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Rainwater Collection System in Buildings with

Filtration Processes for non-potable use

J. L. Almaraz-Olvera, J. M. Camacho-Mauricio, J. A.
Lindero-González, L. D. Torres-Rodríguez, A. García-Mejía José Gabriel Ríos Moreno
Department of Engineering School of Engineering
School of Engineering Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro Querétaro, México
Querétaro, México

Abstract—One of the biggest problems facing the world is 𝐿

In Mexico families waste an average of 150 this
water scarcity. About 1.4 billion people live in regions that will 𝑑𝑎𝑦
suffer severe water shortages in the first quarter of the next because of bad habits, this raises the average per person from
century. Because of it must implement new technologies to reduce 200 to 300 , knowing that 100 is enough for urban per
𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝑑𝑎𝑦
these problems for the benefit of future generations. The objective
capita domestic use, due to this new technologies must be
of this research is to improve rainwater harvesting systems for a
filtration process intended for domestic use in urban areas and at
implemented to reduce these problems for the benefit of future
the same time, trying to make it accessible to the general generations [4].
population. The results show that the filtration percentage of the Something to keep in mind is that contaminated water
slow sand filtration method is 90% solids, 70% zinc, 25% and inadequate sanitation directly affect the quality of life of
phosphorus and 10% dissolved solids. Thanks to the installation people. We must consider that rainwater is not contaminated,
of a rainwater harvesting and recovery system, we can easily save but there are other factors that imply that this water worsens its
up to 50% of the potable water consumption at home.
quality to be drinkable, such as plant and animal contamination,
Keywords—purification; rainwater; harvesting; domestic use;
the places and also if we capture it, where it will be stored, the
water shortage material from where it is collected and how is the collection
system [5].
I. INTRODUCTION The International Water Management Institute
Water is indispensable for humanity, without it we (IWMI) has launched a long-term program to improve our
would not exist; the importance of water for our survival is too understanding of water issues and guide irrigation development
great, since it is intimately linked to our development and and related food security efforts as we move into the next
sustenance. The amount of water on earth is approximately 1.41 century. This section presents a synthesis of research conducted
million cubic kilometers, 98% of which is salt water in the by IWMI over the past four years to better understand the
oceans, seas and subway deposits, while the other 2% is fresh magnitude of the water problem and the options available to
water and is found in ice sheets, glaciers, subway aquifers, in countries to address water scarcity. The focus is on irrigation,
the subsoil, in the atmosphere and in living beings. Only 2000 which accounts for two-thirds of the freshwater consumed in
𝑘𝑚 of freshwater is available for human consumption, the world, more than 80% in developing countries and 83% in
excluding lakes [1]. Mexico [6].
The biggest water challenge we face globally is water The improvement of human quality is based on
supply, this due to rapid population growth on the one hand and innovation, which tries to solve problems in the most efficient
technical problems, another major problem we face is water way possible, providing solutions that take into account the
scarcity, overpopulation and flooding [2]. environment and the shortcomings that may be faced,
innovation and the application of new technologies in this area
About 1.4 billion people, a quarter of the world's are essential to improve and ensure the welfare of living beings,
population or a third of the population of developing countries water is a very important liquid on earth but its mismanagement
live in regions that will suffer severe water shortages in the first causes environmental devastation, studies show that the largest
quarter of the next century [3]. amount of water used in Mexico is for the agricultural and
livestock sector, which encourages us to modify the old
irrigation schemes and propose ideas that focus on the supply
and distribution of this vital liquid. These regions are home to burden. Storage capacity must be large enough to buffer both
75% of the country's population. Irrigated agriculture in Mexico short-term fluctuations in water use and long-term fluctuations
claims most of the national extractions, with 71% of the total, in rainfall [12].
while industrial sectors represent 20% and households the rest
[7]. This study explores the awareness of rooftop rainwater
harvesting systems, attitudes towards them and their
𝐿 acceptability among the people of Dehradun, India where the
In Querétaro, people spend approximately 170 ,a
𝑑𝑎𝑦 results indicate that rooftop rainwater harvesting is acceptable
family of 4 people spends approximately 680 or 4,760 liters to the people, as rooftop rainwater harvesting systems are
(𝐿) of water per week, if the average water tank has about 750 becoming quite prominent internationally due to their low cost
liters (𝐿), this is equivalent to emptying it completely 6 times and high efficiency, however for the majority of the population
per week. Drinking water is a limited resource in the world. this is a new concept that they require more knowledge to make
Only 2% is potable and it is not evenly distributed around the it a priority option [13].
world, which means that in many places, such as Querétaro, we Increasing pressure on water resources in closing
need to bring it from farther away [8]. basins leads farmers to modify their behavior to conserve water
and consider additional, unutilized water sources in attempts to
Far from seriously considering what are the origins of water improve the supply and reliability of irrigation water [14].
scarcity in the world, it seems that the idea is being imposed at
all costs that it is going through a severe crisis that can Over the past number of years, many countries have
