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4001 | Semester 3 Yrs. LL.B. Examination, December 2018 (2018 Batch) CONSTITUTIONAL LAW -1 duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 Instructions : 1. Answer all five Units, 2. One essay type question and a short note/problem is compulsory from each Unit . Figures to the right indicate marks. ; Answer should be written completely either in English or in Kannada. ao UNIT -1 Q. No. 1. (a) Critically examine the f lederal character of the Indian Constitution. Marks : 10 qedss Xodceas ROO aghast veer sbmrgen WOBOA. Marks = 10 OR/ega Q. No. 1. (a) Discuss the various methods of acquisition of Citizenship under the Constitution. Marks : 10 Mongeaciachd aorowath abdaben ads ood Depart; tae’, Marks : 10 Q. No. 1. (b) Write a note on ‘Preamble’ to the Constitution. Marks : 6 RODTAS ‘HeOos add work, tock aes wdoo, Marks : 6 OR/egee Q. No. 1. (b) Write a note on Constitutionalism. Marks - 6 MRodTAsso turf, conte weed Marks : 6 P10. 4001 Q.No. 2 (a) Q.No. 2. (a) Q. No. 2.(b) Q. No. 2.(b) Q. No. 3. (a) Q. No. 3.(a) im UNIT -2 * islation’. ‘Article 14 permits classification, but forbids class leg! Marks Examine with decided cases. 33 x8, ‘Recaps 14 at where) Snes, ae so Snr wore Asay". agiros HsOrs Marks» OEBA, OR/egan Explain the provisions of the Indian Constitution relating 10 larks : the laws inconsistent with Fundamental Rights. | Shooded wien ound malyter xeenpaces cade ne 30% ks ModemaaOchs Aobabsieh OAOR. Write a note on definition of State’ in Art. 12 of the Constitution ee of India. larks BROES Aodead wabelges 12.09) ‘oony! std saaQad ex] sates won, Marks ¢ OR/ens Write a note on Doctrine of Eclipse. Marks:¢ Rabe AROS turf croc kid eaciond0, Marks:§ UNIT-3 Discuss the Fundamental Freedom of Citizens under Article 19(1)(g) of the Constitution of India. Marks : 10 YRORS AodqaAd eabefe 19(1)(Q) 08, gonenkhs aoriodd Doors 7,803, 32 BES wor, esFA0, Marks : 1) OR/eme The right to equality of Opportunity in Public Employment includes protective discrimination in favour of Backward classes. Explain. Marks : 10 mares evcigeidg, ans usted BY kocbed ainerig HO OepDYs sOsAySotteertoondgcs OsoR, Marks : 19 y\ (ME 3. Q. No. 3.(b) Write a note on Reasonable Restrictions under Article 19(2). Q. No. 3.(b) Q. No. 4.(a) Q. No. 4. (a) Q. No. 4. (b) cosbedess 19(2) 3 Xrod saborwimd dwrogridd wi}, Wales OR/ea> Write a note on abolition of untouchability. eg,gdob Aaberoxob urf wor tsies ude. UNIT - 4 Briefly explain the right to freedom of religion under Indian Constitution with its limitations, ynosd AoamADD, sos mDore mSo3 0 Bia wcid Qosrerodri Hoggan ABOR, OR/ee Discuss the meaning and scope of ‘Personal Liberty’ under Article 21 of the Constitution. ROTA wabeses 210 exon ‘Boye mgog Jd ear aoa) A,r "esesF 20. . An Indian Civil Service Officer was caught when he was accepting bribe in return for a favour. After an inquiry by the proper authorities under the Prevention of Corruption Act, he was terminated from the service. Subsequent to his dismissal the prosecution was initiated under Indian Penal Code and he was punished with a sentence. The affected officer challenged this as it violated his Fundamental Rights. Decide with appropriate provision. 2.09, gRoseod Ae EhROcD Fond Segoe), ), CaM FA 08d & Ay COA 28 VAod. Bt ont woe daeG mokeba Ane wombrived Sindee addon Gosmbaan st ebrododab, Aesloned Swerterrenctew. dosd & aeortay ors, emo shed mdse cod aotdody Bnd eee eolioesatay Aik, Godden Haedmdee dsson. dood edmoodd & dgoDa, oowes bo wogossaion Bardsge. ARB miriontinoan adrox. OR/egae 4001 Marks : 6 Marks : 6 Marks : 6 Marks : 6 Marks : 10 Marks : 10 Marks : 10 Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 6 4001 Q.No. 4, (by Q.No. 5. (a) Q.No. 5. (a) Q. No. 5. (b) Q.No. 5. (b) Write a short note on Writ of Mandamus imme, ote ‘A’ the petitioner was detained under Prevel Act and was supplied with 2 grounds of his i later the detaining authority revoked one ea llenged the communicated to him earlier. The detenue ct ea that the detention as illegal though the state oat on. ‘A remaining ground was enough to sustain the challenged the action. Decide. ‘A’ Sot agony x eet wore woatoda se wogdd adm tevrorivay, edenowed. aciso8d A at toch mdrosia wotd edmedrieh sociricbéoshi. . wotlstith malasbemkd aoc aarbapd. ocd ae SbSgot (eve) mutoa) eogaste OnE aoch wvensoye eros noch Ox ones si gabakh ‘A’ ad Babs ABroR, ntive Detention detention. But the grounds Marks Marks UNIT ~5 Directive Principles and the Fundamental Rights and meant for achieving Social Welfare of the People — Comment. Marks - SBeRye Adrede Bz re ads Daowes Byrd was mandi Sag, move achgés - RADA, Marks: OR/egam Briefly explain the Powers of the Government to control and regulate the minority educational institutions as enshrined in the Constitution of India. Marks : wosd Aamo, oH0IS S89 Borda AodogRe, AOwoUgdS eOmarD Hos ado, Marks :1 Fundamental Duties, Marks : eoges BF aries, Marks: OR/egexp Marks: SRCHRDET OF wetrccd ef ses oro, Marks ——— (aaa 4002 First Somestor 3 Yoar LL.B. Examination, Decomber 2018 CONTRACT -! (2018 Batch) Duration » 3 Hours: Max. Marks ; 80 Instructions | 1) Answer all five units 2) One essay type question and short note/problem is compulsory trom each Unit. 3) Figures to the right indicate marks. 4) Answer should be written elther in English or Kannada completely UNIT -1 a) Detine Proposal. Explain the circumstances under which it lapses. sdupRdodray TIN,ALD. cd cana AooieriHy, does 7 asddan, Q.No.1 Marks : 10 OR Q. No. 1, a) An agreement without consideration is void. Discuss. Marks : 10 aemtodes www vad, wer ad, Q. No. 1. b) Solve the following problem : Marks : 6 BYAS AA, HALO: Nataraj posts his letter of proposal to sell his house to Lingaraj on 16" March 18. Lingaraj receives this letter of proposal on 18" March 18. On the same day, Lingaraj posts his letter of acceptance. Thereafter Lingaraj sends a telegram revoking his acceptance on 19" March 18. Nataraj receives Lingaraj's acceptance letter on 19" March 18 and telegram on 20" March 18. Is there a contract between Nataraj and Lingaraj ? ataonsad Sy aosocbay since elmyetsiocony Oorlmestar Omod 16-3-2018 dom wouisiisit abeys, Contestant amas mo 18-3-2018 dor serge. ede OF Oona va, Aego Decay word seyih moves, Scitosd Corman gs, Ake Boda boweosns evciesOoss Amos 19-3-2018 doris Bod Aoredaity wvdkoEQS. Tucows Goris 22 agate, 19-3-2018 Cor Shey god Aociedste, 20-3-2018 Som atekcdoorgs. a9, says abe, wBonssaimndcioe ? OR Pr. 4002 2. icle ks an articl Q.No. 1. b) Ganesh goes to a departmental store and pic! Q.No. 2. a) inter to pay with price tag. When he goes to the cash ea Ganesh the price, the shopkeeper refuses to sell the in he Sues the shopkeeper for breach of contract. Cal do so ? acd Robes, Tear wom aaowaberik ween se Sora ee = a SHQEH) wodegewyens ee able xomoio SAGE MS eae’ ORR ied) Snoses © Been Shorty adaeerygdsoan aw se Skyeay Raden ackome. waowadad oe det Tieéedao sberia anOeds Othe mal Backeye. wae Rnwuxrxde 9 UNIT -II f Discuss the effects of minor's agreement. CRY goto anadecd uaocic! slommabrivah, wuarao. OR Q.No. 2. a) Define fraud Distinguish it from misrepresentation. Boestlosoay, TRARAVO. aT ve NdasTesoN00 Doar. Q.No. 2. b) Solve the following problem, Q.No. 2. b) send Ra, WEAO: Amit promises to obtain for Amar an employment in the National School. Amar Promises to pay Rs. 5 lakhs to Amit. |s this agreement valid ? HALO BSob), vaborg eucigeinn ease Bdge Deady CSTR OISTR 5 OH ca Hach Sch es SRR Ge LEQ, erent zeACodae 9 OR A agrees to pay B on daughter C. C was d Decide. ie lakh rupees, if B will marry A’s lead at the time of the agreement word sed ey ota ‘gy O29 Boreas “8,” odes abodsonas io 4 . . ') odoo ‘ey T wor og, Same Ramya weber as, "N con