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University of Bahrain

Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center

Course Syllabus Form

1. Course code: ENGL221 2. Course title: Language Development IV

3. College: College of Arts

4. Department: English Language and Literature

5. Program: BA in English Language and Literature

6. Course credits: 3

7. Course NQF level: Not applicable

8. NQF credits: Not applicable

9. Prerequisite: ENGL106 and ENGL128

10. Lectures timing & location:

Number of Sections:
Section 02: U, H ( 12:30 - 13:45 ) S/S17/228
Section 04: M, W ( 11:00 - 12:15 ) S/S17/236
Section 05: M, W ( 13:00 - 14:15 ) S/S17/226

11. Course webpage: on Blackboard

12. Course instructor + email: Dr. elyes Hanafi

13. Office hours and location:
Consultations during virtual sessions or electronically via email/Teams.
14. Course coordinator: Dr. Yasser Gomaa

15. Academic year: 2022-2023

16. Semester: please tick one X First Second Summer

17. Textbook(s):
 Oakes, M. S., & Eales, F. (2018). Speakout Advanced Plus, 2nd Edition Student's Book.
Pearson Education.

18. References:
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University of Bahrain
Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center

Course Syllabus Form

 Montgomery, M., Durant, A., Furniss, T., & Mills, S. (2013). Ways of reading: Advanced
reading skills for students of English literature. Londres (Inglaterra); Nueva York (Estados
Unidos: Routledge.
 Grellet, F. (1986). Developing Reading Skills: A practical guide to reading comprehension
exercises. Ernst Klett Sprachen.
 Wainwright, G. (2007). How to Read Faster and Recall More. How to Books Limited.

 Glossary of Linguistic Terms (
 Online Etymology Dictionary (
 Macmillan Dictionary: (
 Collins Dictionary (
 Cambridge Dictionary (

19. Other learning resources:

PowerPoint presentations on Blackboard, on-going in-class Q&A, in-class practical tasks.

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University of Bahrain
Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center

Course Syllabus Form

20. Course description (as per the published catalogue):

This course is designed to help students improve their reading skills at C1-C2 Common
European Framework of Reference (CEFR) level to become more effective readers. The
students will refine their critical reading skills, using (1) the SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read,
Recite, Review) reading strategy, and using annotation; synthesizing information to give
written summaries of long texts or a set of texts; distinguishing fact and opinion; articulating
(orally and in writing) details in figures and tables; interpreting data; drawing conclusions; and
making inferences. In addition, it teaches grammar and vocabulary to help students better
understand linguistically complex texts and produce grammatically accurate writings and oral
presentations with rich and relevant vocabulary. The course also provides training in
synthesizing information from a number of sources to prepare an oral presentation. The three
institutional credits awarded for this course count toward graduation requirements and are,
thus, calculated into the general as well as the major GPA (MCGPA).

21. Program intended learning outcomes (PILOs):

1. Apply knowledge of key theories, principles, concepts, and methods in the fields of
language, linguistics, and literature.
2. Critically analyse diverse forms of discourse and genres in extended written and spoken
texts using appropriate methods and techniques of linguistic and literary analysis and
3. Produce coherent and authentic written essays, reports, and projects using appropriate
language skills.
4. Synthesize information after reading texts comprehensively in a variety of forms, styles,
structures, and modes using intensive information retrieval and interpretation skills.
5. Communicate effectively in speaking by displaying accuracy and fluency in the use of
language, lexis, style, oral presentation skills, and public speaking skills.
6. Develop and conduct primary research using critical thinking skills, adequate data collection
and data analysis methods, accurate documentation, and appropriate ICT skills.

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University of Bahrain
Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center

Course Syllabus Form

22. Course intended learning outcomes (CILOs):

Mapping to PILOs
CILOs 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Effectively use active and critical reading skills to X X X
comprehend structured, unstructured, long, and
grammatically complex texts.
2. Use a working vocabulary of about 5000 most X X X
frequent words in general frequency and
academic word lists in context distinguishing
synonyms and differences in colocation and
3. Write summaries of linguistically complex texts X X
and book reviews.
4. Give a 20-25-minute oral presentation. X X
5. Apply knowledge of English structure and X X
mechanics known at C1-C2 Common European
Framework of Reference (CEFR) level to
comprehend texts.

