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Lovely Professional University

ReVeRa Learning & Solutions Name of the Faculty Member: Dr.

Course Code: Course Title: Advanced Certification in Product Management 
Section: Session Id:
Date of Allotment:03-03-2022
Date of Submission: 20-03-2022
Attempt (Group/Individual): Individual
Max Marks :30
Think of any company and take its product category. Ensure that the entire parts of the assignment
is duly covered and we should be getting some outcome out of it.
S No. Objectives Task Marks Evaluation
To understand & Your organization has set up product
Establish management process for a new -Role &
Product consumer durable product - Air Competencies
Managers Role Conditioner and realized that it needs to 10 Identification-5
1 in Product be managed/coordinated by a central Marks.
Management role. Identify the role & competencies
required and define the job role/profile -Job Profile
of the central role in detail for HR to Description-5
recruit the required role. Marks

To evaluate the The Product Manager of the electric

understanding two-wheeler is looking to build the -Functions of
on business business model & business canvas after Product Owner- 3
2 model and the market research inputs . Marks
business canvas He called a meeting of product owners
architecture. of all functions and asked inputs. What 15 -Inputs to business
inputs should product owners provide to model- 4 Marks
the product manager for building the
business model . - Product Canvas- 8
Prepare a brief product canvas with the Marks
To Establish the The smartphone software company
relation “Zeta ”captured the market feedback of -Stage of Product
between the the newly launched smartphone and got Management
3 Product to know that users are finding it difficult Process-2
Management to connect the smartphone with their
and Frame work car Bluetooth. 5 -Framework -3
used. Which stage of the Product
Management this issue will be tackled
and which framework will be best suited
to quickly provide the solution and
implement for the current customers
and the running production.

Instructions and Notes: Brief answers with explanation and the usage of actual formats wherever
required is must.

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