atochoasesy stegre POLY Qroee, > Marks .. Marks : 19 Marks : 19 Marks :¢ Marks o 4002 UNIT =I Q. No. 3. a) Discuss doctrine of frustration with the help of leading cases. Marks : 10 AGFOS Bedeand AeocwOed Agee acegdalay wurhO. OR Q. No. 3. a) What is breach of contract ? Distinguish between actual breach and anticipatory breach of contract Marks : 10 Foods MAES acide? afays emqgsss-aoey Dore dood> mmyomdriday, Doriane, Q. No. 3. b) Solve the following problem : Marks : 6 gend rebel, WORD: A Kala Bhavan was agreed to be let out on a certain day Before that day, it was destroyed by fire. Discuss the consequences. anos Oxidctts worh tem yt cari ened wameAdsel & OND siete ecb osctoed mamerbgeh sormetrvey, wer RO, OR Q.No. 3. _b) Ajitagreed to deliver the goods to Avinash for certain price on 43-11-2018 without fail. Time is essence of the contract. Ajit fails to deliver the goods on 13-11-2018. Avinash rescinds the contract and files a suit to recover damages. Decide. Marks : 6 eesn edeeat 13-11-2018 com> wor arora, dun Aoboridsy, B27 Rogneo wats. Sedo eardoseatess ee aee ‘Pasmnd, 13-11-2018 coc xderivsh, Spgzbsd, wastes agomnciss wdanTa widowasatoay ooh, sna sand GB tee skeace Bactege Arar onono. UNIT — Q.No. 4. a) Explain general damages and special damages with the help of decided cases. Marks : 10 agros wedrerly AeoctoclecOrt mosine, adey Oe Boamtriday, DIO’. OR In om : 3 of Q No 4 a) What is Quasi-contract ? Explain the ditterent ‘ype Matis oe snaeune sect? por ordat) 08 - centr, asono. Q.No 4 b) Write short note on usted wooo Marly Liquidated damages and penalty. 8 agros Ga domd marta cers. oS Marks , Nominal damages. Bron (ang) som da UNIT -V Q.No. 5. a) Explain what contracts can be specifically enforced. cons soncorvay AOF aN enatr SriaeAaIT 20 OWN DTK, Marks : 4, OR Q.No. 5. a) Explain the circumstances in which courts cannot grant injunction. Marks : 19 Cane Nontir nd, aacdnuctorivs sodney oom, Be7Ho wWHAA, ? Q. No. 5. b) Write short note on : teded wdoN: Declaratory Decree. AeAHYS Se ris. OR Recovery of possession of immovable property. Marks :é AO GAOL mM, Deasosay, Soe Defodone, Marks :¢ 4003 3 Year LL.B. First Semester Examination, December 2018 (2018 Batch) LAW OF TORTS Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 Instructions : 1. Answer all five Units 2. One essay type question and one short note/ Problem is compulsory from each Unit. 3. Figures to the right indicate marks. 4. Answer should be written either in English or in Kannada completely. UNIT -1 Q.No. 1. a) Explain ‘damnum sine injuria’ and ‘injuria sine damno’ with decided cases.” Marks : 10 naka Zidrnseodh ‘dongs Sa) soe sadgd es DBOAD. OR a) Discuss the importance of mental elements in tortious liability. Marks : 10 SHES. Barsmosobd, answe vosriy apaos), Sada, ound. b) John walks across Jack's field without his permission causing no damage. Has he committed any wrongful act ? Decide. ta wes Dat ays, anade Rapa ow sad, mes Baodd, moan, Garroays. aa nade OB, RTs a3, " asinengotoe 2 adroxo. OR b) °X' dug a well in his land for use of his farm, as a result of which water from the well of ‘Y’, his neighbour, dried away. Can Y sue X ? Decide. X a Sq MAG, weds susiodeensan tort tmaabay, Sneesays. xOmspann, 683 Sdobsind Y's wad decd wean aBeeodasd. ‘Y's ‘xX’ 3B OWA mes Hedwaicie 2 AGFORS. Marks : 6 Marks : 6 P.T.O. I 4003 S UNIT = I : his ful acts of Q.No. 2, a) Discuss the liability of master for the wrong Marks: servant. aS OSCE 3a Heads we abmod gg,ner andes sar % 5, % wRIFAD. OR 7 tpri ce’ aS a) Explain ‘inevitable accident’ and ‘private defen Marks defences to tortious liability. eames’ ws oag,d sorimosl 8 ogodnn ‘wascdr Boe ‘masA O88’ ctbay, QBO0L6. caning b) The plaintiff sent her fur coat to defendant ee Seanan ‘ The defendant assigned this work to his servant. . stole the coat. Decide the liability of the defendant. mdoin ay got dette Aypleemaieayn ZasOrt BeLATe., Zemodin erty 39 Aewdart Dtxvdet3p—. Besse Breen, Wa) DVAdad. Zsmohow Barimosary, BBRFARO. OR b) Due to heavy rainfall the wall of defendants house collapsed resulting in death of plaintiff's child. In an action for damages, the defendant pleaded the defence of act of God. Can he succeed ? Decide. Marks :6 S80dRD so¥oso MOOGOS BSaHod addad reed BAG Boras soOox sdrow) aodeo Feoned, Bomod Bed mao saad maiodd, Z8mdov. Ragga Sos adap, MODRWS. waar Regsmodde 9 agroad, Marks - 5 UNIT = II Q.No. 3. a) Discuss the Principle of remoteness of damages. Marks : 10 Geos a, Beam, BUFR, OR a) Explain the rule in Rylands Vv. Fletcher. Marks: 10 Fer, ons, &. Zesor BBradQox Doda DBORO, 2 7 WMO S 4003 b) ‘A’ parked his car on a street with his dog inside. As ‘B’ was walking pass the car, the dog which had been jumping inside smashed the glass panel and as a result a splinter hit B’s eye and caused injury. Is A liable to pay damages to B ? Decide. Marks : 6 ‘A aa mda wvAg moka sabes dob ze aQRRS. Blaine mos we saad Baerdycbaort, é mova mos Muay atic BowgT. eBd0d ABD med wdmdaocd ‘B’ odd Beg ‘wars Tad enoti akncdga. ‘A’ aD ‘BR sOmd sawed earimdzerdagdode 2 AGFOAO. ) OR b) ‘M’ employed 'C’ an independent contractor to repair a lamp overhanging the front doorway. As it was not properly fastened, the lamp fell on 'P' a passerby. ‘P’ sustained injuries. Can ‘P’ claim damages from M ? Decide. Marks : 6 aoownAOS ads cdodd, Henadss, Oewaiay, ado sind ‘Mad 'C’ acu xgog, Toyrimdsay desde Brads. & Occitan AoinN ononade aceon em ‘P’ aow modaerds see way, ‘P’ obo Tmodrieoday. ‘P’ obo ‘M's OO, Aw, Dome ms Bawmde ? DBFOAO. UNIT -IV Q. No.4. a) Define defamation. Distinguish between libel and slander. Marks : 10 stratemodva, s,2,020. O88 Brame shay APL andemdod Seis 359% eo. OR a) Explain the tort of conversion. Marks : 10 ‘Qamn0go’ EHE,9, TD, DBOAO. b) In order to protect his crop from trespassing pigs 'X’ laid traps on his land. Y's cow strayed into that land and fell into the trap and was killed. Can ‘X’ be held liable to pay damages ? Decide. Marks : 6 woany e8,19008 33, d¥obay, dene xX > 3A, Hoond, wd sida. 'Y' S ws § BeDg, a, wedobd, 200, 782. 'X' ad Sal, ODS Deweo moq,ae 7 AGFORO. OR _ LE 5) Some persons combine and go to the theatre and boo and hoat out an actor. What is their liability ? Decide. Marks, GOD) Tarivo wadeoas roc mew pay asoerbeys Ray ty, SeDOTA dodo, ses ridy axyrowd. eT Barimosaben 9 ABFOA, UNIT ~v Q.No. 5. a) Explain the composition, powers and functions of State Commission under the Consumer Protection Act. Marks : 1 TBE Oe eHdobabda me, wolnerid dus, OTT Bente BOOE TINA DSIOR. OR a) Explain the salient features of Motor Vehicles Act. Marks : 19 Seend med sdoobaba Oda, oveorivsy DIox0. b) A Surgeon in hospital ‘x’ conducted an eye operation on Mr., ‘P' negligently, as a result ‘P’ lost his eye sight partially. P wants to claim 15 lakhs as compensation before the consumer forum. Advice him. Marks : 6 x SA,ob9, Wt), BxwSEaD ‘Pad Bess BAe obey, Aeresowod Sad Dorma Poo Baoday wens: Becbewowad. Poin mae SeO¥osd, 15 oF cosmmovo TOmT sad woobsegd. waa toad deao. 7 OR Write short note on “insurance against third Party risks”. Marks : € “saeodo BED emabriy ela Ashe wos exo uxie3 wdotd. b) ‘maa 4004 3 Year LL.B. | Semester Examination, December 2018 FAMILY LAW - | (Hindu Law) (2018 Batch) Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 Instructions : 1. Answer all five Units. 2. One essay type question and a short note/problems is compulsory from each Unit. 3. Figures to the right indicate marks. 