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Ministry of Education

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Machine Design and



Learning Guide # 03
Unit of Competence: Calculate the Torsional Stress –
Strength Design of Shafting
Module Title: Calculating the Torsional Stress – Strength
Design of Shafting

LG Code:
TTLM Code:

LO 3: To calculate the Torsional Stress-Strength Design of Shafting

Machine Design and Application

Ministry of Education
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


A. Torsional Stress

B. Bending Shear Stress

C. Torque

D. Power

Machine Design and Application

Ministry of Education
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Sample Problem A.

A crankshaft loaded with a force equal to 1200 lbs that causes twisting and bending
with V= 2000 ft/min and rpm=1800 with bending moment equal to 16000 lb-in and
bending stress of 22 kpsi. Determine the torsional stress of the shaft.

Sample Problem B.

A 1.5 in diameter transmission shaft with 30 inches length is driving two pulleys at
10inches center distance apart. First pulley load is 1000 lb in tentional side and 200 lb in
slack side at the longitudinal left side. The second pulley has a tentional side load of 500
lb and slack side load of 100 lb vertically downward. The shaft has a torque equal to
1600 lb-in with side reactives at y–z axis at 200 and 800 lbs respectively located at the
left side end. Another reactives at y-z axis both 400 lbs at the right end side of the
shafting. A. Determine the value of the net moment for the two loads at maximum point.
B. Find the torsional stress of the shaft. C. Solve for the tensile stress both the 2 loads.


Machine Design and Application

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