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34 Pages on the
Secrets to Super
Crispy Pizza
EXTRA: Recipes for Low-
Carb and Dessert Pizzas
EXTRA: Baking Bread
Made Easy
What awaits you in
this e-book:
With this e-book, you will learn everything you need to
know to become the next pizza baker extraordinaire, in only
4 hours.
1. Our Philosophy 
2. Cheese on Pizza is a New Trend
3. The Perfect Pizza Dough
4. Tips and Tricks

4.1 THE SECRET to Super Crispy Pizza

4.2 Baking Pizza with the Pizza Stone
4.3 Baking Pizza on the Grill
5. The Best Pizza Recipes
5.1 Selected Classics
5.2 Try Something New
5.3 Low-Carb Pizza
5.4 Dessert Pizza
6. Baking Bread
Our Philosophy
We, the Dolce Mare team, have made it our mission to bring
home to each and every one the Italian tradition and the sheer
culinary pleasure that can be found on the plates of the Italian

To do so, we immersed ourselves in the Italian culture and

lifestyle, and used what we learned to seek out the best materials
for a functional and elegant design, to form the basis for the best
pizza and freshly baked bread.
With our products we want you not only to achieve the perfect
treat for the palate, but also to bring that authentic Italian way
of life into your kitchen!
Bringing the Italian way of life into the kitchen means putting
aside the stress of everyday life and dedicating yourself to the
enjoyment of the moment, taking the time to carefully select the
ingredients and to feel, smell and taste them before working
with them.
Smell the fresh tomatoes and basil, take your time, and add that
special ingredient - love - to your creation. We guarantee you
will taste the difference!
Cheese on Pizza is a
New Trend
If you look at the 1000-year history of pizza, then cheese
as an ingredient is a "brand new" trend. The first pizzas
had only tomato sauce and oil on the dough.
According to legend, the word pizza was already used in
the Latin language 1000 years ago, to refer to this
mouth-watering, flat dough dish.
The only thing we know for certain today, is that the
term pizza was used in Naples in the 16th century.

But even in the 16th century there was still no cheese

on pizza. Where does the trend come from then?
It was only in the year 1889, that is, just 120 years ago,
that a Neapolitan pizza baker invented a pizza to honor
the Italian queen Margherita Maria Teresa Giovanna di
Savoia. He named it after her, using her first name, and
the “Pizza Margherita” was born.
Since the honor was intended for the Italian queen, the pizza
was to reflect the colors of Italian national flag: red, white
and green. The tomato sauce was added to the pizza for the
red color, basil for the green, and mozzarella for the white.
And so it came about that cheese was used for the first time
on a pizza.

To many Italians, there are only two true pizzas: The Pizza
Marinara and the Pizza Margherita.

The Pizza Marinara is by far the older of the two, and dates
back even further to the classic pizza from 16th-century
Naples. On it you will find, in addition to fresh tomatoes, the
herb oregano and fresh garlic, as well as extra olive oil.

The colours of the Italian flag can be seen clearly on this Margherita
Pizza: red (tomato sauce), white (Mozzarella cheese) and green (basil).
The Perfect Pizza
Ideally, you should start to prepare the pizza dough 24
hours in advance. If you don't have 24 hours, try to leave the
pizza dough in the fridge for at least a few hours. In this
time the fermentation of the yeast takes place, which is
what gives pizza its typical taste.