4. Answer should be written either in English or Kannada completely. UNIT -1 (a) State and explain in brief the sources of Hindu Law. Marks : 10 koe manas sbaoriday adox abey Aosgenn oxox. OR Explain the schools of Hindu Law. Explain difference between them. Q.No. 1. Marks : 10 koe manas Bogda, 280%. eayie dads adds Aayratay aston, (b) Concept of Dharma Marks : 6 Sabra soto OR Rights of a coparcener. Marks : 6 cecdmQod wayne. UNIT -II Q.No. 2. (a) What is Marriage ? Explain the conditions for a valid marriage under Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. Marks : 10 Ames aowdesd 7 hore Awe wody,, 1955 3 xi CRBs AmwBd avogarivay, axon, © OR What is Divorce ? Explain the grounds on which a Hindu Marriage can be dissolved by divorce. Qnppas nocidesds 2 dvs vray shed DYpARS shook bone Amway Amir Awe downey, OB0%. Marks : 10 P.T.0. 4004 Q.No. 3. S 2. (b) Restitution of Conjugal Rights. BS moxie, macvorocs aid OR Gopal married Sowmya in the Year 201 years in the year 2018 Gopal with the consent of Sowmya again married Swathi. Whether second marriage is valid or not ? Decide. Rove, sPabys 2015 vo, omaandays Se shew skirt} dosd vod 201809, dedede Bose Pay? wiftosoay aici mp Saibety Omedserbapa. aorise aDBy Troma eB weqse 2 Arar CoA. 5 and after three UNIT — III (a) Who is Karta ? What are the circumstances under which a Karta can alienate joint family property ? 83 200d adnd 2 cna soagenvg, dra eas Bow0wsd wROdAL, Bord anwuwed ? OR What is Partition ? Describe the modes of effecting partition. ok yas oodderd ? wh duo oo agpanvay, BOR, Doctrine of “Pious obligation”. “Gade gn, Bry” AmROS. OR Religious and Charitable Endowment. gan’ aba) d3 d0. Cy Marks : ¢ Marks : ¢ Marks : 10 Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 6 Q.No. 4. (a) (b) Q.No. 5. (a) 4004 3 UNIT - IV Discuss the rules of succession of a male Hindu dying intestate. Marks : 10 Bore acbaiad adres, wdowdd abdro Brooms megooQmedd Dodstriday wears. OR State the general rules of Succession under Hindu Succession Act, 1956. Marks : 10 toorde sath Uber, 1956 b wacdd, sibs! eugongmodss maing, Rodabriva, Ben, Stridhana. Marks : 6 aga. OR Arunkumar dies in 2015 leaving his wife, mother, two daughters, two sons and his father. Distribute the property among them. Marks : 6 ecdretnda 2015 dQ, Ags Brocheys. sockomert eS Bors, Boro, awpd Beasoysd, ~arypo rowdy abey eas goo adbagd. wAcbay eaidorert ovo. UNIT-V Explain the powers and duties of the Natural Guardian over the person and property of a Hindu-minor. Marks : 10 bone wang sobad ag sda es who Aoworaon ANT ookss eed sey wrairivay aston, OR 4004 (b) EAD 4 ceand separate When a Hindu wife is entitled to maintenan = residence under the Hindu Adoption and Maintena’ Act, 1956 ? oor th aba) steamed epnowbet, 1956 footte a¥piay rteskmod aay aged axa © gegen conan arene ? Doctrine of relation back. Ar nowogd AmROS. OR Manjula is working as a teacher in a Government school. Her husband who is an unemployed filed a suit for maintenance against wife. Is she liable ? abowsY acwwakd nocd Amro mdobd, ddgcinn Box Amadydde’. uscd» acdcigen stoi wedmodeyN Fy Ried dodo mead Bacay. tai ac magworbad 2 Marks : 1p Marks : ¢ Marks : § | Semester 3 Year LL.B. Examination, December 2018 CRIMINAL LAW - | (Indian Penal Code) (2018 Batch) Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 Instructions : 1. Answer all five units. 2. One essay type question and a short note/problems is compulsory from each Unit. 3. Figures to the right indicate marks. 4. Answer should be written either in English or Kannada completely. UNIT -I Q. No. 1. a) Explain various types of punishments to which offenders are liable under the Indian Penal Code. Marks : 10 wPdseod Bod Aobsab wAcb?, exmanen AdewmMDG AG S¥vao ATO. OR Q. No. 1. a) Who are the possible parties to a crime ? Explain. Marks : 10 woth vaongs, Soxaidecd s¥redd odndd ? ABOARD. Q. No. 1. b) Write short notes on “Mens-Rea”. Marks : € “estnge abaky" add wif emo Used dodo. OR Q. No. 1. b) Write short notes on “common intention”. Marks : | “2Baees” aad or, exo used wdono. UNIT -II Q. No. 2. a) When the right of private defence of the body extends to causing death ? Marks : 1 aman Bsdsob wey Beas degérweN sbomstanotw sirabaieicrt agenrbs 5 Kontdervoaes 2 2 OR PT 4005 Q. No. 2. a) Q. No. 2. b) Q. No. 2. b) Q. No. 3. a) Q. No. 3. a) Q. No. 3. b) “2 1 n Penal Explain the law relating to abatement under India Marks. ¢ code. x: y eo anjoQ ue PALA, Us dott roksoO, wea chelydrerh owe a DBOL, : d by the ‘A’ an officer of the court of justice being ordere" © be 'Y" elieving ‘2 Marks... court to arrest ‘Y’ and after due inquiry, D' Ace? arrests 'Z'. Whether ‘A’ has committed any offe! Sy pe modnoohd wpedoind ‘A’ ab ev RGRUGDAD, | as 3 mesos BERG 2 BENS Raden eciedsmneyA. zay gassoday HA” soncide ‘Z say 'Y' aoc sec cigho anebsys. ‘A’ A end Snamyobe ? OR ‘A’ doctor in good faith communicates to a patient eae cannot live, the patient dies in consequences of shock. What is the liability of ‘A’ ? Decide. 7 a ‘A’ oc Sofa oy, deen deeb webeead so APR Atm@aoaed seas. e QOD emmsood Gach 3 Hoods, a0, ‘A'S yma soda ror ctyw0. UNIT = Ill Marks :: Explain the circumstances under which culpable homicide amounts to murder. Marks : 1 ets Sows, cans Roce red, dedoinmbyd owas, DBORO. OR Explain the offence of criminal force and assault. Marks : | exmeos wexoseet ade agob exmasay Q80x0. ‘A’ builds a wall across a path along which ‘B’ has a right of way. ‘B’ is there by prevented from passing. What is the Marks offence committed by ‘A’ ? Give reasons. ‘A’ccho 'B’ Lobe coor ecismh Reecodba #83,'B’ Lema work Beodn07ys. ‘A’ord odny edngaa crams? mde $08. [ OR ET Q. No. 3. b) Q. No. 4. a) Q. No. 4. a) Q. No. 4. b) Q. No. 4. b) ‘A’ with the intention i “ons of causing the death of a child of tender years exposes it in a desert place. But the death of the child does not ensue. Whether ‘A’ has committed any offence ? Marks : 6 aod Dobrxg word aoras aocdrosazob Bradetou eveges0od ‘A’ ab echt) durd oleide, oly, odes ocd es aoe & abroad stsdea ook mroOO, ‘WV > osnaendide exng Rnamposoe 2 UNIT — What is criminal misappropriation of property ? How does it differ from criminal breach of trust ? Marks : 10 A838 exes DdrAoinen acwideds? ead cine dese, eaengs Sons Garwyos dams? OR Explain cheating. When does it became cheating by personation ? Marks : 10 sordodsay, AHOxO. ead cinenn abegupod He Borsrdamorogs 2 ‘A’ cuts down a tree on ‘B’ s land dishonestly without ‘B’s consent. Decide the offence of ‘A's. Marks : 6 ‘Bro eahebsomexs empsinedéaen ‘A’ oD ‘Blo eamoddgdos adie, soda. ‘A’ sacs eaiagaah, Sewer DAO. OR ‘A’ took away an unmarried girl who was under — 16 years out of custody and against the will of her father. Decide what type of offence ‘A’ committed ? Give reasons. Marks : A’ od 16 Sairdagns edsnbs woedonobay, seas sorsod acdc 63s B8doR Brocainwys. ‘A’owo osned geod exoogae), aname ? Rod gna FE my “4 4005 UNIT-V , @. No. 5. a) What is defamation ? Explain its ingredients “ey @ No.5. a) Explain the essentials of “criminal trespass and house Marks & Q.No. 5. b) ‘A’ breaks ‘open a box to steal some jewels. After opening the box he finds that there are no jewels in it. What is ‘A’ s liability? Marks Hose odes, ease FOL. Marks 2 ween. First Semester 3 Year LL.B. Examination, June/July 2019 FAMILY LAW — | (Hindu Law) (2018 Batch) Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 Instructions : 1. Answer all five Units. 2. One essay type question and short note is compulsory from each Unit. 3. Figures to the right indicate marks. 4. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely. UNIT -1 Q. No. 1.