LG-02 Machine Design - Direct Stress

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Ministry of Education

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Machine Design and



Learning Guide # 02
Unit of Competence: Calculate the Stress – Strength
Design of
Machine Elements and Components
Module Title: Calculating the Stress – Strength Design of
Machine Elements and Components

LG Code:
TTLM Code:

LO 2: To calculate the Stress-Strength Design of Machine Elements and

Machine Design and Application

Ministry of Education
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia



For design calculations;

St = Sdt = design tensile stress

Based on the yield strength, Sdt= Syt / nyt

Syt = material yield strength
Based on the ultimate strength, Sdt= Sut / nut
Sut = material ultimate strength

Where: F = force A=Area n = design factor Page6

With design factor:

Machine Design and Application

Ministry of Education
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

B. Compression:

Sc = compression stress = F /Ac

For design calculations;

Sc = Sdc = design compressive stress

C. Shearing Stress: Page6

Single Shear

Ss = shearing stress = F / As As =

Machine Design and Application

Ministry of Education
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

For design calculations: Ss = Sds = design shearing stress

a. Based on yield strength

As = x2

Double shear
b. Based on ultimate strength

D. Bending Moment: Page6

Machine Design and Application

Ministry of Education
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

@ M1 = 0
FA (X1) + FB (X1 + X2) + W (X/2) + R2 = 0

@ Fv = 0
R1 + R2 – FA – FB – W = 0

MB = R1 (X/2) – FA (X1) – ( W (X/2) ) ( X/2 )


Sample Problem:

A. A rod with a cross-sectional area of A and loaded in tension with an axial

force of P = 2000 lb undergoes a stress. Using a material strength of 24 kpsi
and a design factor of 3.0, determine the minimum diameter of a solid circular
rod and select a preferred fractional diameter and determine the rod’s factor
of safety.

Machine Design and Application

Ministry of Education
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Sample Problem:

B. A 30ft long steel shaft weighing 150 lb per ft of length has a 500-lb
concentrate gear load 10 ft from the left end of the shaft, and a 2000-lb
concentrated pulley load 15 ft from the right end of the shaft. Determine the
end reactions and maximum bending moment in this shaft.

Machine Design and Application

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