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CHAPTER 16 CONTROL 16-1e Feedback, Concurrent, and

Feedforward Control
The Control Process
Feedback control is a mechanism for gathering
Control is a regulatory process of establishing
information about performance deficiencies
standards to achieve organizational goals,
after they occur.
comparing actual performance to the standards,
and taking corrective action when necessary to Concurrent control addresses the problems
restore performance to those standards. inherent in feedback control by gathering
information about performance deficiencies as
16-1a Standards
they occur.
Standards are a basis of comparison for
Feedforward control is a mechanism for
measuring the extent to which organizational
gathering information about performance
performance is satisfactory or unsatisfactory.
deficiencies before they occur.
Benchmarking is the process of determining
16-1f Control Isn’t Always Worthwhile or
how well other companies (not just competitors)
perform business functions or tasks. In other
words, benchmarking is the process of Control loss occurs when behavior and work
determining other companies’ standards. procedures do not conform to standards.1
16-1b Comparison to Standards To determine whether control is worthwhile,
managers need to carefully assess regulation
The next step in the control process is to
costs, that is, whether the costs and unintended
compare actual performance to performance
consequences of control exceed its benefits. If
standards. Although this sounds
a control process costs more than it benefits, it
straightforward, the quality of the comparison
may not be worthwhile.
depends largely on the measurement and
information systems a company uses to keep cybernetic feasibility, the extent to which it is
track of performance. possible to implement each of the three steps in
the control process. If one or more steps cannot
16-1c Corrective Action
be implemented, then maintaining effective
The next step in the control process is to identify control may be difficult or impossible.
performance deviations, analyze those
Control Methods
deviations, and then develop and implement
programs to correct them. 16-2a Bureaucratic Control
16-1d Dynamic, Cybernetic Process Bureaucratic control is top-down control, in
which managers try to influence employee
Cybernetic derives from the Greek word
behavior by rewarding or punishing employees
kubernetes, meaning “steersman,” that is, one
for compliance or noncompliance with
who steers or keeps on course.
organizational policies, rules, and procedures.
16-2b Objective Control
In many companies, bureaucratic control has
evolved into objective control, which is the use
of observable measures of employee behavior
or output to assess performance and influence
behavior. Whereas bureaucratic control focuses
on whether policies and rules are followed,
objective control focuses on observing and
measuring worker behavior or output.
Behavior control is regulating behaviors and
actions that workers perform on the job. The
basic assumption of behavior control is that if
you do the right things (that is, the right
behaviors) every day, then those things should
lead to goal achievement.
Instead of measuring what managers and one area at the expense of decreased
workers do, output control measures the performance in others.
results of their efforts. Whereas behavior control
16-3b The Financial Perspective: Controlling
regulates, guides, and measures how workers
Budgets, Cash Flows, and Economic Value
behave on the job, output control gives
managers and workers the freedom to behave
as they see fit as long as they accomplish Cash flow analysis predicts how changes in a
prespecified, measurable results. Output control business will affect its ability to take in more
is often coupled with rewards and incentives. cash than it pays out. Balance sheets provide
a snapshot of a company’s financial position at
16-2c Normative Control
a particular time (but not the future). Income
With normative controls, a company’s widely statements, also called profit and loss
shared values and beliefs guide workers’ statements, show what has happened to an
behavior and decisions. organization’s income, expenses, and net profit
(income less expenses) over a period of time.
16-2d Concertive Control
Financial ratios are typically used to track a
Whereas normative controls are based on business’s liquidity (cash), efficiency, and
beliefs that are strongly held and widely shared profitability over time compared with other
throughout a company, concertive controls are businesses in its industry. Finally, budgets are
based on beliefs that are shaped and negotiated used to project costs and revenues, prioritize
by work groups. and control spending, and ensure that expenses
don’t exceed available funds and revenues.
16-2e Self-Control
In a typical budgeting process, a manager uses
Self-control, also known as self-management, the previous year’s budget and adjusts it to
is a control system in which managers and reflect the current situation, but zero-based
workers control their own behavior.35 Self- budgeting requires managers to outline a
control does not result in anarchy, in which budget from scratch each year.
everyone gets to do whatever he or she wants.