(a) Who are Hindus ? Persons to whom Hindu Law does and does not apply ? HoBensosd and ? ana Rarer wode RBAaDd emowmbaiad adap ed combso0,? OR Marks : 10 Explain the features of a co-parcenary and bring out the rights of a co-parcenary. TORUS, o¥perva ava adey moivdod sayrivsy, VOL. Marks : 10 Distinguish between Mitakshara and Dayabhaga Schools of Hindu Law. home MAAASO, NoWys asp modymn xogne sdaxv aera 20a, oR (b Marks : 6 Ancient sources of Hindu Law. Marks : 6 bone mands mares Deore. PTO. 4004 inn, a UNIT - II cuss. Marks: 49 Dis Q.No. 2. (a) Hindu marriage is a sacrament and also a Laie 4p dod. (0 Q. No. 3. (a) (b) borin deals) noch aoy wordisiaty Of aREF A, OR a jugal rights Explain the constitutionality of restitution of conjug@ 9 Marks : 19 with the help of leading cases. ros moni abdbmelod ut doomayady, BaP? © Bacrory Hamoseiecdrt QHOX. Marks : Void and Voidable Marriages. ~_ Baa, mdey Baxededecds Oeairied. OR Customary practices and legislative provisions relating to Marks : ¢ dowry. BOBEFSod wrt sacbs mMosjmted esdesried aby ASS dwoweine. UNIT III What is Partition ? Under what circumstances partition can be re-opened. Marks : 10 TROD ABvws aowderd ? odvad Roar BO, med awedabay, aa arcuate 9 OR Who is Karta ? Discuss his position, duties and powers. Marks : 1 B8F aodd ard ? was MPS, Brando say edmdneay wera. Re-union. Marks : Wao ariambag. OR Q. No. 4. (a) (b) Q. No. 5. (a) r 4004 Father has incurred debt for personal benefit and died. Son has self acquired property. Is son liable to discharge debt of his father ? Decide. Marke : 6 Sordain By aobys enciedgn mo ana AQamNdR, Boned ZoskeeiS Aga Bmodemg. Soria mosiay, Ses aire Borimdse’? stainraro, UNIT -IV Explain the rules as to the succession of the property of a female under Hindu Succession Act, 1956. Marks : 10 boris abietiod erob enmomdd wrinds sotie wugoogeed mok,, 1956 J Dossbrivety Oso. OR Explain the salient features of Hindu Succession Act, 1956. Marks : 10 &ome mdm ehdabad, 1956 3 Torsed gorda, DBOX. Wills. Marks : 6 adoromas 3S. OR Gift. Marks : 6 many. UNIT-V When Court may appoint and remove the guardian ? Explain the powers of guardian appointed by the court. Marks : 10 adnan m,odnoois Rodggday, Seaos atvedusoed absy Sroentuwd 7 maiwocd seat anad Aodess eQmaonda, DBOX. OR Define Adoption. Explain the requirements of valid adoption under the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956. Marks : 10 Bgdaiao, 559,809,0%. nore Bgd addy veimos wgaaiad 1956 3 wach, cures dgeg ats wazyssriday Dsox. (b) Dependents. SBoowsdd, OR ‘Arundati refuses to live with her husband as long as he stayed with his aged parents. She approaches, the court against her husband seeking separate residence and maintenance. Will she succeed ? Decide. ag, soc sortataodrt smaxogoos aad mm 33, Hckods emvend acc eddogacdo wSon0d ved as aba cecimosign modnocid aed Boerbe’. eae wodbrtenioatde 2 Dear OWA, Marks IM 4003/7011/5031/6011 Semester 3 Yr. LL.B/Il Semester 5 Yr. B.Com. LL.B./II Semester 5 Yr. B.A. LL.B. (Maj.-Min. System)/Il Semester 5 Yr. B.B.A. LL.B. Examination, June/July 2019 LAW OF TORTS (2018 Batch) Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 Instructions : 1. Answer all five Units. 2. One essay type question and short note is compulsory from each Unit. Figures to the right indicate marks. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely. 3. 4. Unit -1 Q.No. 1. a) Explain the Maxim damnum sine injuria and Injuria sine damnum with the help of leading cases. BodNYS Ae, shey AeiQys waPabay shod, gedeory RBOOWHD ENO. OR Define ‘Tortious Liability’. Distinguish between Tort and breach of contract. eatgs sorimogade mar. ecg abey weer wy3 SaaS asyArday aa. Marks : 10 Q.No. 1. a) Marks : 10 Q.No. 1. b) A child of seven years ate some attractive berries from a tree in a Municipal Park. The berries were poisonous. The child died. Can the Municipality be made liable ? oxo siird abr ideo mangas word abdhod wtarreabmnd Beards Sones. v “Beare Dagposeongs. ard abe anode. Bekwana, th anawade 7 OR Marks : 6 PTO. 4003/7011/5031/6011 tort . ment of a Tort. Q.No. 1. b) Write a short note on ‘Motive’ as ne amas of, “shears” (uote) ease wend H : toms omy essirs t3d0%00. Unit - I : it 2 Explait Q. No. 2. a) Whatare the exceptions to Volenti non fit injuna with cases. eee. 3 nanabaddss Robe asctvocnrbs ¥3 eaigasy, anys SODSY Samanvrga ? gedrerdoot) DBOX OR Q.No. 2. a) Explain Vicarious Liability. ies bt which the master will be liable for the wd sorimotedah OHA, cine socttierive, avedeésd Awe arad gainer Barimommas 7 Q.No. 2. b) Write short note on ‘Vis Major’. ‘Bae 3B shed womb op Lard wdoNd. OR Q.No.2. b) A driver of the defendant's omnibus had printed instructions not to race with or obstract, other omnibuses. In disobedience to this order he obstracted the plaintiffs. Omnibus and caused a collision which damaged it. What is the liability ? Decide. Bsmoobd wras mote eied warndeodn AQr emda Om Stoo RnetmUc oot edaigAeR) goer Bmardh 1 anudnerk odden sDOdos “tart SmvodvoLD SHB 4 Eedadd Somabson wd asso owe, oind Eorime’ ad 7 Adrox, * Unit - II Q. No. 3. a) Discuss the rule laid down in Rylands V. Fletcher case with exceptions. = a Fejow*, dbs Swot gYedeod Rodabaa, OR Q.No. 3. a) What is Nuisance ? Distinguish between Private and Public Nuisance. AGS aociders 2 anxn = Rayise aa abe marnad madanends e circumstances in Marks - ;. cts of his servant? Marks : 1, Marks : § Marks : 6 Marks : 10 Marks : 1¢ (e100 Q. No. 3. Q. No. 3. Q. No. 4. Q. No. 4. Q. No. 4. Q. No. 4. b) The Plaintiff resided in a house next to a Roman Catholic Chapel of which the defendant was the Priest and the Chapel bell was ringing very loud of all hours of the day and night. Decide. M mdob darchbar agaedet wird woods soaodd, aparoSdab. soapooby & weird md. & wes Motlodo Bram sg) oo8, deo wow. VBrOA. OR “3. 4003/7011/5031/6011 larks | 6 b) Write short note on ‘Remoteness of Damage. Marks : 6 “edd Rowogd Bay's wif woth o> tard wdowe. Unit - IV a) Explain the difference between libel and slander. When slander becomes actionable per se ? Marks : 10 O28 dndmd ax dPad andmarionds aeyarive oxox. atPad “andmacto cin eddodide ganwramsyyd? OR a) Define Assault and distinguish it from battery. State the Marks : 10 circumstances when they may be justified. \giehccbety sa sDAO Soap ‘Gand’ Ooc wedges aleyreta, 3en0. earday, coins socddervo, sabOradeywaoc 8920. b) ‘A’ detames'B’ and dies before'B' could bring action against him, under this circumstances is there any remedy for ‘B' according to Law 2 ‘ston ‘win andendovay, Bre ‘wodo md WBHBE, sooord modTQS. 4 RadobaO, ‘WA acos Tomodsed ? OR b) Write a short note on ‘Malicious Prosecution’. “qoedbeiesss erposioets' tanh works emo Laird w5ov0. Marks : 6 Marks : 6 4003/7011/5031/6011 Q. No. 5. Q. No. 5. Q.No. 5. a) Explain the cot a) b) b) unit -V ct, aya, t022 eosan's of of th position and junisdiche® 4 4986. Protecti Commission under Consumer on Tet Zod eQNCDED, 1986CRODOF eZ epeed a,gobe, LAO* Cede OR n adopts unfair For the purpose of promoting the eons inl Marks : 1 i t are those practi uf Trade Practices. Whal soos aa > Bornes sudsOod Ss cong canes my, dda evsautsoamd. OF exiverigecocay, SsOR. . Marks : Write a short note on Third Party Insurance. asbod wi, ued weno. shade muro OR ‘A’ a lady underwent a ‘tubectomy’ operation at the Government hospital in Thumkur. Later she developed serious complications due to operation which reduced her to the condition of a physically invalid person. The lady filed a case and demanded compensation against the Government. Decide. ‘A’ 20u tty, bbe, BDabseds sero sagoieondd, ‘antes eater Srardawad. sdosd, excess ZormmsL=N toa Se¥pomnd Enondrte weiukeow eae Gotan oe Agodnrbaav. 8 bd smrdd SOE me Bea Domde\ LBQONAT. SRBEDL Marks : (OO First Seme: Ster 3 Year LL.B, Examination, June/July 2019 Duration : 3 Hours Instructions : 1. Q. No. 1. (b CONTRACT - | (2018 Batch) Answer alll five Units. One essay type question and short note/problem 's Compulsory from each Unit. Figures to the right indicate marks. 2. 3. 