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Social Studies Class VII

Second Term Worksheets

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Dr. A. Q. Khan School System TM

A Project of the Dr. A. Q. Khan Education System Pvt. Ltd.

A Project of the Dr. A. Q. Khan Education System Pvt. Ltd.

Worksheet 01

Topic: Geography of Muslim world

Match column A with column B. Column A shows the four main religions of the world, and others,
and column B shows the estimated number of their followers.

a. Buddhists 26% (e)
b. Hindus 6% (a)
c. Muslims 33% (d)
d. Christians 21% (c)
e. Others 14% (b)

Choose the correct Answer.

a) Most of the Muslim countries of the world are located in _________________________

i. Deserts and ii. Temperate iii. Rainforests iv. Tropical
scrubland  grasslands grasslands

b) The highest regions are in _____________________________________________

i. Yemen and Oman ii. Libya and iii. Afghanistan and iv. Syria and Iraq
Egypt Pakistan

c) The main mountain range in North Africa is _________________________________

i. Karakoram ii. Hindu Kush iii. Himalayas iv. Atlas Range 
d) Temperate grasslands are found in ________________________________________
i. Malaysia ii. Saudi iii. Sudan iv. Central Asia 
e) There are tropical rainforests in ___________________________
i. South Asia ii. South-east Asia  iii. Middle East iv. North Africa

Fill in the blanks.

a. The river Nile is in Egypt.

b. The Tigris and Euphrates flow into The Gulf.

c. The River Indus flows into the Arabian sea.

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Worksheet 02
Topic: Climatic regions of the Muslim world
Math Column A with Column B.

i. Dasht-e-Lut a. Uzbekistan (3)
ii. Sahara b. Pakistan (5)
iii. Kyzyl Kum c. Iran (1)
iv. Rub-al-Khali d. Africa (2)
v. Thar e. Saudi Arabia (4)

Fill in the blanks with correct answers.

a. The Sahara in Africa makes up ____________________ of the total desert area of the world.

i. 6% ii. 75% iii. 60%  iv. 25%

b. The South-east Asian countries have a _____________________________

i. temperate ii. desert iii. monsoon  iv. Mediterranean

c. _____________________________ of all the major deserts in the world are in Muslim countries.

i. One fourth ii. One third  iii. Half iv. Three fourths

d. Tropical forests receive _________________________________ of rainfall a year.

i. 500-1500 mm ii. 1800-2500mm iii. iv-300 iv. 400 mm

e. Uzbekistan is the __________________________ largest cotton-growing state in the world.

i. 4th ii. 2nd  iii. 3rd iv. 5th

f. The Mediterranean climate region has __________________________________

i. dry winters ii. mild, wet winters iii. heavy rainfall iv. no rainfall

A Project of the Dr. A. Q. Khan Education System Pvt. Ltd.

Worksheet 03
Topic: Main agricultural products of the Muslim world
Complete these statements.

a. Malaysia is the world’s leading producer of palm oil.

b. Rice is the tropical equivalent of wheat.

c. The Aztecs called cocoa Xocolatl.

d. Coffee was discovered in the Somalia /Ethiopia region.

e. Indonesia is the main producer of coffee in the Muslim world.

f. Muslim countries produce 15% of the world’s tea.

g. The rubber plant was originally found only in the Amazon rainforests.

h. The main Muslim countries producing rubber are Malaysia and Indonesia.

i. Muslim countries produce 20 % of the world’s cotton.

j. Pakistan produces 3.5% of the world’s sugar.

k. Turkey produces high quality wool.

l. China is the world’s biggest producer of cotton.

m. Brazil is the world’s largest producer of sugar cane.

n. Bagasse is the product of Sugarcane.

o. The word coffee comes from the Arabic word Kahwah.

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Worksheet 04
Topic: Minerals and natural resources of the Muslim world
Fill in the blanks.

a. The Muslim world is the most important region of the world for producing Oil and gas.

b. Muslim countries produce a third of the world’s output of oil and 15% per cent of natural


c. USA has to import oil in spite of its own oil own oil production because it consumes more

than it produces.

d. Oil in its original form is a thick, black Shidge.

e. The only important producer of coal in the Muslim world is kazakhislam.

Choose the correct answer.

a. Algeria ranks ______________________ in the world’s output of natural gas.

i. Fourth ii. Fifth  iii. Third iv. Sixth

b. Indonesia ranks ____________________ in the world’s output of tin.

i. Second ii. Fifth  iii. Sixth iv. Third

c. Iran ranks ____________________________ in the world’s output oil.

i. Second ii. Fourth  iii. Third iv. Fifth

d. Pakistan ranks _______________________ in the world’s output of cotton.

i. Fourth  ii. Second iii. Third iv. Fifth

e. Nigeria ranks _______________________________ in the world’s output of cocoa.

i. Second ii. Eight iii. Sixth iv. Fifth 

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Worksheet 05
Topic: Industrialization in the Muslim world
Give short answers to the questions below.

a. Why is industry important for country?