In self-control, or self-management, leaders and Conceptually, economic value added (EVA) is
managers provide workers with clear not the same thing as profits. It is the amount by
boundaries within which they may guide and which profits exceed the cost of capital in a
control their own goals and behaviors.Leaders given year.
and managers also contribute to self-control by
16-3c The Customer Perspective:
teaching others the skills they need to maximize
Controlling Customer Defections
and monitor their own work effectiveness. In
turn, individuals who manage and lead Customer defections a performance
themselves establish self-control by setting their assessment in which companies identify which
own goals, monitoring their own progress, customers are leaving and measure the rate at
rewarding or punishing themselves for which they are leaving
achieving or for not achieving their self-set
16-3d The Internal Perspective: Controlling
goals, and constructing positive thought
patterns that remind them of the importance of
their goals and their ability to accomplish them. Value is the customer perception that the
product quality is excellent for the price offered.
What to Control?
At a higher price, for example, customers may
16-3a The Balanced Scorecard perceive the product to be less of a value. When
a company emphasizes value as its quality goal,
The balanced scorecard encourages
managers must simultaneously control
managers to look beyond such traditional
excellence, price, durability, and any other
financial measures to four different perspectives
features of a product or service that customers
on company performance. How do customers
strongly associate with value.
see us (the customer perspective)? At what
must we excel (the internal perspective)? 16-3e The Innovation and Learning
Perspective: Sustainability
The second major advantage of the balanced
scorecard approach to control is that it
minimizes the chances of suboptimization,
which occurs when performance improves in
prevent leakage and contamination of soil and
underground water supplies.
Strategic Importance of Information
Today, a generation later, computer hardware
and software are an integral part of managing
business information. This is due mainly to
something called Moore’s law.
Raw data are facts and figures. For example,
11, $762, 32, and 26,100 are some data that I
used the day I wrote this section of the chapter.
However, facts and figures aren’t particularly
useful unless they have meaning.
Whereas raw data consist of facts and figures,
information is useful data that can influence
someone’s choices and behavior.
17-1a First-Mover Advantage

The goals of the top level, waste prevention and First-mover advantage is the strategic
reduction, are to prevent waste and pollution advantage that companies earn by being the
before they occur or to reduce them when they first in an industry to use new information
do occur. technology to substantially lower costs or to
differentiate a product or service from that of
There are three strategies for waste prevention competitors.
and reduction:
17-1b Sustaining Competitive Advantage
1. Good housekeeping—performing
regularly scheduled preventive
maintenance for offices, plants, and
2. Material/product substitution—replacing
toxic or hazardous materials with less
harmful materials.
3. Process modification—changing steps or
procedures to eliminate or reduce waste.
At the second level of sustainability, recycle
and reuse, wastes are reduced by reusing
materials as long as possible or by collecting
materials for on- or off-site recycling.
A growing trend in recycling is design for
disassembly, where products are designed
from the start for easy disassembly, recycling, Characteristics and Costs of Useful
and reuse after they are no longer usable. Information
At the third level of sustainability, waste 17-2a Accurate Information
treatment, companies use biological, chemical,
or other processes to turn potentially harmful Information is useful when it is accurate. Before
waste into harmless compounds or useful by- relying on information to make decisions, you
products. must know that the information is correct. But
what if it isn’t? Many retailers use customer
The fourth and lowest level of sustainability is satisfaction surveys to determine what they
waste disposal. Wastes that cannot be need to improve, and checkout wait times are
prevented, reduced, recycled, reused, or treated always near the top of the list.
should be safely disposed of in processing
plants or in environmentally secure landfills that 17-2b Complete Information
Information is useful when it is complete. with their friends, play online games, and share
Incomplete or missing information makes it photos.
difficult to recognize problems and identify
17-2h Retrieval Costs
potential solutions.
