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ANonce encryption in 802.11i 4-way handshake protocol

Conference Paper · January 2009

DOI: 10.1145/1821748.1821839 · Source: DBLP

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2 authors, including:

Y.L. Ho
Multimedia University


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ANonce Encryption in 802.11i 4-way Handshake
Aidil Izani Jafri Yean Li Ho
Multimedia University Multimedia University
Jalan Ayer Keroh Lama Jalan Ayer Keroh Lama
75450 Melaka, Malaysia 75450 Melaka, Malaysia

ABSTRACT Key (PSK) for home and SOHO users and WPA Extensible
Authentication Protocol (EAP), which is mainly for
802.11i is the latest security standard for wireless LAN enterprise users [4]. WPA maintained its reputation as
(WLAN). It provides data confidentiality and integrity. The secure protocol for quite some time until vulnerabilities
802.11i 4-way handshake and key management remains were found inside the 4-way handshake protocol. It is
secure against any attack which could compromise the key. possible for an attacker to obtain a passphrase by capturing
However, availability protection is still an issue as 802.11i the 4-way handshake messages and performing a dictionary
is subjected to denial of service attacks. Since Message 1 in attack on the captured packets [6, 4, 5]. After the discovery
the 4-way handshake is not protected by any mechanism, of this vulnerability, 802.11i was initiated to resolve the
forging these messages is possible. This paper presents a problem, and Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2), which
light and simple implementation to deter DoS attacks implements the technology and standards from 802.11i [12]
against the 4-way handshake protocol. was born. A major improvement introduced by WPA2 is
the deployment of Counter Mode with Cipher Block
Categories and Subject Descriptors Chaining Message Authentication Code Protocol (CCMP)
[21], which utilizes the Advanced Encryption Standard
C.2.2 [Computer-Communication Networks]: (AES) [14].
Network Protocols
Although 802.11i is able to protect the key or passphrase
General Terms from being compromised, it is not completely secure.
Despite the evolution of WLAN security protocols from
Security WEP to WPA2, WLAN is still vulnerable to various denial
of service (DoS) attacks such as radio frequency jamming,
Keywords disassociation and deauthentication attacks [1], and
flooding [11, 8]. Specifically, the 802.11i 4-way handshake
802.11i, 4-way handshake protocol, ANonce, WLAN is vulnerable to certain denial of service attacks including
Security, DoS attack the 1 Message DoS attack and the reflection attack [7].
These particular attacks will cause failure or an incomplete
1. INTRODUCTION 4-way handshake. Hence, the client station will be unable
to authenticate itself to the access point under the
Wireless LAN (WLAN) has becoming more popular circumstances. Clearly, a new mechanism is needed to
among home users and enterprise users because of its counter these attacks and to ensure continuous availability
mobility, wide availability of hardware and affordable of data and network connectivity.
price. 802.11 is one of the standards of WLAN set by the
IEEE. The 802.11 [13] has undergone various amendments This paper focuses on addressing the problem of DoS
to improve its bandwidth, range, functionalities and attacks against the 4-way handshake protocol in deterring
security. the 1 Message DoS attack. It explores previously conducted
studies and research of proposed solutions [11, 8]. This
The earliest form of security adopted in the early stages of paper introduces a new proposed solution by encrypting
WLAN is the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) protocol Message 1 to maintain its confidentiality. The main
[4]. After a few years, it was shown to be insecure and contribution of this paper is the design of the proposed
replaced with the Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) protocol. solution and the analysis of the results obtained from the
There are two types of WPA applications: WPA Pre-shared implementation of the proposed solution.

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for This paper is segmented according to the following
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are arrangement. Section 2 explains the overview of 802.11i 4-
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that way handshake protocol. Section 3 summarizes the related
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy works which have previously been done by others to
otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, protect 802.11i 4-way handshake protocol from denial of
requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. service attacks. Section 4 describes our proposed solution
MoMM2009, December 14–16, 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
in detail, the results analysis and future improvements to
Copyright 2009 ACM 78-1-60558-659-5/09/0012...$5.00.
strengthen it. Section 5 concludes the paper.
2. IEEE 802.11i PTK contains 4 temporal keys; key encryption key (KEK)
to protect the confidentiality of the handshake, key
The IEEE 802.11i introduces the standard of CCMP [21] confirmation key (KCK) for integrity of the handshake,
based on a well known strong block cipher, the Advanced temporal key (TK) for data encryption and temporal MIC
Encryption Standard (AES) [12,14]. This eliminates the use key (TMK) for data authentication [6, 4].
of the weak RC4 stream cipher key [9] in WPA and
increases the strength of the key in IEEE 802.11i with the The supplicant will then generate its own random number,
AES algorithm. SNonce and compute the Message Integrity Code (MIC)
[2,9] using KCK. The purpose of the MIC is to ensure the
2.1 The 4-way Handshake Protocol integrity of Message 2 [2,6,9]. Prior to receiving Message 2
from the supplicant, the authenticator will first extract the
SNonce, compute the PTK and derive temporal keys. The
KCK is used to verify the MIC in Message 2. If the
verification succeeds, the authenticator proceeds to send
Message 3 (consisting of Group Transient Key (GTK)
which is encrypted with KEK plus the MIC) [6].