4, completely. (a) “All contracts are agreements, but all agreements are not 4002 Max. Marks : 80 Answer should be written either in English or Kannada Necessarily contracts”. Explain. Marks : 10 “OR, Boocorvs amodrvs, edd omy, valour Boovariesegodieaey, ", DBO. OR/ega “An agreement without consideration is void”. Explain with exceptions, if any. “BeBOdgD woods ax aontgd”. acta, exmareds SABNGLOR ABOAO. ‘A’ made a proposal to ‘B’ in June 2017. ‘B’ accepted it in August 2018. Is it valid acceptance ? ‘e' a word amadabay ‘wit mest 2017 0@, daabeaN. ‘w' eBay, urixt 2018 doc AgdOxdeQs. acd Badwneed agg, scdnTbgtiode a OR/e@a ‘A’ goes to a departmental store and picks an article with price tag. When he goes to the counter to pay the price, the shopkeeper refuses to sell the article. ‘nN wants to sue shopkeeper for breach of contract. Advise ‘A’. ‘es’ Bd word Bows sent Baeh 3S ANOWAAD Sosesayy, Barwa, gosnygaedes. wad o Axo vidodday, Som0b wos N TER, BHA (BT Pourtob sigd seen wporoty ands @ axaAY SndeD Aoodorbeys. ‘e' sero andes awG, sd wQoparwn cos Beweo wosoxsgs. ‘e’ar HOw OBO. Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 6 Q. No. 2. nt. 'g agroame" L (a) Discuss tho legal effects of minor prc ve saav wxvodT msaory, oe yew Me FRO, OR/wapa _ Explain with “An agreement in restraint of trade fs void". Expl exceptions, if any. ch wad Oe) . aurogmas LO 33 eps a, mds awr oo oF eayndnoon Yar, WNDES". gos, STRATA, OX0x0. ie lakh. (b) ‘A’ contracts with ‘B' to kill ‘C' for a sum of rupees on Ps 'B’ kills. ‘A’ refuses to pay. Can ‘8’ recover the amount * Decide. ‘8’ diay, dod anads toch eg, demon Haabajaon ‘e'ab ‘v's dad axon anadowysn’. ‘w'ad ‘s'day dod Brabagd. ‘e'ad wo barken DoawOmDYS. ‘v's Wess, BHO Avwewsoe 9 Aro oHor0. OR/epa Anand is a spiritual advisor. Bhaskar, an old Hindu man, is a disciple of Anand. Anand advises Bhaskar to gift away the whole of his property to him with a view to secure benefits to his soul in the next world. Bhaskar makes gift of whole of his property to Anand. Later Bhaskar wants to cancel this gift. Can he do so ? Advise Bhaskar. SSO UHYF rhodsohays. TRA Dow Lore Baa ‘a ely Marks 1 Marks : 19 Marks : 6 Marks : 6 SHOBS Sa TOADRS. ABaaOD aed ogg soeteres, RS andenad aye, Sob Bri os anad oad esodad waxcan eoadeamans. S00 Bd weAOA a, OR, GA (AB)oway evondri ows Spades. sodosd weHUR & Tae och alpaoy uo, ee aor Anaumdde 7 gnadar Healers aeao. Q.No. 3. 3 (a) Explain in brief the various modes of discharge of contracts. a (b) BONY SxweS (Vadrid)od QA QGSTIVA Rosen DBO. OR/ega Explain the law relating to time and place of performance of contract. BOOS FWskeOgad Ada day Avs AwoHrAd mmede, DBOA. Rama promised to marry Seeta after the death of his father. But he married Suma when his father was alive. Seeta wants to sue Rama for breach of contract. Advise Seta. Doabad gq, Sorious AGA Sos Aeworaly ababsioinrbajaen eater aus gamba. eid ens q, Bod ucbscoenrtse Roane, ababelodnrioaga. 80008 QowAMN RETO Das Soba, ma Baden wor’. seen Aod eB. OR/eB=o Umesh has agreed to sell his house to Ganesh for rupees 10 lakhs. But that house was destroyed by an accidental fire before Umesh could sell it to Ganesh. Ganesh institutes a Suit against Umesh for breach of contract. Decide. ensbess 88 sbdobay Tesevar ZQ ©8 democtort anos Sade watever, ead wuabeda & sododay, Tewark nme Brads aadde SEAT SACDOd 3 abaoco aavaocwos. Foods evqowsroA Tieéesas ensioess DOG, TODAY BABB. ACI ONOAO. Q.No. 4. (a) What are the remedies available for a breach of contract ? Explain. goon wgosamn dadws womoreras) 2 O8020. OR/eme Explain general and special damages with the help of decided cases. aeronHoy, Beornd AmobOod waRE, she) Ovex ommdganvay, 2020. Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 6 Marks : 10 Marks : 10 4002 (b) Q.No. 5. (a) What is meant by specific performance ? Who can claim it ? (b) 4 ‘A’ leaves an article at ‘B'S house by mistake. Can ‘A’ recover the article from ‘B’ ? Decide. sci ‘e'a word ayaa, ‘v's aosob@, sds HLQH' “4 ‘ein ‘w'Dod © sxgateh, Bacdkoywase ? Deo oNNO. OR/e@eo ‘A’ contracts to supply goods on a specified day toe A does not supply on that day, as a consequence of it’ 3 —— has to close the factory. Advise remedies available to ‘B’ P larks : 6 noch ROFR, Datdocd Adu, Delyajcnn ‘e's 3 eadoddd, tooth anadowyss. ocd S aaidom ‘e' ad AdBaR, Bag saVjoe,. ;AdOoss “2"AD sosmoF SODAY, aioegglenorga. ‘war dads BOmdNe sos soaoddaty O20. Marks : 6 Marks : 10 AFH, Adseos aowdead ? catiay, odr0> Beswaoad ? OR/egae Explain perpetual and temporary injunctions. BBs ss BOT Avr omedneay NAOx0. Marks : 10 Rama is the owner of a building. Shama diposesses Rama from this building by force. Advise Rama. Marks : 6 comb ipiiporid ainddaenog. 8 vypd0c) _we,abAb posse, wow, cdmendod BQIDVIwms. Dasor sows CBO. OR/egae B, being a medical advisor, threatens to publish patient C’s written communications that are with him showing that C has led an immoral life. What course of action would you advise to C ? Explain. Marks : 6 ‘ta’ aon FBseo Aosmoedad 38 Boenatnd ‘8's 68,38 B,Smoag, Sasnsn0IaHs ws, BWaoonday, widorineaenn ‘vat cod mmagd. dea ond Bomodsar, ‘SOR AnwxdZed 2 DBOAO. AOTC en 001 4 First Seme: 2019 Ster 3 Year LLB, Examination, June/July CONSTITUTIONAL LAW -1 (2018 Batch) Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 Instructions : 1, : Answer all five Units. One essay type question and short note/problem is compulsory from each Unit. Figures to the right indicate marks. ~ Answer should be written either in English or Kannada completely. UNIT -I Q.No. 1. a) Examine the salient features of the Indian Constitution. Marks : 10 eos Aoamad atosd, ogporiday, ZoesA, OR a) Explain the objectives enshrined in the Preamble. Marks : 10 AON RIS HARdodd, eadaoncss ender 2BOA0. b) Can company or corporation be a citizen ? Marks : 6 wor FoR) eas tort Arabs) at, sed (wero8) om sortedredeanbete 9 OR b) ‘A’ had come to India in 1938. In 1945, he went on pilgrimage to Iraq. On return he was registered as a foreigner and several times his stay in India was extended, but in 1957 his request was refused. Can he compel the Government of India to grant him citizenship ? ‘A’ aounmide 1938 JO, yu woOdsd. 1945 dO, gover Cingr Been wos dodd BA AdcieBoda aoc mde Rnaadd mre eds MO vad yedsdd, sands eadodoay anocbsoseaney. ects 1957 dd ess etasorday AoePoReDCIOD. wal MBSeOd aPdmorieon wzpomeuoedede 2 Marks : 6 PTO. (AOE A 4001 UNIT =I of the Q.No. 2. a) Examine the scope ot “other authorities” under Art. 12 Marks : 10 Constitution. od SoQGNS vated dd sa gmaieh” SFT SAAS, TOKO OR art. 14 : id down under AT. a) Discuss the principles of equality as la Marks : 10 of the Indian Constitution wo’ Koda, eadefea 14 BSNS tari e303 80. 30, deeded savas? weaving including b) “X° company was managing the spinning and ee ement a situation the textile mill. On account of mis-manag has arisen to close down the mill. The action of the company, dities and caused affected the production of essential commot unemployment. The parliament passed the ‘x’ company, Act which empowered the government to take over the control and management of the company. The Act was challenged by the shareholders of the company., on the ground that it violates Art. 14. Decide. 