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“Teach Educational Academy”

The Piper 1 This is a story that is not true. You will not find it in your history
1 books! The story is about a city in Germany.
The people who lived in the city were very happy. They were
unhappy because there were a great many rats in all the
houses. They were very big rats. They fought the dogs and
killed the cats.
They bit little babies! They ate all the food that they could find.
They made their nests inside men’s hats. They made a lot of
One day the Governor of the city asked all the people to come
to a meeting. They talked for a long time but they could not
decide what to do.
When they were talking, they heard a knock on the door.
‘Come in!’ said the Governor.
The door opened and a stranger came in. He was a tall, thin
man. He wore a long coat which reached down to his heels.
Half of it was red and half was yellow. He was carrying a pipe.
He said to the Governor.
When I play my pipe, I can make all the animals run after me. If
I take away all the rats from your city, will you give a thousand
pieces of gold?
‘A thousand pieces?’ said the Governor. ‘We’ll give you fifty

Now respond to these questions.

a. Why is this story not in history books?
b. Why were the people unhappy?
c. Why were the rats able to fight dogs?
d. Where did the rats make their nests?
e. Why did the people talk about the rats at the meeting?
f. What happened when they were talking?
g. What color was the stranger’s coat?
h. What happens when the stranger plays his pipe?
i. How much gold did the stranger want?
j. How much gold did the Governor promise to give him? 1
“Teach Educational Academy”
The Piper 2
The Piper walked outside and raised the pipe to his lips. He began to play. When the rats
heard the music, all of them came out of the houses, Big ones, small ones, they all ran
after the Piper. Down the street he went, and across the field. when he came to the river,
he stopped.
But the rats did not stop. There was a splash as the first one fell in. Then another Splash
as the second rat fell in. Then all the rats splashed into the river and drowned. The Piper
went back to the Governor and said: ‘All the rats are dead. Please give me the thousand
pieces of gold that you promised.
‘A thousand pieces of gold is a great deal of money,’ said the Governor. ‘I did not promise
you a thousand pieces. That was a joke. I will give you fifty pieces.’
‘That is not fair,’ said the Piper angrily. ‘If you do not keep your promise, I will blow my
pipe again. Then you will be very sorry.’ ‘We are not afraid of you!’ said the Governor.’
‘All the rats are dead now. You can’t make them alive again!’
You will see.’ Said the Piper. He walked outside and again raised the pipe to his lips.

Can you answer these?

1. What did the rats do when they heard the Piper’s music?
2. Where did the Piper take the rats?
3. What happened when they reached the river?
4. What did the Piper do when the rats were all dead?
5. Why was the Piper angry with the Governor?
6. Why was the Governor not afraid of the Piper?

“Teach Educational Academy”
The Piper 3
1 began to play again but this time he played differently. When they heard the
The Piper
wonderful sound, all the children came out of the houses and ran after the Piper. At first
he took them towards the river. All the people were very frightened.
They thought the children would fall into the river, like the rats. The Governor and the
people stood still. They could not move or speak. But the Piper turned towards a
mountain. The Governor said: ‘When he climbs that mountain, he will stop playing his
pipe. Then our children will return to us.’
‘Yes,’ said all the people, and they felt happy again. But the Piper reached the mountain,
he did not try to climb it. A great hole opened in the side of the mountain. The Piper and
all the children went inside, laughing and singing. The hole closed and the people of the
city never saw their children again.
That was how the Piper punished the people because they did not keep their promise.
They were very sorry now. They sent men riding on horses to the North, South, East and
West. They ordered them to find the Piper. They said:
‘We will give him all the gold and silver in our city if he will bring back our children.’ But
they never found the Piper!

Are you clever? Answer these questions.

1. Who came out of the houses when the Piper played?
2. Where did the Piper go at first?
3. Were the people frightened?
4. How did the people feel when the Piper turned towards the mountain?
5. What happened when the Piper reached the mountain?
6. Did he try to climb the mountain?
7. When went inside the mountain?
8. How did the people feel?
“Teach Educational Academy”
“The Accident” Look at the Pictures and read. Try to remember the

Now what can you see?