annihilate life on the planet, thus creating an environment of experienced an increase in droughts and floods due to climate
change. Ethiopia and Kenya are expected to have precipitation
confusion. conducive to accept privatization without much
levels that will continually decline or remain at an historical
resistance as the only possible option to such a serious dilemma. low, as temperatures are expected to keep increasing [15].
From a geostrategic perspective, granting water management
concessions to private companies and, above all, to foreign Despite the current and projected increase in
firms, is equivalent to promoting the vulnerability of the urbanization and the resulting vulnerability, the literature on
population and its territory in the face of interests other than climate change adaptation in developing countries is
those pursued by each national State [9]. geographically biased towards rural areas, causing
misinformation and low awareness [16].
It is accepted that a change in consumption behavior is Partial redistribution from the large flower companies
necessary for household water that makes its influence on the to the communities led the former to find other sources of water,
availability of this resource more sustainable. It is also accepted adopting three main technological innovations. Reservoirs store
that it is essential to know the determinants of behavior so that water from canals and greenhouse roofs. Almost all large
any attempt to improve current drinking behavior can be companies have two reservoirs: one at the top to store canal
successful. In this sense, not only can external stimuli be water and one at the bottom to collect rainwater from
required that promote a reduction in consumption, such as an greenhouse roofs [17].
increase in the price of consumption, but also that mediational
processes be developed within the family [10]. Rainwater samples were collected in the western
sector of Mexico City (MC) and Rancho Viejo (RV), 80 km
Far from seriously considering what are the origins of water west-southwest of MC, from 2001 to 2005, and in Orizaba City
scarcity in the world, it seems that the idea is being imposed at (OC), about 90 km from the Gulf of Mexico. Rainwater samples
all costs that it is going through a severe crisis that can were treated in the field and analyzed by fluorescence in the
laboratory confirming hydrogen peroxide (H 2O2). The (H2O2)
annihilate life on the planet, thus creating an environment of
concentration in rainwater is controlled by a complex
confusion. conducive to accept privatization without much combination of rainfall intensity, flushing processes and
resistance as the only possible option to such a serious dilemma. Hydrogen (H) formation in the cloud and Oxygen (O), acting
From a geostrategic perspective, granting water management simultaneously, hydrogen peroxide in rainwater was
concessions to private companies and, above all, to foreign significantly and negatively correlated with sulfate in both MC
firms, is equivalent to promoting the vulnerability of the and RV, but not, however, in OC [14].
population and its territory in the face of interests other than
those pursued by each national State [11]. The current paper focuses on examining the reported
microbial quality of rainwater supplies. Most of the microbial
The three key elements of the system are (i) a contamination is derived from debris and fecal material
collection surface, (ii) gutters and (iii) a water tank. The first deposited on the roof surface, primarily from birds. The
should be large enough to intercept in a year no less than the prevalence and level of contamination varies widely, both in
annual water requirement of the building occupants. The terms of indicator organisms and pathogens. Gastrointestinal
second element, gutters, is usually the most economical of the pathogens such as Campylobacter spp, Salmonella spp,
three, but is often overlooked. The third poses the greatest cost Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp. have been isolated from
harvested supplies, although these may not always be of an The objective of this research is to improve rainwater
infectious type to humans leading to the conclusion that in the harvesting systems for a filtration process intended for domestic
UK and much of the world, there are currently no regulations use in urban areas and at the same time, trying to make it
regarding the microbial quality of rainwater harvested for non- accessible to the general population.
potable use , although there are generally standards relating to
the plumbing required to ensure that potable and non-potable
supplies remain separate [15].
The following research proposes a sustainable alternative to The total possible rain catchment will be equal to the average
use rainwater in homes in urban areas and with this to maximize annual rainfall depending on the area, by the surface or area of
the use of drinking water only using it as necessary, and with the catchment area, this is calculated to have an approximate
the water collected by the collection system to do the secondary data of all the water that we can capture, based on the data of
activities such as washing clothes, dishes, household cleaning precipitation in Queretaro, the month with the highest rainfall
and other activities. But we put special emphasis on the is the month of September with an approximate value of 158.6
feasibility that the large-scale implementation of this product [20].
would bring enormous environmental benefits and reduce water
stress that is currently being caused by the high demand for The rainwater harvesting area is equal to the volume
drinking water in large urban areas, also mention that it would calculated on the basis of the design population Equation (1),
bring an economic benefit by reducing water bills, this makes taking into account the 30-year growth curve, or a 20 or 30%
it a great investment and way to contribute to the improvement increase in the current population, over the height of the annual
of the environment emaciated by the overexploitation of this precipitation with a recurrence of 1.25 years minus 10% for
vital liquid. losses due to splashing and in the pipes [16].