4X" aoe) goxdain dads ads scons sore Seo, Bayne ands vaes mabriieay, “paramgegy. egsimdaocnn Bosnodo aooekys soAs sod, aay. addoTDN 283, Saindsod expe aay oved abel, en sdtintcos atobos), Bodom oxy "X” todd mola wore’ deste, zdnds ass, Sridd#not. dostnod seconds REFS Sicbiood gab3) Roagead eanjed 14 0 engomecdend aoc S8acnd. SekRFAR. ae Marks : 6 OR b) Write a note on “Doctrine of Severability”. Marks : 6 “G8 eds amos" shed usted wand. JOM 4001 “3 UNIT = III Q.No. 3. “ cane pemie special provisions for the advancement of Discuss ra educationally backward classes of citizens”. sae fe validity of this statement with reference to Gases. Marks : 10 “wabeiees 15(4) mainetd ebay gerdésN toocbed sPoaiie rv SEROMA ove met ohken esind anadeddys ” Ssednrdsmd gedrenvocart i Bevdod Jusatah, wer OR ) Discuss the right to freedom of speech and expression with the help of decided cases. Marks : 10 SDE mS, aria ewey w,80S,0 GARY Dror omad deanr it faoos warn’ ae b) A citizen refuses to sing the National Anthem. Can he be compelled to sing ? Marks : 6 wey, BPdad onal nedabxy mde acsdomags, vada, maiden esQomaneorde ? OR b) A Muslim woman challenges her personal law regarding Talaq (Divorce) and polygamy on the ground of discrimination only on the grounds of Sex. Decide. Marks : 6 #eso Cord seBood des xen anaes 33, Hones sodona dene" (dei¢ts) abe uumbsteg ay Late abelyaeosd RoboFosn ( m.cnecdad,) opdaleb. Seine v0. UNIT - IV “No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law’. Comment. Marks : 10 “cdnagce aged wears Bey sey Fabgs aysog, git, penas arOs ganadaod Baden sricdkay cari”. Wess. OR pe of the right to freedom of religion under Q. No. 4. a) a) Examine the sco| the Indian Constitution. Marks : 10 wads AoA, HF 808 ,G BEN sHAcrday TOE AO. 4001 a CANON AE A b) A State proposes to pass law requiring the Archakas of a temple to conduct worship in the Vernacular language instead of Sanskrit. Is it a valid law ? Lomb mons Bf moydOddA emoobry ers xong wctemn spcebs epsiriveds Reed Adsieoneiedow) momen, ecbanstnesbs dma dnebyds. gmanend wae aombaie ? OR Authorities have refused to issue passport to ‘A’, of India to go abroad. Can the authorities be compelled to issue ? Rds) ‘a aow mdseow aartosan odes gak seated, ATOR. m_HRTG ah aac, Deeseleriegor cegowanarde ? Marks : 6 b) acitizen Marks : 6 UNIT -V Q. No. 5. a) Examine the significance of Directive Principles of State Policy. Marks : 10 cots, AGerss Bane sama Sobay, WOekp. OR a) State the nature and scope of rights of minorities to establish Marks : 10 and administer educational institutions. ve Aosngort exjacos depo sore mes ore Nei weBou sia acne core abedanay eed. b) Fundamental duties. Marks | shoves rane. OR Marks : b) Write a note on Habeas Corpus. uiaied avdon00 - Bw WBA’ OF. ‘oun 4018 Third Semester 3 Year LL.B. Examination, December 2019 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW (2018 and 2019 Batch) Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 Instructions : 1. Answer all five Units. 2. One essay type question and short note/problem is compulsory from each Unit. 3, Figures to the right indicate marks. 4. Answer should be written either in English or Kannada completely. UNIT -1 7 Q. No. 1. (a) Explain the reasons for the growth of administrative law. wees maans wvstedriods sodroridata, DSORO. OR/egaD Q.No. 1. (a) Explain the doctrine of “tule of law’. “maaan wosig"” 32.8e2, 8020. Q.No. 1. (b) Define administrative law. Marks : 6 eaes maaday, my,3R,000. OR/emgaD Q. No. 1. (b) Explain “separation of powers”. Marks : 6 “eapmdrid B¥,cedr" aay, ASOA0. Marks : 10 Marks : 10 UNIT - II Q. No. 2. (a) Define delegated legislation and state the reasons for its growth. Marks : 1C aycinents wosiadla 5ys7AARO shay ead vieedrfodo wodranday, Bevo. OR/eBae Q. No. 2. (a) Explain judicial control of delegated legislation. Marks : 1 Baosoess waeos aROwB Davdog rare, DAOAO. P.T.C 4018 2 Marks : 6 @. No. 2. (b) What is conditional legislation ? Q.No. 2. (b) xosgnic, meson oss okt ? od inne jal courts under a statute for the ee ne ral Some cases were trans ferred or special courts from regular criminal courts. ‘Yash’ whose ore? Marks :6 has been so transferred challenges its legality. Will he su ? X' veeys) wor sora ose aaoinocdria, ; pe 308 deemocd wors7yN RDA. MARA, aoe mcsnectneod tox) gorda, & srsnoctsTien arrows, “ode” acwalks aedeose goert BTHFORROLD. wate 3 gad aogbs ae), asopbegs. wai worse ? UNIT = Ill Q. No. 3. (a) Explain different kinds of bias. Marks : 10 xemed Ong smdrivay asoA0. OR/epa Marks : 10 Q. No. 3. (a) Explain the principle “gudi alteram partem”. “glanigeiaa, SumoHsysy” aot Botbabsink, O8O%0. aed 2 Q.No. 3. (b) A complaint was given by lady students that some Q.No. 3. (b) boys students of their college entered the ladies hostel and misbehaved. The enquiry committee recorded the statements of the girls of the hostel in the absence of boys and expelled the boys from the college. Advice. Marks : 6 neers tox) dew, QF ADD say TOA avadg, ox) amr ned aiden exejaron Baricidd aot Badd dewdcd. Demdrs RNID AomwQraodd Geesrivay & werd emeascbd, TdO% AGO Barnday wsewaon sia © * mse. BOD NBO. OR/e@ae A selection committee was constituted by the Central Government for promotions to higher posts to be selected from a list of senior officers. One of them who was also a member of the selection committee was promoted. An unsuccessful candidate challenges this. Will he succeed ? Marks : | tedob emote Loch sowed abeds aot wanna Seooyoeayn dod Adeds nocd AAsvowday, cdusasd. endd, wyped mre w Addsou Acad ecakdnngiay eorencss, 3 volyobay eabgerormd wR Boxed, ead wocbrersade ? a (8 3 UNIT - IV Q.No. 4. (a) What is Writ of Mandamus ? What should petitioner prove Q.No. Q.No. Q. No. Q. No. Q. No. Q. No. 4. for grant of this Writ 2 ‘SARA S RABY oocidech 7 oh emRpMatey xdobes ettroada addy meebslarised 7 : OR/ega (a) State the extent of liability of the government in torts. SAEZ NYO Admdd earsmodsod ay,docday, Bevo. (b) What is public interest litigation ? MIELE LAAs cos} aocidedtd 2 OR/ema (b) Write a note on “injunctions”. Aur omeoygne wos wars wdowo. UNIT-V (a) Explain Parliamentary control of public undertakings. maruas wvdebriy sowdeowd Dobosrarvay, OBO. OR/ega . (a) Explain the efficacy of inquiry commissions and the impact of report of an inquiry commission. Qundrm voleeiny mabye ade vary adoob Bensi/ worms OIOr0. . (b) Write a note on Lokpal and Lokayukta. acts Ta Saemod2# Os weed wed. OR/ega 5. (b) The Central Government appointed a commission to inquire into the conduct of Chief Minister of a state. Is the action of the Central Government valid ? wort moeyG shoajsbogod Adavsabay aude ander Beord, AOmdR) wort Quads voderisay, BeDonw. 8eoos, ROMS 1 Bady) roGse 7 4018 Marks : 10 Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 6 Marks : 10 Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 6 ANE 4015 Ill Semester 3 Year LL.B. Examination, December 2019 LABOUR LAW - II (2018 and 2019 Batch) Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 Instructions : 1. Answer all five Units. 2. One essay type question and short note/problem is compulsory from each Unit. 3. Figures to the right indicate marks. 4. Answer should be written either English or Kannada completely. UNIT -1 Q. No. 1.(a) “The Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy are the backbone of the Industrial Jurisprudence in India”. Elucidate. Marks : 10 “{ROIBO mreorweg weprieo may DEw,DeSOdd adders serio Bda,ens mm, ohms Baeow SAS". QVOsOr. OR (a) Explain the objectives of the Equal Remuneration Act, 1976. Marks : 10 ABRT Sess B082,1976 o mogesriva, DBOAO. (b) Write a short note on International Labour Organization (ILO) Standards. Marks : 6 OE, RDS Rowouo SabkecOroos Sradown¢ dos ogo airs wdond. OR (b) Write a short note on Duties of the Di and Vigilance Committees under Bon (Abolition) Act, 1976. Bes Mores BBS (AsieG) mood, 1976 va Bomohmored sey wos eden. istrict Magistrate ded Labour System Marks : 6 OQ, Ve, ROOMY Dove Te? BOs OM tied a P.T.O. {UE 4015 2 UNIT - II it rocedure Q. No. 2.(a) Define the term minimum wage and explain the P! tne ic ul for fixation of minimum rates of wages laid down me Minimum Wages Act, 1948. 