Once the supplicant receives Message 3, it will verify the

MIC through the same process. If verification is successful,
the supplicant will install the PTK and GTK. Finally,
Message 4 is sent to the authenticator as an
acknowledgement message that PTK and GTK have been
successfully installed and the handshake is completed [6,4].

2.2 Weaknesses of the 4-way Handshake

The principal factor which leads to the 1 Message DoS is
the lack of confidentiality and integrity of Message 1 in the
802.11i 4-way handshake protocol [6, 8]. In the standard 4-
way handshake, the ANonce sent from the authenticator to
Figure 1. 802.11i 4-way handshake protocol [3, 4] the supplicant is transmitted in plaintext [6]. Since there is
no method of authentication or privacy protection at this
In WPA2, the PSK is generated from a 256-bit string point, an attacker is able to capture and spoof this message
passphrase ranging from 8 to 63 characters [6]. In this [11, 3, 7, 8].
protocol, the pairwise master key (PMK) is actually equal
to the pre-shared key (PSK) [6]:

PMK = PBKDF22 (passphrase, SSID, SSID length, 4096,


Initially, the authenticator will generate a random number,

ANonce. This element is then encapsulated inside Message
1 along with a sequence number. The sequence number is
used to prevent replay attacks [6, 4].

Upon receiving Message 1, the supplicant will generate

SNonce and derive a pairwise transient key (PTK) based on
the PMK, the received ANonce and the generated SNonce.
The derivation of the PTK can be expressed as in [6]:

PTK = PRF-X (PMK, Pairwise key expansion, Figure 2. One message denial of service attack
Min(Authenticator_MAC, Supplicant_MAC) || (Situation 1) [3, 7, 8]
Max(Aauthenticator_MAC, Supplicant_ MAC) ||
Min(ANonce, SNonce) || Max(ANonce, SNonce)) Figure 2 shows an example of the 1 Message DoS attack on
the supplicant. In this situation, the attacker sends a forged
Message 1 which contains a new ANonce value to the
1 supplicant before the supplicant has a chance to send
Counter Mode CBC Message Authentication Code
Protocol Message 2 to the authenticator. This causes the supplicant
2 to re-generate a new SNonce value and derive a new PTK
Password-Based Key Derivation Function from RSA
Public Key Cryptography Standards value based on the ANonce received from the attacker [8].
Assume that these new values are SNonce’, PTK’ and
ANonce’. When the client sends Message 2 to the
authenticator, the MIC verification will fail because PTK ≠
PTK’ [3, 8]. Therefore, the handshake is incomplete.

Another situation of a similar DoS attack is shown in

Figure 3. When an attacker sends a spoofed Message 1, the
supplicant is forced to generate a new SNonce, derive a
new PTK based on the new ANonce and SNonce, and
finally store the new PTK [8]. Once the supplicant receives
Message 3 from the authenticator, the supplicant will verify
the MIC in Message 3 with its PTK. However, since the
new PTK value is different from the PTK used by the
authenticator, the MIC verification fails, resulting in an
incomplete handshake [8]. Hence, the supplicant fails to be
authenticated. The attacker can also choose to flood the
supplicant with spoofed Message 1. As a result, the
supplicant will experience memory exhaustion because it
needs to re-store the new ANonce, SNonce and PTK every
time it receives the spoofed Message 1 [8].
Figure 4. Message 1 authentication using MIC [8]

3.2 Nonce Re-use

In this method, the supplicant will re-use the same values
of SNonce until the legitimate handshake is completed and
PTK is installed in both the supplicant and authenticator
[8]. This approach requires the supplicant to store the
SNonce and derive a PTK based on the stored SNonce and
the received ANonce. When the supplicant receives
Message 3 from the authenticator, the supplicant will
derive a PTK again from the stored SNonce and received
ANonce to verify the MIC in Message 3.

The advantage of this approach is that it eliminates memory

exhaustion [8]. The supplicant is not required to store each
SNonce which is computed after receiving each Message 1.
However, more computational power is required at the
supplicant side due to the fact that the computation of PTK
is done twice. Hence, if an attacker is able to perform
Figure 3. One message denial of service attack Message 3 flooding on the client, it might lead to CPU
(Situation 2) [3, 7, 8] exhaustion [8].