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University of Bahrain
Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center

Course Syllabus Form

23. Course assessment:

Assessment Details/explanation of Number Weight Date(s)
type assessment in relation to
Quizzes CILO#: 5 2 5% Quiz 01

Quiz 02
5% Week#/Date

Test CILOs#: 1, 3 1 20% Week#/Date

Written CILO#: 3 2 10% Assignment 01

Assignments Students are to give info Week#/Date
about each literary work,
main characters, key
events, reactions to
characters, passages that
seem significant, literary
10% Assignment 02
techniques the author uses,
themes of the work, author,
date of publication, point of
view, and setting.
Oral Presentation CILO#: 5 1 10% Week#/Date
Final Exam CILOs#: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1 40% 17-1-2023
8:30-10:30 AM

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University of Bahrain
Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center

Course Syllabus Form

24. Description of topics to be covered

# Topic title Description

1 Unit 1 Game-Changer
2 Unit 2 Learning

3 Unit 3 Prospects

4 Unit 4 Influence

5 Unit 5 Body

6 Unit 6 Cultures

7 Unit 7 Classics

25. Weekly Schedule

# Week Topics to be CILOs Teaching method Assessment
1 Week 01 Introduction to PowerPoint
ENGL221 presentations,
C4 on-going Q&A,
in-class practical
2 Week 02 Unit 01 PowerPoint Quiz 01
presentations, on- Test
C1,2,3,5 Final Exam
going Q&A, in-class
practical tasks
3 Week 03 Unit 01 PowerPoint Quiz 01
presentations, on- Test
C1,2,3,5 Final Exam
going Q&A, in-class
practical tasks
4 Week 04 Unit 02 C1,2,3,5 PowerPoint Quiz 01

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University of Bahrain
Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center

Course Syllabus Form

presentations, on- Test

going Q&A, in-class Final Exam
practical tasks Assignment 01

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5 Week 05 Unit 02 PowerPoint Quiz 01
presentations, Test
C1,2,3,5 on-going Final Exam
Q&A, in-class Assignment 1
practical tasks
6 Week 06 Unit 03 PowerPoint Quiz 02
presentations, Test
C1,2,3,5 on-going Final Exam
Q&A, in-class
practical tasks
7 Week 07 Unit 03 PowerPoint Quiz 02
presentations, Test
C1,2,3,5 on-going Final Exam
Q&A, in-class
practical tasks

8 Week 08 Mid-semester Break

9 PowerPoint
Week 09 Unit 04 presentations,
C1,2,3,5 on-going
Final Exam
Q&A, in-class
Assignment 02
practical tasks
10 PowerPoint
Week 10 Unit 04 presentations, Test
C1,2,3,5 on-going Final Exam
Q&A, in-class Assignment 02
practical tasks
11 Week 11 Unit 05 PowerPoint Final Exam
C1,2,3,5 on-going
Q&A, in-class
practical tasks
12 Week 12 Unit 05 PowerPoint
C1,2,3,5 Final Exam
University of Bahrain – Quality Assurance& Accreditation Center - Course Syllabus Form
8 Note: Additional information could be added as required by the Instructor, (e.g.,
Note: Items shown underlined cannot be changed without the department consent.

University of Bahrain
Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center

Course Syllabus Form

Q&A, in-class
practical tasks

13 Week 13 Unit 06 Final Exam


14 Week 14 Unit 06
PowerPoint Final Exam

15 Week 15 Unit 07 PowerPoint Final Exam

16 Week 16 Revision PowerPoint
C1,2,3,5 &
on-going Q&A

Final exam Date

9 University of Bahrain – Quality Assurance& Accreditation Center - Course Syllabus Form

University of Bahrain
Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center

Course Syllabus Form

Academic Integrity Statement

Students are to observe the highest level of honesty and academic ethics in pursuit of
their academic goals as per UoB Regulations of Student Conduct and Academic
Integrity, Anti-plagiarism Policies, and Students’ Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.
The consequences for cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration, and other
forms of academic dishonesty can be very serious and will be dealt with as per the
aforementioned policies and regulations.

Prepared by:

10 University of Bahrain – Quality Assurance& Accreditation Center - Course Syllabus Form


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