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Easter Bunny had an extremely long and tiring day painting all the chocolate eggs

for Easter. It was the day before Easter Sunday and he needed a rest. Easter
Bunny had a big piece of his favourite carrot cake for dinner and went to bed.
Next day the alarm clock rang and rang for a long time, till the batteries were
low. Easter Bunny was in such a deep sleep that the noise didn’t wake him up. A
day later the bright sunshine shone onto his face and his eyes opened. Just like
any other day Easter Bunny got up and prepared a nice piece of carrot toast for
breakfast. He brought the newspaper in and sat to the table. Easter Bunny’s
eyes opened wide open when he read the shocking news on the front cover:
Tragedy: No Eggs for Easter?!. Then he checked the date on the paper
quickly. It was the first day of Easter. ’Oh no!!! I overslept! All the eggs are in
my bunny hole! I made all the children around the world upset! What am I going
to do?!’

What do you think? What did Easter Bunny do? Can he fix the problem? How?

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