Ingredients for 6 pizzas:

1 kg flour
Cold tap water
Sea salt
¼ cube of fresh yeast

Nothing will stand in the way of the perfect pizza

dough if you follow the steps outlined below:
Step 1: Pancake dough Now stir the dough for 3 to 4 minutes. Although the
dough is still quite liquid, and it really is more
Start by putting around 600 g of the flour in a stirring than kneading, this is what creates a good
large bowl. dough, as gluten-(protein)-chains are being formed.
To this, add 625 ml cold water and a quarter of It is these protein-chains that later capture the CO2
the cube of yeast. On the yeast cube packet it says produced by the yeast in the dough. These air
for 500 to 1000 g flour, but we purposely use less bubbles are what makes the dough rise and develop
than that. (Don't worry, the dough will still rise its light and airy texture. Keep stirring and add a
enough. The yeast doesn't have to be dissolved in little more flour. Ultimately you want to add the rest
water first, but can be added directly to the bowl.) of the flour at this stage. Adding 100 g at a time and
Add around 40 g of salt to the mixture. When you stirring after each addition is a good way to go. If,
taste the mixture, it should taste of salt. Bear in contrary to expectations, your pizza dough should
mind that the dough will contain significantly get too dry, you can stop at any time.
more flour by the end of the process, so if you You know you have added enough flour when the
taste flour or yeast now, it doesn't have enough dough detaches itself from the bottom of the bowl
salt. and forms a ball. Keep kneading for another 1 to 2
Now stir everything together with a fork, a spoon minutes. At this stage, kneading the dough should
or an electric mixer, until you get a mixture with be difficult, and although it should still have a fairly
the consistency of pancake dough, rather than liquid consistency, it should by all means maintain
pizza dough. Cover the bowl with a kitchen towel its shape. In fact, the flour/water ratio is ideal when
and leave it to stand for 20 minutes, in which time the dough forms a ball which very slowly, that is,
the flour can absorb the water from the liquid. over the course of half an hour or so, loses its form
This is helpful later in the formation of the and becomes liquid again. In the short term,
gluten. however, it should stay in the shape of a ball. Over
time, you will develop a feel for it. When you look at
the dough now, it will appear sticky, but if you
sprinkle a bit of flour on the surface, you will notice
Step 2: Creating pizza dough how soft it actually feels. The dough should now rest
from the pancake dough for 20 minutes.

20 minutes should have gone by by now. This

waiting time is important and is part of the
secret to outstanding pizza dough.
Step 3: Preparing individual Step 4: Rolling it out
Another 20 minutes have gone by and the Take the pizza dough out of the fridge and
pizza dough is now ready to come out of the remove it from the plastic container. With
bowl. Turn the bowl upside down and let the liberal amounts of flour, knead it briefly,
dough fall onto a cutting board. The dough until it forms a nice, round ball of dough.
should "flow" out of the bowl with little or no Now you can roll out the pizza dough. To
help. You still have a sticky mass that needs do so, press down with your hands, starting
to be liberally sprinkled with flour on the at the center and working outwards to form
entire outside surface. Once this is done, a rim. This way, the rim will rise a lot and
knead the mass with your hands for a few have a very light and airy taste. If you are
seconds to form a nice, round ball. Cut this not a fan of thick-rimmed pizza, simply
ball into 5 or 6 pieces of equal size and, using press the rim flat too and place the
some flour, knead them into little round toppings all the way to the edge later.
balls again. When you cut it, you will notice When the dough is flattened out a bit, you
how moist the dough is on the inside, and it can lift it up by the edges and allow its own
is helpful to sprinkle a bit of flour on the cut weight to stretch it out more. You can also
edge while cutting. Now put each ball a small throw the dough from one hand to the
plastic container with a lid. The lid is other, or form two fists and lay the dough
important, as the dough will otherwise get out on them to stretch it out some more.
dry on the outside and will become difficult
to work with. If you have no lid available,
plastic wrap will also do. Finally, put the
dough in the fridge, where it will rise in the
Tips and Tricks

THE SECRET to Super Crispy Pizza

If you use a pizza peel, sprinkle it with all-purpose flour, durum

wheat semolina or pasta flour. Durum wheat semolina flour is
more coarsely-grained, so that the pizza slides off the peel more
easily. The side effect of this is that you remove moisture from the
dough and the pizza does not stick to the peel.
Once you have coated your pizza peel with flour, you can roll the
pizza dough out on it and add the toppings.
Using a quick, jerky motion, the pizza will slide off the peel onto
the pizza stone, that is already waiting in the oven, and can be
baked nice and crispy.
Baking Pizza with the Pizza Stone