Ans: Because industry adds to country’s economy by producing goods for local use and export.

b. Which is the most industrialized Muslim country, and what does it produce?

Ans: Malaysia is the most industrialized Muslim country, It produces electronic goods, chemical,

rubber and processed feed etc.

c. List the main industries in Indonesia.

Ans: 1) Tin. 2) Oil. 3) Pewter goods. 4) Rubber. 5) Timber. 6) Textiles

Complete these statements.

a. The capital of the United Arab Emirates is Abu Dhabi

b. The world’s biggest flower, Rafflessia is named after Sir Stamford Raffles.

c. Besides the manufacture of various goods, tourism is the other important industry in the

Muslim countries.

d. People visit Saudi Arabia mainly for Pilgrimage.

e. Langkawi and Sarawak are famous for the ancient Temureen falls and Niah caves.
A Project of the Dr. A. Q. Khan Education System Pvt. Ltd.

Worksheet 06
Topic: Trade and commerce
Match the currencies to the countries.

a. Pound sterling i. USA (b)
b. Dollar ii. Europe (c)
c. Euro iii. Britain (a)
d. Yen iv. Saudi Arabia (e)
e. Riyal v. Japan (d)

From the Business pages of the newspaper find out and write the rupee exchange rate for
each currency the table above.

Pound sterling = _________________________________

US Dollar = _________________________________

Euro = __________________________________

Yen = ___________________________________

Saudi Riyal = ___________________________________

Complete these statements.

a. The value of exports and imports set against one another is called the Balance of payment.

b. A country which sells more than it buys has a Positive balance of trade.

c. A country which buys more than it sells has a negative balance of trade.

d. Another source of income for a country is the money sent home by the expatriates.

e. In 2001, the Pakistan emigrants sent home about two billion dollars.
A Project of the Dr. A. Q. Khan Education System Pvt. Ltd.

Worksheet 07
Topic: Transport and Communication
1. Fill in the blanks.

a. Roads are the oldest means of transport.

b. Railways are the first mass transit means of transport.

c. In France and Japan the latest bullet train can travel for hours at a speed upto 350 kph.

d. Pipelines are a means of transportation for oil and gas.

e. Large ocean-going vessels can sail 1500 km up the Amazon into the interior of Brazil.

2. Name five means of communication.

Ans: 1) Television

2) Computer

3) Mobiles

4) Fax

5) Radio

3. Draw a graph below to show the development of roads, highway and the railway in Pakistan

from 1990 to 2006.

Ans: (on Book).

A Project of the Dr. A. Q. Khan Education System Pvt. Ltd.

Worksheet 08
Topic: Environment
Complete these statements.

a. The population of the Earth in 2007 was about 6.5 billion.

b. The estimated world population in 2050 will be 10 billion.

c. Many industrial processes have dangerous waste products which are drained into rivers

making the water Poisonous for fish, plants, and human life.

d. Billions of motor vehicles emit toxic gases.

e. The gas emissions from factories form a blanket causing global warming.

f. The carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere is fairly high in the oil producing


g. Air conditioners and refrigeration unit release chlorofluro carbon (CFC) which destroy the

ozone layer.

h. Huge hoardings and advertisement boards create visual pollution.

2. Explain with examples what is meant by the Three R Principle.

Ans: Three R principles means Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

1) We should reduce our use of material i.e not buy more than we need.

2) We should reuse what we can such as carry bags, jars etc.

3) We should recycle materials that can be processed into other usable items such as plastic,

glass and paper products etc.

A Project of the Dr. A. Q. Khan Education System Pvt. Ltd.

Worksheet 09
Topic: The Population of the Muslim world
1. Match the countries with their population.
a. Bangladesh i. 222.8 million (c)
b. Pakistan ii. 33 million (e)
c. Indonesia iii. 164.7 million (b)
d. Saudi Arabia iv. 141.8 million (a)
e. Afghanistan v. 28 million (d)

Match the countries with their literacy percentages for males/females.

a. Brunei i. 92/85 (c)
b. Jordan ii. 95/90 (a)
c. Malaysia iii. 95/80 (e)
d. Indonesia iv. 95/85 (b)
e. Turkey v. 94/87 (d)
Match the countries to their capitals.
a. Azerbaijan i. Mogadishu (b)
b. Somalia ii. Almaty (d)
c. Tajikistan iii. Baku (a)
d. Kazakhstan iv. Dushanbe (c)
e. Yemen v. Sana’a (e)

Match the countries with the life expectancy for males/females.

a. China i. 46/47 (e)
b. Pakistan ii. 68/75 (d)
c. Cuba iii. 63/65 (b)
d. Brazil iv. 75/79 (c)
e. Nigeria v. 71/75 (a)

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