3. RELATED WORKS 3.3 Enhanced 2-way Handshake Protocol

There are several solutions and implementations which had
been proposed to defend against denial of service attacks
on the 4-way handshake protocol [11, 3, 8, 1].

3.1 Message 1 Authentication

This solution proposes an authentication method in
Message 1 to ensure its integrity [8]. The basic concept is
to add the MIC inside Message 1. Before any messages are
exchanged in the 4-way handshake, both supplicant and
authenticator should already have a shared common secret
key which is the PMK. It is used by the authenticator to
derive the PTK, which is then used to compute the MIC.
When the supplicant receives Message 1, it will derive the
PTK from the PMK and use the derived PTK to verify the
value of the MIC. If verification is successful, the
supplicant will proceed to calculate the SNonce. Message 1
and Message 3 are still distinguishable by the secure bit [8]. Figure 5. Enhanced 2-way handshake protocol [11]
This proposed solution redesigns the WPA / WPA2 4. PROPOSED SOLUTION
handshake into a 2-way handshake [11]. It consists of two
messages, MsgA and MsgB. Figure 5 depicts the proposed The proposed solution introduced in this paper attempts to
solution. deter this type of DoS attack by using the Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES) [14] to ensure Message 1
MsgA which is sent by the authenticator, is encrypted with confidentiality.
the PMK. MsgA consist of ANonce, RNonce, and the SID,
which is the supplicant’s identification information (i.e. 4.1 ANonce Encryption
MAC address) [11]. When the supplicant receives MsgA, it
will decrypt the packet and compare the SID value with its At the initial stage of the 4-way handshake, both the
own to verify if the authenticator is legitimate. If the authenticator and the supplicant should already have
authenticator is successfully verified, MsgB will be sent to knowledge of the passphrase or PMK [11, 8]. Since PMK =
the authenticator. Note that the RNonce in MsgB is the PBKDF2 (passphrase, SSID, SSID length, 4096, 256) [6],
same as the RNonce in MsgA [11]. Next, the authenticator it can be used as a key for encryption process.
only needs to verify the value of RNonce before deriving
and installing the PTK. When the authenticator generates the ANonce, it will use
the PMK as the key to encrypt the ANonce before sending
The enhanced 2-way handshake protocol does not involve to the supplicant. In this paper, the AES cipher feedback
any MIC, thus it uses less processing power [11]. This (AES-CFB) [20] block cipher mode is chosen to encrypt
simplified solution reduces the information exchange the ANonce. Once the supplicant receives Message 1, it
between the supplicant and authenticator. However, will decrypt the ciphertext to obtain the ANonce. If both
security is dependent on the PMK as it is used directly as passphrases used by the authenticator and the supplicant are
the key to encrypt both messages. Thus, the strength of the the same, the decrypted ciphertext will return a correct
key must be strong enough to withstand the success rate of ANonce value. If different passphrases were used to
a dictionary or brute force attack. encrypt or decrypt the ciphertext, the resulting ANonce will
be invalid as it contains symbols and special characters
which are unreadable. The ANonce will only be stored and
3.4 Static and Dynamic 4-way Handshake be used to compute PTK only if the ANonce is valid,
Protocol otherwise it will be rejected and dropped.
There are three forms of the static 4-way handshake
protocol [3]:
i. Standard static solution
ii. Static solution with trade-off variant
iii. Static solution with trade-off variant and memory

The methodology in the standard static solution is almost

similar to the method in nonce re-use as described in
section 3.2. The supplicant does not store the PTK value.
Instead, it stores the SNonce and re-computes the PTK
based on the stored SNonce and the received ANonce [3].