Look at the first picture.
What can you see?
• The boy is not on the bicycle.
• He is on the ground.
• A policeman is on duty. • The bicycle is on the ground, too.
• A boy is on a bicycle. • It is on its side.
• He is in a hurry.
• The door of the car is open.
• His lesson is at eight- thirty.
• The driver is not in the car.
• He is very late. • He is in the street.
• His head is down. • He is looking at the boy.
• He cannot see the policeman. • The woman is not on the pavement.
• The policeman’s hand is up but • She is in the street.
• the boy is not stopping. • She is speaking to the boy.
• A car is on the road. • The policeman is in the shop.
• The boy will hit the car. • He is on the telephone.
• A woman is on the pavement. • Soon the boy will be in an
• She is shouting to the boy but he Ambulance.
does not hear her. • Then he will be in hospital.

“The Fire 1”

Teach Educational Academy
The Fire 1
Jamil and Uzma were in a bookshop last Saturday. They
went there to buy some books.
‘We have almost finished,’ said Uzma. ‘We have bought
three books but there are still two books to buy. I want to
buy a geography book and you want to buy a dictionary.’
‘No,’ said Jamil. ‘I have already bought it. You have
forgotten. I bought it yesterday. Don’t you remember?
‘Oh, yes,’ said Uzma. ‘Now I remember. Let’s go into this
shop. I shall be able to buy my book here.’ ‘Wait a minute,’
said Jamil. He pointed to a group of people.
They were standing on the pavement. Some of them were
pointing upwards to the top of a large building. It was a
‘I can see some smoke,’ said Jamil. The hotel must be on
fire. We must telephone for help. Let’s go into this
bookshop and use the telephone.’
They told the shopkeeper about the fire and he quickly
showed Jamil the telephone. Jamil knew what to do. He
dialed 724891-the fire brigade.
After two or three seconds a voice said, ‘Fire Brigade here.
Where is the fire?’ Jamil gave them the directions.

Now Answer these questions.

1. When did Jamil and Uzma go to the bookshop?
2. What did they go to the bookshop to buy?
3. Who wanted to buy a geography book?
4. Where was the group of people?
5. What was the large building?
6. What did Jamil see?
7. What was on fire?
8. Where did Jamil and Uzma go to telephone?
9. Which number did Jamil dial? 5
“Teach Educational Academy”
The Fire 2
‘The fire is in Main street,’ Jamil said to the man. The new hotel is on fire. I can see smoke
coming out of the window. Please send a fire engine quickly.
‘Yes,’ said the man. ‘The new hotel is on fire. We know that. Someone has already
telephoned us. Some fire engines have already gone. They will soon be there. Thank you
very much for telephoning. You are a good boy. You tried to help. Please tell me your
name and the name of your school. I shall write to your Headmaster and tell him.’ Jamil
told the fireman his name and the name of his school. Then he and Uzma went outside.
‘Look at the smoke and flames! said Uzma. ‘I can feel the heat from here. Look at the
roof! I can see some people waving their arms and shouting for help. They can’t get
down! Someone must save them!’
‘It’s all right,’ Said Jamil. ‘I can hear the fire engines coming. The fireman will save them.’
The sound came nearer and nearer. Then the children saw two fire engines coming down
the street. A few minutes afterwards another fire engine arrived. They stopped in a row
in front of the building. The firemen jumped off. Some of them began to unroll the hoses.
Others started the pumps. Soon they began to pump streams of water into the building.

Answer these Questions.