As rain is a natural cleaning mechanism, we can use it for 𝑆 =

many daily applications that do not need to have a potable
quality and for which rainwater is an excellent option, this can 𝑚3
reduce more than 40% of the consumption of drinking water in Total rainfall capture possible 𝐶 Equation (2) will be
a home. The importance of capturing, storing, and using equal to the average annual precipitation depending on the area
rainwater for these purposes is of great relevance for most 𝑃 , by surface or area of the catchment area 𝑆 𝑚2 , we
populations, especially those who do not have access to this calculate this to have an approximate figure of all the water that
vital liquid or for whom it is in short supply. Fig. 1 shows some we will be able to capture [17].
domestic consumption in which at least 77 can be perfectly
substituted by rainwater [12]. 𝐶 = (2)

The supply (𝑆𝑎) of water in the storage tank is calculated
by multiplying the roof area (𝐴𝑡𝑚2 ) which in this case would
be the collection area but already specified, due to the
rainfall(𝑃 ), by the runoff coefficient (𝐶𝑒), as observed in
the Equation (3), which depends on the material the roof is
made of and is defined as the rainwater that actually runs off
without being evaporated or absorbed by the material. It is very
important since the amount of water we can capture depends on
the material.

𝑆𝑎 = 𝐴𝑡 ∗ 𝑃 ∗ 𝐶𝑒 (3)

Figure 1. Consumption substitutable by rainwater [11]. For the analysis of the operation of the storage of the
captured water in Equation (4), using the principle of
Given the current climatic situation that the world is facing, conservation of mass, where: is the variation of the volume; is
water scarcity is one of the problems that has the greatest the temporal interval of analysis (in this case 24h); is the
impact, since it is the most important liquid for living beings volume of daily income to the storage due to precipitation; are
and unfortunately is one of the most wasted and undervalued, it the extractions evaluated according to the required
is especially important to take actions for the care, protection consumption. It does this in order to be able to observe what is
and good management of this important liquid.
working correctly and efficiently in our water catchment system
= 𝑄𝐼 − 𝑂 (4)

For capture systems you have different aspects that must be

taken into account for the implementation of these systems.

i) A. Technical factors

There must be a clear understanding of the elements that

make up this system: The material factors, natural conditions,
variables and expectations of the intended use of the rainwater b) Sistem with 2 storage places.

1. Depending on the need or priority, the water can be In the b) Fig. 2 it is observed that purified water is directly
used for: Simple uses such as cleaning floors, toilets allocated to the places of use, this is for places where it does not
or toilets, cleaning clothes, watering plants, cleaning rain much and where no more water is required, and yet if there
cars and others. is a storing rainfall a certain amount of water less than the one
2. Number of members of the family or community to that can be stored for subsection a).
benefit and current consumption.
3. Rainfall in the city.

ii)B. The design of a rainwater

Harvesting system: it is important to note that a minimum

rainwater harvesting system can provide 100% of the water, at
least during the months of the rainy season [23].

Two different models are proposed with different results so that

people based on their available budget choose the best option.

