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I. Briefly discuss the following concepts/terms. (2 points each)

a. polo y sercvicios – the spanish term of practice translate to forced labor in the english language, as a
practice it was employed by spanish coonizer for over 250 years, which required forced labor of all
subjugated countries on its citizen males from 16 to 60 years of age for 40 days periods.

b. reduccion – a reduccion aimed to consolidate colonial control over one country or indigenous
communities by compelling prominent individuals to relocate into poblaciónes within hearing distance
of church bells, bell ringing ordered daily life by signaling times to congregate and by marking special

c. encomienda system – encomienda was Spaniard labour system that conquerors with the labour of
conqured people or not a Christian people.

d. cedula personal – the cedula personal or head tax was form of taxation which replaced the tributary
system in 1884, this served as a paper which was used as a proof that a country was a colony of spain.

e. tribute – tribute is a payment made to a ruling or conquering nation by subjugated people in

acknowledgement of submission or as a price for protection from other countries.

II. Read the primary source below and answer the following: (5 points each)

a. What are the different obligations of the encomiendero to the land entrusted to him?

Answer: the encomiendero had the right to collect the tribute of the indians entrusted to him and also
the duty to see to their welfare specially to the instruction in the catolic faith.

b. Explain the different obligations of the encomienderos toward the natives regarding spiritual Matters.

Answer: the defferences between encomienderos and native, the encomienderos strictly following the
order of catolic faith and also protecting them and the one who collect tribute from the native while
native are being abuses Dieng from hunger sometimes, they do not permit them to rest or to attend to
their fields. Consequently, they sow little and reap less, and have no opportunity to attend religious

c. What abuses committed by the Spaniards are mentioned?


1. Spaniards employ in cutting wood in the forests without rest.

2. the salaries are small
3. The Indians are put into irons on the galleys, and flogged as if they were galley-slaves or
4. Sometimes the entire quantity of his rice is taken from Indian, without leaving a grain to eat.
5. The Indians killed by crucifixion, and hanging them by the arms.
6. They collect tribute from children, old men, and slaves, and many remain unmarried because of
the tribute, while others kill their children.

d. How have the natives reacted to these abuses?

Answer: they can’t do anything they tried to fight but, in the end, they lose and many natives died all
they can do was endure the abuse to them.

III. Compare the different social institutions during the pre-colonial and colonial Philippines.

Fill up the following table. (40 points)

From (pre-colonial)

Economic- pre-colonial economic history of the philipines, the country which was then composed of
different kingdom and there was large number of merchants coming to philipines for trade, people
enjoyed a life filled with imported goods which reflected their fashion and lifestyle. The people were
also great agriculturist specially in luzon has a great abundance of rice, wine,as well carabao and many
other to export it to another country. The kingdoms of ancient philipines were active in international
trade, and they used ocean as a natural highway. Ancient people were engraved in long rage trading
with their asian neighbor only, the native already had a great economy and were considered one of the
economic centers in asia when spanish colonized and unified the philipines the economy grew even
further and after that, this made manila one of the major global cities in the world

Social- in pre-colonial Philippines both men and women enjoyed the same rights and privilage. Women,
like men can ascend the headship of families, village and cities women can also ascend the throne of a
nation like men.

Religious- the pre hispanic belief system of filipinous consisted of a pantheon of gods, spirits
Political- the filipinos has already had their own laws and system of administering justice

To (colonial)
Economic- the growth was big because of colonialism in the philipines the economy grew rapidly the
philipines was even more active in engaging to many more countries not only in asia but also europe
and west compared to pre-colonial, such as exporting many other goods like tabacco, sugar, coconut,
abacca many other agricultural products to the market, the philipines become vibrant supplier of these
product to many countries specially in the US using more advance ship to transport.

Social- colonialism change the Philippines even social, the men and women slowly becoming unequal
who's men were more have powers than a men compared to pre-colonial.

Religious- compared to pre-colonial the phiipines has change because of colonialism the catholism has
been cornerstone of millions of the Pilipino, catholism repidly spread during the early year of spanish
colonialism, who worship was the one and only god father, son and holy spirit his name is yahweh.

Political- compared to pre-colonial, the philipines had their own the law many other but colonialism
has change the philipines, shaped its political culture and continues to influence its mindset that leaves
an unnacoutable, abusive elite, corruption,dysfunction system of government and and many other.

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