Retrieval cost is the cost of accessing already-
17-2c Relevant Information
stored and processed information. One of the
You can have complete, accurate information, most common misunderstandings about
but it’s not very useful if it doesn’t pertain to the information is that it is easy and cheap to
problems you’re facing. For instance, if you’re retrieve after the company has it. Not so. First,
unlucky enough to contract bullous pemphigoid, you have to find the information. Then, you’ve
a rare skin condition resulting in large, watery got to convince whoever has it to share it with
blisters on your inner thighs and upper arms, you. Then the information has to be processed
chances are the dermatologist you visit won’t into a form that is useful for you. By the time you
have any relevant experience with this condition get the information you need, it may not be
to be able to recognize and treat it. timely anymore.
17-2d Timely Information 17-2i Communication Costs
Finally, information is useful when it is timely. To Communication cost is the cost of
be timely, the information must be available transmitting information from one place to
when needed to define a problem or to begin to another. For example, a small business with
identify possible solutions. If you’ve ever twenty people needing phone lines, a hosted
thought, “I wish I had known that earlier,” then website, and high-speed Internet access pays
you understand the importance of timely Comcast about $1,300 a month for that access.
information and the opportunity cost of not
Capturing, Processing, and Protecting
having it.
17-2e Acquisition Costs
17-3a Capturing Information
Acquisition cost is the cost of obtaining data
There are two basic methods of capturing
that you don’t have. Acxiom, a billion-dollar
information: manual and electronic. Manual
company, gathers and processes data for
capture of information is a slow, costly, labor-
direct-mail marketing companies. If you’ve
intensive, and often inaccurate process, which
received an unsolicited, “preapproved” credit
entails recording and entering data by hand into
card application recently (and who hasn’t?),
a data storage device. For example, when you
chances are Acxiom helped the credit card
applied for a driver’s license, you probably
company gather information about you. Where
recorded personal information about yourself by
does Acxiom get that information? The first
filling out a form.
place it turns is to companies that sell consumer
credit reports at a wholesale cost of $1 each. Bar codes represent numerical data by varying
the thickness and pattern of vertical bars. The
17-2f Processing Costs
primary advantage of bar codes is that the data
Companies often have massive amounts of data they represent can be read and recorded in an
but not in the form or combination they need. instant with a handheld or pen-type scanner.
Processing cost is the cost of turning raw data
Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags
into usable information. While Google offers a
contain minuscule microchips and antennas that
wide range of online services, most of its
transmit information via radio waves.34 Unlike
revenues come from search-related ads. But
bar codes, which require direct line-of-sight
those ads are effective only when Google
scanning, RFID tags are read by turning on an
serves up accurate searches that help people
RFID reader that, like a radio, tunes into a
find what they’re looking for.
specific frequency to determine the number and
17-2g Storage Costs location of products, parts, or anything else to
which the RFID tags are attached.
Storage cost is the cost of physically or
electronically archiving information for later Electronic scanners, which convert printed
retrieval and use. While your Facebook account text and pictures into digital images, have
is free, Facebook spends billions so that its become an increasingly popular method of
more than 1 billion users worldwide can connect capturing data electronically because they are
inexpensive and easy to use.
The first requirement for a good scanner is a together in a significant pattern in which one of
document feeder that automatically feeds the elements precedes the other.
document pages into the scanner or turns the
Predictive patterns are just the opposite of
pages (often with a puff of air) when scanning
association or affinity patterns. Whereas
books or bound documents. the second
association or affinity patterns look for database
requirement for a good scanner is optical
elements that seem to go together, predictive
character recognition software to scan and
patterns help identify database elements that
convert original or digitized documents into
are different.
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information
Interchange) text or Adobe PDF documents. 17-3c Protecting Information
ASCII text can be searched, read, and edited
with standard word processing, email, desktop Protecting information is the process of
publishing, database management, and ensuring that data are reliably and consistently
spreadsheet software, and PDF documents can retrievable in a usable format for authorized
be searched and edited with Adobe’s Acrobat users but no one else.
software. Data clusters are the last kind of pattern found
17-3b Processing Information by data mining. Data clusters occur when three
or more database elements occur together (that
Processing information means transforming is, cluster) in a significant way.
raw data into meaningful information that can be
applied to business decision making. Evaluating Two critical steps are required to make sure that
sales data to determine the best- and worst- data can be accessed by authorized users and
selling products, examining repair records to no one else. One is authentication, that is,
determine product reliability, and monitoring the making sure users are who they claim to be. The
cost of long-distance phone calls are all other is authorization, that is, granting
examples of processing raw data into authenticated users approved access to data,
meaningful information. software, and systems.