A pizza stone really brings out that authentic Italian flavor in your
pizza. It removes excess moisture while at the same time evenly
distributing heat.
If you use your pizza stone for baking, heat it up for 25 to 40 minutes at
220°C to 300°C. The pizza stone stores thermal energy during the
heating process and then transfers it to the baked goods. Coat the
pizza stone with flour before the baking process, as described in the
previous section, so that the bottom of the pizza does not stick and it
can be easily moved. Before putting the pizza in the oven, switch off
the oven fan and possibly even the top heating element. The bottom
heating element is enough to give you that crispy pizza dough
reminiscent of your favourite Italian restaurant. Bake the pizza for
about 5 to 7 minutes (at 300°C) or 8 to 12 minutes (at 220°C), until it is
golden brown. The hotter the stone, the shorter the baking time, and a
short baking time prevents the toppings from getting burnt while
conserving the flavor.
Baking Pizza on the Grill

Baking pizza on the grill is still rather unusual and not

very well known, but a pizza stone can turn it into a
delicious and cosy affair.
With a kettle grill, the pizza can be baked evenly from
all sides (this goes for bread too).
The optimal temperature is 320°C to 350°C.
While the grill is heating up with coals or gas, the pizza
stone can already be placed on the middle of the grill
grate. Make sure, however, that there is a space of at
least 2 to 3 cm around the pizza stone for the air to
circulate, so that the fire doesn't go out. After 20
minutes the pizza stone will be optimally pre-heated.
The baking time at 350°C is 4 minutes, while at 300°C
you should calculate around 7 to 10 minutes.

Pro-Tip: During the baking process, throw some beechwood

chips on the fire. This will give it the typical smoked flavor of
an authentic beechwood-fired pizza oven.
The Best Pizza Recipes
Selected Classics
Pizza Quattro Stagioni
1 pre-prepared ball of dough
Pureed tomatoes
Basil, garlic, salt and pepper
Mozzarella cheese
4 slices of salami
4 slices of ham
1 bell pepper
4 mushrooms

Roll out the pizza dough, pressing down with your hands from the
center and working outwards to form a rim. This way, the rim will
rise a lot and have a light, airy taste. If you are not a fan of a thick
rim, simply press the rim flat too and later, place the toppings all
the way to the edge. Finely chop the garlic and add it to the pureed
tomatoes, together with the basil, salt and pepper. Spread the
mixture on the pizza. Add the salami, ham, washed and chopped
mushrooms, and the bell pepper. To top it off, sprinkle the grated
Mozzarella on the pizza and pop it in the oven. At 180°C the pizza
should take about 15 minutes.
Pizza Tonno
1 pre-prepared ball of dough
Pureed tomato
Basil, garlic, salt, pepper
Mozzarella cheese
200g tuna
2 onions
Roll out the pizza dough, pressing down with your hands from
the center and working outwards to form a rim. This way, the
rim will rise a lot and have a light, airy taste. If you are not a
fan of a thick rim, simply press the rim flat too and later, place
the toppings all the way to the edge. Finely chop the garlic and
add it to the pureed tomatoes, together with the chopped up
basil, salt and pepper. Spread the mixture on the pizza. Cut the
onion into slices and spread the tuna and the onion rings on
the pizza. To top it off, sprinkle the grated Mozzarella on the
pizza and pop it in the oven. At 180°C the pizza should take
about 15 minutes.
Hawaiian Pizza

