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Ana Gabriela Tapia Manrique_A01735830

Business Globalization

1. International
During the last 4 weeks I had the opportunity to learn about the bases for the import and export of a product, the
guidelines, risks, taxes, required certifications and treaties that this represents; all this in order to know more and
get involved with the concept of "globalization" that today is a process that day by day we all live and is present
from our clothing, dialect to our dishes that we consume daily.
Undoubtedly, all the people who inhabit this planet are living the process of globalization; however, not many
countries fully agree with this magnificent process. Personally, I am impressed by the undoubted benefits that
globalization has brought us over the years because thanks to it, we can be in contact with different staff
around the world, speak and understand different languages, travel, close international treaties and agreements
and, most importantly, close deals with different countries.
Recapitulating all the above, our main purpose was to apply the knowledge we acquired throughout the course
as a team, so we work hand in hand with a company called "Mexican Quality Product & Services S.A“, through
this company we analyze the strengths and weaknesses through important tools in order to reach a conclusion
and propose the best alternative.
Similarly, as part of the challenge we had to present our proposal regarding the country that we considered as
the best option for entry and international expansion for "MQPS" for its E+ki sauces.
To achieve this challenge, we had to do an in-depth analysis, mine is below: 3
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Note: Because the image is very small, the link to the full file can be found by clicking on the inserted image.
Variable type FACTORS Formulas China India USA
WIKLUND POLITICAL Value Estimate Calculation Value Estimate Calculation Value Estimate Calculation

Qualitative Agreements betw een countries 0.8 Excelent 10 8 Good 8 6.4 Very good 9 7.2
Quantitative (Ranking number) Bureaucracy/Corruption 0.6 1-(x/v alor mayor)*10 66 2.23529412 1.34117647 85 0 0 2 9.76470588 5.85882353
Qualitative Changes in commercial trades 0.9 Excelent 10 9 Regular 6 5.4 good 8 7.2
SUBTOTAL: 18.3411765 11.8 20.2588235

ECONOMICAL Value Estimate Calculation Value Estimate Calculation Value Estimate Calculation

Quantitative Employment rates (Percentage) 0.6 (x/Higher Value)*10 63.5 10 6 44.36 6.98582677 4.19149606 51.3 8.07874016 4.84724409
Quantitative Consumer confidence index (Points) 0.8 (x/Higher Value)*10 120.5 10 8 71.7 5.95020747 4.76016598 65.7 5.45228216 4.36182573
Quantitative I mport Volumes (Percentage) 0.8 (x/v alor mayor)*10 0.1734 8.27290076 6.61832061 0.2096 10 8 0.1458 6.95610687 5.5648855
SUBTOTAL: 20.6183206 16.951662 14.7739553

SOCIAL Value Estimate Calculation Value Estimate Calculation Value Estimate Calculation

Qualitative Beliefs 0.6 Regular 6 3.6 Good 8 4.8 Regular 5 3

Qualitative Consumer opinions 0.7 Very Good 9 6.3 Good 7 4.9 Regular 6 4.2

Qualitative Eating Habits 0.8 Excelent 10 8 Good 8 6.4 Regular 6 4.8

SUBTOTAL: 17.9 16.1 12

TECHNOLOGICAL Value Estimate Calculation Value Estimate Calculation Value Estimate Calculation

Qualitative New machinery or technological dev ices 0.7 Regular 6 4.2 Regular 5 3.5 Regular 5 3.5
Quatitative Use of energy per capita (Kg) 0.5 (1-(x/Higher Value))*10 2236.73 6.71262493 3.35631246 636.57 9.06441799 4.53220899 6804 0 0
Qualitative Distribution Channels 0.7 Good 8 5.6 Good 7 4.9 Regular 6 4.2
SUBTOTAL: 13.1563125 12.932209 7.7

ECOLOGICAL Value Estimate Calculation Value Estimate Calculation Value Estimate Calculation

Quantitative Climate change (pollution) 0.6 (1-(x/Higher Value))*10 152 0.5 0.3 160 0 0 120 2.5 1.5
Qualitative Natural disasters 0.5 Regular 5 2.5 Regular 6 3 Good 8 4
Qualitative Ecofriendly culture/Recycling 0.6 Good 7 4.2 Regular 5 3 Good 8 4.8
SUBTOTAL: 7 6 10.3

LEGAL Value Estimate Calculation Value Estimate Calculation Value Estimate Calculation

Quatitative Minimum salary (annual dollars) 0.7 (x/Higher Value)*10 54,422 10 7 5054.23 0.92871082 0.65009757 51,916 9.53957407 6.67770185
Qualitative Operating licenses 0.8 good 8 6.4 Good 8 6.4 Very good 10 8
Qualitative Barriers in export controls 0.7 Ecelent 10 7 Good 7 4.9 Excellent 10 7
SUBTOTAL: 20.4 11.950098 21.677702

SUMA 97.4158095 75.7339686 86.7104807

Qualitative categories
Regular 5,6
Good 7,8
Very Good 9

Excelent 10
From my personal opinion when doing this laborious work, I was able to realize the skills I needed to develop
with greater dedication such as searching for information, selective analysis and selection of important data to
be able to reach a result or for any type of work that requires an exhaustive investigation; However, despite
being a challenge for me the integrative evidence, it was not impossible since the only limitations are those
that one puts oneself, so they should not exist, so from my personal experience I did not give up in the search
and analysis of said data and be able to reach a final result of excellence.

