Lesson Plan 2011

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1. Course title 2. Course Code 3. Course Faculty 4. Theory/Practical : : : : 5.Semester :

6.Academic Year: 7.Department :

8.No of Credits :

9. Course Learning Objectives: [Should indicate what the student will be capable of at the end of the course. It should be of bulleted type] 10. Course pre-requisites: [Specify the courses the student should have undergone or the knowledge level requirement prior to attending the course] 11. Schedule of teaching and learning --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------S.No Period Topic Mode of Teaching Aids Reference/ Delivery Source --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[To be furnished as Annexure] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12. Course materials and References [The faculty should indicate whether he/she will distribute course material and if so how and also indicate what are the other references the student should refer] 13. Assessment scheme : [The scheme shall be presented in the first class committee Meeting and approved by it] Periodical tests. [Specify the number of tests, when, duration, topics to be included and marks allocated for each test] Term paper/Assignment [Indicate whether it is individual oriented or group oriented number of term papers /assignment submission date and marks alloted]




Seminar [Specify when the seminar topic will be assigned, time given for preparation and when the student has to deliver, the mode of assessment and the marks allotted]


Quiz/Comprehension [Specify the mode of conducting Quiz, whether written or oral, whether it will be done in a random fashion or on a scheduled date, marks allotted etc.]


Fabrication / assembling [This is mainly aimed at to evaluate the creativity of the student based on the knowledge he/she gained in the theory course. Not necessarily that this be included for all courses. If included specify when it will be assigned, time frame given to the student for preparation and demonstration. Marks allotted for this student be specified]


Case study discussion [Case study should be given to a group of students and they should discuss with the faculty as the moderator and based on individual students interaction /contribution marks shall be awarded. Again this need not be compulsory one for all courses] Carry home exercise [Specify how many carry home exercises will be given during semester, topics included, submission period and marks allotted] Self study [The faculty can assign a unit or portions in different units for self study by the student. Faculty should indicate the assessment method whether through seminar, oral interview etc. and the marks allotted]



14. Expected outcome of the course: [Indicate the knowledge and the skill that the student will be able to achieve at the end of the course based on objectives set forth] Date: Head of Department Course Faculty

ANNEXURE(vide item 11) Schedule of Teaching and Learning -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------S.No Period Topic Mode of delivery Teaching Aids Reference/ Source ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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