Additionally, cross section measurements are usually made at some prescribed interval 48) Answer C is correct because: ‘The National Fire Protection Association publishes the Fire Protection Handbook. 86 Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II 49) 50) 51) 52) 53) Arswer A is correct because: ‘The NFPA 704 System Hazard Diamond is a symbol system intended for use of fixed installations, such as chemical processing equipment, storage ‘ani warehousing rooms and laboratory entrances, It informs responders ‘general hazards in the area. In this diamond, the three is the health dismond Azswer Cis correct because: ‘The rapid vaporization of sprays and mists will lover ignition ‘temperature well below the free standing liquid's fash point. The Feciction in droplet size that occurs when a material is sprayed will also teduce the LEL. Ifthe droplet or particle size is really small, below about 10 microns, the material will act like a pure gas mixture ‘Answer B is correct because: ‘NEPA 600 Private Fire Brigades and NEPA 1500 Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health both may be used as information sources forthe establishment and maintenance of an active fire brigade; however ‘NEPA 600 isthe best answer to this question. NFPA 101 is the Life Safety Code and NFPA 10 is the Standard for Portable Fire ‘Excinguishers. ‘Answer A is correct because: (Ons ofthe large advantages of s baghouse is the 99% collection ficiency of all but the smallest particle sizes. Answer B is correct because: Double insulted equipment does not require a grounding conductor ‘because of extra protection provided by additional insulation, Double insilation does not provide absolute protection (e.g. a double insulated todl could still cause severe electrical shock if dropped in water), 2] Copyright©2015 SPAN@ International Training, LLC 87 54) 55) SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II ‘Answer C is correct because’ ‘Alloy steel isthe standard material for chain used to hoist, lift, or support loads, The alloy material includes bronze, stainless steel and Monel ‘metals, Monel isa group of nickel alloys, primarily composed of nicke! (up to 67%) and copper, with small amounts of iron, manganese, carbon, and silicon, Songer than pure nickel, Monel alloys are resistant to corrosion by many agents, including rapidly flowing seawater. Chain ‘made from alloy material is cold worked resulting in high resistance to abrasion and failure. On the other hand, common hardware chain, also called proof coil chain, ean never be used for lifting or for any purpose ‘where failure would result in human injury. ‘Answer D is correct because ‘According to the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986, a ‘commercial motor vehicle driver's license (CDL) is required for ‘operation of any single vehicle with a GVWR of 26,000 pounds or more. ‘The following table lists some of the more common sub-divisions for commercial drivers license adopted by individual States. esa “ay win oes wen var age CGV WIDOT TD pond ar OTIS Se CVE fe wiley edi nr dan 1800 pun “ey sng ch 9 GVWR 2500 pour or ae ry RVC RE TONED ‘vate ot pdt “Aras eel ear 208 pads GVW ony ac wag es wha OTR 1080 yon if ore Encineet [Ata ie pedi rm my Bae pa ma nH ICP Yo DOE EndSection arma pang 8 Sn hay aT Ea Termes ngage Encamp we opr ou ain ESTE a Esaacamen | Ane war io wasp ode moun fhnasoa mac a8 Copyright©22015 SPAN@ International Training, L1.C SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II 56) Answer A ts correct because: ‘OSHA 1910.1200(€)1) states "Chemical manufacturers and importers shall evaluate chemicals produced in their workplaces or imported by them to determine if they are hazardous. Employers are not required to evaluate chemicals unless they choose not to rely on the evaluation performed by the chemical manufacturer or importer forthe chemical to this requirement" 57) Answer B is correct because: At one time, Lockout/Tagout was only widely applied to electical systems. However, for some time it has also applied to any mechanical system, which possesses potential energy, which could be released accidentally thus causing injury. When evaluating the operating-shut down procedures, the most critical step isto ensure that the machine energies are reduced to zero and remain at Zero during the maintenance cycle. 58) Answer Dis correct because: Refresher training and evaluation:(29 CFR 1910.178()(4)) Reffesher training, including an evaluation ofthe effectiveness ofthat taining, shall be conducted to ensure that the operator has the knowledge and skis needed to operate the powered industrial truck safely. Refresher traning in relevant topics shall be provided to the operator when: + The operator has been observed to operate the vehicle in an unsafe smanner. +The operator has been involved in an accident or near-miss incident. ‘The operator has received an evaluation that reveals that the operator is not operating the tuck safely + The operator is assigned to drive a different type of truck. + A contition inthe workplace changes in a manner that could affect safe operation of the ruck. + Each operator's performance must be evaluated at Yeast once every three years, Copyright©2015 SPAN@ International Training, LLC 89 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IL 59) Answer C is correct because: Ergonomics is an extemely complicated subject made up of many disciplines. One formal definition "the study of human characteristics for ‘the appropriate design of the work environment" certainly approaches the ‘simple phrase "Design the jab to fit the person". A good review of basics principles involved in te field of ergonomics is in order prior to taking the Comprehensive Examination. 60) Answer C is corret because: ‘When designing parking lots one factor often overlooked i the safety of entering and exiting vehicles. The most widely recommended technique isto provide a separate enry and exit way. These separate lanes should be located where traffic flow can be controlled by a traffic ight ora ‘mergelacceleration lane. Right tums ftom and into the parking lot are highly preferred 90 Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IL — DB 2) 4) 5) ASP Practice Exam 3 Questions ‘The analysis technique where individuals are interviewed about accidents, near misses and hazardous conditions is known as: .) Failure Mode and Effects Analysis b) Operational Hazard Analysis .) Critical Incident Technique d) Sneak Circuit Analysis ‘The key or frst incident in event tree analysis is desigzated the 4.) Main Failure event ) Primal event ©) Top event 4) Initiating event ‘A methodology that can be implemented to increase the reliability of @ system or process would be to 2) Design parallel components. .) Design series components ©) Design redundancy into the system. 