1. Which hotel was on fire?
2. What did Jamil want the fireman to do?
3. What did the fireman tell Jamil?
4. Why did the fireman thank Jamil?
5. Why did the fireman want to know Jamil’s name?
6. What could Uzma feel?
7. What could the children see on the roof?
8. What did Jamil hear?
9. How many fire engines came?
10. Where did the fire engines stop? 6
“Teach Educational Academy”
‘What are those people doing?’ asked Uzma. She pointed The Fire 3
to some of the windows near the ground. ‘They have taken
the sheets off their beds.’ Jamil said.
‘They have tied them together to make a rope. They are
climbing down. Look! They reached the ground safely. That
was dangerous but they are not in danger now. They are
safe. They feel very thankful now. They are safely on the
ground.’ ‘But the other people are not safe yet,’ said Uzma.
‘Their windows are far from the ground. They can’t climb
‘No,’ Said Jamil,’ but the firemen can reach them with their
long ladders. Their ladders can reach as far as the roof.
They will soon bring everyone safely down. You will see.
Look! They have already brought some of the people
down. Now they are trying to reach the people on the
Soon all the people were on the ground. Some of them
were hurt. One man had a cut on his face. It was bleeding.
An ambulance took these people to the hospital. Doctors
and nurses were waiting for them there. They would soon
be well gain, not many people were hurt.
Put correct words from the story above in the blank spaces:
Some people tied sheets______to make ropes. They took the sheets _____their beds.
They reached the ground. They felt very __________. Some people
___________not climb down. Their windows were _________from the ground.

Put “T” for true sentences and “F” for the untrue ones.
1. Some of the people tied sheets together and climbed them down. ( )
2. Some of the people could not climb down. ( )
3. The firemen’s ladders could not reach the roof of the hotel. ( )
4. The firemen’s ladders were very long. ( )
5. One man’s face was bleeding. ( )
6. Some of the people went to the hospital in ambulance. ( )
7. All the people in the hotel were hurt. ( ) 7
“Teach Educational Academy”
A busy Family
Yesterday evening Mr. Riaz came home from work at six
o’clock. He felt tired. He sat down in a comfortable chair. Mrs.
Riaz brought him a cup of tea.
‘I have made some cakes,’ she said. ‘would you like one?’ ‘Yes,
please,’ said Mr. Riaz. ‘I have worked hard today and I feel
tired. What have you done today?’
‘I have washed some clothes,’ said Mrs. Riaz. They are clean
now. After dinner I will iron them, I have cooked a very nice
meal for you. It is a fish. What other things have I done today?
Let me think. Oh, yes. Now I remember I have mended some
socks. Your socks and Jamil’s had holes in them. You can wear
them now, ’you have worked hard today, too.’ Said Mr. Riaz.
‘Have the children worked hard? Have they helped you?’
‘Yes, they have,’ said Mrs. Riaz. ‘Uzma has helped me. She
helped me to wash the clothes and to cook the meal. Jamil
could not help at first. His teacher gave him some homework
to do. Jamil mended your chair after he finished his
‘Yes,’ said Mr. Riaz. ‘It seems very strong now. He is a clever
boy. What else has Jamil done?’
‘He has cleaned all the windows,’ said Mrs. Riaz. ‘Look!
They are very clean now. We have all worked very hard.’

Have you understood the story? Make replies to these questions!

1. What time did Mr. Riaz reach home?
2. What did Mrs. Riaz bring him to drink and to eat?
3. What did Mrs. Riaz wash?
4. Whose socks had holes in them?
5. Who helped Mrs. Riaz?
6. What did Uzma do?
7. What did Jamil do?
8. What else did Jamil do?

“Teach Educational Academy”
Cinderella 1 This is another old story. It is not true but people tell it
to children all over the world.
Cinderella’s father and mother were both dead. She
lived with her aunt. Her aunt had two daughters. They
were both fat and ugly.

The aunt and her daughters hated Cinderella because

she was beautiful.
They made her do all the work in the house.
She worked very hard but they always scolded her for
not working hard enough. ‘You must work harder,’
they said angrily. ‘You are a lazy girl.

Poor Cinderella stayed in the kitchen all day, cooking,

washing the dishes and looking after the fire. The ugly
sisters sat lazily in comfortable chairs all day trying to
make themselves look less ugly. They wore fine clothes
but Cinderella had only one dirty dress. She wore it all
the time. She was very unhappy. She often dreamed of
happy days with her mother.