8 Wa, Seas cicidal, ao, an,DN Torin adel HSS not Dace, saa, SIs BOTA, arrorinems 3,8 2, ABO’. OR (a) Explain the concept of ‘Bonus’. How is it calculated ? Marks : 10 ‘edneatab’ ah aiciaiay OAORD, aUiay, dark AGrONEIHYS ? (b) The gratuity amount of a workman was not paid by his employer on the ground that he has caused great loss to the management due to his negligent activities. Can the workman recover his gratuity amount ? Advice. Marks : 6 Dosa A AOFY Sob SdAesod WorsoaaoN 35, moat BYP SAW ow Saws worn Acdmenvao esari Rpewow Bs, (779,289, 88) dda Deo DOBOAVAD. TONES Bar Nomobaenwsewnosys spews Woda TAO Bnwsnaode 7 JOB NBO. OR (b ‘A’ was employed in an industry and regular wages were paid to him. The industry got heavy profits during the year. ‘A’ and others demanded bonus. Advice ‘A’ and others. Marks : 6 ‘A’ das TOddE Bad Lom MASOdY, Borg DodmesodnNa, 88dN AOSOIDA Sess oss Brides. sin wast word aaircid, mea, catiatety Mexdgd. ‘A’ soe asd daesan DeBsodday aweQW. ‘A’ aoa escort MoBordAy, e@o. 3 4015 UNIT = Il Q. No. 3.(a) Elucidate the objectives of the Child Labour (Prohibition and (a (b) (b) Q. No. 4. (a) (a) Regulation) Act, 1986. Marks | 10 wee PDFS (WFO sds Acdoos,ra) wHLavad, 1986 SF mogeoniay DIOO. OR Write the essential features of Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 Marks : 10 BOOT BAW (Hordog, td Hos 03S) eQacdad, 1970 5 eS9,8 osparday, OSIORO. . : Write a note on Regulation of conditions of work of children. Marks: 6 Boy vay, dong Dodaretxdst adayMe (OAS) Poses, MowoHacos wed wdond. OR Write a note on the Advisory Boards under Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970. Marks - 6 BVT BOBS (Hos03,r9 TBD BB38) SQHAaHSDd, 1970 JadOA xom sbodeny how tteFosday wscmo UNIT - Define contribution. Examine the law relating to contribution by the employer and employees under the Employees Provident Fund Act, 1952. Marks | 10 Bosrioswy, 7,8, av. 1952 5 Yowad ees BnOeseo Sor soarr8008 Bosiiad wit, abs WAVS: BOCEA. OR Discuss the mode of recovery of money due from the employer under the EPF Act, 1952. Marks 10 Prod Yaa, OO eQnodad, 1952 5 EAadY ARO ads Broway, x09 Broo Bhs aaa 4015 (b) (b) Q. No. 5. (a) (a) (b) = 4. nit Write a short note on object and scope of the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961. 3 or Bors eds, 1961 v evetes avy an, yo OSES HF wdonn, OR Write a note on “Maternity Leave” under the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961. : tasted Bor Pox, eQrodav, 1961 daovgs “wort deg” BOOS 3aIE wood. UNIT -V Explain the various Central Government Schemes provided under the Unorganized Workers Social Security Act, 2008 to strengthen the unorganized workers. {AH Marks - 6 Marks 28 Marks : 1 SHOPS modoF ed Nabe, rival DeDOseD EROS WOLF ED aay mained 3 Snobs, 2008 dad, Aedeonws 8003, XBOFOD DAG odvewsinivaty OHORO. oR Explain the registration procedure and authorities under the Karnataka Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1961 Marks : 10 BaF LE BorIartsd aha ord, Md mss Book, 1961 F SAAD, Hmeorses 3 8,0 aay me, Quecrvay as08. Write a note on objectives of Special Economic Zones Act, 2005. Marks :6 OSE YOFe Boodriy ehHrobad, 2005 gd ewderny doz O OB wed dO. OR Write a note on hours of work and annual leave with wages under the Karnataka Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1961. BaF BB CONAN ss) Sordes, Ie mR Boos, 1961 Daodds Marks :6 BOND GAH Dorin soAEs SII VOONS Oedod Hoses ested wdon8. ‘eA 4016 Ill Semester 3 Years LL.B. Examination, December 2019 LAW OF TAXATION (2018 and 2019 Batch) Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 Instructions :_ 1. Answer all 5 Units. 2. One essay type question and short notes/problems is compulsory. 3. Figures to the right indicate marks. 4. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely. UNIT -1 Q.No.1. a) “The law of taxation is levied in confirmity with the fundamental rights under Indian Constitution’. Discuss. Marks : 10 “ opds xodgnad aheories aeyrert exroesemn Sorio= DOB”. ward. OR Q.No. 1. a) Explain the term ‘Tax’ and state the different types of taxes. Marks: 10 ‘sor aaa eBraa, ARBOR soz HAG oescd sorinvs, QBOR. Q.No. 1. b) Write a note on compensatory tax. Marks : 6 xommgrann aQas sort wih wort & woud. OR Q.No. 1. b) Write a note on the difference between tax evasion and tax avoidance. Marks : 6 Sortox0a3 Baptowy od aiody Sortotooss aoraeidedg ae abs obs amar? eorh, eeates w8ot00. P.7.0. 4016 Q.No. 2. Q. No. 2. Q. No. 2. Q. No. 2. Q.No. 3. a} 2 UNIT - Il is chargeable year an to tax in the a) Income of the previous year | ’ g state the immediate following assessmen exception if any. Rodd aio urmobeaiveedsersroc wae cori Sort Ogre, zag cdmajeacdle exeRaMeCE eongr CaO, OR i arge: a) Define salary. Discuss the nature of income charg under the head of salaries. a) i BITE Hidasiay mysmar, Sead dear d eBodd Zon OO Smabd adesrie wri desea. able b) Write a note on Agricultural income. $2 sand woh usted wdowo. OR b) 'X’ a foreign citizen comes to India for the first time on March 20, 2017 to join as a visiting professor of Karnataka State Law University. On 10" April 2017 his appointment was confirmed and approved by the Government. During the year 2017-18, he was paid 20 lakhs of remuneration. State whether the amount is taxable in India. X' Qow Aw Sloinsiodod mor anwr 20, 2017 dors Brus Ry Raa AZNmeaws sodsrs WMT Seaberieged mos udbaad oad Sebewcies cee BYE 10Uoud sncberiagiedt wid 2017-18 Heedo 20 8, Rowpatdioca, BedocosQd. 34 Rass, wosdg, son. DOAwHIe 392, UNIT = 111 Explain the term G.S.T, business of accounts. Baw obs dston ey aamod Ses Baw ob sommabats SPR, > ea, OR and state the impact of G.S.T. on BED DIES ecg Marks - 5, Marks : 4, Marks -¢ Marks : 6 dnt “3. 4016 Q.No. 3. a) Explain the term supply and state the transaction which are taxable even when no consideration is paid. Marks : 10 RagFoday Ostoy adwy aestestety mata sindodde xz Ones ABaorerd seed Zor SOR wmdowwaay, 8en, Q.No. 3. b) Write a note on Dual G.S.T. taxation. Wate <8 QERE Law. ts Sorted unt usies ode. oR Q. No.3. b) Write a note on exemption of tax under G.S.T. Marks : 6 Baw SBobd) gor mony wrt weirs wdowo. UNIT - IV Q. No. 4. a) Explain the law relating to imposition of G.S.T. for Union Territories in India. Marks : 10 moss sommes adeery aed Bante aod ROWOOAD meron? or, DBO. OR Q.No. 4. a) Discuss the exemptions on the sale and purchase of securities in G.S.T. Marks : 10 BOA. U SBOE Bssre anoves adap doar AowoHrd DMOQNE wrt wera. Q.No. 4. b) Write a note on refund of tax. Marks : 6 Soro sbddmmasod wri eites wdows. OR Q.No. 4. b) Write a note on Registration under G.S.T. Marks : 6 Baw’. 8. eacdd, Aeeodisd wri Used wdowo. COO y 4016 4 UNIT-V imports : back on imp’ Q.No. 5. a) Explain the provision relating to duty draw! Marks: 15 as against exports under Customs Act, 1962. aedo xo eOAabsd, 19620 vacbd, $2 acorn ead shes aod ooinows Svas pawosny Oy, QBOA, OR Q.No. 5. a) Explain the provision relating to assessment of duty under Mas the Custom Act, 1962. neste shee eQRcdsD, 1962d URSA, Hod AFORE Oy} sas eraiwogriday, BOR. Q.No. 5. b) Write a note on baggage. Marks :6 ideo sidcemstonly ex weiss wdoW0. OR Marks :6 Q.No. 5. b) Write a note on Custom Officers. Ae Ros LORONY wri ested twdoNd0. «a Duration : 3 Hours Third Si “017 ‘emester 3 Year LL.B. Examination, December 2019 CRIMINAL LAW - II Cr. P.C., JJ Act and P.O. Act (2018 and 2019 Batch) Max. Marks : 80 Instructions : 1 - Answer all five Units. 2. One essay type question and short note/problem is Compulsory from each Unit. 3. Figures to the right indicate marks. 4. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely. UNIT -1 Q. No. 1. (a) What is complaint ? Explain the procedure to be followed (a) (0) (b) on receiving a complaint. Marks : 10 odnrc aondesd 2 godnr day 480K Sogd wabrordiend Bs ordoosoay, Dvoro. OR/egae Explain the procedure of Trial before the court of session. Marks : 10 Xs mcsnoobd shod acdados unde wectoridsy asiono. Write short notes on : Marks : 6 Hoag ips wdot00: First Information Report. Bead svotod ada. OR/eBaD Marks : 6 Rights of arrested person. eignoodnd aged ssyre. P.T.O. 4017 2 UNIT —II id 5 Q. No. 2. (a) Explain the provisions relating to proclamation an' Marks : 10 attachment of property of person absconding- A Ag8 SY ue Beabdudnoadd gab Paecied/ dye sey RowoQad Rababridsy DaO0. OR/edae an (a) “For every distinct offence there is a separate charg? 