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NIM : P1337420922077
STAGE : Basic Nursing Profession
TIME : 05 September – 11 September 2022
ROOM : Rajawali Room 3A RSUP dr. Kariadi

Learning Strategy / Results that

Reference Time
achievement Learning method expected

General purpose : To achieve this 1. Pokja SDKI PPNI Team (2016). During the course of The time I set to reach
goal I will: Standar Diagnosis Keperawatan Tim clinical practice I will the goal is as follows;
After running the
Pokja SDKI PPNI (2016). Standar demonstrate that I
KDP station in 1. Looking for First day :
Diagnosis Keperawatan Indonesia.   can manage the basic
Rajawali Room relevant source
Indonesia. Jakata Selatan: DPP PPNI. needs of the client, 1. Hospital orientation
3A, dr. Kariadi books
Jakata Selatan: DPP PPNI. with evidence of: dr. Kariadi
for 6 days, I was 2. Consultation
2. Pokja SIKI PPNI Team (2018). 2. Rajawali Room
able to fulfill the and discussion 1. Compilation of
Standar Intervensi KeperawataTim Orientation 3A
basic needs of with CI and learning contract
Pokja SIKI PPNI (2018). Standar The second day :
clients with lecturers. 2. Compilation of a
Intervensi Keperawatan Indonesia. 1. Submit a study
chronic pain. 3. Participate in Logbook in the
Indonesia. Jakata Selatan: DPP PPNI. contract
patient care form of GIPPS
Special purpose : Jakata Selatan: DPP PPNI. 2. Finding patients
4. Searching for 3. Compilation of
1. Develop a 3. Fitria Nita (2012). Prinsip Dasar dan who are relevant to
chronic pain relevant Aplikasi Penulisan Fitria Nita (2012). the WOC on the goal
study contract. journals on the Prinsip Dasar dan Aplikasi Penulisan chronic pain 3. Assessing chronic
2. Develop a internet LP & SP. Jakarta  LP & SP. Jakarta: 4. Able to provide pain with PQRST
Web of Salemba Medika.: Salemba Medika nursing care to
4. Assessing the causes
Caution 4. clients with
of chronic pain
(WOC) 5. chronic pain
chronic pain. 6. problems 5. Making WOC
3. Assess clients 7. 5. Prepare EBNP according to the
with chronic for patient case under
pain problems. management
4. Perform
The third day :
chronic pain
relief 1. Measuring vital
procedures. signs
2. Perform nursing
actions with chronic

3. Make a case report

4. Have a discussion
with CI
The fourth day :

1. Measuring vital
2. Perform nursing
actions with chronic

3. Evaluate the actions

that have been taken

4. Compiling Case

5. Have a discussion
with CI

Fifth day :

1. Perform nursing
actions with chronic
2. Consultation and
discussion with CI
and lecturers
3. Revise reports

Sixth day

1. Submit the results of

the revised report to
CI and lecturers

Seventh day

1. Collecting the results

of the third week of
practice to the
practice coordinator
Semarang, 06 September 2022
Lecturer Clinical Instructor Author

Nina Indriyawati, MNS Larasati Nugraheni

NIP. 197308171998032003 NIP. NIM. P1337420922077

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