One day a message came from the King. His son, the
Prince was old enough to marry. The King was looking
for the most beautiful girl in the land for the Prince to
marry. She would become a Princess. The King asked
all the ladies in the land to come to a great dance. On
the night of the dance the Prince would choose his
wife. The two ugly sisters wanted to go. They wanted
to marry the Prince.
Now answer these questions.
1. Why did Cinderella live with her aunt?
2. Why did the ugly sisters hate Cinderella?
3. Why did they make Cinderella do all the work?
4. Why did Cinderella wear her dress all the time?
5. Why did the King want the Prince to marry?
6. Why was the king looking for the most beautiful girl in the land?
7. Why did the king ask all the ladies to come to the dance?
8. Why did the ugly sisters want to go to the dance?
“Teach Educational Academy”
When Cinderella heard about the dance, she Cinderella 2
wanted to go, too. She asked her aunt politely,
‘May I go, please, aunt?’ Her aunt and the ugly
sisters laughed rudely. They thought that this was
a big joke. They said,’ ‘You can’t go.’ A couch
pulled by six white horses came to the door and
the ugly sisters went off to the dance with their
mother. Poor Cinderella sat by the fire crying.
Suddenly she heard a gentle voice saying, ‘Don’t
cry, Cinderella. You shall go to the dance. I will help
you.’ Cinderella looked up and saw a little old lady.
She was holding a stick with a shining star at the
top. first bring a pumpkin, said the little old lady.
‘Then bring me a mousetrap with the mice in it.’
When Cinderella brought them, the little lady
waved her stick,’ The pumpkin became a big
couch. The mice became horses to pull the couch.
The lady waved her stick at Cinderella. Suddenly
she was wearing a wonderful dress made of silk
with silver buttons. On her feet were shoes made
of glass. She looked beautiful! ‘Now get into the
couch,’ said the little lady. And go to the dance.
But remember! You must be home before

Answer these questions.

1. Why did Cinderella’s aunt and the ugly sisters laugh at Cinderella?
2. Why did Cinderella have to stay at home?
3. What was Cinderella doing when the little old lady came?
4. What was the lady holding?
5. What did the pumpkin and the mice became?
6. What happened when the lady waved her stick at Cinderella?
7. What did the lady tell Cinderella to remember?

“Teach Educational Academy”
Cinderella 3 Cinderella enjoyed the dance very much. She looked very
beautiful and the Prince danced with her all the time. She
nearly forgot the words of the little old lady. Suddenly the
clock began to strike twelve. She ran outside and down the
steps to her couch.
When she reached the couch, the clock finished striking
twelve. The couch became a pumpkin once more. The
horses became mice. Poor Cinderella walked home and
started work again. But she was happy when she
remembered dancing with the Prince.
The Prince ran after Cinderella and found one of her glass
shoes on the steps. The next day, he sent men to all parts
of the country with the glass shoe. ‘If anyone can wear this
small shoe,’ he said. She must be the beautiful lady, and I
will marry her.’
When the men brought the shoes to the ugly sisters, they
quarreled about it. ‘I shall try first,’ said the younger sister.
‘I shall wear it and be the Princess. ‘No,’ said the older
sister. ‘I shall war it and I shall be the Princess.’
They both pretended to put on the shoe, but their feet
were big and the shoe was small. The men laughed. ‘Let
Cinderella try,’ said one of the men.
Cinderella put the shoe on easily. When the men told the
Prince, he married her and they lived happily ever after.

Answer these questions.

1. Why did Cinderella nearly forget to go home before midnight?
2. What did Cinderella do when the clock struck twelve?
3. What happened to the couch and the horses at midnight?
4. What did the Prince do?
5. Where did he find the glass shoe?
6. What did the ugly sisters do when the men brought the shoe?
7. Why did they pretend to put in on?
Why couldn’t the ugly sisters wear the shoe?
“Teach Educational Academy”
Uzma and Jamil loved painting. Art was the lesson that they Painting
enjoyed the most. They had an Art lesson every week. Uzma Competition 1
liked painting animals and Jamil liked painting ships.
One day their Art teacher showed them a newspaper. ‘Look,’
she said. ‘Have you seen this? This is a painting competition
for school children. There are some very good prizes. The first
prize is a visit to London. An art teacher can send to the
newspaper any painting that her pupils have done. Shall I send
in some paintings that you have?’
‘Yes, please.’ Said Uzma. ‘Please send the one I did last week.’
‘Which one?’ asked the teacher.
‘The one that has two horses jumping over a gate,’ said Uzma.
‘All right,’ said the teacher. ‘That’s a good one. I’ll send it.
Perhaps it will win a prize. Now, Jamil, which of your paintings
shall I send?’ ‘I like the one I did last term,’ said Jamil.
‘Do you mean the one that is on the classroom wall?’ asked
the teacher. ‘No,’ said Jamil, ‘I mean the one with the two
sailing boats. They are having a race.’
‘I know the one that you mean,’ said the teacher. ‘I will send
it. Perhaps you will win a prize, too!’