Data mining is the process of discovering This is why many companies are now turning to
patterns and relationships in large amounts of two-factor authentication, which is based on
data. Data mining is carried out using complex what users know, such as a password, and what
algorithms such as neural networks, rule they have, in their possession, such as a secure
induction, and decision trees. ID card, their phones, or unique information that
only they would know.
The data typically come from a data
warehouse, which stores huge amounts of data Hackers can access files, run programs, and
that have been prepared for data mining control key parts of computers if precautions
analysis by being cleaned of errors and aren’t taken. To reduce these risks, companies
redundancy. use firewalls, hardware or software devices
that sit between the computers in an internal
Supervised data mining usually begins with organizational network and outside networks
the user telling the data mining software to look such as the Internet.
and test for specific patterns and relationships in
a data set. Typically, this is done through a A virus is a program or piece of code that,
series of “what-if?” questions or statements. without your knowledge, attaches itself to other
programs on your computer and can trigger
Unsupervised data mining, the user simply anything from a harmless flashing message to
tells the data mining software to uncover the reformatting of your hard drive to a system-
whatever patterns and relationships it can find in wide network shutdown.
a data set.
Another way of protecting information is to
Association or affinity patterns occur when encrypt sensitive data. Data encryption
two or more database elements tend to occur transforms data into complex, scrambled digital
together in a significant way. codes that can be decrypted only by authorized
users who possess unique decryption keys.
Sequence patterns appear when two or more
database elements occur together in a Now, virtual private networks (VPNs) have
significant pattern in which one of the elements solved this problem by using software to encrypt
precedes the other. Sequence patterns appear all Internet data at both ends of the transmission
when two or more database elements occur process.
Alternatively, many companies are now 17-4c Sharing Knowledge and Expertise
adopting web-based secure sockets layer
Knowledge is the understanding that one gains
(SSL) encryption to provide secure off-site
from information. Importantly, knowledge does
access to data and programs. If you’ve ever
not reside in information. Knowledge resides in
entered your credit card in a web browser to
people. That’s why companies hire consultants
make an online purchase, you’ve used SSL
and why family doctors refer patients to
technology to encrypt and protect that
Whereas an executive information system
Accessing and Sharing Information and
speeds up and simplifies the acquisition of
information, a decision support system (DSS)
17-4a Internal Access and Sharing helps managers understand problems and
potential solutions by acquiring and analyzing
An executive information system (EIS) uses
information with sophisticated models and tools.
internal and external sources of data to provide
managers and executives the information they Expert systems are created by capturing the
need to monitor and analyze organizational specialized knowledge and decision rules used
performance. by experts and experienced decision makers.
They permit nonexpert employees to draw on
Intranets are private company networks that
this expert knowledge base to make decisions.
allow employees to easily access, share, and
publish information using Internet software.
Intranet websites are just like external websites,
but the firewall separating the internal company
network from the Internet permits only
authorized internal access.
Finally, corporate portals are a hybrid of
executive information systems and intranets.
While an EIS provides managers and
executives with the information they need to
monitor and analyze organizational
performance, and intranets help companies
distribute and publish information and forms
within the company, corporate portals allow
company managers and employees to access
customized information and complete
specialized transactions using a web browser.
17-4b External Access and Sharing
With electronic data interchange, or EDI, two
companies convert purchase and ordering
information to a standardized format to enable
direct electronic transmission of that information
from one company’s computer system to the
other company’s system.
Web services use standardized protocols to
describe and transfer data from one company in
such a way that those data can automatically be
read, understood, transcribed, and processed
by different computer systems in another
An extranet, by contrast, allows companies to
exchange information and conduct transactions
by purposely providing outsiders with direct,
password-protected, web browser–based
access to authorized parts of a company’s
intranet or information system.

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