In the same way I learned to work in a team, to know my co-workers better and to divide activities according to
the skills and competencies of each member to be able to deliver quality work, despite the fact that most of
the evidence was individual. On the other hand, I learned to use work tools relevant to my professional life such
as PESTEL that helped me to carry out a strategic planning to define the context of the company "MQPS, as
well as analyze external political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors that can
influence the company.

On the other hand, the main problems I faced are twofold; the first was learning to work as a team, as not
everyone cooperated in equal proportions, so I had to act with maturity and assign responsibilities that each
member of my team felt comfortable with; however, it was a challenge overcome since in the end we delivered
an evidence of excellence in what corresponds to the collaborative parts. The fact of working in a team
requires the development and application of certain skills such as democratic leadership, empathy and a lot of

The second difficulty that was presented to me was learning to use and search for information in the
databases, since there were three main ones such as TRADE MAP, TRADE WIZARD AND PASSPORT
EUROMONITOR., however, I faced this difficulty with dedication and responsibility since for my part I was not
satisfied with the knowledge I had and asked for help with friends and YouTube videos.

In my opinion many people would stay with the knowledge they know without the need to seek more
information to enrich their learning, however, it is very important not to be satisfied in order to make a
difference and deliver works of excellence.

Finally, the time has come to mention the reason why I believe that China is the best country as an option for
the company "MQPS" to export its products and open the process of internationalization to that country; so in
the next paragraph I will support my idea with three main reasons.

1. It has a wide and quite sustainable economy, so it allows citizens to afford to buy certain high-quality
foods such as gourmet products, in this case it would be the habanera sauce.
2. The barriers to entry are null, although there is no agreement or treaty between Mexico and China, both
belong to the World Trade Organizations (WTO), so when it comes to following certain norms and quality
standards, the barriers to entry are null
3. Natural disasters in China are not extreme or severe, so they do not harm agriculture or the import of
certain food products, so this point acts at the convenience of the company.
4. As an extra point, but that I consider the most important, it is worth mentioning that China occupies the
number 1 place internationally in a country that consumes sauces and condiments, so the consumer
market is wide.

Having mentioned these 4 relevant reasons why China is the best option for the company "MQPS" to internationalize to this
country; likewise I would like to mention and explain in detail the reason why my entry method is the best option:
My entry method focuses on improving the processes of each of the items such as sourcing, processing, marketing and
distribution, in order to make the export stage of E+ki products to China more efficient.

1.Sourcing: As we well know, one of the most notorious competitive advantages of E+ki is the quality of the product, so the
use of technology and the application of metrics will help not only the quality of the product to be a competitive advantage,
but also the company will be able to see greater areas of opportunity and the areas where they must improve. Apart from
the fact that technology can make productivity efficiency grow
2.Processing: At this point of processes I consider it very important to work with the productivity of employees and the
strategic objectives where the company seeks to reach; therefore, it is necessary to analyze the metrics and results
obtained from the implementation of continuous improvement processes. So that you can know if the objectives have
been achieved or if it is necessary to modify the strategy. Likewise, it is important to control and constantly monitor all
processes to identify when a change occurs and establish a strategy again that helps meet the objectives of the company
3. Marketing: E+ki products are not economical, however, they have an advantage and that is that they have variety, quality,
organic production and potential. So a good strategy for the company would be to show customers the commitment they
have with them by providing them with a healthy, quality and organic product.
4.Distribution channel: At this point it is very important to recognize that China's entry barriers to Mexico are almost zero, so
e-commerce is a good strategy to start entering this market segment.
After having completed my Wiklund analysis and Pestel analysis, some that exposed my learnings and
justifications supported, I have nothing more to argue, so from this evidence I take excellent learnings that will
be extremely valuable for my professional and work life.

● Trade Wizard. (s.f). Export Controls.
● - Euromonitor. (s. f.). Euromonitor Login. Passport.
● - Colaboradores de Wikipedia. (2022, 19 abril). Política energética de los Estados Unidos. Wikipedia.
● - Los Tratados de Libre Comercio de México [2021] | Mundi. (2021).

● - Foreign Product Preference among Indian Consumers: The Role of Product Reviews, Word
of Mouth and Quality of Shared
Information | Journal of Information & Knowledge Management. (2022). Journal Of Information &
Knowledge Management. 15

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