Can you answer these questions?

1. What did Jamil and Uzma liked doing very much?
2. What did Jamil like painting?
3. What did Uzma like painting?
4. Who told them about the painting competition?
5. What was the first prize?
6. Where must the paintings be sent?
7. Who would send them?
8. Which painting did Uzma want to send?
9. When did she paint it?
10. Which painting did Jamil want to send?
11. When did he paint it?
“Teach Educational Academy”
Painting One day the Art teacher said to Jamil and Uzma, ‘I have a
Competition 2 letter to show you. It’s from the newspaper. It’s from the
man who gives the prizes for the best painting.’
First Prize
‘Have we won a prize?’ asked Jamil. ‘Yes,’ said the teacher.
‘You and Uzma have won the first prize! You have won a
trip to London! You will go by air and you will stay in a hotel
in London! I shall write to your father and mother. They will
be very pleased.’
‘But who will take us?’ asked Uzma. ‘We can’t go if there is
no one to take us. We are not old enough.’ ‘Don’t worry,’
said the teacher. ‘The man from the newspaper is going to
take you. He will show you all the things to see in London.
He will show you some famous paintings, too!’
When Jamil and Uzma’s father and mother heard the news,
they were very pleased. ‘Yes,’ they said. ‘You can go, if
there is someone to look after you.’
The art teacher then wrote to the man from the paper. His
name was Mr. Ashraf. A week later she had another letter
from Mr. Ashraf. He told her the date of the visit. The Plane
left on the first day of the next month. When the time
came, the teacher took the children to meet Mr. Ashraf.
They said goodbye to their teacher and went into the plane
with Mr. Ashraf.
‘I can’t believe it,’ said Jamil. ‘We’re off!’

Now write answers for the questions.

1. What did the Art teacher show to the children?
2. Who wrote the letter?
3. What did the children win?
4. How will they go to London?
5. Where will they stay?
6. Who is going to take them?
7. What will he show them?
8. How did Jamil and Uzma’s father feel?
9. What was the name of the man from the newspaper?
“Teach Educational Academy”
It was a long journey. The children had a very nice meal and
afterwards they went to sleep. They were still sleeping when Competition 3
the plane reached London, wake up, children,’ said Mr. Ashraf. The exciting
‘We’re here!’
Jamil and Uzma rubbed their eyes sleepily, and looked down.
There was London beneath them. They could see the River
Thames. The plane landed with a little bump and after a while
Mr. Ashraf and the children went into the airport. A lady was
waiting for them.
‘Hello, Daddy,’ she said to Mr. Ashraf. Then she said to the
children, ‘I’m Sadia Ashraf, Mr. Ashraf’s daughter. I work in
London and I know it very well. I’m going to show you some
interesting places. But first we will go to your hotel.
They all walked outside the airport and got into a bus. Soon
they were driving along a busy road that went into London. All
the time they were in the bus. Sadia was telling them about
the things they would see.
The next day, after a good night’s sleep, Sadia and Mr. Ashraf
took the children to see Buckingham palace, where the Queen
lives. Some soldiers in red coats were marching up and down.
The next day they went to the tower of London. Every day they
went to see something different.
‘We shall have a lot to tell the other children when we get
home,’ said Uzma.
Answer these questions.
1. What were the children doing when the plane reached London?
2. Who woke them up?
3. What could they see beneath them?
4. Who met them at the airport?
5. Where does Sadia Ashraf work?
6. How did they go to the hotel?
7. What was Sadia doing in the bus?
8. What was the first place they visited?
9. Where did they go on the second day? 14
“Teach Educational Academy”
A moon in the Well
A well is a hole in the ground. There is water at the
bottom. To get the water we turn a handle. This
lets a bucket go down the well and into the water.
Then we turn the handle to bring the bucket up.
One night a foolish man looked down a well. The
water at the bottom was like a mirror. The man
saw the moon in the water. ‘The moon has fallen
down the well,’ he said. ‘I must get it out.’ He ran
home to get a hook. He untied the bucket from the
ripe and tied the hook to the rope. Then he turned
the handle and let the hook go down into the well.
He wanted the hook to catch the moon and pull it
The hook reached the water and the man turned
the handle to pull up the hook. But the hook
caught underneath a big stone. The man pulled
and pulled but the handle did not move. Suddenly
the stone moved. The hook flew up the well. The
man fell on to his back. He could see the sky. The
moon was in the sky! ‘Good!’ he said. ‘I have put
the moon back into the sky!’