1 pre-prepared ball of dough

Pureed tomatoes
Basil, garlic, salt, pepper
Mozzarella cheese
80g pineapple
50g ham
Roll out the pizza dough, pressing down with your hands
from the center and working outwards to form a rim. This
way, the rim will rise a lot and have a light, airy taste. If you
are not a fan of a thick rim, simply press the rim flat too and
later, place the toppings all the way to the edge. Finely chop
the garlic and add it to the pureed tomatoes, together with
the chopped up basil, salt and pepper. Spread the mixture
on the pizza. Cut the ham into pieces and spread the ham
and the pineapple on the pizza. To top it off, sprinkle the
grated Mozzarella on the pizza and pop it in the oven. At
180°C the pizza should take about 15 minutes.
Pizza Bolognese
1 pre-prepared ball of dough
Pureed tomatoes
Basil, garlic, salt, pepper
Mozzarella cheese
200g chopped onion
200g mince meat
Roll out the pizza dough, pressing down with your hands from the
center and working outwards to form a rim. This way, the rim will
rise a lot and have a light, airy taste. If you are not a fan of a thick
rim, simply press the rim flat too and later, place the toppings all the
way to the edge. Finely chop the garlic and add it to the pureed
tomatoes, together with the chopped up basil, salt and pepper. Fry
the mince meat in a pan and season it with salt and pepper. Spread
the tomato mixture on the pizza and spread the browned mince
meat on top. Sauté the onions in the pan, which should still be warm
from the mince meat, and spread on the pizza as well. To top it off,
sprinkle the grated Mozzarella on the pizza and pop it in the oven. At
180°C the pizza should take about 15 minutes.
Try Something New

Large Pan Pizza

1 yellow bell pepper
75 g black olives
100 g Gouda cheese
280 g pizza dough
50 g salami in thin
3 tbsp tomato paste
1 tsp dried oregano
Salt, pepper
Pre-heat the oven. Mix the tomato paste, the oregano and the oil,
and season with salt and pepper. Clean and wash the bell pepper
and cut it into thin strips. Drain the olives thoroughly and finely
grate the cheese. Roll out the dough and place it in a cold
ovenproof pan. Press down the edges and spread tomato paste on
the dough. Top the pizza with the olives, pepper and cheese. Cook
the pizza on the stove on medium heat and then bake it in the hot
oven for 12 to 15 minutes. Break the salami up into pieces and
spread it on the pizza.
Bon Appetit!
Barbecue Pizza
1 ball of pizza dough Pepper
7 tbsp oil ½  tsp ground cumin
2 onions 1 pinch of chili flakes
1 - 2 cloves of garlic 1 tin of sweetcorn
2 - 3 tbsp brown sugar 400 g chicken breast fillets
3 tbsp tomato paste
1 tin of chopped tomatoes 125 Mozzarella cheese
2 - 3 tbsp tomato ketchup 100 g gouda cheese
2 tbsp Worcester sauce 50 g breakfast bacon
Peel and dice the onions and garlic. Heat them up together with 2 tbsp oil
in a large pot. Sauté half of the onions with the garlic, add the brown
sugar and allow it to caramelize lightly. Add the tomato paste and sauté
for a while before adding the tomatoes. Stir in the ketchup and the
Worcester sauce and season the sauce with salt, pepper, cumin and chili.
Bring it to the boil and leave it to simmer on medium heat for 15 minutes.
Drain the sweetcorn. Cut the chicken into pieces and fry with 2 tbsp of oil
in a pan. Add the rest of the onions and stir the chicken. Season with salt
and pepper and take it off the stove. Roll out the dough. Put the rolled out
dough in a springform and press the edges of the pastry to the tin. Cut the
Mozzarella into slices and grate the Gouda cheese. Spread the sauce on
the base in the springform and spread the sweetcorn, chicken and bacon
strips evenly on top. Finally, add the Mozzarella and then the Gouda
cheese. Bake the Barbecue Pizza in a pre-heated oven for 20 minutes.
Garnish with basil before serving.
French Pizza
2 tbsp oil
125 g + a bit of flour
1 tsp baking powder
Salt, pepper, dried oregano
2 eggs
150 g chunky cottage cheese
120 g chunky cottage cheese
300 g cherry tomatoes
125 g Mozzarella cheese
Olives, rocket for
2 cloves of garlic
Dried peas
Pre-heat the oven. Grease a pastry tin with a removable base with
oil. For the dough, mix together 125 g of flour, baking powder, 1/2
tsp salt and a little pepper in a mixing bowl. Puree 1 egg, 150 g
cottage cheese and 2 tbsp oil with a hand-held electric mixer. Add
this to the flour mixture and knead the whole thing until it forms
a smooth dough. Roll out the dough on a bit of flour. Line the
pastry form with the dough and press the edges of the dough to
the tin. Prick the base repeatedly with a fork and blind-bake the
dough. To do so, cover the dough with baking paper and bake it
for 15 minutes. In the meantime, wash the tomatoes and cut them
in half for the filling. Shred the Mozzarella into small pieces and
peel and cut up the garlic. With a hand-held electric mixer, puree
120 g cottage cheese, 1 egg, the garlic, 1 tsp oregano, and a bit of
salt and pepper. Take the pie form out of the oven and spread the
cottage cheese, and the tomatoes, olives and Mozzarella on the pie
base. Bake for a further 20 minutes and garnish with fresh rocket.
Low-Carb Pizza
Ham and Asparagus Pizza with a
Cauliflower Base
1 kg cauliflower
200 g Gouda cheese
2 eggs
Green asparagus
Crème fraîche
Olive oil
Thinly-sliced cooked ham