2° wags - 49 separate trial.” — Discuss. “gscieom edngd syet dormoatsinwgs 2 agetanadoe aendeirieenymages.” - wr> (b) ‘A’ is accused of a theft on one occasion grievous hurt on another occasion. Can ‘A’ be C! tried in one trial ? Give reasons. ‘Aros word HockiIrdo, egastay aboay aeigoc> nontdr 39, See} moda sintamd aoc edecaxeend. ‘A’OD aed & adeh wdneniriday wun duxnabde asp nooks aryndriabd, §figtoquabde 7 mdr mks Be. OR/ega (b) ‘X’ is accused of an act which may amount to theft or receiving the stolen property or criminal breach of trust or cheating. How he may be charged ? 'X’ aomaa #3) eden dea) ands r,et00 eam VXOOS AAR ere Sous axwEMG FZaAh seosmNo was abed otna O03 edad Booxwacd 7 and causing harged and : Marks : 6 Marks : 6 UNIT - Il Q. No. 3. (a) When can the court tender pardon to an accused under Cr. P.C. ? Can it be revoked ? Marks : 10 Bow goin xokTabd m,ocnecis) etre tmaaa cinnn deduabeb? si atnmdae debrieesiaate 9 OR/eee avo @) (b) (b) Q. No. 4. (a) (a) (b) (b) 3. 4017 Explain ti keepin he provisions of Cr. P.C. relating to security for as 900d behaviour and peace. Marks : 10 Nea 203 meow se Kowohacies cows sgcive 52, BES vetrogiivey D=I0K, ° ” ie Wi persona for causing grievous hurt and convicted. The ee \jured afterwards dies. Can he be tried again ? Marks : 6 Free extn sradmn epaumdit wlan a oe) Beocda dead, seimodtarmd a Sadosd rome, Bnochea’ Wak'X’ aay eQnundeen Leeeantabcie ? OR/ega JMFC Court convicts Ramesh on his plea of guilty. Now Ramesh desires to appeal against the conviction. Decide Baad cir comond moinoaby) debeddc seapstod abe BE Ogebac ai dabeaeb ot Bigh Seba seqsaey wordaTme”. AGFOR 7 ° * Marks : 6 UNIT -IV Explain the provisions of Cr. P.C. relating to the transfer of criminal cases. exis xedrore amrarin xowogadod dod Zgctn HotaSobQgds wvsirvoririva, SOA, OR/e@ao Explain the provisions relating to compounding of offences. emogrivsh, ootanadoryas, Xouged eumuctirivsy, 28020. Write short notes on Ross tated wdON0: 3S Irregular proceedings. gaoudses a{ataicrértso. OR/eRae Disposal of property. aga AGE. Marks : 10 Marks : 10 Marks :6 Marks : 6 eae | 4 4017 unit -V a Marks : 49 officers- Q. No. 5. (a) Explain the powers and dutios of cree aydb20. sone egmorid end SB sar geen OR/ewpe> + juvenile vustice (a) Explain the constitution and powe's 0 Marks : 19 Board, ox. emomen abodvab obdd aba emer © Marks 6 (b) Write short notes on : Rods esis wdowd: ts Ce af e Procedure in case of offender failing to observe conditions of bond. 3) Sooulgtod aiddyriva, serio estongas SHORES, eabsoxuennd gob. OR/e@a (b) Bail of Juvenile in conflict with law. Marks : 6 RAAaS AoPaAr BO, woemsnony eoavend. ee 4014 Ill Semester 3 Ye arth. Examination, December 2019 URISPRUDENCE ' (2018 and 2019 Batch) puration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 Instructions : 1, i 7 Suestions are compulsory. R, BErivd seo, 2. c ©ach question Part a) carries 10 and Part b) carries Marks. 32 S¥obe, eon as 10 sey ert b)g, 6 worries. . No. 1. i ine Q a) es the value of jurisprudence. Marks : 10 PODER SPo asd wirro, OR/ege Explain law as ‘Command of Sovereign’. Marks : 10 BAeday, MBF Pads SE oawA DMBORX. Describe law as system of rules. Marks : 6 Bomtentay, Docbabriy HBsouwn sede a. OR/ega Write a note on International Law as law. Marks : 6 Cosdoogyeod MaeNay words mem ward wdowD. b Q.No. 2. a) Discuss the questions of law and fact. Marks : 10 modnmd maria Pum (Zoe) DInvar, wes ro. OR/e@a State the need for administration of justice and explain the secondary functions of courts of law. Marks : 10 mob aareréod erigdotay wero she m,oinociorid Q,8eou8 mode river, DSIORO. Write a note on reformative theory. Marks : 6 RoGedeso amos aed taps word. OR/e@ao Write a note on purposes of punishment. agob endeane aoe tsetes dowd. on b Marks : ¢ PTA 4014 Q. No. 3. a) b) Q.No. 4. a) b) Q.No. 5. a) an Marks : 10 Discuss the nature of legislation as source of law. madd x dasa wor maeas shoomel w3F 40. Ol aoe Marks : 10 What is ratio decidendi ? State how itis determined. > Gebode dacioa node? adie), ser! eocbeayenrOaes Bevo. Write a note on interpretation of enacted law. eQnobabrined malens aslraidd dozen weir edhe. OR/e@exe Write a note on general custom. mane, Rosmook HOT saied wwdOND0. Explain kinds of legal rights. modamys Beyid Agrivak QAOAO. OR/egae Discuss the concept of personality with special reference to unborn persons. 393.0 Rovoabah, cong (adanads) send ose weDAooO#n weIrro. Write a note on Corporate personality. arin agg, DogwdN eeied wdod0. OR/e@ae Write a note on distinction between possession and ownership. ROSS sey adds Amos aay How wales wI%d. Explain the theory of strict liability. Bor Barémod ampodaay, 22020. OR/e@ae Explain vicarious liability. adee Barro orday, NHORO. Write a note on duty of care. aodesob ssrad tos tales 20000. OR/exgexs Write a note on solidarity obligation. 288, BovsMmOs Hosa" Used wwTo000. Marks : 6 Marks : 6 Marks : 10 Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 6 Marks : 10 Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 6 gn 4016 Ill Semeste, LAW oF oats LL.B. Examination, December 2019 ‘AXATION (2018 and 2019 Batch) Duration : 3 Hours Instructions : 4, Q. No. 1. Q. No. 1. Q.No. 1. Q.No. 1. Max. Marks : 80 Answer all 5 Units. 2, One essay type question and short notes/problems is Compulsory. 3. Figures to the right indicate marks. 4. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely. UNIT-1 a) “The law of taxation is levied in confirmity with the fundamental tights under Indian Constitution”. Discuss. Marks : 10 “gpv8 AoatRad aaeoxes wagner exbrbroan Soriosbay, AGAR". IPA. OR a) Explain the term ‘Tax’ and state the different types of taxes. Marks : 10 ‘gor wad ogra, Qso% Bz NOG Oesas sorineay, QBOR. b) Write a note on compensatory tax. Marks : 6 ZomMmPraon SHAS or wrl word wees wIows. OR b) Write a note on the difference between tax evasion and tax avoidance. Marks : 6 Sortowes sasdew,D8 sdzy sorforwors aeaeskavy ae Abs aoos qAn? orf uaed wdowe. P.T.O. 4016 Q.No. 2. Q.No. 2. Q. No. 2. Q.No. 2. 2s UNIT II a) Income of the previous year is chargeable to tax in the immediate following assessment year and state the er exception if any. cle ood stirs urmabdabedasrdpon ucbaedagr create 39, Sort DGAvIe. acy cmamcide estmaregs SPA. OR a) Define salary. Discuss the nature of income chargeable e770 under the head of salaries. ne Besssay, RIND Bess Sears Bob; Sor NOswBwB ermons adasind wri warn. b) Write a note on Agricultural income. Marks : 6 ga adinad rf tad wdowo. OR b) ‘X’ a foreign citizen comes to India for the first time on March 20, 2017 to join as a visiting professor of Karnataka State Law University. On 10" April 2017 his appointment was confirmed and approved by the Government. During the year 2017-18, he was paid 20 lakhs of remuneration. State whether the amount is taxable in India. Marks : 6 'X’ Dow Ded Hekodokedos worl anes'e 20, 2017 dord BFE DY, APD QV AmR,oows sodsrd DBQATIooA Secberhoged goody wdbead. wad Aexbeotodey, sor’ QAO 10d0m smorortesAsgd. asc> 2017-18 Sarde, 20 08, Soypstdionbah xdotoagd. & dedg ended, gor DOAwWBHT BGA, UNIT =I Q. No. 3. a) Explain the term G.S.T. and state the impact of G.S.T. on business of accounts. Marks : 10 Ban. ts cad, DBOX aba mds wad dard wesoso aed Barar.tow Bormadsay, 8A, OR “nm g No.3: a) Explain the ter $ are taxable eve, Supply an xy PU Foray : 4016 a sae the transaction which aS 2 On, = nsideration is paid. Marks : 10 S ASadeiny sea Pee mens sindodde

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