Answer these questions.

1. What do we get from a well?
2. What is at the top end of the rope?
3. What is at the bottom end of the rope?
4. Where did the foolish man see the moon?
5. What was the water in the well like?
6. What did the man want the hook to do?
7. What did the hook catch?
8. What did the man do?
9. What happened next?
10. Where was the moon all the time? 15
“Teach Educational Academy”
This story is very old. It is not true but many children Tom Thumb 1
enjoy hearing it.
A husband and wife did have any children and they felt
very sad. There was a rose in their garden. One day they
found a baby boy inside the rose. He was as small as a
man’s Thumb. He never grew bigger. They called him
Tom Thumb. Tom’s mother was very happy. She made
fine clothes for him. He had a green coat and yellow
trousers. On his head he wore a yellow hat with a
feather in it. His mother made him little leather boots
no bigger than finger nails.
Tom loved wearing his clothes. He asked his mother for
a sword and a shield. She gave him a needle for a sword
and a button for a shield. Tom liked carrying them. He
wanted to be a soldier and do brave things. One day he
went for a walk. He met two men. They were strangers.
He did not know them. One of the men held Tom’s arm.
‘This little man can help us,’ he said.
Answer the questions.
1. Is the story old or new?
2. Is the story true or untrue?
3. Where did they find Tom Thumb?
4. How small was Tom?
5. Did he grow bigger?
6. How did Tom’s mother feel?
7. What did she make for Tom?
8. What color was his coat?
9. What color were his trousers?
10. What color was his hat?
11. What was in his hat?
12. What were his boots made of?
13. How big were his boots?
14. What did Tom love to do?
15. What did he have for a sword?
16. What did he have for a shield?
17. What did he like to do?
18. What did he want to do? 16
“Teach Educational Academy”
Tom Thumb 2 There were some trees near the windows. Tom
climbed down one of the trees and reached the
ground. The ground under the tree was very
muddy. Poor Tom fell into the mud. All his fine
clothes were very dirty. One of the gold coins was
in the mud. The men did not see it.
Tom fell over it. ‘This is mine,’ he said. ‘It belongs
to me. I shall keep it. It will be a reward for my
trouble.’ He took the coin home and gave it to his
parents. All the gold coins belonged to a King. The
next day the King went to the building to get some
coins and give them to Poor people. There were no
gold coins there. The King sent for the leader of his
army of soldiers. ‘Send your soldiers to find my
money,’ he ordered. The soldiers came to Tom’s
home. They found the gold coin. They took Tom’s
parents to the King. ‘These are the thieves. They
took your money,’ they said. Tom went to the King
and told him about the strangers.
‘My parents are not thieves,’ he said. ‘They are
honest people.’ The King’s soldiers quickly caught
the two strangers. The King got all his gold again
and punished the thieves. He sent them to prison,
that was their punishment. He did not punish Tom.
Tom went home with his parents. They all felt very

Answer the questions.

