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Australia is located in oceania and its capital is Camberra.

Australiais the biggest in oceania and the sixth largest country in the world.

It has got twenty six milion (26 milhões) people and most part live in the east coast.

Its currency is the australian dollar.

Oceania is the oldest continente in the world.

Its size allows it to have different landscapes and weather. We can find deserts in the centre, rainforest in
the northeast and mountain in the southeast.

Australia has got many places to see and visit.

One of thase places are the Blue Mountains where people can see big forest, waterfalh and small villages
with big gardens.

A fantastic city visit is Sydney.

In Sydney people can go to the beach, to the Park, to the zoo or the Opera.

In the Opera we can watch concerts, dance, musicals, or the theatre plays.

Byran Bay has the most beautiful beaches where people can surf or scuba diving .

Brisbane is also a nice city to visit. There we can visit the Sciencentre, the Gallery of Modern Art, art
museums and the Batanic Gardens .

Uluru or Ayers Rock is a mamsive sandstance and i tis scrade to indigenous people.

Melbourn is a fantastic city,a metropolitan city with a large population.

There people can visit the State Library of vitoria, the National Gallery and the Australian open.

Some Australian icons are, for exemple, the kanguros and the didgeridoo( a musical instrument) places
like the Uluru or the great Barier reef are also Australian icons.
Some people who also make Australian famous are:

o Chirs hemsworth,

o Rebel Wilson and

o Roby Rose ( Famous Actors)

There are some Australian English words that are

different from the British English, like for exemple:

Australiano Britanico

Goday -------------------------- Hello (olá)






presente Natalício



Hooroo-------------------------Good bye(tchau)

Foot path---------------------- Sidewalk(calçada)

Car park------------------------Parking



Some curiosities about Australian are:

o People can`t buy alcoholic drinks in the


o They eat a lot of kangoros meat,

o Australian was the first independente coutry to

allow women to vote,

o Australian love vegemite, a salt pasta wilh


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