4) Allofthe above are correct. ‘An analysis system or a technique to determine human error is a) ‘THERP b) PERT. ©) MORT 4) FMEA A single point failure can best described as 2.) asingle failure that will seriously affect the safety of the system, b) 2 failure at a selected point in the system. ¢.) a failure assigned one point on a scale of 10 when performing system safety analysi 4.) a failure that is singular in nature and will affect the overall reliability ofthe system. Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC 91 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME It 6) Which ofthe following statements is false concerning the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)? a) EMEA sareliability tool. b) FMEA idemtifies multiple failures, human factors and interfaces c) FMEA identifies single point failures. 4) FMEA normally considered to be inductive. 7) Which ofthe following were included in Heinrich's domino theory of accidents? 1) social, fault, unsafe act, accident, injury b) safety, secutty, belonging, and self-esteem ©) The three F's d) man, machine, money, injury, accident 8) Which ofthe following illustrates Heinrich’s ratio of no injury accidents, ‘to minor injuries, to major injuries? a) 100-20-1 b) 20-30-10 ©) 300-29-1 4) 600-58-1 9) Several methods of securing line accountability for safety are widely accepted within the safety community. Of these which ofthe following techniques will have the greatest significance and influence on a line ‘manager or supervisor? a.) Charge accidents to departments 1b) Integrate safety into supervisor's performance evaluation ) Have safety affect supervisors income 4) Implementa combination of accountability measures 92 Copyright©2015 SPAN@ Iaternational Trai SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II 10) Inthe early 1930s, Heinrich made some significant changes in the way safety professionals viewed the cause of certain mishaps. One of his principles 2) Shifted emphasis from conditions to actions 'b.) Was the beginning of the JSA technique 6) Applied FTA to accident analysis 4.) Charges managers forthe cost of accidents 11) Which isthe least important item concerning the instituting of ‘management goals for the Occupational Safety and Health Program? a.) Management goals should be measurable, b.) Management goals should be published ©.) Management goals should be obtainable. ) Management goals should be reviewed frequently 12) Am implied warranty is an inference by a dealer that a product is suitable fora specific purpose. The statement of warranty can be made in many ‘ways and could include all of the following except: 2) Advertising that it will satisfy that purpose 'b) Placing it on sale for that purpose ©) Making it look like a product that will accomplish the purpose 4) Indicating in the operating instruction that it will eccomy that purpose. 13) Employees, conceming the abatement date of an OSHA violation, the right to: a) Appeal abatement date b) Ignore abatement date ©) Speed up abatement date 4) Employees have no rights concerning abatement dates Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC 93 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME IL 14) ‘The number of days an employer has to contest an OSHA issued citation 2) S days from receipt b) 3.working days from receipt ©) 15 days from receipt 4) 15 working days from receipt 15) There are several factors that are often used to determine when an organization should have the services ofa fulltime Safety Professional Which of the following is generally accepted as the primary determining facor in assigning safety personnel?” 2) The accident rate of the organization >.) The gravity of accidents suffered by the organization =) The potential for accidents in the organization 4.) The type of industry and operation ofthe organization 16) Epidemiological studies are best described as: 1.) remote and widespread b.) differential or inferential ©.) toxicological or geometric 4) — descriptive or analytical 17) _ Stoichiometry is best defined as: .) _ acompound with a low hydrogen to carbon ratio .) aprocese of determining the Avogadro's number of a compound ¢)) calculations relating the amounts of reactants and products in chemical reactions 4.) hydrocarbons with only single bonds between the carbons. 18) What effect does leukemia have on the blood?” 1.) over production of red blood cells .) over production of white blood cells, ) inability to clot 4) excessive clotting 94 Copytight©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC SPAN* EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME II 19) Which ofthe following is not considered a common redundant design sophy?, a) dereting b) parallel ©) series 4) standby 20) Which ofthe following would best describe an insurance company in business o establish a profit? a) stock b) captive ©) paternal 4) mutual company 21) Do NIOSH employees have right of entry like OSHA compliance officers? a) Yes b) No c) Yes, if NIOSH employees have a Federal warrant. d) No, NIOSH employees must have an OSHA escort. 22) The basic elements of a contract include all the following except: a) competent parties b) legal consider ) mutuality of agreement d) monetary duty 23) The entit responsible for defects in a product as it moves from ‘manufacturer fo consumer is: a) the manufacturer 'b) the distributor and the manufacturer ©) the wholesaler and retailer 4) any entity inthe chain from raw material to finished product Copyright©2015 SPAN@ International Training, LLC 98 SPAN® EXAM STUDY WORKBOOK VOLUME I 24) With the current trend in product safety lawsuits, one possible defensive technique would be to maintain all design, manufacturing and engineering records for a period of: a) perpetuity b) 30 years ©) 10 years as required by OSHA 4.) until the facility closes 25) OSHA's operational procedures provi employer challenges: a.) right to enforce b.) tight of probable cause ©) right of entry d) Fight to sample for seeking a warrant if the 26) In Code of Federal Regulations, 29 CFR 1910, pertains to which industry? a.) General Industry b) Maritime c) Hospital 4) Construction 27) Most errors causing down time in a computer system cccur by? 2.) computer software b) computer hardware .) insufficient grounding, 4) power supply 28) A regulatory compliance safety and health officer (CSHO), completed an ‘of a worksite and two citations were written on non- compliance matters. The most accurate way to reference the non- compliant items is a) 1910.120 b) 29.CER 1910.146(2) ©) OSHA 1910.120 4) A reference isnot required. 96 Copyright©2015 SPAN® International Training, LLC

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