1. How did Tom get down from the window?
2. How did Tom make his clothes muddy?
3. What did he find in the mud?
4. What did he do with the gold coin?
5. What did the King want to do with some of the coins?
6. What did the King order his soldiers to do?
7. What did the soldiers find in Tom’s home?
8. How did the King punish the two strangers?
9. Did the King punish Tom? 17
“Teach Educational Academy”
A picnic on the beach
Last Monday was a holiday. The children decided to have a picnic on the beach. They all
felt very happy. Mrs. Riaz gave the boys a bag of food to carry and told them to carry it
carefully. ‘There are some eggs inside,’ she said, ‘and some meat to cook. You can make
a fire on the beach.’
The children reached the beach at ten o’clock. The sun was shining in the sea. It looked
very pretty. ‘I feel hot,’ said Jamil. ‘let’s have a swim.’ ‘Let’s have a drink first,’ said Nasir.
‘I feel thirsty. ‘I feel sleepy,’ said Zeb. ‘The sun’s very hot, isn’t it?’ ‘Yes, it is,’ said Uzma.
‘I feel sleepy too.’ The two girls lied down on the hot sand and went to sleep. Jamil and
Nasir had lemonade and then ran into the sea.

‘Does the water feel cold?’ Shan shouted. ‘No,’ Nasir Shouted. ‘It feels warm. Come in
with us.’ The three boys swam and played until twelve o’clock. Then they began to feel
tired. They felt hungry too. ‘Let’s wake the girls,’ said Nasir.
‘No,’ said Jamil. ‘Let’s make a fire and cook the food. Then we can wake the girls.

Answer these questions.

1. When was the holiday? 10. Who swam in the sea?
2. What did they decide to do? 11. Did the water feel cold?
3. What did Mrs. Riaz give them? 12. Who felt tired and hungry?
4. When did they reach the beach? 13. Who wanted go wake the girls?
5. What looked pretty?
6. Who felt hot?
7. Who felt thirsty?
8. Who felt sleepy?
9. What did the girls do?
Teach Educational Academy
The lost ring
One day a man went home to his wife and said, ‘I
have bought something for you!’ ‘Oh, thank you!’
said his wife. ‘What have you bought?’ ‘I have
bought a gold ring. Here it is!’. He held it out for his
wife to see. Then he dropped it. ‘Oh dear!’ he said.
‘I have dropped it.’ He began to look for it on the
floor but it was dark inside the house and he could
not see anything.
He went outside the house and began to look for
the ring in the street. Just then a friend came along.
‘What’s the matter?’ he asked. ‘I have lost a ring,’
said the man. ‘Where did you lose it?’ ‘I lost it
inside my house.’ You lost your ring inside the
house but you are looking for it outside the street!
That seems very foolish!
‘Ah,’ said the man. But it is dark inside my house. I
shall never find it there. But here in the street,
there is more light and I can see more clearly.

Choose the best answer. Try not to look at the story.

1. The man bought a gold (clock, ring, pen).
2. He bought it for his (father, mother, wife).
3. The man lost the ring in the (house, street, shop).
4. There was more light (inside, outside) the house.
5. The friend thought that the man was (silly, wise, clever).
Now answer these questions.
1. Who dropped the ring?
2. Where did the man look for the ring at first?
3. Where did he next look for the ring?
4. Did he find the ring?
5. Who saw him in the street? 19
“Teach Educational Academy”
The lion & the mouse
One day a mouse went out to find something to eat. He ran carelessly through some tall
grass. He ran into a fierce lion. The lion caught the mouse. He held him tightly and would
let him go. ‘Please let me go, Mr. Lion,’ said the mouse. ‘One day I will help you.’ The lion
laughed. ‘how could a little mouse help a big lion?’
He thought. ‘very well,’ he said. ‘I will let you go. But you must walk more carefully.’ The
mouse was very grateful. ‘thank you,’ he said. ‘you are very kind.’ The next week the
mouse was again looking for something to eat. He saw the lion under a tree. He was tied
tightly in a net of strong ropes. He could not move. ‘I will help you,’ said the mouse.
He bit through one of the ropes. His teeth were sharp. Then he bit through another rope,
and then another. Soon the lion was free. He was very pleased. ‘thank you,’ he said.
‘thank you very much.’

Put in the missing words:

A mouse was looking for … eat. He ran into a ….lion. the lion …..not let the mouse go.
The mouse said. ‘one day I will ….you’ the lion let the mouse……the …..week the mouse
saw the lion. The lion was in a …. Made of ….. . The mouse ……through the ropes to let
the lion… The lion said ……you very much.
Revision: say what are these things used for:
1. A bottle of milk
2. A bottle of ink
3. A key
4. A hammer
5. A ruler 20

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