Pre-heat the oven. Clean the cauliflower, wash and coarsely

grate it, and put it on a baking tray. Bake it in a hot oven for
about 10 minutes.
Take it out and let it cool off a bit. Wring out the mass
thoroughly with kitchen towel. Grate the cheese and mix the
cheese, cauliflower, egg and salt. Form the pizza base on the
well-floured pizza stone and pre-bake it in the oven for 15
minutes, before adding the greeen asparagus and the crème
fraîche. Bake for a further 20 minutes. Subsequently add the
ham, drizzle the pizza with oil and serve it warm.
Low-Carb Pizza with a Zucchini Base
2 zucchinis 1 aubergine
Salt, pepper 1 tbsp olive oil
1 egg 1 pinch of sugar
150 g Mozzarella cheese 1 tsp tomato paste
150 ml strained tomatoes
75 g Parmesan cheese 1 tsp dried oregano
100 g cherry tomatoes Fresh basil
1 small onion
1 clove of garlic

Wash the zucchinis and grate them to a pulp. Mix this pulp with salt and
set it aside for 10 minutes. Subsequently, wring out the pulp to get rid of
the water and mix the dry mass with the egg, 50 g Mozzarella and the
Parmesan. Cut the aubergine into thin strips.
Form the dough into a pizza shape and pre-bake it for 15 to 20 minutes.
In the meantime, wash the tomatoes and cut them in half. Peel and dice
the onions and garlic and sauté them until they are translucent. Add
sugar and tomato paste and brown it briefly. Add the halved tomatoes
and finally, the strained tomatoes. Season the mixture with salt, pepper
and oregano leave it to simmer on low heat for ca. 5 minutes. Take the
pizza base out of the oven, turn it over spread the tomato sauce on it.
Top with the aubergine strips, sprinkle 100 g Mozzarella on it, and bake
the pizza for a further 10-15 minutes in a pre-heated oven. Finally, take
the pizza out of the oven and sprinkle it with 25 g Parmesan and basil
Dessert Pizza
Pizza Cupcakes
1 glass (185 g) sun-dried Cherry tomatoes on the vine
tomatoes in oil 4 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp tomato paste 250g Mozzarella cheese
Salt 150g Ricotta cheese
Ground pepper Baking paper
Fresh pizza dough
Fresh basil