Static solution with trade-off variant requires the supplicant

to store all three values; ANonce, SNonce and PTK [3]. It
compares the value of the stored ANonce with the ANonce
in Message 3 before verifying the MIC. Memory
exhaustion occurs not only during a denial of service attack
scenario, but also during a normal no-attack scenario [3].
The third type of static solution overcomes this problem by Figure 6. 4-way handshake with ANonce encryption
deleting the SNonce and ANonce values upon receiving
Message 3 from authenticator. This improved approach has The proposed solution was implemented by using Python
lower performance than the first standard static solution but [15] and the pyCrypto module [10] to simulate the Message
better performance compared to the second static solution 1 exchange between 3 nodes; the authenticator, the
[3]. supplicant, and the attacker. Two different simulations
were done. The first one was done to simulate the standard
The dynamic solution adopts all three types of static 4-way handshake, and the other one to simulate the
solutions with an additional intelligent software module; proposed solution. In the first simulation, all ANonce were
which monitors the system parameters and memory, not encrypted and in the second simulation, the both the
controls the CPU load and threshold levels and is able to authenticator and the supplicant used the same passphrase
switch between the three static solutions based on the as the key whereas the attacker used a different or no
threshold value [3]. This implementation successfully passphrase. In both simulations, 50 packets were sent by
avoids denial of service attacks and flooding attacks [3]. the attacker with 0.2, 0.02 and 0.002 second delay to
simulate typical network conditions, and the authenticator to distinguish between Message 1 coming from the
sent 5 packets randomly. authenticator or from an attacker’s node. Thus, the
supplicant accepts all transmissions of Message 1, re-
4.2 Results computes and re-stores the PTK over and over again until
all the allocated memory is used up. Additionally, the
Table 1 and Table 2 show the results from both supplicant was unable to verify the MIC in Message 3 since
simulations. the new recomputed PTK value is different from the PTK
used by the authenticator. This leads to an incomplete and
Table 1: 1 Message DoS flooding attack on the standard failed handshake.
4-way handshake
Delay Average time until Average In the second simulation, only legitimate packets which
(seconds) memory exhaustion throughput were sent by the authenticator were received and stored
(second) (packets per whereas the other packets sent by the attacker were
second) dropped. This proves that ANonce encryption can eliminate
0.200 1.825 5 the memory exhaustion threat and subsequently the 4-way
0.020 0.310 32 handshake failure caused by 1 Message DoS attack. The
0.002 0.160 64 overall message transmission performance was measured
by the time taken for the authenticator to encrypt each
Table 2: 1 Message DoS flooding attack on the proposed ANonce. From the results in Table 3, the time taken to
solution encrypt a packet is 0.00022 seconds. Since this value is so
Delay Average time until Average small, it can be considered almost negligible.
(seconds) memory throughput
exhaustion(second) (packets per The advantages of ANonce encryption is better
second) performance as compared to the Message 1 Authentication
0.200 - 5 method [8] because it does not require computing of the
0.020 - 32 MIC and complex integrity checking. The enhanced 2-way
0.002 - 64 Handshake Protocol proposed a solution which encrypts
more than one element (ANonce, RNonce and SID) and
The performance of the proposed solution was tested by major change from the 4-way handshake model as
sending 50 packets of unencrypted and encrypted ANonce proposed by 802.11i standard to a 2-way handshake [11].
without any delays between each packet. Three separate Since the MIC is completely stripped from the 2-way
tests were done to find the average value. handshake, the absence of integrity protection could pose a
Table 3: Performance comparison new threat to the implementation. The proposed solution in
Test 1 2 3 Average this paper only requires the encryption of the ANonce, thus
Without 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 reducing the computational power and time as compared to
ANonce the enhanced 2-way handshake. As ANonce encryption
encryption only involves modification to Message 1, it still maintains
(seconds) the other 4-way handshake message transmissions which
contain the MIC, thus preserving the authentication
With ANonce 0.031 0.047 0.047 0.042
mechanism which protects the integrity of Messages 2, 3
and 4.
Referring to Table 1, the time taken until memory The static and dynamic 4-way handshake solution requires
exhaustion occurs decreases rapidly if the attacker sends a a thorough investigation on the behavior of CPU and
higher number of packets per second. memory consumption in order to set the threshold [3].
However, different sets of devices or networks might have
Results from Table 2 show that the supplicant does not different behaviors and this adds to the complexity of the
experience any memory exhaustion at all, from the implementation, resulting in false accepts or false rejects.
beginning till the end of each simulation test. The proposed solution in this paper only requires firmware
modification in both supplicant and authenticator [11,8].
The proposed solution’s performance can be assessed by
referring to Table 3. For each packet sent, t = (average time Nevertheless, the proposed solution in this paper reveals a
/ 50); it takes 0.00062 seconds to send one unencrypted new vulnerability. Since the PMK is computed from the
packet and 0.00084 seconds to encrypt and send the packet. passphrase, it is possible for the attacker to obtain the
Hence, an average 0.00022 second difference is the time PMK. If the attacker manages to capture Message 1 during
needed for the authenticator to encrypt the packet. the 4-way handshake, the attacker could perform a
dictionary or brute-force attack against the captured
4.3 Evaluation Message 1. Thus, the strength of key depends on the
strength of the passphrase.
The results from both simulations prove that memory
exhaustion can be deterred by implementing the proposed Some improvements will be made to the proposed solution
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5. CONCLUSION Verification of 802.11i 4-way Handshake Protocol.
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technology – Telecommunications and information
defend against certain DoS attacks such as the 1 Message
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problem and studying other defense mechanisms, a new area networks – Specific requirements – Part 11:
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it could deter 1 Message DoS attack/flooding and prevent technology – Telecommunications and information
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open the possibility for an attacker to perform a dictionary
or brute-force attack and then, if successful, obtain the area networks – Specific requirements – Part 11:
passphrase and compromise the overall security. Wireless LAN Medium Access Control and Physical
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