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Name:___________________________________ Year/Section: _______________


________ 1. It is the one that you hope will possess characteristics similar to that of
a mentor or some other worldly figure.

________2. It is an idealized image that we have developed over time.

________3. It means making use of personal resources such as talents, skills, energy
& time.

________4. It allows you to materialize, visualize, and scrutinize all your ideas which
In turn contributes to the emergence of new ideas.

________5. It can be developed with the help of self – discipline exercise.

________6. It is a result of getting aware of yourself, actions and consequences.

________7. Where most of our failures emanate and not recognized or probably
Recognized but not given appropriate attention or remedy.

________8. The person who admires some parts and criticizes others.

________9. The person who determines what they will say, do, or how the movie
will end.

________ 10. It includes your capacity to learn and create ideas, the general amount
of knowledge.

________ 11. It depends on our innate characteristics – talent and experience


________12. It connotes the identification of the ideal self separate from the actual
Actual self.

________ 13. It allows you to focus only on achieving a specific goal without being
Distracted by less important things.
_________14. It allows you to find extraordinary ways to carry out a specific action.

_________ 15. It helps you cope with the problems encountered with lack of

_________16. Stage of puberty to 18 yrs. old.

_________17. Increasingly rapid physical and mental decline are experienced.

_________ 18. Stage where learning to distinguish right from wrong and developing

_________ 19. Developing acceptable attitudes toward society.

_________ 20. Establishing relations with one’s own age.

Test II. True or False

_________1. Transition age from childhood to adulthood occurs between ages

13- 18 years old.

_________2. It is appropriate for Ben to start his occupation during early adulthood.

_________3. During early adulthood, it is normal for us to have a satisfactory career


_________4. Initial socialization is experienced during Late childhood.

________5. Pre-gang age usually happen during infancy.

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