Drain the sun-dried tomatoes and allow them to drip dry. Puree half of
the tomatoes together with the tomato paste, and season with pepper.
Cut the rest of the tomatoes in strips, roll out the dough and spread the
tomatoes out on the dough. Next, wash the basil, chop it up finely and
sprinkle it on the dough. Roll up the dough and cut it into 12 pieces of
equal size. Put small pieces of baking paper in the muffin tray and place
the dough pieces on them. Bake at 200°C with the oven fan in a
preheated oven for approximately 12 minutes.
Wash the rest of the cherry tomatoes on the vine, coat them in oil and
season with salt and pepper. After 5 minutes, put them in the oven with
the dough pieces. Coarsely shred the Mozzarella and mix the pieces in
with the Ricotta cheese and the salt and pepper.
When the cupcakes are finished baking, decorate them with the
Mozzarella mixture, the baked tomato vines, and basil.
Fruity Muesli Pizza with Quinoa Dough

280 g dates
50 g quinoa
2 tbsp coconut oil
150 g granola muesli
250g natural soya yogurt with coconut
120 g coconut flakes
2 bananas
100g blackberries
150 g raspberries

For the Fruity Muesli Pizza, start by cutting in half and stoning
the dates. Subsequently, grease the bottom of a springform pan
(22 cm Ø) with a thin layer of oil. For the base, shred the dates,
quinoa, coconut oil and muesli (except for one tablespoon) in a
food processor. Place this mixture in the springform and press
it down into a smooth, compact base. Refrigerate the
springform for 30 minutes.
In the meantime, mix the yogurt and the coconut flakes
together, peel the bananas and cut them in half lengthways.
Next, wash the blackberries and pat them dry, and sort the
raspberries. Carefully remove the base from the springform and
spread the yogurt mixture on it. Finally, arrange the bananas,
blackberries and raspberries on the jogurt layer and sprinkle
the rest of the muesli on top.
Chocolate Pizza
380g flour
180ml water
Dry yeast
1 ½ tbsp sugar
1 ½ tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
4 tbsp oil
Nut nougat cream
Chocolate drops, dark, white and milk and white
Mini marshmallows
Slivered almonds

For the yeast dough, dissolve the yeast and some of the sugar in a bit of
lukewarm water. Mix the flour with cocoa powder and the rest of the sugar.
Knead the flour mixture with the dissolved yeast and the rest of the water,
adding the salt and oil later. Continue to knead the dough until it looks nice
and smooth and detaches itself from the edge of the bowl. Cover it with
plastic wrap and leave it to rise for ca. 1 ½ hours. Once the dough has risen
and without kneading it, cut it into four pieces and roll it out thinly. The
pizzas can be baked on a baking tray or a pizza tray. To bake, prick the base
with a fork and spread the melted butter on it. Bake the pizza at 200 °C with
both top and bottom heat for 5 to 6 minutes until crispy.
Straight after baking, spread the nut nougat cream on the hot base and and
add the other toppings to taste. The pizza then needs to go back into the
oven until the marshmallows are light brown and the chocolate is slightly
The pizza tastes best fresh out of the oven.
Pear, Honey, Sage and Taleggio Pizza

1 ball of pizza dough

1 large pear
80 g Taleggio cheese
50 g Pecorino cheese
3 sage leaves
1 tbsp honey
2 tbsp oil
Sea salt, pepper

Preheat the oven and the pizza stone. Cut the pear in half,
remove the core and cut it into thin slices.
Remove the rind of the Taleggio cheese and chop it up. Roll
out the pizza dough into a flat base, coat it with olive oil, and
spread the Taleggio and the pear slices on the base. Round it
off with grated Pecorino and sage leaves. Finally, drizzle the
pizza with honey and season with salt and pepper. Bake it on
the pizza stone for 6 to 8 minutes.
Baking Bread
Simple Rye Bread on the Pizza Stone
210 g wholegrain rye flour 60 g old bread
230 ml water 240 ml water
4 g salt 8 g salt

40 g sourdough starter 370 g rye flour

120 ml water

For the sourdough starter, or mother, on the first day you need 20 g rye flour
and 40 ml lukewarm water. Stir this to a smooth porridge and leave the
dough to prove for a day at a warm room temperature in a glass or a bowl,
with a cover or a lid on it.