It is important to note that a minimum catchment system will

be able to deliver 100% of water at least during the months of
the rainy season, as long as the ratio between the catchment and c) Sistem with 1 storage place.
treatment capacity and the annual average rainfall in the area is
equal to the water consumption (in the same period of time) of Figure 2. Storage capacities difference [11].
a given family or community.
For the water catchment surface:
In the a) of Fig. 2 it is observed that the purified water is raised 1. Material and its behavior in the face of rainwater
by a hydroneumatic pump to the tinaco so that the water to runoff.
purify itself can be stored and thus have more water capacity 2. Mud and concrete: It is an easily available material but
due to its texture 10 percent is lost, it is proposed that
for its subsequent use. this material be painted to reduce what is lost.
3. Metal and fiberglass: For this material the smoother
the better, they are light and easy to install but are
4. Plastic sheets: They are easy to install although they
tend to lose their characteristics in the sun [ 23].
The gutters can be made of different materials, taking into
account that their main function is to collect water. There are 3
considerations regarding gutters. The width of the gutter is The prototype ozone generator consists of three parts:
important to efficiently capture water, too narrow will not a high voltage source, two corona discharge cells with
capture all the water. An optimum width is between 20 and 30 cooling, and an air treatment unit. The air treatment stage
cm. The depth of the gutter should be sized to convey all the and the voltage control circuit were installed in a cabinet
that has on its front panel the accessories to operate the
water it captures to the pipe that carries it to the tank. An
optimal depth is between 10 and 20 cm. Positioning the gutter generator [27].
close to the edge of the roof is essential to maximize water d) III. RESULTS
capture [24].
Talking about rainwater capture systems today could be
i)C. Filtration methods considered something common due to the interest that people
1. Slow sand filtration. who seek to save money by implementing new more
economical systems that meet their needs.Thanks to the
The slow filter is mainly used to eliminate installation of a rainwater harvesting and recovery system, we
turbidity characteristics, although by means can easily save up to 50% of the potable water consumption at
of physical and biological processes it can eliminate home.
pathogens present in water unfit for human
consumption. These systems are low cost because they The water that is stored must first go through a filter or a
use local materials such as sands of different
purification system, and depending on this system to know so
sizes, gravel, geotextile and plastic containers
that water can be allocated, we proposed 2 purification systems,
Table 1 shows the main differences between the 2 systems.
The method of disinfection by slow filtration, as the
circulation of raw water at low velocity through a porous
sand blanket of different granulometries. During the
process, the impurities come into contact with the surface
of the particles of the filter media and are retained for a TABLE I. COMPARISON BETWEEN FILTRATION SYSTEMS .
period of time, developing additional chemical and
biological degradation processes that reduce the retained
matter to simpler forms, which are taken into solution or Slow sand filtration. Ozone filtration.
remain as inert material until subsequent removal or
cleaning [26]. Filtration Percentage
The operation and maintenance tasks of the filtration
system include adjustments and measurement of the flow 90 % solids, 70% zinc, 25% Mainly removes bacteria,
rate, monitoring of the quality of the water produced, phosphorus and 10 % total viruses, molds and mildew.
cleaning of the sand surface, which is done by "scraping" dissolved solids.
the bed in its sand layer at the upper level (approximately 5
cm of sand), washing and storage of the sand, and Benefits
subsequent reconstruction of the filter bed. This
maintenance period is variable and is directly related
to the quality of the water entering the system, which is why High filtration rate Removes contaminants from
it can vary from weeks to months, depending on the Can treat direct rain water water
decrease in the flow rate at the filter outlet [26]. Alternative to chlorination
The major advantage of the system lies in its
simplicity, which allows its use by rural dwellers in Disadvantage
developing countries. Its construction, operation and
maintenance are simple. Finally, it has the advantage of
Not effective in eliminating Costly
generating organoleptic changes in the quality of water for
human consumption [26]. bacteria, viruses Low doses may not
effectively inactivate
2. Ozone filtration. bacteria and viruses
The ozonation system consists of an ozone generator,
a contact chamber and a device (activated carbon
filter) that removes ozone that is not dissolved
in the water [27]. Shelf life
Total Mg/L 20 0.064 0.058
3 to 4 years 1 year

Fecal NMP/100 23 9
coliforms ml Undetecta

Table 2 shows the amount of particles that can be retained

from different compounds We proposed a house for the modeling of the design in
CAD, the house measures 8m x 10m x 3m, taking into account
that it has only one floor, and that 2 people live, the design of
TABLE II. QUALITY ANALYSIS [27]. the gutters was designed based on the requirements mentioned,
having a width of 25 cm so that the water can pass and reach
the sedimentary without any problem, The cistern was
dimensioned based on the amount of rain that falls in the state
Sampling 2013-November-25 of Queretaro each month, so that depending on the amount of
date water required by the inhabitants, the water will be available to

Analysis 2013-Nov-25 to 2013-Nov-28


Contaminant Unit of Límit Results New lagoon"

measure "New gap" results after
before treatment

Fats and oils Mg/L 15 <5.98 <5.98

Figure 3. Example of Water catchment with storage.

Floating Unit 0 0 0

Sedimentable Mg/L 2 <1 <1
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of rainwater, as well as its collection and the different filtration
methods, in order to reduce water consumption in homes. to
Total Mg/L 150 20 14 take advantage of the best rainy months in the state of
suspended Queretaro.
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Total Nitrogen Mg/L 40 <1.99 <1.99 national and international investigation to have a greater clarity
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