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Nama kelompok :

1. Faizatul Husnah
2. Muhammad Abdul Aziz
Mapel : B Inggris


The online learning system (on the network) is a learning system without face
to face directly between teachers and students but is carried out online using the
internet network. Teachers must ensure that teaching and learning activities
continue, even though students are at home. The solution is that teachers are
required to be able to design learning media as innovations by utilizing online media
(online).This is in accordance with the Minister of Education and Culture of the
Republic of Indonesia regarding Circular Letter Number 4 of 2020 concerning the
Implementation of Educational Policies in the Emergency Period for the Spread of
Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19).
The first positive impact of online learning is that students can apply their
knowledge to their families. When all schools are closed, requiring students to do
online learning, this is an opportunity for students to apply knowledge in the midst of
their families. Whether it's just opening a small discussion or by teaching the
knowledge gained to the family. And this also plays an important role in increasing
students' understanding of a science that is applied directly. Students not only accept
it but also apply it. And also the second positive impact of online learning is that
students can be directly supervised by their parents. The role of parents in children's
lives is very important, especially in the school environment. If at school maybe a
child will be monitored by their teacher, but when learning online at home students
can be supervised directly by their parents.
However, this learning is not necessarily easy to implement. There are many
negative impacts that hinder the implementation the effectiveness of this online
learning, One of the main problems faced by many students and students is slow
internet network. In fact, learning requires a strong internet network considering the
media used are Zoom, Google Meet, and other applications to attend video
conferences. In addition to a very slow internet network and learning barriers The
next online is the price of internet quota which is too expensive for most people.
Online learning brings enormous impacts and changes from various aspects,
one of which is influencing the teaching and learning process in various schools. The
challenges of online learning for elementary school children are limited signal, lack of
knowledge about technology, expensive internet quota prices and lack of facilities
and infrastructure. In addition, online learning opportunities for elementary school
children in various schools are the involvement of parents as teachers, knowledge of
growing technology, materials that can be accessed again, and materials that can be
accessed anytime and anywhere.

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