On the second day, mix the ingredients for the sourdough (210 g wholegrain
rye flour, 230 g water, 4 g salt and 40 g sourdough starter) and let it prove for
12 to 16 hours at room temperature.

For the scald soak, mix boiling water (240 g) with the salt and the old bread,
cover it and leave it to cool off to room temperature. This makes it possible
to store it for up to 12 hours.

For the main dough, mix all the sourdough, the scald soak, 370 g rye flour
(type 1370) and 120 g water (70°C) by hand or with an electric mixer on the
lowest setting for 5 to 8 minutes, until you get a smooth, even mixture
(dough temperature ca. 28°C). More water can be added, if necessary.

Allow the dough to rest for 30 minutes at room temperature. Then knead it
again and leave it to rest for another 80 minutes. The dough is now ready to
bake at 250°C for approximately 50 minutes, on the pre-heated pizza stone .
Indian Naan Bread on the Pizza Stone
500 g flour
150 ml lukewarm milk
2 tbsp sugar
2 tsp dry yeast
1 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp oil
150 ml yogurt
1 egg

Pour the milk in a bowl and stir in 0.5 tbsp sugar and yeast. Allow the
mixture to rest for ca. 20 minutes in a warm place, until the yeast is
dissolved and the mixture starts to bubble. Put the flour in a big bowl and
mix in 1/2 tsp salt and baking powder. Add 2 tbsp suger, the milk with the
dissolved yeast, 2 tbsp vegetable oil, the lightly beaten yogurt and the
lightly beaten egg. Knead the mixture for a good 10 minutes, until the
dough is smooth and malleable. Add 1/4 tsp oil to a bowl an roll the dough
ball around in it. Cover the bowl with cling wrap and leave the dough to
rise in a warm place for 1 hour, so that it doubles in size. Then knead the
dough again, divide it into 6 balls of equal size, and cover it with a cloth.
With a bit of flour, roll the first ball into a thin layer with either a round or
an oval shape.
In the meantime you will have pre-heated your pizza stone. Lay the first
portion of flattened dough on it and turn it over after 3 or 4 minutes.
The bread is best served warm!
Whole Grain Spelt Bread on the Pizza Stone

500 g wholegrain spelt flour

50 g sunflower seeds
50 g linseed
50 g sesame seeds
1/2 packet of fresh yeast or 1 packet of dry yeast
2 tsp salt
2 tbsp fruit vinegar (e.g. apple cider vinegar)
1/2 l lukewarm water

Put all the dry ingredients (that is, the flour, seeds, salt and dry
yeast or crumbled fresh yeast) in a bowl and mix them lightly with
your hands. Then add the fruit vinegar and water and mix it all
together with a hand-held blender. To put the finishing touches on
the dough, give it a good knead with your hands.
Put the yeast dough in a bread tin that has been previously-greased
with a neutral-tasting oil. Sprinkle a handful of sesame seeds on the
dough and pop it in the cold oven.
Set the oven to 200 °C (top and bottom heat) bake the bread for ca.
50 minutes. The time it takes for the oven to heat up is enough to
allow the dough to rise. Switch off the oven after 50 minutes and
leave the bread in the residual heat of the oven for another 15
minutes. Your bread is ready!
Low-Carb Bread on the Pizza Stone

500 g curd cheese

5 eggs
125 oat bran
75 g egg white powder
50 g cold-pressed walnut oil
50 g coarsely-ground linseed
30 g chia seeds
30 g hemp seeds
90 g shelled walnuts coarsely chopped with a knife
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp salt
1 tsp honey

Pre-heat the oven to 175°C.

Successively add all the ingredients and mix to form a firm
dough. If the dough does not stay in a loaf form, use a
springform to help the dough to keep its shape on the pizza
stone in the beginning. When the dough has been baking for a
while and stays firm on its own, you can remove the
springform and allow the bread to finish baking. The baking
process takes between 50 and 60 minutes.
The team

wishes you
Bon Appetit!
Are you happy with
our products?
Feel free to check out
the rest of our
product range on the
following pages!
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No problem with the Dolce Mare®  Pizza
The elegant design of the Dolce Mare®  Pizza Knife, with its high quality oak handle
and its sharp blade, makes it a real eye-catcher in the kitchen.
The eyelet in the blade allows you to save space by hanging your Pizza Knife up on a
hook in your kitchen, leaving you with more space in your cutlery drawer and an
authentic and stylish kitchen accessory to boot.
The Dolce Mare®  Pizza Knife is also suitable for cutting onions and garlic. Even raw
vegetables can be easily sliced and diced.
The Dolce Mare®  Pizza Knife is an absolutely multi-functional tool and belongs in
every pizza baker's kitchen.

Order your Pizza Knife now!

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Save 5% when you buy 2 DOLCE MARE®
products on Amazon!
Just enter the Code DOLCE05R at the check out! 

Save 10% when you buy 3 DOLCE MARE®

products on Amazon!
Just enter the Code DOLCE10R at the check out!
Authentic Italian pizza is created
exclusively in a stone bake oven.
Now you can bring this pleasure into your
home - with the Dolce Mare®  Pizza Stone!

The Dolce Mare®  Pizza Stone absorbs excess moisture and in doing so gives your
pizza the original Italian flavor.
The result: An irresistible, crispy pizza base with a moist topping! Convert you
oven into an Italian stone baking oven: The high quality stone made of durable
cordierite withstands extreme temperature loads and is perfectly suited for both
grill and oven!
What's more, if you order the Pizza Stone you will receive a free Pizzas Peel with
your order! The Pizza Peel is made of high-quality pine wood and makes sliding
your pizza in and out of the oven a breeze!

Order your Pizza Knife now!

Click here!
Save 5% when you buy 2 DOLCE MARE® products on Amazon!
Just enter the Code DOLCE05R at the check out!  

Save 10% when you buy 3 DOLCE MARE® products on Amazon!

Just enter the Code DOLCE10R at the check out!
Dolce Mare® Bamboo Bread Bin - With
Bamboo Cutting Board Lid
BEAUTIFUL DESIGN - Our bread bin stands out with its noble design, and is available in two different colours
(black/white). The bamboo bread bin is perfect for food storage. An e-book full of tasty cooking ideas is also
included with our bread bins
HIGH QUALITY - The large bread bin delivers, not only with its aesthetics, but also with its extremely high quality.
The ventilation holes and the bottom grooves will keep your bread fresher for longer. This breadbox is simply
ideal for bread storage
PLENTY OF ROOM - Unlike most bread bins for the kitchen, the wooden bread bin from DOLCE MARE is the
perfect size to store bread and other baked goods. It doesn't matter how high or wide the food is. Our bread
storage container has ample space.
PRACTICAL "2 IN 1" BREAD BIN SET - The bamboo lid of the DOLCE MARE bread storage box can be used as a
cutting board. It is extremely sturdy and can also be used as a base from which to serve your sliced bread.
EXTREMELY SUSTAINABLE - The attractive bread container box from DOLCE MARE is manufactured completely
from sustainable materials. The big bread bin itself is made from food-safe bamboo wood fibres, whilst the lid is
made of very robust bamboo wood.

Order your Bamboo Bread Bin now!

Click here!
Save 5% when you buy 2 DOLCE MARE® products on Amazon!
Just enter the Code DOLCE05R at the check out!  

Save 10% when you buy 3 DOLCE MARE® products on Amazon!

Just enter the Code DOLCE10R at the check out!
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Then we would appreciate your online feedback, so that we can continue to
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